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Everything posted by indeed

  1. Her Majesty the Queen and Morrissey?
  2. As long as he doesn't get a little impulsive with her one of those times!I usually like the slow pace and visuals of the show, but a few times so far I've been like get on with it already. And really, Hannibal's going to have to eat Will? I think you've done enough. Can't you two just agree to be even already? This "homage" to Hannibal was far less gross than what Will staged last season.
  3. Oh, that's arguable all right! Now, maybe Blaine's clothes...
  4. E! Online's Best. Ever. TV Awards 2015 has Kurt and Blaine down as one of the Best Couple noms (using a picture from season 2).
  5. What, no love for Brittany's parents? I don't even remember last time HGN was on. In fact, I was wondering when it was coming back. Must've missed the new episodes if JL is up for consideration for that. (Now, Celebrity Name Game--that seems to be on ALL the time.) (No consideration for CC's featured grandmother song in HIC?! LOL)
  6. What event in NYC? ETA: Ah, never mind, I found it. Periscope Summit. He could pre-tape or do a live feed if he's still in the UK filming, but a "quick" trip over the ocean could be a nice little break in there.
  7. I hope he gets to play a game again.
  8. I don't know--I just watched all of season 3 so far, including the new episode, and I don't find it any more convoluted than past seasons. I guess I was expecting to be more frustrated with the show after reading the Ken Levine article (which, oddly, motivated me enough to finally get around to binge watching the DVRed episodes). I had some issues with season 2 so season 3 hasn't seemed any worse IMO--except too many shots of that Castor set...er, base.
  9. That was one of my biggest gripes about the show--keeping Dylan separated from the house/motel/his family (particularly in season 2 IIRC)--but they seemed to integrate him better in season 3. Still spent too much time with Caleb IMO, but then I'd rather see him interacting with just about anybody else. Caleb can get on my nerves sometimes. I think the big turning point for Norman was that whole in a box buried alive thing. No reason for therapy for that either! One of the few things I liked about Arcanum throughout the season was Bob. Such a jerk, but I like that actor. Yes, Bates Motel does provide some humorous moments--often from Norma, it seems. You need some humor...
  10. I love the Dylan/Norma dynamic; they've come a looooong way from early episodes. I like Dylan/Norman, too, when they're allowed to have their moments. Vera Farmiga is great in this role. But she's usually quite good.
  11. The show is now filmed in R/D area (announced mid? 2014), so you should be seeing a lot of shows there. I don't remember if this is still part of the first season in NC or if they're into the second season. I think they're planning at least two more seasons there. No, I don't think Rodolfo was anywhere close to being worse than most of the contrary homeowners depicted on this show, nor do I think he actually believed he could expect Hilary to work miracles just because she's a professional. You gotta work with what you have. They were silly comments to up the drama, as per usual. That seemed to be the situation ("easement") since they had to ask the neighbors to move vs. complaining about lack of street parking. Didn't know if on-street parking was an issue, though. It is nice to be able to park on your property without doing a car shuffle!
  12. Apparently, Hilary was supposed to add closets and fireplaces without taking up any space or ruining the existing looks. Yeah, he came off as just a tad unreasonable. The other place had a pool and a driveway and it was under budget, so not surprised they listed. They had a nice house, though. (Was parking really that much of an issue in that neighborhood?)
  13. Norman cooking breakfast as Norma and Dylan's WTF was definitely the highlight for me. I gotta agree that the B plots on this show can be kinda weak. This season, the Arcanum Club stuff and the murders seemed to have more potential than what we got--although that setup did lead to some interesting developments and character moments. Flash drive *yawn* . Still not crazy about the Aww, gosh young love vibes from Dylan and Emma, but I do want those two to survive the series and get the hell out of that town. Maybe because it's fresh in my mind, but I think I liked this season the best, even with the disappointing Arcanum/flash drive drama. The show really went far this season. Oh, Norman.
  14. Happy Birthday to CC! The big 2-5! Plus, he's going to be presenting at the Critics’ Choice TV Awards this Sunday (A&E, 8pm EST live, 5/31).
  15. Yes, it's very common. I thought they hinted at that every now and then with Dylan, too, that he had some similar qualities, but it's far more obvious with Andy. I'm also in the minority since I like Andy (especially with Phil) and Andy/Haley, as friends or more--they're hardly the worst thing about this show (I'm looking at you, Cam). I'm not crazy about the whole "Ross and Rachel"effect (in fact, I HATE their "will-they/won't-they" crap legacy), but so far I don't mind it here. They better wrap this up soon, though. There's only so much denial to go around now that Daddy Phil's in the mix.
  16. Did I miss the part where Phil had no other way of contacting either Andy--the guy who he was able to get ahold of to set up his moving Sheldon cam (*ahem*)--or his own daughter? What a cliffhanger!
  17. Just in case anyone is interested in who is going to fill Darren's Hedwig heels... Next Hedwig Nice choice.
  18. Glee should have saved the Dream On Matt Morrison duet for Darren Criss. If they only knew...
  19. Norma didn't seem confident at all that her insurance (if she even has any!) would cover it. So, it wasn't a realistic option, but she wants the best for her boy. If only she knew Norman drowned about half of that or Dylan paid double what he had to for some lungs!
  20. I haven't read up on much about the show, I just saw from a post in one of these threads that Dylan/Emma wasn't planned. Since the show did toy with a Dylan/Bradley dynamic, though, it seems maybe they were planning at some point for Dylan to cross that line with one of Norman's love interests? I'm not a fan of Dylan getting involved with a lady "love" of Norman's at all--'cause, come on, obvious...and they have enough issues without that--but Dylan/Emma (if initially out of the blue and a bit forced IMO) is definitely more palatable. Norman never really cared for her in that way, unlike with Bradley. And we see where that got her!
  21. Wow, a few shots at Claire this week. Seemed more than usual. It was cute, Lily checking on her dads in their sleep and then getting pulled in. Cam's emotional enough for the house...the block...why stop there, Mitchell? Poor Alex and trying to finish her story. LOL
  22. I liked his over-the-shoulder "We will!" to his mom about when she could join in the singing. Perfect timing there. I think CC did a good enough job for not that great of a show. Plus, he got to be a lead singer and had a (extremely small, but it counts!) solo part--something final season of Glee didn't give us!
  23. I still couldn't help but wonder if Romero calling from his cell phone to Bob's house won't come back to bite him in the arse later since it's the DEA and not just local (corrupt-ish) law involved. You would think they'd wonder if he'd been tipped off and that lady was already side-eyeing Romero because of the flash drive info.This show has gone far in three seasons. At this rate, Norman could easily kill Norma end of next season with just "Mother" around for the final season.
  24. Yeah, Bradley was doomed from the start. She lucked out season 1/early season 2, but then she had to come back and visit Norman. With an old car that was just begging to be pushed into the water like in the movie. I just kinda wish the car would've stopped sinking for a few seconds so we'd have that callback, too, but alas. I didn't particularly care for the song at the end--didn't feel it was necessary and it took me out of the moment a bit. Also, knew they would show "Mother" doing the killing, but I would have liked a POV thrown in there from Bradley of Norman doing it. Because her murder wasn't sad enough, apparently. Norman, you can't have nice things...or friends.Poor Bradley. I didn't particularly care for you before, but I liked you these past couple episodes. Still, at least you didn't get the pit! Bob really needs to be buried there. Seriously, don't taunt a guy with a gun and multiple body disposal options! Could you imagine Bob and Romero sailing off together? LOL. Yeah, Bob was getting desperate. Good finale. Now we have to wait...ahhhhh!
  25. Maybe Priceline guy has a son, too.
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