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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. I was just going to post that. I can't believe we're getting teasers four days in advance. It should be interesting to see how the Dentists deal with adversity. It'll be as eyebrow-popping as Nici's meltdown.
  2. I had a busy weekend. Wound up going to NYCC all four days, and I am beat. You can see the details on my blog. I missed out on stuff, but it wasn't as bad as when I was in Toronto. You can also check out my pictures here.
  3. Indeed I did. I have all of the pictures up on the link above, you can read about my trip here, and I wound up getting twelve sketches. It's probably going to be a while before I go to another show . . . which is a shame, since I'm four pages shy of completing my sketchbook. ETA for those con-goers such as myself: what is the most unbelievable cosplay you ever saw? I swear, I saw a guy dressed as Captain Chaos from Cannonball Run. Also, there were the Rule 63 Sailor Scouts. *shudder*
  4. You know what I'd like to see? A team get U-Turned and not getting that pissy about it. I was thinking about that because Misti & Jim are obviously the alpha team this season, and I'd be curious to see what would happen if they got targeted. I don't know what to make of Nici's outburst in next week's episode. I think Phil has a better handle of crazy/temperamental/angry than Probst ever will.
  5. That was better than last week's episode, though that isn't saying much. The Doctor is still caustic, but I feel it was better served to us this week. Also, Clara looked good. Just sayin'. One question . . . why was "Gus" intent on getting the mummy thing solved? Was it a Max Capricorn-type deal, where Gus was trying to forestall his own demise? I didn't get it. elle . . . would this count for you? I took the picture this past Monday. ETA: "Are you my mummy?" . . . a joke that never gets old.
  6. I was wondering if that was going to be an issue. I would've gone to the panel last night to find out first-hand, but it was late and I wanted to get home at a reasonable hour. That, and the wristbands to get in were already snapped up. I've seen Archer cosplay . . . this is a picture I took yesterday. Also, I saw a Pam today. Key bits to finding a Pam: pearls and a dolphin hand puppet on her person.
  7. I attended a panel for Jack McBrayer's show on Adult Swim with Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. They ended it with that sketch . . . Robert Smigel was going on about how good an actress Jan Hooks was. And it was a good sketch. Kinda hard to watch something where two people have passed on (Phil Hartman is in there), but you get to see a young Alec Baldwin, and that's pretty cool. ETA: Was this the first time Alec hosted the show?
  8. Looks like we can add the Shetland ponies and bouncing sheep to the Amazing Menagerie. Awesome job from the farm animals. Only thing missing was one of the Boston Bouncers looking at the clue and muttering, "Can't tackle 'em." Nice to see Misti and Jim excel. Jim was a competitive bodybuilder? Nooooo!!! Really?!? Seriously, though, while they consider themselves "Team Domination," they could be so much worse. They do suffer then in direct comparison to Adam & Bethany, who are just lovely people. Amazing . . . no Survivor references from Keith & Whitney in regards to lighting torches? I'm disappointed. Yeah, Brooke needs to clam up with the negativity. Great that she and Robbie can outrun others, but it's like seeing a bulked-up Flo. That's not good. Meanwhile, Kym & Alli are having too much fun. Brooke should lighten up and learn to enjoy herself. I feel bad for Boston Strong, but Scott's ankle probably wasn't going to last that long. I'm glad Tim & Te Jay are still in it, because they're fun to watch. Also . . . a clothes barrier? That was creative. Dumb, but creative.
  9. I can't help but hate the guy. He's a loudmouth, he was a recruit, and he didn't have the numbers Jeff Kent did. I know . . . relief pitchers are different from second basemen, but Rocker was mostly a set-up reliever who embarrassed himself to the public, and wound up screwing up on Survivor. I know there's now a villain gap in the current season, but I take solace knowing that John's payday will be puny compared to those who did better than him. And hopefully, Burnett & Probst will recruit more guys like Cliff in terms of former pro athletes, and less on assholes like Rocker.
  10. My first day at NYCC. I had a good time. I just have to pace myself, physically and financially. Photos from NYCC. These are from my older camera, which was giving me grief by not turning on. I'll upload pics from my Bloggie starting tomorrow. I hope.
  11. At long friggin' last, the gang gets to the Tenchi Bridge. And Sasori's spy turns out to be Kabuto, the four-eyed asshole who gave Naruto problems in the previous series. But then Orochimaru shows up, blows Yamato's cover, and the fight begins. Just curious . . . is this your exposure to Orochimaru? I can confirm that he is one creepy mutha, what with the snakes and the desire for power and research.
  12. Oh, right . . . because he was going to bite into his thumb. No, what will happen is even better . . . though we're going to have to wait about 30-odd episodes to see what it is.
  13. Brilliant twists for most of the sketches. I liked the baseball bat with the spikes in it, as well as the idea of "Post-Apocalyptic Jackie Robinson." And I didn't see the mattress twist coming. It was a thing of beauty.
  14. Parts of the episode felt week. Nice to see Wendy try to outwit Cartman again, but I wasn't too impressed. I did like Sheila's pep talk to "Lorde" . . . but I don't get why Lorde had to be spoofed. It wasn't as cruel as what the show did to Britney Spears . . . but what was the point? That a 17-year-old can't be that talented a songwriter? Maybe it's the absurdity that's I'm supposed to dig, but I'm not. I will say the continuity is growing on me. Now I'm wondering what loose ends from this week will spill into the next episode.
  15. Looking for something to watch at 8? Well, Survivor had a happy ending tonight. I was feelin' little pain right before Sara got whacked on the DVR a little after 10. Then . . . damn, really? Even if Caity is moving on to bigger and better things . . . really?!? And what sucks is that the timing has Ollie giving Barry his pep talk. Can you imagine the phone call? "Barry? Hi, it's Oliver. Listen, I hope things are 'flash-y' for you, because my 'Super Friend With Benefits' got killed while we were chatting away. By the way, you have to become your mask full time, Barry. Don't question it, just go with it." Seriously, this was a good episode before the whacking. Sure, the Ollicity died a painful death, Quentin had another episode, and it looks like Amanda Waller is still a scrawny stick bitch. . . but I was having fun. Felicity looked hot, Diggle and Oliver had a bro hug, and Roy looked super competent. And then . . . arrows. I didn't think the writers would do it. Then again, I kept waiting for Chloe to get killed on Smallville, so maybe my "death-dar" is out of whack when it comes to capable blondes. And Laurel had better not become Canary. Really, show, there is no realistic way you can have that happen now. You'd need her hanging out with the League of Assassins full-time for two years getting a crash course, and you wouldn't do it because it would take her offscreen. Look at the posts, show. Eight just popped up as I'm writing this. This isn't about absolute values, guys. You can't claim victory for killing Sara. You just can't. I just realized that I saw Brandon Routh on Monday. Well, a Brandon Routh . . . at the wax museum, in his Superman jammies. Here's hoping he does better as Ray Palmer. So far, so good . . . and he might make for a potential love interest for Felicity. Think about it . . . he's loaded and a geek. He's a peanut butter-n-jelly sandwich if you're thinking Ollie and Barry. Seriously, Arrow, what the hell?!? At least the gravestone doesn't have "FOR REALS THIS TIME" under "SARA LANCE."
  16. That felt goooooooooood. Really good. Granted, it probably would've been better with one Twinnie holding John down while the other beat him up, but I take what I can get. And he had an idol in his pocket! To his credit, he didn't try to cash it after the votes were read, but it's still a dumb move, even for a recruit such as himself. I don't feel bad for him. I really don't. Even if he has changed, people like me can't let go of the past. I know he can't rate as an enemy of New York in this day and age, but I'd like to think some Mets fans (and sympathetic Yankees fans) got a kick out of him crashing and burning. And hopefully, Burnett and Probst will take a hint and not invite him back. He could donate all his winnings to charity, and I'd still root against him. I can't hate Natalie. I just can't. With John gone, there's an asshole vacuum, and I'm good with that. I do feel bad for Julie, but not by much. She's probably a better person than John, and maybe she'll go farther in the game without him. I liked Keith's Exile Island reactions to staying with Josh. Or was it Reed? I can't tell those two apart . . . ditto the brothers and Twinees (before Nadiya got tossed, of course). Seriously, I'm so happy. Ding Dong, the Rocker is gone!! ETA: I still figure John will get the most attention anybody has gotten for being the third person gone at the Reunion. For him, a victory would be not getting booed. That should depend on how good the game is played from here on out.
  17. Speaking of Judd . . . I picked up a copy of a book he wrote, A Town Called Dragon. The first issue was released a few weeks ago, and you can read about it here. I thought it was an okay read, though I didn't find it as acerbic as his Barry Ween books.
  18. Is it weird that I looked at Michael or Scott's bruised ankle and immediately thought of Curt Schilling's bloody sock from 2004? Damn, has it really been ten years since the Red Sox came from 0-3 to beat the Yankees? Anyway, I don't know how bad of an injury it is just by looking at it, but it does look nasty. Aside from the ankle, there's not much to go on in terms of potential spoilers. In the commercial I found online, I did get a chuckle out of the Shetland ponies giving Racers shit, to the point where Jim's all, "Come on, Satan." Anybody else think that donkeys are indigenous to the area, but the show didn't want to use them two seasons in a row?
  19. While we're waiting for new episodes . . . here's GrittyReboots' take on the franchise.
  20. Something from the cliffhanger/stinger of the pilot for The Flash . . .
  21. I kept checking CBS, but I didn't see any commercials for the next episode. Then I checked the YouTube page and found this. Shetland ponies and busted ankles, oh my! And we got sheep as well. I'm sure the ad will pop up tomorrow night on Survivor, but I'm concerned CBS isn't promoting the show. ETA: I did see the commercial on Survivor. Also, there's a reason to love Kym & Ali shown in this sneak peek.
  22. HydraSimmons and HeadSimmons are equally adorable. This is opposed to "adorkable," which is what Coulson and May will bring next week. And it's nice to see that Fitz isn't woobie enough to not hold a grudge against Ward. Never heard of "Fitbit" before. I take it they actually exist to take your pulse right away. Minimum, it does show that Skye is progressing as an agent, although she still has Daddy Issues. Also, it turns out What's-His-Face didn't have to touch May, because the chick is ice cold. And we didn't need a pulse reading to have that confirmed.
  23. So far, so fast. Barry is a big ol' dork, just like Peter Parker, but he's oddly loveable. I'm hoping the fun holds out over time . . . not that I hate Arrow, but Felicity and the salmon ladder can only mask the grim 'n' gritty for so long. Speaking of Felicity . . . how does she fit in Barry's world? Apparently, he's been pining for Iris forever, so it's kinda like Felicity is the "other woman," and that's not right. I like the chemistry between Iris and Barry .. . and I think it's an interesting status quo for them to be virtual siblings. I'm not thrilled by the recent comics canon being imported about Barry's mother being killed through mysterious circumstances. Pleasantly shocked by Joe West finding out about Barry right away. Downright shocked that Disgraced Doctor has news of Barry's future. I'm surprised that the show will last ten years, even if Smallville and Supernatural set the tone for CW shows. And yeah . . . the idea of Gorilla Grodd running around Central City makes me oddly giddy. Damn, any Rogue would be welcomed on this show . .. even Golden Glider. And maybe Rainbow Raider, if the show runs out of ideas after four seasons.
  24. It's 69 degrees for me now. I need the weather to hold up for New York Comic Con this weekend.
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