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Everything posted by indeed

  1. Yes, it is VERY annoying. SMH and BMHATW, rinse and repeat. ETA: Me being lazy...banging my head against the wall.
  2. Yeah, Puck as Blaine's step-dad would've definitely been good for some laughs!
  3. Obviously, if the season is going to involve competitions, there will be singing by other groups. But they haven't even really competed yet and the other choirs have had plenty of songs. And we're only going to get more. Final season should've had more established cast singing. But apparently that wasn't on fans' wish lists...
  4. Hey, look they get along and work well off each other! Too bad the show doesn't know how to capture that. Lucy and Ricky...now, that'd be nice! And then Fred and Ethel later. LOL
  5. I like Mason's voice so far out of the male newbies.
  6. Yes, the show could have gone into some real interesting territory by breaking them up and bringing Karofsky into the mix, but nah! Too bad Sebastian has a hit TV show 'cause now that could've been highly entertaining. Oh, the smirking!
  7. Without reading too closely, I initially thought of one of the moms (like JC or GG), but a guest stint hardly makes one a "Glee actress".
  8. They acknowledged Finn far more grievously in this episode with the Klaine than in order to prop up Samchel. MMV but Rachel remembering Finn again didn't bother me so much as him being totally glossed over last week. (Even the group photos didn't stand out as far as Finn presence on her board, IMO.). And if Rachel didn't consider Carol's feelings at all and just continued merrily moving on? I just think last week's episode was the problem, not so much how former Finchel was handled this week.
  9. I guess I should've said "dads" because Brittany throughout most of Glee seems to have been channeling Pierce Pierce, too...but in a genius way!
  10. Putting aside the whole lack of Finn last week for whatever reasons Rachel/the show had, that doesn't mean Rachel can't still be sensitive to Carol's feelings when publically showing that she is moving on.
  11. I don't think Kurt would ever have been allowed to outgrow his teenage dream. Kurt/Blaine had the whiff of OTP from the start...based just on press before the first episode with Blaine even aired! Yes, and now they have to keep reminding us that her brain just works differently and she's not really stupid at all, but a genius who just takes after her dad! What's Sam's excuse--dropped on his head as a baby? Poor guy just gets more and more stupid.
  12. Yeah, probably. I don't really care. I just read his comment and thought I hope he got to do something significant. Wishful thinking, ha ha!
  13. I know what has been said to be the final scene, song, etc., but Chris is talking about his wrapped experience so I'm going by what he himself said.
  14. Hopefully, they wrapped on his name after being told what a great solo performance he gave. Four weeks/five episodes left...
  15. Kurt does have experience with watching his love interest sing. Would be immediate red flag for Kurt to get the hell out of there. LOL Sometimes Blaine and Kurt did mesh well, but yeah, I could see that. Maybe that will be Kurt's type when he rebounds after a horrible marriage to Blaine...you know, before he decides to get back together with him when everyone he knows tells him he was better with Blaine and Burt gives another "life is short" speech.
  16. I doubt it, too, but maybe we'll be subjected to Blaine and Kurt adjusting to married life for the remainder of the Klaine arc. No, probably what caracas1914 said.
  17. Sure, it all fit in. Why bother working on issues? Just get married! The anxiety alone over getting married could be causing most of the issues! Magic wedding rings! What is the worst that can happen--divorce? Then they can just get married again! It would be so romantic...
  18. They could've eloped...after showing them having a conversation or two about their issues and why marriage would seem to be the thing to do at this point. They could have avoided the whole big wedding and family interactions, but the two people getting married should have had some meaningful interactions instead of filler/drama crap. Maybe there will be a reason why Blaine and Kurt just had to be married in episode 8 for the rest of the episodes to work, but this just seemed like the writers just wanting to get it over with already.
  19. I guess they didn't have time to fit in a Kurt finds out Blaine and Dave split scene. No, had to have time for Tina to drag hay bales and for Kurt to literally run to him (no car?), Considering the Klaine was one of the few major storylines of the season, why bother with that moment? Just cut to Blaine packing up and Kurt wondering if maybe he's onto someone else already because apparently Blaine held off on making any proclamations since Walter was still in the picture (and actually looking forward to going as Kurt's plus one to a wedding).
  20. A When Harry Met Sally homage? Yeah, it was stupid. And unnecessarily confusing. "I'm going with Blaine...except he doesn't know it yet." Run, Forrest, run!
  21. Kurt's changed so much since those days...and not necessarily in all good ways.I think what they did to Kurt this season--being desperate to get Blaine back...even after finding out about Blainofsky--was bad enough. I'm glad I was spared any groveling or attempts to win Blaine back (except for that fixed duet). I would have preferred groundwork on why Kurt would want him back in the first place.
  22. Did they really need to have Kurt running down the street to his OTP? Ugh. And I really couldn't stand some of the camera work and editing. (Was this the same guy who did Bashed? Because it seemed too similar and I hated the camera work, weird angles, and editing IMO in that, too). ETA: Quinn was glaringly missing. Seriously, not even a reference. And poor, Will--he didn't even get a line, did he?
  23. Well, I hope it's enough in the future that Kurt gets his degree and then goes back to McKinley to do the job all by himself that people were dismissive of him over. Maybe Mr. Shue will run things until then and become the new school superintendent or other higher power to help ensure the continuation of arts in education. Yes, it was so obvious from day one that all Kurt ever wanted to do was be a show choir director. (Maybe that's what the 2009 flashback will be for!) No one told him, though, that he didn't need a NYADA education to do it. And he thought it was hard coming up with weekly lessons after only a few weeks!
  24. Maybe Sam will help rebuild Dalton with Blaine. He can order the football team to work out by joining the construction team. Sam in a hard hat! Blaine finds his blazer in the rubble and uses it as the new Dalton flag.
  25. If any of them will have kids, it will probably be at least Blaine and Kurt--with Kurt putting on productions at the kids' preschool or something like that. He'd get to perform and use his sparkly education!ETA: Hopefully, Walter isn't Kurt's date to the Brittana wedding and he gets ditched there! But the guy is pretty easy-going so--before or after Kurt decides on an impromptu, quicky wedding to Blaine--he'll probably take it as smoothly as Karofsky.
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