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Everything posted by indeed

  1. Yes, it was forced. They've written better love interests for him in less time (IMO). So, it could have been done well enough, but the effort seemed to stop at casting Laura Linney. Hey, they had Daphne deliver in a pet clinic with a bumbling Jason Biggs. Quality writing wasn't exactly a major concern at that point.
  2. Glad it was renewed. Hope that Fox does better with scheduling new episodes.
  3. I don't know that the relationship came out of nowhere - they spent several episodes on it. He also didn't pick up his entire life and move for her - he was going to do that anyway - he just decided on a different city with unknown job prospects but with (from his perspective) very real love potential (which was what he supposedly really wanted). The show just didn't do a good job writing-wise IMO of convincing viewers about the attraction. Frasier went through A LOT of women on that show, but somehow Charlotte was "the one". I bought Ronnie and Martin more. I never cared if Lilith and Frasier got back together, they would always be very important to each other. But the writing for Frasier and Charlotte wasn't very strong IMO. Still, there's hope it worked out. I liked the finale.
  4. Blaine could have simply said the blue memory serum worked. If Major (and anyone else) took the cure and didn't permanently lose memories, then there'd be no reason to follow up the zombie cure with the memory cure. Knew "good guy" Blaine wasn't long for this world because diabolical, snarky Blaine is (arguably?) more entertaining, but that setup was lame. If Blaine was tired of being goody two-shoes and figured he'd give it a shot that Peyton was involved enough to maybe stick with him anyway (?!), then sure, he might take the gamble. But to fall for her act outright?! She's not that good of a lawyer... Disappointing.
  5. No, Mike's probably most sincerely dead...but you never know - we never saw a body! So, there's like a .00001 percent chance Mike's alive, but hey, Pat survived. And he did survive falling from space, so it wouldn't be the hardest thing to swallow if space boy overcame the virus somehow. I liked Mike - and Mike and Tandy together - and we need to hear that song again. ;) But, yeah, he's probably dead. (Even Tandy at his worst doesn't deserve being stuck with Negan. Ugh.)
  6. New Series 5 of Torchwood: Aliens Among Us RTD is involved... *groan*
  7. They left the cow and the fish - which Carol and Tandy just had to take out of the lake and put in a kiddie pool. Of course, Tandy probably forgot to keep water in the pool months ago. Leaving the cow behind was not cool. Figured Kristen Wiig would make an appearance again in the finale, but was still holding out hope that now that they're back where Mike left them he could make a surprise appearance. Maybe in the premiere...there had better be a premiere and at least a handful of episodes to wrap up. I liked the Shawshank references, but Hawaii baby!
  8. Ravi did tell Blaine he could give it until noon on Saturday so what are the chances B+P will do the deed and then Blaine starts getting some memories - all before lunchtime? ;) Of course, will it be the sex triggering memories or the serum? If seeing/interacting with daddy dearest didn't do it, then nothing should...except for possibly the miracle drug. (I'd like Blaine to stay this way for a while longer, but I doubt they can resist returning Blaine back to original flavor.) I still don't get how Ravi could know if his lab mice were getting memories back, but whatevs. (And Ravi, get over yourself already! Not attractive. At. All.)
  9. Only in television...or a really, really, really small airport.
  10. There have been a lot of references lately to Christy going out on dates and there was the Chris Pratt episode only a few episodes ago, so not buying into Christy being lonely/desperate/affection deprived that they've been trying to sell lately. Of course, none of them have been winners, so she can be bummed about her prospects, but she hasn't been 'out of the game' for an alarmingly long time this season. Then, yes, no mention of Bonnie trying to keep anyone from finding out she's not living in the apartment complex anymore because she is on probation and/or Christy needs her to keep her job so she has a roof over her head? There should've been at least one job-related line in this episode, but no. And with Bonnie's penchant for scheming, it seems a missed opportunity. Doesn't the show mostly fail the Bechdel test on a regular basis?
  11. So, what, did Sarah Silverman throw him out when he lost the warm-up gig? It seemed like he could crash there for a while. Eh. I didn't really find this funny (except for the last 'Don't come back...' joke in that Crashing into Comedy clip). I'm on board for season 2, though. Wouldn't mind a couple more episodes added to a season...
  12. They just walk out of the house and leave Lily. Would one line like "Well, Lily has a play date so I guess we can go for a few hours..." really have been so hard? Or better yet, Lily walks into an empty living room after they all leave and says "Hey..." Worst parents ever. I guess Jay said "No" to the wedding invitation, too. Seems they could've easily fit that in to his storyline of saying no too many times and getting away with it at his age. (There could have even been a flashback with Jay saying "Oh, hell no!" to Phil explaining the costume idea - or showing Jay his costume - and a shot of him checking "will not attend" on the RSVP card and mailing it.) How old is big sis Pam supposed to be? And are we really supposed to buy Manny can fit through that window? He couldn't do it in the daytime without the whole house knowing. Yeah, I like Frank, but that wedding plotline wasn't all that humorous. Claire learns a lesson AGAIN. Dig at Alex AGAIN. Team Dunphy for the win AGAIN...well, that's OK. ;) And very little of Phil's new brother! (Another win.)
  13. I believe Manny was hitting curbs, not cars. Jay must have been extremely distracted by the story story to not be annoyed at how many spots Manny couldn't fit the car in (park) and how close they were to missing the movie. He's a terrible parker. (And like Jay wouldn't want to drive in the first place?!) So, now Haley's had two proposals. One (Dylan - although Claire didn't let him get it all out and ruined the moment for Haley, according to Haley) a definite no and one (Rainer) an immediate yes-turned-seconds-later-into-no. So, maybe the next time will be just right. Not much to say about the Dunphy part except, yay, we finally have proof Alex is definitely back at school. No more debates about that at least. What's in the bag, Mitch! (Who's watching Lily?)
  14. Pretty sure that's not gonna happen, but one can hope...and I do so hope. More than likely they'll wind up dorm mates sonewhere close and we'll have to suffer through more icky, unfunny Luke and Manny trying to get girls/be popular schemes or contrived conflicts. It would be nice if there was a compromise and we only got occasional appearances during school breaks and through FaceTime, Skype, what-have-you. We barely see Lily, so I'm sure we can all adjust to barely seeing Luke and Manny. I'm willing to try. ;) Luke I wouldn't mind so much sticking around if he continued to work at the club or decided to try to do real estate with his Dad or partner up with Haley's business, but Manny they can send far away. His acting (and character) is far more painful IMO.
  15. Whatever happened to his fiancée? I don't remember any follow-up mentions...
  16. All of those family video moments of Luke's failed attempts at college acceptance...and no one seemed to miss one member of their family. I guess Alex was working double shifts at the coffee shop (isn't she the manager now or did she turn that down? IDR).
  17. Speaking of horking, while she wasn't being very nice at all to David, him reacting to his "sister"(?) with starting to gag, "stop it", stomping off was a funny, cute little brother thing to do...you know, in a warped way. Next episode's promo looks good (and amusing). This episode - eh. It dragged a bit. But then it's not the first show to have people stuck in a false reality with the viewer waiting for the character(s) to figure it out. At least it was just one episode for them to start figuring things out. So Ptonomy was five when 99 Luft Balloons came out in Germany (in 1983). Dishwasher, cutlery basket...how did his mom die?
  18. I thought Haley said last season that it took her three years to get through a two-year program (at cc). She said something like that (when talking to Andy?) about school. Luke has shown in the past that he has good problem solving skills - like when he and Claire were up a creek without a paddle (supposedly it was a ' What Would Alex Do?' Solution, but it was Luke who saved the moment). I HATE all the lying and scheming this family does, but at least this episode exposed it. Of course, they'll probably be at it again the very next episode. So, Phil went to a barely accredited college, huh? Or Claire's just being mean... With all of his "wins" to counter Luke's bad news, I hope this doesn't mean Manny got into Julliard 'cause, come on!
  19. I'm glad Gail's twitching, but I liked Lewis. :( Although, I thought if it did go all horribly wrong, it would've been on the landing attempt, so surprise there. Yes, the adults aren't faring so well (as Todd pointed out) and we have two ladies pregnant. I think Maggie's baby and Judith (TWD) have better odds growing up in a zombie apocalypse than these babies-to-be in this group. (How much time has passed since moving into their new digs? Supposedly Lewis clocked all those many -hundreds? - hours and Erica's been pregnant for a while, but barely showing if at all.)
  20. No, Adam looked surprisingly sober at the beginning of the episode when he offered to drive her. Glaringly so. Like the plot called for him to be sober - no other explanation. Since when does he hang out at their place and not get stinkin' drunk?! It's sad when the first thing I noticed was Adam's sober, how refreshing and a bit odd, followed by immediate suspicion re: the writing.
  21. Yeah, I'm not saying I really want the kids around or focused on, it's just kinda weird that especially the young son is AOL all the time and we just get to hear about Christy being/wanting to be a good mom. We also never really see anything about her (two still?) job(s), school, etc. But A LOT of Adam and Bonnie. I like the gal pals/AA buddies interacting. Very small doses of Baxter is OK, but I wouldn't mind more of the "stepmom". They could have all sorts of stories for Christy, but...
  22. I don't know why the son couldn't have had that room that was next to/part of the playroom with the guest bed (?) separated by the accordion door. Then the media room could've been downstairs away from her bedroom where the boy's bedroom was going to go. It looks like there was ample room everywhere. Also don't know why they couldn't have installed more windows in that office (like floor-to-ceiling even with that slant), but then maybe the roof was there so he could only have basically sky lights. For someone who made a fuss about needing a view, he really didn't have any in that office - unless watching leaves pile on the ceiling windows is appealing to look at. That house seemed crazy spacious.
  23. Sorry, I was just going by the last date stamp they had in the episode itself...that I remember. I know our guys have been out and about for years, but I wasn't sure how long she was actually in the bunker for. I don't blame the dog for running off when the door was opened. That's a long time cooped up no matter what.
  24. That explains Violet, but what about Roscoe? For a show called "Mom", well, one of the leads isn't resembling that title too much. (BTW, Ana Faris is going to be in the movie remake of Overboard nobody knew they wanted. Supposedly, the main characters are flipping roles and she'll be the Kurt Russell of the film.)
  25. Yes, it would've been nice if Manny faced more harsh truths than his ending was trite. Two episodes in a row of Claire and Gloria connecting...will they go for three?
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