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Everything posted by indeed

  1. Is Will still teaching at McKinley while coaching Vocal Adrenaline? He was still at McKinley as of Opening Night.
  2. It seems they can't really be bothered with Artie...or Kurt if it's not about Blaine. With the whole "arts in school" initiative, they could have Artie using his film school connection and Kurt going the more political route with Will and Burt. That's an easy setup for Kurt and could easily involve Will (and no doubt Sue). But why use something from past episodes in any sensible way?
  3. That story is right, but don't ask me to remember where it came from six? years after the fact (Torchwood magazine?). I think it was only a few spots (like supposedly that conference room scene or was that just speculation and not confirmed?), not the whole thing, but it certainly doesn't qualify as a Ianto-centric episode IMO. More like, they realized after giving Owen the zombie arc that Ianto didn't have any real focus all season, so here, let's give him FOOTR! Or...Cyberwoman got such hate we're never giving Ianto a full episode again. Let's just pretend he has an episode and pair him with Jack for a mission--COMPLETELY platonically, of course!
  4. I don't know--seems more like freelance writers that are contracted to crank out the scripts that make a series...and some just seem a little more "special" than others. Noel Clarke wrote Combat, Peter J. Hammond wrote one episode a series (for the first two series), but a few wrote more than one a series (like Catherine Tregenna). Anyway, I think you guys know what this ol' American meant... I wish this was a "Ianto" episode--that seemed more like spin to get people interested. Because giving GDL more lines to make up for EM being too busy filming other episodes at the same time does not a "Ianto" episode make IMO. We learned one thing about his father...so I guess Something Borrowed was a "Ianto" episode, too.
  5. I don't know if the Brits would necessarily consider him a guest writer the way they write for their shows, but I got the impression Peter J. Hammond of Sapphire & Steel fame was like a Chris Carter or a Joss Whedon penning an episode for a series. I guess he's really just a TV writer, nothing special, cranking out one episode a series for Torchwood in the first two series. I just remember there being a lot of hoopla at the time over these scripts because he in particular wrote them.
  6. Yeah, seriously. I almost gave up after reading that Sue hypnotizes Sam--I mean, come on; so much for all the good work CC did in his script to "reset" Sam a bit--but there are only 13 episodes. How much worse could it get?! LOL At this rate, I think the age requirement will be waived in Glee-world and Brittany will become the first female U.S. President by the series finale. Hey, it could happen!
  7. I doubt Kurt's calling up Burt right away to tell him about this. But, knowing Burt, he'd probably be OK with it because Kurt can handle himself. We're not talking reality here, we're talking Glee. I can easily see this scene being played as a nice, sympathetic moment and not a creepy "I need to take a thousand showers and then win back Blaine!" moment. We'll see how it actually plays when it actually airs.
  8. An older man misrepresenting himself because he's new to the gay dating scene and Kurt deciding to befriend him once they talk it out is hardly setting him up to look bad IMO. It could wind up being a nice moment that shows Kurt's caring side, just like when he still had compassion for Karofsky and tried to help him.
  9. I think the episode had potential, but it could have used a few rewrites. Not really impressed with this guest writer.
  10. How was Rose doing Jack a kindness by burying the baby so they could all be together? How would Amy be together with Jack and Dylan at any point if she's gone and Rose is completely steering her ship? And I really don't know why Rose handled Jack--a former cop and present writer who's really good at investigating--the way that she did. She could have had a cleaner break than getting him totally interested in figuring out her mystery while fighting for Amy. Then, Rose wants to spare him, kill him, leave him, etc. Confused... I don't know if "Bix" is all that happy to see Rose...
  11. A Jack who could hand over a bunch of orphans? Who is that supposed to be? That might have been nice to include in the show, but no.
  12. Gwen did look genuinely happy when she was exchanging vows with Rhys and she did not glance over at Jack in a 'wish you were the one standing beside me now' way--so, there's that moment, too. I thought EM sold that well; too bad she was given scenes where her character also had to pine for Jack one last time.Yeah, no, that dance scene is not father/daughter (shiver), but other parts of the episode came off that way, which is part of the reason why this episode is such a mess. Pick one thing and stick to it! They were all over the place! And sorry, JB as a Nostrovite--just too funny (in a bad, bad way)! I do love the boys' scenes; too bad we didn't get more Owen/Jack/Ianto interactions throughout the two seasons.
  13. ...who also left the school a couple years before graduation and joined the club that beat the Warblers. I find it harder to believe Rachel can get the choir room-turned-computer room back from Sue in one episode after seeing it completely converted. Are we going to have another episode where they move the Finn picture again?
  14. No, I agree, if it was just a screwball comedy type, weddings Torchwood style! episode then it would have been fine. But the light episode with such dark moments didn't quite work for me the way they handled it. The idea and spirit of the episode certainly fit, they just rubbed me the wrong way from almost the start with Gwen choosing to tell her parents they were going to be grandparents instead of coming up with a rare bloating disease or something else and then there were other issues along the way that just piled on. So, while I would have enjoyed a light Torchwood episode in the mix of the season, I didn't enjoy that light episode, except for a few parts. No, SB certainly wouldn't have fit in the later seasons. Well, except for maybe MD--they did make room for that ridiculous Rendition episode, after all.
  15. True, but this episode always felt out of place to me. A major fail IMO. But I guess I don't find the humor in letting parents think they're going to be grandparents and having someone get killed while partying on at the wedding.
  16. It's just a very common joke, so that scene wasn't very original. Of course, just because a man may be gay doesn't mean he wants to wear women's clothing, and just because a man is shopping for women's clothing doesn't mean he's gay or shopping for himself...even when he says "for a friend". But then, who knows about the clothing--if this took place after Almost Perfect, Ianto may have gotten a taste for a nice skirt every now and then to let his legs breathe. Kidding.
  17. Aww, I love Ianto's little "Ooh!" when he finds the dress. Otherwise, yes, it's a little "cute"--and the start of the gay comments/jokes at Ianto's expense (or am I forgetting something earlier?).
  18. Hey, there had better be room on that island for me! While there are some scenes I like, I hate this episode.
  19. Any chance we can swing this conversation back around to spoilers and spoiler speculation? We seem to be going off topic. There are pics of the "That's So Rachel" set out there and they're casting for a bunch of high school kids. Plus, a Carrot Top sighting! Yeah, that's about it...
  20. It's disconcerting that Kurt was the main character who had a character specifically created just to hook up with him and he wound up playing second fiddle to him, despite no proof IMO that his character is worthy of the lead male role. But oh well. Both characters have suffered from needing to be romantically linked.
  21. Idris Hopper pops up in a book--I'm assuming that's the Doctor Who character that makes an appearance (I read a short review of the books that didn't mention who the DW character was).
  22. And Gwen knows? Hardly an expert on Jack...Yeah, I'll stick to the radio plays.
  23. I don't mind Ianto fitting a type, but for people to write him off as just a type or just a sex toy...or having Ianto moments taken and used to show Jack's interest in other people (MD I'm looking at you)...well, I prefer other. Probably not lazy writing, but the writers having a different view of Ianto and Jack/Ianto. After all, Ianto wasn't a real character in his own right.
  24. I don't know what happened to make Kurt strictly supporting without even the pretense of being a lead anymore by season 6. And not supporting like in season 1, because I watched that recently, and Kurt was quite prominent. Ah, those were the days...
  25. I wouldn't want Kurt to be like that, but it would be fun if Kurt channeled his season 1 self a little more. Maybe he'll get his snark on with the teens and Sue. Eh.
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