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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Is there confirmation on what happens when a team uses the Save? If I knew that the next leg would be double elimination, I'd be hesitant to flush it out for fear of being next-to-last and eliminated in that leg. Anybody else digging the graphics when the Racers screw up? It's like Misti's hands were radioactive.
  2. Looks like I was wrong about the Dentists getting hosed this week. Right now, I'm thrilled milking animals will be a task for next week's episode. I'm also hoping that Brooke is tethered to the bridge. For a complainy-pants like her, that has to be a nightmare.
  3. How ugly was the Keith/Shelley confrontation? My cable cut out right before the commercial. I take it Whitney wasn't in place to receive the clue, and Shelley took exception. That led to an ugly elimination. Whatever. . . so long, uninteresting Survivors. May Cochran crash your wedding and laugh at your misfortune. Even with Shelley & Nici's bickering, I'll take them over Jim & Misti. She comes across as useless at times, and he's just. So. Friggin'. Intense. I'd be scared that stuff would explode around him, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere near him. And you'd think he'd be more chill since they have the security of the Save. I want to believe that they're capable of humility, but Jim tends to blow it out of the water. I think the producers are proud of the leg. Lots of bunching and a heated argument. Also, lots of animals, though none of them stepped up like the Broken Ox. Then again, would you want a cobra to step up in a race around the world? Nice to see Bethany finally do a Roadblock. Do you need to shave body hair to surf? I can believe she shaved Adam's back in the past. I also like how other teams see Bethany as a "beast" despite her handicap. Tassel-twirling for the win. I felt bad for Maya . . . her head was too big for the hat. At least she and Amy are fun to watch. Ditto Kym & Alli, both of whom are having the fun Jim and Shelley are missing out on.
  4. Speaking of David . . . he's going by "Chef Showtime" these days. Seriously, Stop Being Polite tracked this video down. And here's his YouTube page. Judging from "Dubstep Popcorn," it looks like he still works out. Good for him. I don't think anything will touch "Come On Be My Baby Tonight," but it won't be from lack of trying.
  5. I was busy chalking up how many delay of game penalties the Rhinos would have racked up during Key's speech. I laughed about the missing "horn," so I guess I'm easy like that. Personally, I miss Luther. When is he coming back?
  6. I'm doing political volunteer work. I also got this sketch yesterday. Other than that, not much else has been going on.
  7. Chicago Redshirt . . . thanks. I thought I imagined that. Problem is, the schematics don't suggest an OMAC that's canon-based. It looked more like Malcolm's magic earthquake machine for the Undertaking.
  8. I don't find bugs to be cute. And I don't think they're ears would be cute, either. Sandman87 . . . I think most secondary characters on the show have distinctive laughs. It isn't confined to just giants.
  9. "Arrow . . . the only show where you actively root for the female lead to get punched in the face!" Oh. My. Glob. Seriously, how bad does Laurel suck? She's not Black Canary. She's never gonna be Black Canary. She's the Whack Canary, and no amount of training from Ted Grant will change that. I hope Ollie burns the jacket. I really do. And I hope Sara comes back as a phantom and reminds her sister about how bad she sucks. The rest of the episode? Pretty good. I like Overwhelmed Felicity. . . it's just funny to see her multitask, putting up with Ray, Oliver and (eyeroll) Laurel at the same time. Only thing missing was Jason Alexander in a bodysuit, whining about how he can't get fired from the Yankees. How many canon Manhunters are the writers going to bring in? First Kate Spencer, now Mark Shaw. BTW, did anybody else see the word "OMAC" on the blueprints that Ray was gawking at? Or did I imagine that? Seriously . .. shut up, Laurel. And hi, Nyssa. Nice of you to not knock on the door. And hello, Malcolm. John Barrowman is always welcomed as far as I'm concerned, even if the role he plays is infected with the bat shit crazies.
  10. New creative team announced for the AT comic in January. Anybody wonder who would win in a fight between Finn and Dr. McNinja? I do now.
  11. So . . . anybody want to guess what Hunatpu (or however you spell it) will have to give up to get rice? I'm betting that Probst forces them to abandon camp and set up in a barren locale to start anew. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be Exile Island.
  12. Pepper the Cat . . . the buffs were drawn seemingly at random, with one tribe of five "singles" and Josh & Reed, the other with three couples and Keith. Anybody else expected Blue/Teal Tribe to have to give up immunity for the rice? I swear, Probst must have needed a crowbar to take his shorts off, because he strikes me as someone who would go mad with power. Orange/Yellow Tribe is still a mess. The vote for Kelley was anticlimactic, especially since I never felt like I knew her. How did the vote go down? I missed that part. ETA for cooksdelight . . . I must have missed that. Was it a howler monkey with balls that big?
  13. I haven't seen a commercial for the next episode yet, but I did find these clips from "Morocc' and Roll" on the YouTube site: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BN9FIJxTOTc&index=1&list=UUPY3wSqgeErW9AI5qPLcLUA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN9nRprewb4&list=UUPY3wSqgeErW9AI5qPLcLUA ETA: Here's Dennis & Isabelle on how to run the Race. There's some good tips, even if they do come from a tenth-place team.
  14. I got the latest issue of TV Guide today. Sara's death got a "Cheer." The writer understood why fans would be furious, but the death also "raised the emotional stakes for Team Arrow," and could result in Laurel "leathering up" as a new Canary. The piece was punctuated with a "Win!" Man, what I wouldn't give for a rolled-up newspaper and a TV Guide writer right about now.
  15. Here's Malcolm on how to prep for Survivor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YapgcqxA_BE&list=UUVW1RiWXTQL-G-3KcoRy-_g&index=2 I gotta admit, he makes some good points.
  16. Damn. Bobbi makes one helluva first impression. Makes up for Skye going rogue hearing about her father.
  17. Good episode. A little dopey in places, though at least Iris isn't all about the "Thecreth and Lieth." No, that's Harrison's job. Seriously, we should call him Captain Stinger at this point. Every week with this stuff. He's like Oswald over on Gotham, only he's a lot more sneaky about his skullduggery. Nice to have a villain who you can beat by running away from. Interesting that the show is also borrowing from Starman with Kyle Nimbus. Maybe we'll see Nash down the line . . . she was much more interesting a Mist than Kyle. I knew Joe would know about Iris & Eddie. He's a detective, after all. Also liked the flashbacks to Nine Months Ago, though I'm betting a lot of fans like Ronnie Raymond as a football-playing lunkhead instead of Caitlin's intellectual equal. I nearly gagged on the "fire and ice" line . . . a little too much to swallow. ETA: Not that pre-new52 continuity counts, but Kyle was never the Mist. Can't believe it's been almost twenty years since Starman launched.
  18. RealityBlurred reveals RW: Skeletons. I probably say this every year, but this might be the line I'm not willing to cross. BTW, here's the Wikipedia page. I dunno what ticks me off more . . . that I share my first name with one of these MENSA members, or there's another girl from my neck of the woods ready to disgrace our hometown.
  19. Here's the preview of "Shakedown Street." I'm impressed they found a kid who knows how to act like Probst. And yes, throwing stuff is involved. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0q5LeBD86hM&list=UUVW1RiWXTQL-G-3KcoRy-_g&index=1
  20. Lantern7

    S01.E05: Viper

    "What's altruism?!?" was funny. Ditto "It's lunch!" Don't ever change, Bullock. Good episode, especially with the Viper/Venom outbreak. Bruce is a little too precocious, but how can we know what's going through his little head? Besides, he and Alfred make for a dynamic duo . . . and capes aren't involved. Hi, Selina! Bye, Selina! Hi, Ed! Bye, Ed! I bet he had to adjust his pants after seeing Viper in action. Seriously, are we ever going to get more from him besides one shot per week, if that? Penguin doesn't get to kill anybody this week. He does get to be neurotic, though, and that's just as fun to watch. "Hello!" Also, now I'm picturing him as a duded-up cowboy when he talks about "rodeos," and that's such a sweet image. The mob big whose name I can't remember . . . is he so old that he wouldn't recognize Fish's "secret weapon" as a trap? She just dropped onto his lap, figuratively speaking. Oh, and nice to see Jada keeping trim after chewing on scenery. I know, old joke by now, but she does it so well.
  21. I'm not mad at Smoke the donkey. I'm mad at the ineptitude of a bureaucracy that fails to save lives. In other news: Doggie Supreme Court for the win.
  22. Here's the Robot Chicken panel from last Friday at NYCC.
  23. Did the Doctor really dub his adversaries "the Boneless"? That has to be the lamest name for an enemy race. I think "boneless," I think chicken. Yummy, yummy chicken.
  24. Stupid question . . . was that Jaleel White playing himself? Even if it wasn't, it was a memorable sketch, and it would explain the 90-degree turn Family Matters made towards Urkel-dom.
  25. Robin's backstory: revealed in part. The operative phrase: "It can always be worse." Man, Chibi!Robin is cute. And precocious. But like I said on TWoP, she's got the saddest story of all of the Straw Hats, past and future. The only news for me is that this is the end of the DVD for me. The next forty-odd episodes will be new to me, though I have read the manga. I also got the post-Enies Lobby arc from the library, and that's been pretty cool. It's just a shame that Toonami won't double up on episodes so we can catch up, because it's a good story. It'll probably take forever to get through, though.
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