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Everything posted by indeed

  1. Looks like Yvonne Hartman will be featured in a story! 1.4 One Rule
  2. So, I guess someone in the writers' room has a thing for injured/sick James Wolk. In the last couple episodes, he's been healthy and/or bruise free for about five minutes of screen time over months. Boy, was there a lot of filler in this episode! And, of course, the usual dose of stupid. Lame finale. Months go by with no mention of Mitch's daughter and whether she's recovering or not? Or were we just supposed to assume that once she had the meds he didn't ever have to worry about her again? No, spend (wasted) time on a bar fight instead. After the cub plane was forced down, the crack team of leopard catchers took a plane without any consideration of the potential danger of a repeat performance by the flying animal kingdom. No one--not even the "brilliant scientists"--suggested alternate modes of transportation or bringing the mother cell and scientists to the leopard. However, our small group of "experts" are going to take a boat. Smart! Until they couldn't think to turn the vehicle around before the animals pounced! D'oh! And Jackson still hasn't mentioned his mother!!! Maybe that's why he's having such bad luck...bad son.
  3. Torchwood: The Conspiracy (1.1) Review
  4. Naoko Mori (Tosh) is going to be in the new movie, Everest! Just found that out...
  5. Big Finish Torchwood: Series 2 confirmed; will be available starting March 2016. (Also posted link to announcement in Big Finish thread.)
  6. One day later and this announcement... "Big Finish is delighted to confirm a second series of Torchwood audios will be available from March 2016!"
  7. New theme music for Big Finish Torchwood stories. BTW...Torchwood reopens tomorrow (9/10/15)!
  8. From Kai Owen's (Rhys) Twitter account:
  9. Philadelphia area NBC doesn't look like it's showing Hannibal tonight. Stupid pre-season football. Hope it's on On Demand--especially if it's the finale. DVR schedule isn't showing any upcoming recordings.
  10. Oh well. Didn't think they would both really be on it, but then they could've been in a blink-and-you-miss it crowd scene or extras at a Halloween party or something. Good for Ashley.
  11. According to some tweets, CC and/or Ashley Fink will be on Criminal Mind's 10/14 episode. Now, I might have to watch that show (didn't know it was still on).
  12. Yes, it does. Unless it's going to set the groundwork for more team adventures in the future, then maybe the one team episode only deal won't be so bad. Haven't heard anything about Tosh or Owen yet--I'm assuming they'll get their own. Rhys and Andy could always pop up in Gwen's, but maybe she could go it alone for once.
  13. Oh, but CoE was one of the best things ever to grace our television screens! Ha ha.
  14. Radio Times interviewed GDL on possible Ianto return (don't get too excited--nothing really "news" here)... Ianto Jones Torchwood Death: He Could Return Says Actor Gareth David-Lloyd
  15. More info about the BF audio plays... This Is How The Torchwood Radio Plays Are Going To Work
  16. Wasted opportunity--they had Adam Lambert and Chris Colfer on The Talk (in separate segments), plus behind the scenes videos where they talk about singing together, but no singing together! Argh. I was hoping they'd break out and sing a little, but Chris had to "end scene". Oh well.
  17. Big Finish audio books all about Torchwood are coming soon. Source: Big Finish's Torchwood announcement So far, Jack is featured in the first, 1.1 "Conspiracy", while Ianto is in 1.2"Fall To Earth". There will initially be six stories, one team based and the others with a featured team member. The first one will be available in September, with the remaining stories being released once a month after that. Creating this thread for discussion... 1.1 - Conspiracy: Captain Jack Harkness has always had his suspicions about the Committee. And now Wilson is also talking about the Committee. Apparently the world really is under the control of alien lizards. That’s what Wilson says. People have died, disasters have been staged, the suspicious have disappeared. 1.2 - Fall To Earth: The SkyPuncher is the first private spaceflight. But Ephraim Salt's visionary project has gone horribly wrong - the ship is falling out of the sky and there seems no way to stop it. Ianto Jones thought the flight would be sabotaged. The only problem is... he's on board.
  18. They recorded it the other day already. Looks like there might only be two in the voice cast (GDL and a lady). ETA: I created a discussion thread for the Big Finish audio stories. New article from Radio Times gives more detail about them (although, really not that much more than we already knew, but GDL is interviewed).
  19. Ty, Jule, and the show received Emmy noms.
  20. GDL's new movie: I Am Alone festival trailer (Uh, no comment on some of the quality...)
  21. Yes, I just saw the news from GDL's Facebook! Too bad it looks like pre-COE (and probably even pre-Exit Wounds). But apparently they're not willing to unravel the mess even in audio book form. At least James Goss is involved and maybe we'll get more Ianto--super busy in ever-ongoing season 2 era! Here's another one... Ianto Jones Returns In Torchwood: Fall To Earth ETA: Ha! Not so good eyes! The link and title are different, but it's exactly the same story! (I didn't read on before I posted.) But the picture is more of a close-up, so there is that! LOL
  22. Upcoming TV appearance: Good Morning America, July 7.
  23. Upcoming TODAY Show appearance: Wednesday, July 8 (in 10-11 a.m.block), Chris Colfer on his book, The Land of Stories: Beyond the Kingdoms.
  24. No game with Jimmy. :( What was up with that hair!?! LOL
  25. Finally (binge) watched Broadchurch S2. EM wasn't bad, but she had too much of a case of mopey face. I guess that's an improvement from big eyes acting! Not really a spoiler, but just in case... Finally got around to watching Pacific Rim, too. Enjoyed seeing Burn in it.
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