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Everything posted by indeed

  1. Another one... Radio Times This one has RTD not involved but giving his blessing and the BBC not saying it's official yet. Tweets from JB and his sister have been indicating it's pretty much a go, though. Not too sure I care for them being more involved, but nobody asked me! JB also said "all of the team" so that would imply many people. If he's stretching Team Jack-and-Gwen to include Rhys, Rex, and a side of Andy, bleh. I was planning on watching it (I think I may have missed an airing or two here, but it just started). Now, I'm not so sure... ;)
  2. Well, there is talk on another site of possibly bringing back Torchwood in some form along with other Whoniverse characters in a few stories on TV, so if that's true maybe they're just trying to keep the interest alive. If RTD is involved, it'll probably be post-MD team characters involved in global crisis after global crisis! *Yawn*
  3. So, if Rachel and Puck did the mirror bit would we be downplaying it by saying they're just friends or would we be enthusiastically expecting Quinn to be out for blood? At least there those two characters have some history. I'm well aware how that scene was used in the original video. I'm also well aware Rachel is the lead character so it's a no-brainer she gets that moment from the video. I thought people were making too big of a deal out of it when the video was released online. I saw friendly interaction there, not the romantic vibes from the original. I'm not twisting anything. I just haven't seen the scene yet so I don't know the context. "Every Breath You Take" certainly was creepy IMO and the majority of the lyrics/intent of the song really didn't fit the situation, but they used the whole thing anyway. Songs used don't always match up perfectly with the plot, scene, character, mood, etc. Saying that, it probably is all about enhancing the Samchel.All I know is there are only a few episodes left and we're getting way too many Samchel duets, Blaine, and non-originals singing. Now we're getting kids?! LOL
  4. Yes, because songs and their lyrics always fit when used on Glee.
  5. So, because Sam sits next to Rachel in a cart that must mean love? I guess since Kurt leaned over them he's going to try for a threesome. Whatever. A lot of those "moments" seemed like friendship moments...and I'm well aware of the A-Ha video. Media outlets could've been reading the same "spoilers" we've been getting. While I'm sure they're going to go there--because why not? It's Glee after all--I think some of their interactions are being blown out of proportion.
  6. ? It really didn't seem like all that much (any?) Sam/Rachel in these first two episodes...unless I've blocked it out already... While, yes, we can read that they wanted to follow up on Sam/Mercedes, but the way the writers have handled revisiting this couple is hardly all wrapped up in a pretty bow.
  7. More 'Torchwood' in the works Hopefully, he's referring to the original team and not what MD left us with...'cause, if so, no thank you.
  8. But Blaine doesn't do a-hole things, Kurt was in the wrong. As I'm sure his therapist will tell him. Rachel didn't even come to Kurt's defense when Blaine accused him of being in on Jane's poaching even though Kurt just found out seconds before being accused. That's what Kurt gets for breaking up with someone who won't even let him use a towel to wipe his face. Why would they even meet at Scandals? I would think the Lima Bean would've fit more with those two, but whatever. Nothing like having a meaningful conversation in a loud bar.
  9. Yeah, I don't know about all of that, that's why I assumed they would air all 13, but who knows? Just trying to figure out a way they could "save face". No matter what, it's a shame this show has fallen so low. Most long-running shows get a decent amount of fanfare for their final season, including specials and clip shows. This is all just sad.
  10. Pointing out someone's weakness in a scene is hardly trashing them. If someone can't hold their own in a scene, it shouldn't be other actors' faults for seemingly being better. DC can be a decent actor at times and good with comedy, but when it comes to "dramah", not so much. YMMV, of course.
  11. Didn't Gracepoint tank in the ratings and yet FOX aired all of that in a coveted time slot? It's only, what?, 10 more Fridays and then FOX doesn't have to deal with Glee anymore. I'd think they'd just run the remaining without drawing any attention to it (like switching to Saturdays--unless they decide to double up a few more weeks to get it off the schedule even faster). They could've just spun the last season as being exclusively available with a streaming service/Fox.com/on demand/whatever if they had any doubt of airing the full shortened season. Then it could've been presented as a "gift" to fans and the general TV viewers could've just been left with Rachel winking at the 4th wall, with a "positive"/hopeful ending. So, I'm guessing they'll just air it all and be done with it--the ratings shouldn't be surprising--and finish filming what was promised.
  12. And that might've been the best they could get out of DC. That's how I remember it, too. Finn and Rachel interacted a lot and while Rachel obviously had a crush on him from the start, they still were friendly toward each other and sought each other out for advice/companionship. Their relationship wasn't just attraction based. Curious, what media? (Not sure who's critically talking about Glee out there.) Hey, it's all subjective, so it's gonna work for some.
  13. Oh, I know. Again, we need a sarcasm identifier. LOLThere is nothing wrong with the way DC looks (except the unfortunate need to plaster Blaine's hair with too much gel)...or CC. One just happens to be taller than the other--so why make the tall one the shorter one?? It matters to somebody... Will DC fans really abandon ship if he's presented as the shorter one? It's just silly.
  14. Why would they do that? Blaine/DC is the one to focus on. Who cares about actual real-life heights?
  15. Not really. I think they (and the way they were handled) contributed to chasing away the GA over time, along with a lot of other factors, as mentioned. At least over 2 million people watched, but the 18-49 number is what matters (or for most shows; nothing probably matters for Glee anymore).
  16. Eh, they did a lot of things first season that they don't do now. Good will, freshness, relevance all gone. Yes, true, they don't need to write Emmy bait material, but just give their stronger actors/characters decent material--that's what I should've said.
  17. I wish they would try writing Emmy bait for other characters that used to get acclaim.
  18. They haven't done anything to promote the show. It seems pointless now to wait and see before committing to the last few episodes of a series. Nothing has really changed to make them wonder now whether anyone will be watching.
  19. I'd add Chris to that list since Kurt was a breakout character from the start.Yeah, watching the first season of this show actually made one think it had good writing. Oh, how the opposite is true now (and has been for quite some painful time).
  20. What the hell is a "placemat"? One can be a doormat and a placeholder, but a "placemat"? LOL
  21. I think CC can dance well enough when he's choreographed and has a routine/specific dance moves to do (like on that table). When he's free-styling, we get the shoulder shimmy. So, sick of that move, Kurt (er, Chris). At least I thought his dancing was decent in the first couple of seasons.
  22. Who's the male voice after Artie when Sue's bashing the kids against the wall? It seems like it should be Kurt since he and Artie are kind of "featured" there, but it doesn't sound like him (or Artie, Puck, or Sam). Yes, I'm surprised Kurt didn't have more to do, but that's par for the course.
  23. "Brilliant premiere episode"?! I'm sorry, I can't take this review seriously. It lost me in a skim.
  24. Maybe they'll have a tight shot of Quinn texting in a car as a callback and then pull out to a wider shot to reveal she's in the back seat of a taxi and not driving to show she's texting safely and has learned her Glee lesson. The double wedding could be Kurt and Santana's way of kissing and making up. What better way for Kurt to give his blessing and show the wedding is a good idea than by rushing in and getting married, too!
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