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Everything posted by indeed

  1. Maybe Blaine reapplies to NYADA and manages to get himself into all of Kurt's classes like he did before and this time it doesn't bother Kurt, just like living together is a piece of cake with those magic wedding rings on their fingers.
  2. Right. That's what I meant about it being a little "crazy". But everyone is supposedly welcome back!
  3. Good to hear AR will be there. Being on The New Normal really paid off. ;) Probably as the presenter reading her name? Guess NPH as Tony Awards host NPH would be too crazy for Glee (and he has better things to do).
  4. The way they made SUCH a big deal about Kurt getting a boyfriend, I could see that particular teen singing that particular song then. But of course it would have been a duet with Blaine mostly singing because that's how Glee rolls...
  5. I would think Hedwig is still a pretty popular ticket right now, and the average person going to NYC for a musical might not follow who's actually in a production (as opposed to people who see plays specifically for an actor or actors). DC's run will probably be fine. He may not be the first guy you think of after hearing Neil Patrick Harris, Andrew Rannells, and Michael C. Hall, but the guys running the show have faith in him. I can't wait to see the posters... (I assume they'll update promo material for DC.)
  6. To make the flashback more "authentic"? He was only in season 1, so that alone sells the time frame! They actually went to some effort to refresh peoples' memories about him this season. *That* is where they expended all their creative energies. Maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised by 2009 and appearances from other cast. They were available and on set, and some filming seemed to take a bit longer. They could easily sneak some appearances in. Although, not everyone can pull off looking six years younger now...but then that's what meta's for!
  7. Yes, Kurt was finally "one of the guys" last half of S5. Of course, it took an STD episode to do it...nothing like male bonding!
  8. Yeah, I like Sam and Kurt as friends. Although, didn't the writers have him say in S4 or S5 that he didn't get Kurt? (And CC wrote Sam decently in ODNT. Too bad that was thrown out this season for more extremely stupid Sam.)
  9. Reading this thread, I thought it was weird someone would have criticisms of Chris Colfer's singing all queued up and ready to go... I don't know...I loved to hate Will. LOL He was far more believable as a spy/action type than Michael! (ITA, fakeempress. BC was good as Will--it was just season 1 when the character was a bit annoying. Totally loved him more than Michael as the show went on.)
  10. Who knows? Maybe Rachel will ditch both options after proving she could do either when she realizes what she truly wants is to teach...and maybe learn a few students' names.
  11. That would be cool (the casting!).
  12. I'm sure Chris will get criticized plenty for the accent, regardless if he's spot on. But it does seem like a very ambitious project for his first big post-Glee move. And he'll get to sing!
  13. And I'm sure Blaine will eventually make a Dave puppet who will admit that it was all his fault Blaine kissed his ex.I'm hardly a fan of Unique (as an actor, AN is a good singer), but seriously, no mention of what that character is doing now or any Kitty/Unique interaction? (Maybe there was a blink-and-you-miss-it moment at the end on stage that I, well, missed?) Just sing...twice for the (lost on them) benefit of VA members who were so moved the first time.
  14. Really, Kurt? You had to fix the spin so you'd land on Blaine? God forbid you sing with anyone else. Whew, good thing Blaine looked away and no one noticed you did it. i would've preferred a Kurt/Artie duet. Too bad he couldn't have used his non-powers as co-director to ensure Rachel was paired up with anyone but Sam for yet another duet. How many has it been now? It feels like too many. Maybe if she sang with one of the new kids, she might stand a better chance of remembering their names. (And now Kurt's apparently guilty as well about not caring enough to know basically anything about five new people. That is a lot! I guess he doesn't need that info for NYADA. He can make that all up when he writes his report at the end of the semester.) Karofsky was way too accepting about the breakup. That scene just needed something more. (Blaine did look absolutely devastated when there was egg in his hair gel. LOL)
  15. Pretty much that...or VA knew Kurt could rock the egged look. It's ridiculous how much time Blaine spends at McKinley. And since when are Blaine and Rachel such BFFs? Whatever. Another week of diminishing Kurt's co-director position--how dare he try to change the lesson plan?! Good thing it was for Rachel's benefit. (Seriously, I'm with the twins--another 'it's all about Rachel' moment. She's supposedly been an adult for a few years, but they all need to pull together and help her. That's fine, if there wasn't just an episode all about helping Rachel through an aspect of her life.) I guess Artie is on some work study program too where he can just hang out at his old high school for weeks during the semester. (At least it seems Becky finally remembered she's enrolled in college.) And really, is it that difficult to come up with lesson plans? It seemed like Mr. Shue just pulled them out of his arse most of the time... Um, Sue? You're the biggest bully of them all, but sure, you're Miss Anti-Bully. OK... Yes, Finn was suspiciously absent or if he was there in a group shot, too hard to see. It bugged me through the initial airing of it and I rewound to check out the board. I wonder if Sam spotted her Finn tattoo...seems like he may have had the opportunity to...
  16. New glee club singing...great, so more people singing instead of some of the originals...that's what I wanted on my wish list for season 6!
  17. Hopefully he's recording a solo and not another Klaine "duet".
  18. Oh, I wasn't laughing. But that whole episode was total script manipulation.
  19. I don't know...their Romeo & Juliet was pretty painful. LOL (Brought to us by these wonderful writers...who can even ruin Shakespeare to make an OTT point.)
  20. That might have actually required them viewing Kurt as a character in his own right, so of course there hasn't been any follow-up. Yet. Maybe they'll get to a quick montage after the umpteenth performance of show choirs we don't care about.
  21. Well, he is being billed as one of the big names from Glee--at least in this article--so maybe somebody "up there" might actually want his presence and he's still being a team player...or he's just sticking around town for the Broad City panel--I believe he's a fan.
  22. It makes sense in the story that Rachel revisits NYADA/Madame Tibideaux in some form. It always felt, at least to me, that after her big dust-up with the dean, that that decision would come up again and their paths would cross. It may turn out that Madame Tibideaux won't take her back and she will have to go to another school (doubtful), but in the Glee universe, NYADA is supposed to be THE school for a Rachel Berry type. To ask for something sincerely or humbly (I.e., begging) does seem to fit the situation Rachel has made for herself...but it's only an episode description, so who knows how it will actually play out.
  23. The bad ratings for Glee don't really affect them, though. People are still giving them money for new projects and acclaim. It doesn't matter how bad Glee gets; the once phenomenon will probably just have the dubious distinction of being the lowest rated non-cancelled TV show ever--an interesting factoid on Jeopardy or Hollywood Game Night. They're laughing all the way to the bank and for some odd reason they still have professional and creative respect. SMH
  24. And not bother to show us how that is at all possible. *eyeroll*
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