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Everything posted by indeed

  1. Wasn't really defending him, just trying to explain how it wasn't a completely idiotic move on his part. Besides, I think I already pointed out in an earlier post that he wasn't Mr. Popular with regards to the election. Or feeling the need for another Slushie moment.
  2. Yes, I'm aware. Still thought it could use a reply.
  3. True, he was hardly popular, but at the time he didn't really have any competition (Rachel and Brittany joined the race after, and wasn't there like only one other person at the debate--I don't remember), so he probably figured he had a decent shot. And being class president would probably be considered more impressive to colleges than joining a handful of other activities (doesn't mean he still shouldn't have joined other things). Plus, he really seemed to be interested in the actual work involved with being on the student council and making changes. That's hardly Kurt's fault. He had an arc in season 3 of being a loser to ratchet up the angst about him getting into NYADA. Blame the writers for multi-tasking. ;)
  4. Bringing over from 'spoilers and discussion' thread, since not spoilers... Neither Rachel nor Brittany were in the wrong for deciding to run against Kurt. However, what did bother me about Rachel's decision was that she expected (and IIRC pressured a little with the whole 'but I'm your girlfriend') Finn to vote for her instead of his step-brother, even though it seemed Finn wanted to vote for Kurt. As for offering VP to Kurt, again IIRC that wasn't simply some selfless gesture or a purely strategic move, but a way to placate Kurt and to possibly end any uneasiness she may have felt over the whole thing. Well, he kinda did--football team, cheerleading squad, glee club (in two schools), and all the championships--but the writers made it so that he apparently forgot all of that because they needed him to be in a panic over college. I blame Emma Pillsbury for overlooking the need for a helpful brochure on the subject of the importance of preparing for good college applications.Adding: You may not have seen it as such, but I got the impression she wasn't really teasing, but wanted the vote. I thought she brought it up again, but maybe that was just an innocent question out of genuine curiosity. I'm not questioning whether it was a good suggestion or if she needed to extend that particular olive branch. Rachel could've asked someone far more popular in the school to be her running mate. I just think there were layers to her reasoning. Rachel knew Kurt would be pissed and she did try to make the best out of the situation. Yes, but it seems the writers changed the in-show canon to accommodate the story they wanted to tell then. There is no way that Kurt Hummel would just forget he had stuff to pad his application with or that Rachel, Blaine, or any of his other friends wouldn't point that out. It wasn't another thing for him to add, but basically as presented the only thing he would have to add for consideration. It was very annoying that we were just supposed to go with it, but hey, that's Glee. Ugh.
  5. That's what I meant. Both sides of a discussion talking for pages on end leads to comments like that because nobody is convincing anybody to change their opinions. Works both ways because both sides are people disagreeing.Who's saying all long discussions? I was just making a general observation based on the original comment. Maybe I read it wrong, but I didn't necessarily completely agree with what contributes generally to making discussions long in the first place, but I will agree it makes them longer.
  6. It'll be interesting to see who will actually be attending out of the actors.
  7. Actually, I don't think those types of comments really start to come out until the discussions get that long from people restating essentially the same things over and over again. I did like the passersby being all WTF during Santana's rant. I guess no one dares to have such outbursts during the reign of Principal Sylvester. (That student talking to Beiste certainly high-tailed it out of there fast!) Sue was pretty much nice throughout the entire episode, which is certainly different for a change. Daryl has no idea how bad he could've gotten it.
  8. Becky is in this Friday's episode it looks like from the trailer and she's going to be in more later. She's spending an awful lot of time at McKinley. Unless Becky decides to drop out of school, I doubt her college is offering work study for a freshman to hang out at her former high school. But then the Air Force is always so willing to work around Puck's schedule, why not have Becky hanging with her BFF constantly?
  9. Nope. Although, Rachel did make a comment that seemed to imply everyone had their turn and they were all done, but we didn't get to see it. Too bad. I liked the music they were pulling from, it was a good mashup assignment, it was their first time performing an assignment (there were only two other people who would be performing as a team, it's not like the glee club has too many members to spotlight), and another song would have maybe spared us some toxic Becky time. But she had to throw her milkshake on the floor for some poor restaurant employee to clean up. Ha ha.
  10. Yes, I read that, too, but other things have rosy cheeks, and "Hummel" can evoke other characteristics that I'm sure weren't lost on them. Although it did take until season 2 (I think) for Sue to out-and-out call him "Porcelain". Anyway, no point to that really...
  11. Isn't that basically why he was named "Hummel" in the first place, because CC reminded TPTB of that famous line of delicate porcelain figurines? Since the very beginning they've been taking "pot shots" at his delicate form and features. That doesn't make it right, but it's certainly not surprising they're still doing it.
  12. How old are they supposed to be now? If Brittany and Santana wait a few months/take a few months to plan their wedding, they probably will be old enough to drink alcohol since Brittany was held back a year and Kurt's a junior now (IIRC), so that would be @20 and they're all peers. So Santana just assumed Brittany (the "genius", as she reminded us 4-5 times this episode--*eyeroll*) would go to the same college as her and Brittany didn't say anything. Since they're probably not going to get much focus the rest of the season, it could just mean she's totally onboard with it, but maybe Brittany will speak up with a different plan later? I can't say I paid much attention to their conversation in the bedroom. Me, too. I liked all of the songs. I particularly thought the song selections suited Kurt's voice and I liked his duet with Blaine (can't always say that!). I had thought Tina was going to be featured in the final song when she was standing up there with Rachel and Kurt, but she was just relegated to humming/ooh-ing or whatever it's called (or did I miss her singing in the early part?).
  13. Exactly what sprang to mind when I heard that. "BreathIer" doesn't mean expressing strong feelings, but how the sound of breathing is affected due to physical exertion or having strong feelings. Big difference IMO."Sexless" also brought up memories of Season 2 and references to Kurt's lack of sexiness...not that he's joyless. Yup, that was my impression as well.I would think it's more productive to present one's opinions as actual opinions and not straight out tell people they are wrong in their interpretations and explain to them exactly what everything actually means. I don't know. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of a baton twirler is certainly joylessness. (Kidding.)
  14. From your viewpoint. I did not take it as Kurt trying to "steal their thunder" by intentionally sabotaging their moment with a dose of his reality. I think he reacted without considering it wasn't the best moment to voice his concerns. To paraphrase Puck, that kind of stuff (giving unsolicited advice) happens all the time in the choir room. I like Kurt, but he was out of line and deserved a bit of Santana whoopass...and I think he knew it (not that he said something wrong, but that he did it in a wrong way) by standing there and taking it, no matter how long it went on.ETA: Is Kurt really breathy? I wouldn't pick that to describe him. That and a few other insults makes me wonder if the rant writer knew who he/she was writing for. Now, I know Santana picked on his attire in general, but she really should have gone full force out on those damn neckerchiefs! Seriously, Kurt, Blaine's probably dating Karofsky because he doesn't own one single kerchief--neck, hand, or otherwise. ETAA: I thought we were past the "sexless" Kurt stage of the show. I guess all of those NYADA guys drooling over him was just a one-off.
  15. So far Will has more to do than Artie and Mercedes. He's in next week's episode. Aren't Artie and Mercedes regular cast? 'Cause you wouldn't be able to tell that by the show so far...
  16. Becky insulted people before during, and, after asking them for help. She doesn't seem to learn that her behavior is bad--even now in college and with a boyfriend. Daryl seemed to find her antics cute and funny. She obviously can be nice, but chooses not to be. So, are we done with Becky yet? Please?
  17. Assuming that will be the last great Santana Lopez rant of the series, I didn't mind the length. I think the fact that it was going on and on was supposed to add to the humor of it (and Kurt kind of like 'is she done yet' more than being upset with what she was actually saying). I did think maybe Santana was thinking of someone else when she mentioned Kurt never passing up a piano or an opportunity to sing. That sounded like someone else from the show... But she was right about his dance moves. Yeah, that seemed more like Blaine, too. I remember Blaine making a few comments that fit this description. I guess a some of Santana's observations about Kurt happened off-screen. That explains it...
  18. Who says I can't imagine it or haven't experienced it? The setup just felt a bit forced to me given all the Hummelberry over the years. Glee isn't exactly a show that strives for reality in its writing so applying "real life" logic to it doesn't always work. This is just MO; no need to assume I'm not capable of relating or understanding the true depths of a Glee script and that's the reason why this scene rang false to me. (It wasn't the only one!)
  19. Well, yes, that's the reason for just about anything this show does; however, these two have been practically inseparable for years and then when they arguably possibly needed each other's support the most, they seemingly were out of touch. Just seemed, yes, more convenient to the plot than being consistent. I don't consider Hummelberry real people. LOL
  20. I just found it a little hard to believe Hummelberry wouldn't have been in some kind of contact for all those months. But then I'm not sure about the timeline surrounding the Klaine events and Rachel's story. (And what was up with the casting of Cert and Barney? Maybe Kurt and Artie were insulted and didn't talk to Rachel for a while. LOL)
  21. Well, we're supposed to believe that these people have a bond so strong due to glee club that they'll drop everything at a moment's notice no matter the expense or inconvenience in their lives to help out at McKinley countless times (and in NYC). AND they made a pact!!! So, I don't know if he's really supposed to be stupid for believing in his friends. Although, would it really have ruined the scene to have Artie there waiting with him since they both are actually in the city? They both would've looked equally pathetic waiting in the rain.
  22. Can we please go back to talking about Howard Bamboo or something other than Sam and his epic love for<insert name here>? Pretty please?? The same points have been made over and over (and over) again. Not really spoilerish, but it sounds like we might be seeing even more of Jayma Mays toward the end of Glee (feeble attempt to change subject).
  23. Hey, this new batch could be "The Really, Really Lost Files" or "Buried Tales Found in the Torchwood Hub Rubble".
  24. Now that they're married, Kurt agrees to live where Blaine and Karofsky shacked up, but only if they buy new sheets, pillow, everything--hence Howard at Sheets 'N Things?
  25. I'm surprised Zizes (or whatever her name is) isn't returning (at least not yet) since she was in many seasons and is a good friend of CC's. Of course, AF could have thought better of it...
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