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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. I like Malcolm out and about. I get the logic fail about that, but John Barrowman can't play guys who would be captured easily. How awesome is he? I am convinced that Laurel would be redeemed if she makes out with Malcolm. I know . . . bigger logic fail, and icky given her relationship with Tommy, but Barrowman is that magical. Full minute, tongue optional. Why didn't Nyssa burn the jacket? Seriously, shut up, Laurel. Shut up, shut up, shut uppity uppity shaddup. You suck, you almost got Thea killed, you're not gonna be the Black Canary, shut up. Man, I miss Felicity. She was great last night on The Flash, and she probably deserves to be Barry Allen's soulmate, but we need her here to potentially dope-slap anybody stupid on this show. She'd probably hurt herself doing it (can't crack her knuckles without pain), but she's our girl. She's the Anti-Laurel. Didn't realize we'd have a Tatsu in the flashbacks. Doesn't bode well for her future. And damn, Amanda Waller is a stuck-up little twig, isn't she?
  2. ShadowSixx. . . . yeah, but then Probst wouldn't have his show of authori-tah. He lives for stuff like that. I bet he rehearses in the mirror all the time for those situations. And while the merge might make Jeremy look like a genius, he should shut up about the rice. And about Josh & Reed being too together.
  3. Has the merge ever happened this early in the game? And who would be the most at-risk in getting voted out?
  4. Well, that was a drag. I don't care about Dale, and it still felt like a slog. Seriously, is Coyopa the worst tribe ever? They won one challenge because Drew threw it. Hunahpu lost all of their stuff, Julie almost threw in the towel . . . . and Coyopa still lost. At least Ulong won a couple of Reward Challenges in Palau. And I know that the rice had to come at a price (oh, rhyme!), but I hate Power Trip Probst. Does he have to be so smug in taking Hunahpu's shelter? Of course he does. I think Natalie might be MVP material. I'm biased because she was a Racer, but think about it: she sacrificed herself to Exile Island after gorging on the rice as a Hunahpu regular. She kept Julie in the game for Jeremy to use as a pawn. I know that I shouldn't give anybody too much credit, but I'm hoping Natalie did all that on purpose. Biggest reason to feel bad for Dale? He and Kelley will be in the back row at the Reunion, the only duo not to make the merge, and no way does Probst go to them. That's sad.
  5. I saw a commercial on Toonami saying they're going to stop running Bleach. This comes after 366 episodes, which might be a record. Since there's no forum or thread for the show, I ask: what do you take away from the show? In no particular order: Rukia's crap drawings, Orihime's breasts, that one girl who's an Orihime-sexual, the lucky dance, the insanity of Kenpachi and his sidekick girl whose name I can't remember, the mad scientist captain of Squad 10, Chad's eerie calm, Ichigo's ability to overcome anything thrown at him in a way that wasn't organic, and the filler. The endless, endless amount of filler. Also, the dope theme songs, like "Tonight Tonight Tonight," "Rolling Star," and that one tune from Asian Kung Fu Generation. Out of curiosity: what [adult swim] anime would you welcome back into your life? I think we need a little Death Note in our lives, at least before an American film company makes their own version. And Paranoia Agent was trippy fun . . . though I'm not sure whether to pair Billy Joel's "Pressure" with it, or David Bowie's "Under Pressure."
  6. I totally forgot about "Spooky Fish," the second Halloween special. Killer animals, alternate universes, and a good guy Cartman with a goatee. Also, Sharon's Aunt Flo comes to visit for the last time.
  7. Out of curiosity, does anybody have rooting interest for tomorrow night's Game 7? I forgot about Game 6, then I caught the Royals going up on the Giants, 9-0.
  8. Is there a place where the AoU teaser is playing? I didn't notice Cap budging the hammer. ottoDbusdriver . . . I think lanyards are a privilege when it comes to Koenig. And yeah, I kinda miss the guy. BTW, is Walters supposed to be anybody in particular, canon-wise? The only "Walters" I know is Jen Walters, and I don't think she'd be a SHIELD agent.
  9. madhacker . . . It's Mockingbird. Whatever you call her, Bobbi Morse kicks ass. And I hope Hunter sticks around, because I like his onions busted. Also, May has a playmate now. Beats expecting Skye to literally kick ass.
  10. Barricity for the win. So cute. So adorkable. Why aren't they a couple? Oh, right . . . Laurel isn't gonna smack herself, and the Team Arrow males are too gentlemanly to get that job done. Besides, Harrison would find a reason to do away with her. He's annoying like that. I like Captain Cold. And I'm oddly giddy about an outbreak of Rogues hitting Central City. Hey, that stinger beats a revelation of, say, Harrison knowing about Oliver Queen's secret nightlife. "E = MC Hammer." So adorkable, you guys. Makes up for Cisco being an idiot about building a failsafe. And Joe brought his A-game, as usual. The show is a great counterbalance to the doom and gloom over on Arrow.
  11. I think there's one more episode of backstory before we go back to Enies Lobby. Bad news . . . judging by the episode titles, we'll be getting crew flashbacks/motivations. It'll probably be worth the wait, but I'll understand if it's a drag for many.
  12. For those who haven't heard, Cartoon Network will be airing a new episode on Tuesday at 6 p.m. Here's the description: The thread should unlock around 6:15. Here's hoping we won't have to wait two months for another new episode. ETA: Like I don't have enough to worry about. Now I got to think about scythe-wielding ghost flies. On the bright side, BMO is such an enthusiastic system, isn't he? "I killed Jake! Yeeeeeeaaa, BMO!"
  13. Curious . . . with Halloween coming up, what are your favorite seasonal South Park moments? For me, there's the "pinkeye" epidemic, Chef tearing a guy's arm off then sheepishly putting it back into place, the Korn epic, Satan's Sweet Sixteen party, and the boys dressed as Avengers, while one in five other people came to the party as Psy.
  14. Description for "The Magic Bush," which doesn't sound like a Halloween episode. On the plus side, it looks to be Cartman-heavy. Downside? Butters is probably going to be punished, and that's never fun.
  15. BTW, anybody else look at Kringle and think "poor man's Felicity Smoak"? Not her fault that Felicity set the bar for girls with glasses. In lieu of a Team Arrow, I hope she has mace to ward Eddie away.
  16. Wow. Bullock actually solved a case. And then he ruined it by trying to cover up the story of Oswald getting killed. In other news, it looks like there really isn't much to talk about when it comes to Eddie. He's like 90 degrees removed from Grant Gustin as Flash, in the sense that he's a dork, but he's not adorkable. Hi, Selina! Damn, Alfred was an idiot for not locking the window, especially with The Goat running loose. BTW, how awesomely icky was the "Goat Watch" newswoman? It's like she got paid for every one-percenter that got killed. Speaking of icky . . . hello, Ma Cobblepot! I don't know what's worse . . . the interaction in the tub, or the fact that the room seemed designed for mother/son tub time. And was anybody else expecting rubber ducks? Is it wrong that I kinda want the MCU cops to get smacked upside their heads? They mean so well, and they probably have just cause in seeing James as another rotten cop, but they're not heroes like him. Interesting dynamic, that.
  17. recurring dream . . . while the Guidos made for effective bad guys in TAR1, I'd say that their behavior afterward made up for it, as well as their run in TAR11. Also, Guido was such a cutie-pie. Unlike Richard Hatch, Joe & Bill turned out to be okay.
  18. Heads up . . . the episode runs at 10:30 p.m. for 15 minutes on Adult Swim. Here's the official description: ETA: That was weird. I vote "no" on Live Action Mike Tyson In Live Action Tracksuit in any capacity. And Norm MacDonald sounds like he's going to choke on scenery.
  19. What do you guys think about The Amazing Race these days? Friday nights aren't bringing in the big ratings, but we'd have a 9 p.m. start time right now if it still aired on Sundays.
  20. Here's the episode teaser. Does Power-Tripping Probst make anybody else cringe? ETA: Here's the challenge sneak peek. Amazingly, nothing gets thrown/tossed this time. Also, Dale goes for broke.
  21. I think it was rated the fourth-best story in the last Doctor Who Magazine readers poll, and it was ranked first in prior polls. I see it as the epitome of the Five era, in terms of body count, but you can see the excellence come out.
  22. ETA: Interesting to see that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, at least as far as Spandam's father is concerned. What a jerk. And Robin wound up looking like her mother. . . .except for the hair. I do miss the usage of Flower-Flower Fruit power, though.
  23. I saw the episode more "wonky" and less "bad." I feel Capaldi has found his groove as the Doctor, even as he's surrounded by kiddies. I didn't think it was that bad.
  24. I'm blaming the World Series, which will probably end by next Friday. I'm hoping CBS will send Elise & Bertham the go-ahead for a new season. Right now, I'm imagining Racers cutting promos dressed for Halloween . . . but in my limited imagination, I can only see Jim, dressed as Wreck-It Ralph.
  25. Theo was jumping around, yelling for Irulan to go home after Sarah beat her in the Gauntlet (Deadman's Drop), and Alton took exception. I remember because other posters pointed out that Theo was . . . um . . . flopping around in his shorts. Like, a lot. And from what I remember from Sarah's blog, the production crew had taken to calling Alton and Irulan "Bobby and Whitney" because of their behavior.
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