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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. I had fun. Tiny TARDIS = huge laughs. And who hasn't gotten a TARDIS in a purse at one point or another? Now there's probably going to be one with Capaldi's eyes staring out of it on sale in 6-8 months. I thought Clara was cool as a Doctor surrogate. And, like the Doctor, she's a bit of a liar. That'll bite her in her butt soon.
  2. Anybody else think the Dentists will have to use the Amazing Save next week? With a Double-U Turn in effect, it looks likely they'll have to do both Detour options, especially if they're in the back of the pack. Also, I am currently with Shelley in her fight versus Keith, mainly because Keith is a forgettable Survivor contestant. I reserve the right to change my mind, but I heard he and Whitney are still pissed off at Cochran for flipping on them, so to heck with them both.
  3. Oh, man. This was a gut-grinder of an episode. Thank goodness it was a non-elimination. Seriously, Jim's a frightening man. He looks more like a wrestler than the wrestlers. I'm glad he's not like Jonathan Baker, in the sense that he supports Misti without resorting to violence, but the man is intense. And I'm glad they got saved without using TASave, because otherwise, Adam & Bethany might have been sent packing. I can live without Shelley & Nici, but the surfers are competent, sweet and supportive. They might be boring compared to the other teams, but sometimes I like 'em boring. Shelley/Nici . . . they need an Amazing Counselor. I bet they're nice in "real life," but between the Race and Killer Fatigue, there's not much of a team there. Can you imagine what Brooke would be like if she gave birth? Wow. Great that they finished second, and Robbie didn't look like too big of a dork, at least compared to Misti singing (and missing the numbers). Aw . . . Great Danes! And one of them wanted to kiss Phil! You and everybody else, dog. Also: is it me, or is this a huggy bunch? Not a complaint, mind you . . . though I'm sure there are some greeters who probably are a little standoffish.
  4. In the crapfest that was the episode (a "love letter"? Seriously?!?), I forgot to note that they named a street for Jeff Lemire. Considering the bang-up job he did on Green Arrow, I say he deserved that.
  5. I forgot that I wound another Titan figure last week at a discount. Turned out to be an Ice Warrior. Even in its chibi size, I figure it'll make good sketch reference, especially since the old-school Ice Warriors had the same sort of Fisher-Price hands.
  6. Here's an exclusive preview from AVClub on "The Just."
  7. As I predicted, I wound up getting three of the Regeneration figures at NYCC last week. Two of them were the same . . . Twelve in what I think is the tramp's jacket. The other was Four in Three's outfit. Both had Sonic Screwdrivers. I cannot be the only person that collects the stuff.
  8. This has to be said . . . Arrow (I tried to resize the tweet, but it still wouldn't take . . . but y'all get the gist, right?)
  9. Sorry for the late topic start . . . I needed my sleep for New York Comic Con last week, where I got sketches of Blueno, Kalifa and Franky. The main story: The Straw Hats reunite and come face to face with CP9. In other news, an all-cola diet has side effects for Franky, as he unveils his Coup de Vent attack. Actually, it's supposed to be "Coup de Boo," because -- IIRC -- "boo" is Japanese for "fart." You gotta love the sheer panic of the Navy goons as Franky bluffed about causing a mile of destruction. Not much else to add, save for the action getting curtailed in favor of Robin's backstory in future episodes. Also, Zoro overcomes his lack of directional sense by cutting upwards, almost killing Nami and Chopper in the process. Good times.
  10. As a resident of New York's 11th Congressional District (the Fightin' 11th!), it's nice to see that there are worse places to live. Like Florida. And Kansas. And as inexperienced as Dominic Recchia might be, he's preferable to the incumbent, Michael "Boy Breaker" Grimm, which is why I'm volunteering for the guy.
  11. Not sure what to think of the episode. I'm too busy wondering when Hanna Barbera sues Matt & Trey for co-opting Wacky Races. Also, Nathan's parents have to rate with Randy, Leanne and the Stotches as the worst parents in town.
  12. Is it wrong to sympathize with Laurel and still want her to get smacked across her face? I mean, I understand where she comes from, but she's just so insufferable. And she's supposed to be the new Canary? I'd rather she buy a giant replica of Sara's doll and fight crime in a plush shark suit. That would be more believable that Canary!Laurel. A love letter to Sara? Damn, Caity's next role had better be awesome for us to leave Sara like this. At least "Sara Diggle" has a nice ring to it. Or whatever Lyla's last name is. At least Ray Palmer's smarm has limits. And at least he doesn't have psychic vegan powers. Felicity would be screwed otherwise. Aw, Thea's gone to the Dark Side. Just more logs to put on the fire of Ollie's ManPain.
  13. Why is everybody mad at Jon-With-No-H? Because he wasn't on board with the plan to vote off Drew? In other news, looks like we got a buff-dropping episode next week. Should be interesting to see how it plays out.
  14. Not much to take away from this episode, other that Drew is a jackass. And Jeremy's volume dial is stuck on high. Seriously, Drew. You're a dumbass. I'm glad he's gone, because throwing challenges should bite you in the ass. And was he the one trying to barter with Probst? You don't bargain with him when he has all of the power. Dumb. Ass. Dumbass. Looks like Keith found the idol. Dunno how I'm supposed to feel about that. I guess I should be happy, since he's more memorable than Dale, old guy-wise. And now he's got protection in case Jeremy decides to gun for him some more. So much for firefighter solidarity.
  15. Does Ming-Na Wen get paid extra for playing two roles?
  16. So far, so good. Nice that the show is willing to crib from the Firestorm and Metamorpho mythos (Multiplex and Simon Stagg, respectively). I am a little disappointed that Java wasn't an unfrozen caveman bodyguard, but I guess you can only import so much canon. And I hope "Flash" catches on, because I have flashbacks of "Red-Blue Blur" from Smallville. That was lame then, and "Red Streak" is a bit lame now. Damn, Dr. Wells' best stuff is in the stingers. Didn't expect him to shiv Stagg, though. When he got up, I knew shit was going down. I like Team Flash. Less hang-ups than Team Arrow (and Team Teen Arrow), and you can get high-calorie snacks from Cisco. What's not to like?
  17. More cosplay from NYCC. Man, so much happened during the show that was fleeting . . . like the time I walked into a mob taking pictures of a model, when all I wanted was to hit the ATM.
  18. elle . . . I think I see the confusion. I linked to the wrong picture. This is what I wanted you to see, as far as mummies were concerned. I'm sorry for that.
  19. Hanged Man . . . you can check out more cosplay from NYCC here. MarkHB . . . I haven't had the chance to see the screenshots. Now I'm wondering whether there would be a salmon ladder level for Green Arrow. And as a GL fan, I found the "Green Loontern" episode of Duck Dodgers to be funny, even if it did degrade Sinestro a lot.
  20. I picked up a copy of the new DW book at New York Comic Con, which goes on sale this Wednesday. It had a blank cover which I got sketched. The story itself is intriguing, and the Doctor is as brusque as he is on TV, for better or for worse. To the writer's credit, he pulls off a great riff off a "Doctor who?" line that Moffat would've been proud to oversee on the show. I think I'll be down for the first storyline. Oh, and Titan is going to be producing a "past adventures" book with rotating Doctors. First up . . . Nine/Rose/Capt. Jack, just in time for the tenth anniversary of the show's revival.
  21. Rick and Morty comic in the works. From the NYCC panel: Rick's S2 catchphrase animatics, without benefit of set-ups. ETA: The panel was funny . . . they had a guy in a Mr. Meeseeks costume come out after Dan Harmon pressed down on its box. You can read more about it here.
  22. Lantern7

    S01.E04: Arkham

    Man, this was a Sapphic episode. Nothing wrong with that, especially with the political stuff going over my head. I mean . . . both mobs hired the same guy? Really?? MrsRafaelBarba . . . maybe there's something in the water that promotes stupidity. It would explain Oswald's gunmen getting excited in getting paid in cannoli. Or Oswald coming back to a place where he already "died" and would get killed again. And yet, I guess I'm a fan of the guy, because I got this sketch of him yesterday. Nothing too fancy . . . I figure that I could start collecting drawings of the Gotham gang. I don't know how to get a Fish sketch, since it would have to show her eating the paper she's drawn on. Speaking of Fish . . . so she's moll-hunting? And "pretend I'm a boy"? Really, Fish?!? I don't think she's been mistaken for a boy . . . ever, actually. Hi, Eddie! Bye, Eddie!
  23. Is there a legitimate danger that CBS would take TAR off the schedule and/or fail to schedule a TAR26? I've been good in remembering to watch it . . . I was busy at New York Comic Con on Friday, but I managed to get home and watch it, as well as DVRing the episode.
  24. Valerie . . . glad you had fun. And I think your Rule 63 Sailor Scouts made ComicsAlliance today. They beat the R63 Scouts I saw, though your mileage may vary.
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