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Everything posted by indeed

  1. Maybe Ianto's not offering Jack the coffee. Maybe that's why he's mad...
  2. BF is doing a "special release" -- due out 11/16 -- called "Outbreak", starring JB, EM, and GDL. Oh boy.
  3. Andy was still watching Joe this season from time to time. The actor has a couple shows on Comedy Central, is doing movies, and now commercials. Lame finale; although, I did like Team Dunphy in NY.
  4. Ianto's still "dearly departed"...but look! Ha ha.
  5. Maybe the show will end with Marion Crane pulling in to the motel for a room. I'd rather they left the movie alone. Norma should have some of Romero's money left over, but don't know if Norman will find it/use it. Romero and Norma had a joint checking account. Doubtful Norman's name is on anything...wouldn't Romero inherit? Unless Norman frames him...
  6. We got . Can we have Ianto now, please?!
  7. Is it really renewed for only six more episodes? I thought it was getting ten like all the other seasons. :( (I read the original renewal news a year ago, so I don't remember if they mentioned episode amounts, just the two season renewal/season 5 end.)
  8. Didn't they win the very first leg? I liked the season, but this final episode was disappointing. The last challenge should've been much harder IMO. And way too many commercials. It was obvious no one was going to give M/D any competition. *Yawn*
  9. No Joe? i think Phil + anybody is gold.
  10. I like Tyler and Korey...and their bad jokes. Sure they (particularly Tyler) mug, but that's to be expected from "social media sensations" (or whatever they're supposed to be). I find Cole's mugging far more annoying...but he wasn't bad this episode. (And I would think the 40 ft. cliff diving would be a walk in the park after that snow mountain excursion. Now that was high up!) I'm guessing T/K are more friendly with B/A (and/or discussed the potential scenario ahead of time) because I thought it might have been smarter to U-turn the always just second team, too, that were right behind them then. Sure, B/K were still strong and a serious threat, but B/A are more so at this point IMO. Or at least there should have been more deliberation, but it wasn't even under consideration. I'm glad we're not getting any obnoxious secret pacts and scheming for the "final #" like in other seasons...at least if any it's on the editing room floor so far. I agree about B/A. They seem like a nice couple, but for most of the season, they didn't even register with me. Dana seemed to be taking her sweet time during the haul task that I was hoping she was self-sabotaging after winding up last due to the stupid clue moment. But nope, they're still in it. Poor Matt. The show should add the option to switch partners at one point during the back half of the race. Dana could team up with a chicken and Matt could ask an eliminated member (like Kurt) to come back in for another chance. Shake things up!
  11. I thought the "I love you, boo"s were cute.
  12. 201! LOL Felix. I actually chuckled a couple times at this. Felix was being a bit of an ass, though, with Em-Em-Emily (or whatever he was singing there at the end, which he did quite well/easily BTW). Always check behind the couch, Oscar! And Charlotte(?)/TH still wouldn't go out with him. Good for her (that would be beyond awkward for her to be dating her nanny's ex!). Emily and Felix survive another week...
  13. Now, a comic series (written by JB and sis). Torchwood Comic Ugh, why are they still on the run?! ETA: Another announcement Seriously? Ha. Loaded rhetorical question.
  14. Exactly what anniversary are ya celebrating there, Alex? I thought the last time they were together it was all about closure? Yeah, I'm with Haley--Sanjay grabbed the first thing he could as a gift. Sad, Alex. Gee, Gloria and Jay lying to each other again because it's all about being right. Rinse, repeat. Speaking of...Cam the drummer!
  15. It was very reminiscent of an old Will & Grace episode, except this time the guys got involved. It's been so long, it did take a sec to remember who the other characters were and what their functions are on the show...and that at this point Oscar does actually want Felix around!
  16. Maybe it's the hat. That would be my dream come true...
  17. A Jack and Ianto story is coming up in July: "Broken". It's post-Cyberwoman and focuses on Ianto, with a side of the J/I relationship at that point. (There are three other voice actors listed, but only JB and GDL from the team.)
  18. Yes, Jay and Cam even seemed to move past the "moon landing" at the gym without being uncomfortable with each other, but now, YEARS later, they don't know how to hang out. (Although they had their bowling outing just last year--or was that the season before?) Claire didn't bother me...but then that's because I knew the boys were trying to pull a fast one on the 'rents.
  19. So, Haley wants to put "Old Haley" behind and in her one and only scene, she's drunk? Way to go "New Haley"! Who's watching Joe? (I'm guessing Andy, but I missed if they even mentioned the youngest Pritchett at all.) Poor Mitch and Phil missed their movie. :( This was one of the rare few (or only?) times Mitch and Phil hang out together for fun. They should do it more often. I think Claire needs to get Phil to install some "security" web cams throughout the house since they can't leave the house for longer than a half hour apparently.
  20. Toshiko finally gets an episode! "Zone 10" (2.2) is out now. Andy and Suzie (surprise) are getting their own episodes, too. (Andy gets one before poor ol' "King of the Weevils" Owen?! :( )
  21. I just hate when Gimple trots out the "audience feels what the characters feel" excuse for the reasoning behind his 'wait for the reveal' moments. Team CDB didn't have to wait for weeks and watch someone make cheese before finding out Glenn's fate. The first part of Season 6 only took, what, two days? And everybody in that lineup is more than well aware who's getting the bat. They don't have to wait until October to find out. So retire that excuse already, would ya?
  22. My understanding is that this huge moment was NOT a cliffhanger in the comic. So, why the hell make it one in the show? A cliffhanger does not successfully end one story so that another one can start. Whatever, Gimple.
  23. If Gimple was only realizing then that fan reaction might not be so warm and cuddly, then he is REALLY out of touch with his audience. (I didn't quite catch exactly what he said but I think Kirkman was a little taken aback by the formality and was just being light-hearted about it. There are plenty of moments over his past appearances when he hasn't come off in the best light, but I don't think that was really one of them. It was a bit awkward anyway, JDM.) NR only promoted his show for about 30 seconds, thanks to CH bringing it up. Gotta say, though, NR, Ewan McGregor kind of already did your motorcycle show years ago (and was very entertaining IMO).
  24. As a writer's ploy, they bothered to take that extra step to reassure the audience that whoever was shot would survive (if the audience is to believe Dwight). Really wouldn't care to see Dwight being conflicted about anything after he killed Denise. Suck it up, Dwight.
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