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Everything posted by indeed

  1. I'm not all that thrilled that Ianto is just a type, either.
  2. I thought there were mentions of Jack flirting with or interested in other people in the books, but I'm just going by comments I've seen--I've never read any of the books. And why would someone like Jack ever settle? Like he would need or want to. Please.
  3. These people showing up to sing don't really count as spoilers IMO (except maybe Mark since he hasn't been mentioned as back for episodes outside of everyone is welcome, has he?), since it's pretty much inevitable that they'd have studio recording time. Here's hoping (for me at least), CC is doing more than just laying down tracks for group numbers. Don't know how they determine the order of who goes in the booth first, other than availability.
  4. Now, wouldn't it have been so much better if when Big Jim was all 'I'm the sheriff now and the only elected official' Barbie reached over, took the badge, and said, "Oh, yeah, thanks for polishing it, but I'm the sheriff, remember?" No, Barbie and Julia just let Big Jim get an even bigger head. And how the heck did Big Jim get from the tunnels to the art shack in like two seconds? It's beyond stupid anybody would just throw the egg over the cliff. Even if he wanted to stop the screaming for Pauline, Big Jim should have taken it himself. What, he would've gotten stuck on the other side? Yes, please! And seriously, Mom's back, but after about a 30 second reunion, Junior's done with her. Uh...gotta get back to work.
  5. Me, too. I just mean I think John thinks what he feels for Jack is love--even though that would definitely qualify as a warped love. John seemed to get over Jack quickly, but then was super loyal to him again later. (I'm not a fan of thar arc.) Me neither. Not buying it.
  6. John may have loved Jack for himself once upon a time. However, Jack has changed and, while John may still love him, he doesn't really know Jack as he is now.
  7. Ah, yes! I saw that! It was nice and detailed. Don't remember where I saw it, though.I remember talk of JB and GDL discussing their interactions and adding stuff like that--I can't remember if they both mentioned it in a con or something or just GDL revealed that extra-special J/I layering. Of course, GDL got in trouble for Meat even though it was JB's idea! Not gonna yell at the lead!
  8. Maybe not in The Break-Up, but by the time of Puppet Master, that idea was floated around.
  9. There are still thirteen episodes left... Kidding, kind of.
  10. Hopefully, Puck doesn't get kicked out, but why should he be spared the bad luck (writing) befalling a good portion of the characters?
  11. Well, it was Jack and Gwen (with a side of Ianto), but it's not really a "Gwack" moment--although, Gwen probably interprets it to be. ;) I don't know, my focus is usually on Jack boring a hole through the glass watching Ianto and the nods. Oh, is Gwen there?
  12. OK, so "FBI guy" couldn't kill the girl because she was still just a girl and not Marcus awakened yet? Why does he want to kill these immortals, but protect the group in general? Why did the wife disappear on her ex-cop husband? Why didn't he report it? Does she want him to be suspicious because her boss didn't help matters. The guy was weird about that wonderful car not being brought back in a timely fashion. Is everybody except the cabbie and his real FBI friend in on it? Am I the only one who likes John Simm with his accent better?
  13. Well, don't forget--Vocal Adrenaline gets to sing a song! Surely, that qualifies as mixing it up.So, it's considered 'hating" on Rachel because TPTB decided to give her four out of six songs? Seriously?
  14. Yeah, I was wondering if I missed a post somewhere, too. So, I went a-huntin'. Source: mjsbigblog.com That song list sums up what's 90% wrong with this show (IMO). Ugh. Where is the diversity? Does Rachel really need three solos and a duet? I sure hope the plot supports that (ha).
  15. Glee press release and Fact sheet from FOX So, in the press release, they take the time to mention various awards--and even LM's Golden Globe nom (you'd think they would have mentioned her Emmy nom)--but not CC or his Golden Globe win (or Emmy noms). Then, he's only listed at all on the fact sheet. You'd never know CC, KM, and AR were regular cast from the press release.
  16. Yup, I thought there was a smidge of jealousy in that comment. Plus, in general, he has all that angst about Jack leaving him. Jack reassures him in Stolen Earth, but it's an ongoing issue that can be seen as being related to the temptation that is the Doctor.
  17. I liked Jack's WTF face when Martha kissed him, because it matched how I felt when she did it. Seriously, Martha, what the hell?!
  18. I'm pretty sure if there ever is a season 5, Jack will be all over at least one woman to balance out the all-male attention of season 4.
  19. I think Ianto has a moment or two that can be interpreted as jealousy toward the Doctor in The Stolen Earth...but it's been a while so I could be remembering wrong.
  20. Right, but the egg's OK in a lunch box in Big Jim's fallout shelter? I know she probably wants to physically hold onto the egg, but if she really wanted to protect it, the egg would be harder to find in the lake. Julia and Big Jim aren't a part of the special hands club. But, yeah, something's up with Melanie, so...?
  21. I'm finding it hard to believe Julia would just give over the egg to save Barbie when she was perfectly fine protecting/hiding the egg while Barbie was off being executed by hanging! at the same time. And for goodness sake, why don't they just toss the egg back in the lake again? For that matter, why did the brainiac four have to recover it in the first place? Ugh, Barbie SO take back that sheriff's badge in the most public and humiliating way possible. I'm so sick of Big Jim. I just hope he doesn't toss his wife down the stairs before Junior gets a chance to see her. It's Big Jim, so there's a good chance of that!
  22. I think they would spend more money on bringing Max Adler back for a few episodes than hiring an unknown. Karofsky got a decent "ending". Anything other than Dave helping Blaine decorate Dalton for the wedding because he wants to be involved to make it up to Kurt somehow and accidentally develops feelings in the process, leading to Blaine reaffirming his love for Kurt after a bout of cold feet and Dave running into his twu luv at the reception--or another time-waster scenario that winds up harmless enough--I can't see (don't want to see) happening. But here's hoping the writers know what they're doing and MA wouldn't come back if it trashed his character. No paycheck from Glee is probably worth the hate mail and aggravation from the 50 Klaine fans left.
  23. Ianto spent an awful lot of time thinking Jack was going to leave him, so I don't know how appealing the idea of dating an immortal guy was to him. It may have been part of the attraction, but it certainly didn't make things easier.
  24. Yes, that's the one! It just dealt with S1. Can't believe you found it. I guess my Google search skills get a big ol' fail! LOL I had thought that picspam essay either split off into Ianto as mom/stepparent with examples or had a link to a separate essay covering that view, but re-reading the comments, I guess I got that impression from there. Lots of extra theories and supporting "evidence" (including a link to the Something Borrowed example I dug up earlier). It's been a few years! Too bad there wasn't a follow-up S2 essay (at least I don't think there was?). ETA: LOL at that "kids" Countrycide pic.
  25. Why would they think that's a suspenseful way to end the summer finale? I mean, I don't know about others, but I really don't think Daniel is going to be a ghost haunting Lewicki and Kate for the rest of the series. So, as the hook to keep me tuned in come February? Eh. I knew Donnie wouldn't be guilty (of basically anything) and that it was the neighbor. Really, this show is so predictable with the whodunit. Gee, will these two lovebirds make it down the aisle again?
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