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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Not good. Turns out I have to attend an orientation for the second time in the past several months. On a Saturday. At seven in the damn morning. There's also going to be two shows I'd like to visit, but I don't know if I'll get the chance because I'll have to go into the city. At seven. In the damn morning. Also, my district remains red. I'm hoping common sense reigned in your respective necks of the woods.
  2. Anybody else thinking of the show ten years ago, the night Bush won a second term on the up-and-up? Things might be depressing now, but Jon Stewart and his team make the pain easier to take, even if a cartoon tortoise is going to be more powerful than ever. The Stack for the win. RIP Jordan's nuts.
  3. Thank you, CodeName Duchess. And nice nickname, BTW. Good to see the "WORK" gang back together.
  4. I guess Madame Secretary is too big a hit for TAR to relocate back to Sundays. I've been cool with the move because of the lack of NFL overrun. The downside is that there would be a hiatus for two weeks thanks to March Madness. Maybe it could be moved to Wednesdays or Sundays during that. I'm grateful for TAR26, but two weeks of no show would make me a little itchy.
  5. A trailer for the new season was released today . . . and Fox wound up blocking it. Is there anyplace I can watch it?
  6. All right! Good news after shaky ratings. As much as I've had fun with TAR25, it's good to know we won't have to wait forever (or ever) for a new season. And I'm hoping to get out and meet some people for this season's finale.
  7. That was fun. Oswald is truly everybody's best friend, isn't he? He's almost adorable . . . especially when he has to explain stuff like "honk honk." Then he has to go and kill a guy, and the luster fades. Also nice to see that Gordon isn't going to get his way right away. Going after the (ragingly impotent) Mayor and Falcone was suicidal at best. And he would've gotten away with it if Barbara wasn't an idiot. She's useless. She's not worthless like Laurel Lance over on Arrow, but she's a little too close to there. At least Montoya and Allen aren't enemies with Gordon anymore. You think Harvey and the "Duchess" are a "thing"? I can totally see it. Or maybe she is Harvey's type. Anybody else miss Selina? I'm not missing Eddie . . . the villain quirk was delivered by Victor Zsasz. Especially with the "Funkytown" ringtone and asking the GCPD to vacant the premises. ETA: "wasn't an idea"? Stupid keyboard dyslexia.
  8. I've been watching the clips. Sweetest ones have involved a single (I'm assuming) wee goat and Racers interacting. The Cyclists dub it "Butter" and Bethany cradles it. Then Brooke holds and pets it. Such a cutie. Also: Robbie is a wuss around goats and birds.
  9. ETA: Shit . . . Trevor Berbick is dead. Par for the course for [adult swim]. Nice to see that Mike will resort to violence only in rare circumstances.
  10. Maybe the three words are "Missy Mistress Master." And the "W" is just an "M" turned upside down.
  11. tankgirl73 . . . I think 3W = "Three Words" = "Don't Cremate Me." Chilling as hell, wouldn't you say? ETA: Torchwood? That only lasted two seasons. "Miracle Day" never happened. Neither did "Children of Earth."
  12. Anybody going to have trouble sleeping tonight? I might. Damn, Missy is hardcore. Even if it turns out that she isn't the Master (which I think is a possibility), she's still in a league of her own. I'm skeptical, though . . . it just seems too easy to go "Missy = Mistress = Master." I'm hoping Mofatt has an ace up his sleeve. If not, I'm sure we'll be getting his resignation as showrunner. One can hope, right? And am I wrong in thinking Clara to be a horrible person for trying to fuck with the Doctor? I know, the psychic paper can hold the profanity, but "fuck" is the right word IMO. She was going to destroy the TARDIS keys if the Doctor wasn't going to genie up and grant her wish. I know people would do anything to get their loved ones back, but damn . . . Clara might be the worst companion ever. I will say that the Nethersphere/Promised Land is a neat concept, at least in thought. Chilling as hell, but neat. Of course, the glass-half-empty side of me thinks that it'll fall flat next week. Capaldi isn't the problem . . . he's found his groove as the Doctor. If Mofatt goes for whatever reason, Capaldi should stay. Jenna Coleman? Meh . . . I think we've had enough of Clara. elle . . . yeah, I didn't get a teaser for next week as well. We should keep our eyes peeled for one.
  13. Here are the average placements after six legs: 3.00 Kym/Alli 3.17 Adam/Bethany 3.17 Misti/Jim 4.50 Tim/Te Jay 4.83 Brooke/Robbie 6.00 Amy/Maya To me, we have a field of racers and "race-nots,' for lack of a better term. I think it would take a minor miracle for one of the three trailing teams to finish the Race. Right now, I'm resigned to a Cyclists/Dentists/Surfers finale, and I'm okay with it . . . mainly because there's no clear-cut favorite amongst those three. The Cyclists are determined, the Dentists have the Save, and the Surfers make John Vito & Jill look like Teri & Ian with their mellowness. And judging from the recaps at Previously, I'd say this is a kick-ass season. Here's hoping we get another one right away.
  14. I saw a commercial for Wednesday's episode, which asked, "What's in the bag?" I didn't get a sense about whose bag it was, or what could be inside it.
  15. I laughed during the Tim/Te Jay antics. I knew what the producers were going for. I guess I haven't outgrown such humor. The only things missing were misleading shadow silhouettes, a la the Austin Powers movies. I didn't think Robbie was useless in the goat task. He was holding one by her throat, which didn't seem nice, but it didn't look like he was choking her.
  16. The thread should open on 1:30 a.m. on Saturday night/Sunday morning. ETA: Well, that was depressing. Forgot that Saul was a Vice-Admiral. And I'd like to think that Prof. Clover would've made a great Pokémon researcher in another life. In other news, I think the flashbacks conclude next week.
  17. This topic replaces the old Naruto: Shippuden forum which has been vaulted at the location below: http://forums.previously.tv/forum/892-naruto-shippuden-v/
  18. Happy Halloween. I got a new sketchbook at 20 percent off, zero trick-or-treaters, and two bags of candy that I can't eat due to allergies. I'll dump it off when I go volunteer in a few days. ETA: Carl goes for the easy prediction. Can't say that I blame him . . . it would take more than a jinx to give the Jets their second win.
  19. That was a little predictable. I knew the Scientists wouldn't be gone because the next episode is titled "Pretty Fly For a Food Scientist." Once Brooke managed to figure out how to do the puzzle, Shelley & Nici's downfall was complete. I'm glad they're gone, mostly because they're the second most combustible team in the field, after the Dentists. I just hope the Survivors don't give them much grief at the Elimination Station (or whatever it's called). I know that the Dentists (or at least Jim) are cringeworthy, but I admire the way they raced this leg. I thought the tent Detour would bite them, since it involved the attention to detail that failed them a few legs ago. But they rocked that out, and Misti managed to go through the Roadblock without much difficulty (Brooke). I could live with a Dentists/Surfers/Cyclists throwdown in the final leg. Speaking of the Surfers . . . I hate to say it, but I'd get sick of their lovey-dovey attitude really quick. It's fine once a week, but Adam & Bethany are too cutesy together. Props to Bethany for figuring out the puzzle and using her feet. I wonder if she packed the Express Pass in case of trouble. I don't think she would, because she's that fearless. I'd root for them even if Bethany had two arms. Cyclists might have won the leg if they didn't swap tasks twice. Third place fit them well, but I know they're capable of better placement. If only I could tell them apart. And yeah, Phil looks more chill these days. Maybe he shines in direct comparison to Probst, or maybe he's in a better mood. I like it. And I like the greeter with the birds on his head. I guess that's a local tradition.
  20. I think it was more like ghost soup . . . but yeah, that was the gist of it.
  21. Clip from the Halloween episode of Teen Titans Go. Normally, I wouldn't post a link like this, but I'm tickled by the image of the Titans dressed up as Thundercats. Well, except for Raven, who was Mumm-Ra, which is a nice touch. Even with the disgusting conclusion to that flashback (it involves what happens when you don't take the wrappers off your candy), I thought it was a cute crossover.
  22. Interesting . . . tonight's episode of Survivor was titled "Make Some Magic Happen." Arrow had "The Magician." And South Park had "The Magic Bush." I just find it funny. Are we, as a society, ready to accept a hero whose name is "Bumgarner"? I bet Madison heard a lot of snickering about it growing up.
  23. Calamity Jane . . . at least they were vocal during Tribal Council. Almost like they were laughing at Coyopa's misfortunes.
  24. Still waiting on Obama 'n' Luther, but at least the annual Halloween episode failed to disappoint. Who hasn't been scared after seeing a scary movie? And the coroner's scene was delightfully icky.
  25. Meh. There were some good moments, and Butters barreling down on Cartman was funny twice, but the whole thing with Clyde's mom's unkempt pubic hair was icky. And the realistic mannequin wasn't good, either. Also: what's up with Butters' dad not immediately thinking that his son was to blame? Maybe the writers (writer?) are burnt out on Butters getting abused. I would've expected a grounding at best.
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