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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Something to chew on while waiting for the next Ghostbusters movie . . .
  2. I think the hippies' word was "T-Tow." Yeah, I don't remember what it meant. After Eric self-destructed on the final Roadblock, I figured it meant "Tools Totally Outran Weenies." They also wore "Bowling" and "Moms" t-shirts, which made me mad that they were trying to steal Linda & Karen's shtick. I gotta say . . it's nice to get the show back firing on all cylinders these days. I can't remember the last season where I was okay with most (if not all) of the teams remaining.
  3. Judging from his picture, I see Cheyne still use wax on his hair. And the news on Uchenna & Joyce wasn't totally news to me, but it's nice that they're friends.
  4. Actually, it was a half-hour, meaning that HBO had 15 minutes of commercial time to burn. Disappointing, really. At least we'll be getting a new season in February. May it be as wacky and mind-opening as the first.
  5. That would be TAR6. I title it "Karma Takes A Holiday," given how many nice teams wound up going out early, while the odious duos managed to stay in.
  6. Fremde Frau . . . according to Time Warner, it will be a 45 minute-long episode.
  7. Saw some of last night's episode. Is there a point to not telling Naruto that the nine-tailed fox's chakra is leaking out of him when he gets mad? I don't get it.
  8. Don't bury the lead like that, caprice. What happened? Are you okay? As for me . . . and I wish I could segue better . . . the orientation thing was mostly meaningless, just to see if I was still interested in the position. I wound up going to NJ and I got my sketchbook completed. I got a new one a few weeks ago, and I might start getting that filled out as early as the Saturday after Thanksgiving. ETA: Does the Jets winning over the Steelers qualify as a miracle?
  9. "I WANT TO LIVE!!!!!" And with that, it's officially on. Seriously, Nico Robin's backstory is perhaps the most painful of anybody from One Piece, but the reaction of the Straw Hats is beautiful. "Take our crew member? We'll set fire to your flag and declare war on the world government without even flinching." And Usopp got to introduce his fancy Kabuto to boot. I don't know if there's anything to complain about. Maybe there should've been a flashback on how Crocodile nearly killed Robin, and that Luffy saving her (and King Cobra) convinced her to join the crew to pay the debt.
  10. So Hinata got her man. Good for her. Did she grow out of being mousy all the time?
  11. I caught the name swap, missed the eyes. Anybody else think that the scene was made just to make a misleading trailer? I will say that Clara was funny impersonating the Doctor. If only she wasn't exasperating most of the time.
  12. As far as cop-outs go . . . we could've found out that Clara dreamed the whole season after Strax wonked her on the head with the newspaper. futurechemist . . . the episode was an hour long on BBC, so BBC America had to slip in fifteen minutes of commercials. That's why it ran 9-10:15 p.m. Eastern time.
  13. Well, that sort of sucked. What saved the episode? Peter Capaldi and Michelle Gomez. Put two other people in their positions, things might go askew. Hi, Santa. Or is it Father Christmas? Can you get a new showrunner for the holiday season? And a shiny new companion who doesn't give me agita? Just put them under the tree, I won't complain. Seriously, my thought on seeing Nick Frost as Santa was basically: "Oh, Doctor Who. I can't stay mad at you." Bringing back Osgoode (Osgood?) would be a good start. Poor thing was terrified getting killed by Missy. BTW . . . yes to Missy, no to the Doctor becoming female, at least right this moment. Seriously, Capaldi has found his niche as the Doctor, and he's had to deal with subpar material. Under a more skilled showrunner, he could flourish for years as the Doctor.
  14. Thinking of [adult swim] . . . anybody plan on watching Dragonball Z Kai starting tonight? I'm not, mostly because the TeamFourStar abridged series has wrecked all other versions for me. They made Nappa -- of all people -- into a breakout star and Mr. Popo into a sinister badass. And it's so funny.
  15. Given that Kishimoto wrapped up Naruto, I figured a thread would be appropriate. Truthfully, I've never read the manga, but I've heard good things. From what I read here, Naruto wound up becoming Hokage, and Sakura and Sasuke had a kid, which . . . for real? I'd be interested to know what fates were tied up before Chapter 700. Did Lady Tsunade survive to see Naruto become Hokage? Was Rock Lee able to get a new haircut? And does Naruto have to watch out for Konahamuru (or however you spell the Third's grandson's name)? What were you favorite moments of the manga? How did it compare to the anime?
  16. Something I noticed . . . was this the first episode with the new credits? I dunno who got shafted harder for leaving sooner . . . Lisa & Michelle, or Michael & Scott.
  17. Three hundred legs? Awesome. Here's hoping we get that many more in the future, and as competitive (and cooperative) as we just had. I'm liking the Cyclists/Dentists rivalry, in the sense that somebody has to talk crap about Jim, albeit good-naturedly. And if you calculate their average placements, you'd see that they're tied at 2.86, which I believe is a respectable number. Also, I figured out that Kym has a tattoo on the inside of her left arm, so now I know how to ID her from Alli. BTW, did anybody else get a toothpaste commercial? Can't get away from the dentists, man. I'm cool with the wrestlers' shtick, even if it is contrived. I know Brooke got her whine on looking for a cab, but she and Robbie managed to knock off the opera task on three tries, which was less than what I had figured. I'm also impressed that Amy & Maya rallied from the back of the pack at several points to come in third. They're non-entities for the most part, but they're fun to watch. All of the remaining teams are pleasant enough. What happened to the Surfers? Given the heat of the painting task, I would've expected them to cash in their Express Pass. I guess they want to see if a task would really hinder Bethany. I'm also glad that T&T get to race for another leg, though I wouldn't have minded if they had to go. The Surfers may be too chill, but it's a chill I can live with. Anybody else think of Super Mario Kart watching the Roadblock? Or am I the only one looking out for tortoise shells and banana peels?
  18. Here's a preview of the Twelfth Doctor's second issue.
  19. With John not making the jury, I think anybody could win it, because there was no other narrative to write (if that makes sense). As much as I want Natalie to win, that would require a lot of confessionals -- not bonus clips -- about how she misses her Twinnee. The idea that she's avenging her sister isn't there to be spelled out, so she probably isn't going to win. Jaclyn had a story about how she was born without a uterus, but that hasn't been brought up at all, so I'm sure she's not winning.
  20. Carl goes out on a limb, makes a pick for Broncos/Raiders. Nice to see him sticking to a persona. caprice . . . you got Al Franken as a senator. I got two blue senators, and even I think that's awesome. Dunno what I'll be doing this weekend. I got two shows that I could attend. It depends on how I'm feeling after the orientation. At seven o'clock in the morning. I cannot stress that enough. Also, I figure the earliest I'll see Big Hero 6 will me on Monday. It is a Marvel movie, after all . . . they've been playing with house money since Guardians of the Galaxy.
  21. Given how clueless John was at picking up hints about having to play his hidden idol (as evidenced in at least one interview), and Julie giving up, you think Burnett and Probst would bar them from the Reunion? This isn't a case of wish fulfillment for me . . . but I'd expect them to be excluded for being "controversial," even though Rocker wound up making friends at the Losers' Lounge.
  22. LUTHER! About time! I like it when he has to point the finger at himself while representing the President. Good episode, though I think Key has issues. He would be up on a centaur if he was a woman? Okay, then.
  23. Four episodes left? Damn, that sucks. I liked this episode better than last week's, though that's not saying much. Bringing in Satan wasn't a bad idea, and Canadians (and their square wheels) are always good for a laugh. Also nice to see that Randy is a shitty father . . . though I could buy that he's genuinely oblivious to his own vices. Then again, he is Lorde. Ya ya ya ya. And since when does Jimmy suck that hard? Is his appearance to make up for his lack of presence in "Handicar"?
  24. Good episode. Didn't see Felicity being goth to the point where she looked like Neil Gaiman's version of Death. Giant ankh around her neck had to be a shout-out, right? And apparently, she had crap taste in men back then. Now she's got two billionaires and a genuine superhero interested in her. Good for her. I like Roy's reaction to shooting the rocket launcher. The idea that he killed Sara? Yeah, not so much. And did it look like he was throwing arrows at Sara? Has to be brainwashing. Has to be. I'm not hating Roy unless he starts making out with Laurel. Speaking of which . . . shut up, Laurel. And I gagged when she chose the black uniform. She's your problem now, Ted. I hope you're happy with her. And Ray wasn't a creep at all. Miracle!
  25. Good riddance, Julie. And while she may have doomed Jeremy and Alec, she's also torpedoed Natalie, who isn't that objectionable. Who am I supposed to root for now? And I'm still amused that Probst can be summoned like a crossroads demon. What, did Julie bury a John Rocker card to make Probst appear? I'm over the trail mix, mostly because I'm allergic to the stuff. Didn't see how taking it was that big a deal, especially since most of the other stuff was more "big ticket." Going through Julie's bag? That was awful. I'm a bit tickled by the Keith/Wes finale at the challenge. Also, I see they wear boots to interviews. That's funny to me.
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