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Everything posted by indeed

  1. Ah, poor Owen. Forever screwed over because of RTD's sense of humor... I started a thread for the Torchwood 3 medic with the crabby bedside manner.
  2. Owen says it best himself... Discuss...(Here's an article of interest: Revisiting Torchwood: Owen Harper.)
  3. I disliked that Gwen thought she was special from the start and then everyone also treated her like she was special (when I didn't see much if anything at all to back that up)...not the way to endear me to a character. ETA: Love the thread title, BTW. LOL
  4. There is a lot of relationship drama...
  5. They could say he's accompanying Isabelle on a fashion tour through Europe for Vogue. The 'Previously on Glee' can say "Remember that Vogue internship Kurt had? No, seriously, remember?" Then viewers will be like, "Oh, yeah, that." Blaine can refer to just Skype-ing or talking on the phone with Kurt as he walks into a scene. Piece of cake.
  6. Kurt didn't appear in a few season 4 episodes, and for no reason like a movie role. I think they can easily cover his absence while not making it look like Kurt's missing or anything. He may be absent from some group numbers or just songs in general for a while, but it's not like they give him a lot of songs, so it probably wouldn't be glaringly obviously. And, yes, they could always shoot his scenes early or insert his scenes later since they work on multiple episodes at a time and right up until they air. At least there will be a good reason if Glee is Kurt-lite for a while, unlike at other times.
  7. I wouldn't necessarily include the Doctor Who episodes in the Torchwood thread as their own threads, but there could be a catch-all Jack and The Doctor thread or The Torchwood Institute in the Whoniverse thread or Torchwood Rewatch: Origins of Jack thread before plunging into the Torchwood-specific episode rewatch to discuss those episodes (or provide links) due to pertinent backstories and continuing/crossover storylines. Torchwood as a series is supposed to stand on its own, but I can see why some would like to discuss/rewatch the Doctor Who aspects here. Do the Buffy/Angel sub-forums have the same issues? Anyway, I failed at trying to get an episode (out of order) rewatch in. Maybe once the season finales are over we can start a rewatch. I think people just have to start creating threads and discussions and people will come a-commentin'.
  8. No! Sometimes Kurt's outfits are the most interesting things about an episode! Although, they could save money by cutting the neckerchief budget...
  9. Final ratings for 5x20: Glee - Season Finale 0.6/2 1.87m
  10. Any chance they'll hire some new writers? That's the biggest criticism I've seen so, the writers' room could use a little shakeup. Or maybe since Sound of Music did so well, Glee could have a series of musicals put on with the S1-2 cast, like three specials (equivalent of 6 episodes). Then the writers wouldn't have to come up with anything "fresh", they'd have "special presentation" iTunes music, and FOX would fulfill their season 6 commitment. RM could always make some references to Glee in his next show if we really must know what happens to Rachel, Klaine, and the choir room.
  11. It's been a while since I've seen RH:POT, but I do believe KC does attempt something other than his natural accent in parts, but gives up and just does his own thing, which is why he gets brought up at times when discussing American actors playing British roles. It doesn't really matter since that movie was hardly written to be historically accurate anyway, but it's the go-to example. Maybe after this, CC can get himself a guest spot on Downton Abbey (and a part in Ab Fab)! He may find himself with more time on his hands after episodes negotiation...wow.
  12. But who would have gone on for Rachel if Santana wasn't there?? Kurt could be in jail now for calling in a bomb threat. And who would've helped Rachel's reputation for all of five seconds if not for Ms. PR Santana?? I'm surprised Rachel let her go off to do that commercial and is allowing her to go on tour. She could need Santana. In fact, how will Rachel manage to survive on her own in LA without her friends? All her friends seemed to do in NYC was save her time and time again lately. I guess a phone call from Rachel will have them all converge on LA to help her out, like only her true glee club friends can do... They missed such a good opportunity for some major snarkage between Shirley MacLaine and CC. At least we got that one little exchange, but we could've had a Kurt/Sebastian 2.0 (the writers are fans of recycling) battle over Blaine. But that kind of epic snark might've actually been enjoyable, so that potential was wasted.
  13. Yeah, that's pretty bad (understatement!). But sure, stick with the Rachel Berry's Awesome Career story as the main focus.
  14. Eh, I don't know how much they're really benefiting from timing it with the Glee finale. Obviously, this was planned and not leaked, so it's all part of a strategy. I know other projects announce things before the ink is dry or even on the paper and there will be more press if and when Ian McKellan, etc., sign up; I just would have felt better when reading the announcement if they weren't just "in talks". Regardless, good for Chris. As much as he says he appreciates the self-esteem boost, I'm glad it wasn't another animated/voice project and is something much more juicy for him at this point in his career. He is definitely going to be one busy guy...
  15. Well, it's usually OK when Brits do American parts because they're generally more successful at attempting the accents. Certainly can't say the same the other way around. I don't think they've ever quite forgiven us for Kevin Costner's Robin Hood (I know I haven't!). I can't wait to hear Chris' accent. I would feel better about this if the "big" names were signed already, and not just in talks. Does seem weird they'd announce CC before shoring up the other cast, considering this is a major British role. Congrats, CC! I certainly wasn't expecting this big of an announcement when I checked online this morning...
  16. Yes, it was especially odd since that was a pact made explicitly between Rachel, Kurt, and Santana--the ones who could only say they were even close to being there for two years (and I think that's still a stretch).So, Santana just came back to NYC and left Brittany in another country because she just had to see Rachel's opening night and work in the diner? OK. They couldn't have just said Mercedes and Brittany worked it out for the tour and Santana was off making arrangements for Mercedes and/or Rachel in one of her gal-of-many-hats roles...or just that she went off for a quick visit to her family before taking off on the tour? I guess doing the commercial was supposed to be funnier. Maybe we'll get to see the new one next year. Hopefully, Santana negotiated better terms for this national commercial. I really didn't like the fourth wall violation there at the end. Do they just not care anymore?? (Wait, I know the answer to that...) Sam saying goodbye and going back to Lima would work without ever needing to see him again. It felt like closure (see ya!)...but, no, I'm sure we're not that lucky. And seriously, what was the point of all of that Samcedes screen time if they're just going to break up and maybe get back together again someday? Do we really need Finchel 2.0, too?
  17. Now that Claire is OK, do you think either of them will remember they have a brother and actually contact him???
  18. Obviously, people have their favorites, and even the most unpopular character might find a following. That doesn't make the character(s) truly "popular" to the GA, to the point of show promotion. This is all just speculation right now anyway; I just don't see more Blam as a selling point, if that's what's happening.
  19. Are they popular? Seriously, I see no real proof that Sam and Blaine are popular and should keep being pushed, but then nothing is working lately.You would think they would have already talked with RM before the announcement instead of sounding so washy-washy about the whole thing. Are they really trying to spare any controversy or save face by not admitting a shortened order at this point or are they just that clueless around there? Whether it's 6, 13, 15, or 24 (sure, Ryan), they need all the time they can get to do pre-production and actually take the time to plan things out. A late start and consecutive airings for the last season's episodes are good. 24 used to start late and had, well, 24 episodes, so anything is possible (but at this point, short would be better--especially if they can manage some quality storytelling. Ha!)
  20. Nice effort, CC! Cute episode. I hope he gets another chance to write next season and feels more comfortable so he can take a few more risks than he may have been willing to do here. And seriously, is it "Old Dog, New Tricks" or "Old Dogs, New Tricks"?? 'Cause I've seen it both ways--even from the writer himself!
  21. So, Torchwood Tuesdays--let's make that a thing, yeah? Specifically, an episode rewatch/discussion goal? No rules...other than trying to get an episode in. Start an episode thread if there isn't one already. If you build it, they will come... I feel Cyberwoman or maybe Countrycide might be in the cards for today...
  22. DC just came across to me as someone who thought he was being funny...with mixed results. (I mean he really can't seriously be comparing himself to Tim Conway.) Maybe there is too much of him, but then maybe he also gives them more material to work with. From the little I've seen recently, he's always available and quite the ham, so there's just more of DC all around...again, with mixed results.
  23. I think the only reason Nikita got renewed as much as it did was because of foreign distribution and DVDs, etc. Glee has had deals in place as a current show for quite some time, so other interests might want new or more episodes in rotation. All I'm saying is Glee can't really be compared to other shows getting similar or better ratings since it has other reasons why it could be beneficial to renew (other than because FOX already agreed to it).
  24. I just remember Rachel being quite unwilling to go to LA (when Finn suggested it in S3). Her future was in NYC and on Broadway. But now that she thinks she's conquered it...all bets are off. Not that I needed Sam, but I don't think Mercedes even mentioned him, and as much screen time as Samcedes has been getting lately, it seemed weird he wasn't there at all.
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