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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Maybe it's because I'm away from home and feeling generous, but I didn't see much to be objected by. Except for the Logan/Chris fight, everybody was civil. So much for hating the Texans. Stupid move letting the Cheerleaders ahead, but I'm glad they didn't pay for it with elimination. If they did get that, you might as well give the million bucks to Justin & Diana. It's been awhile since we've seen Racers moved like that. Really puts stuff in perspective.
  2. It's been a while. I'm in Long Island for a Doctor Who con. I got three autographs and a sketch so far. Caprice . . . are you into DW? In program, there's an ad for a con in July located in the Twin Cities. Obviously, I thought of you.
  3. RealityBlurred weighs in on TAR28. Surprisingly, Andy doesn't tee off on the format, mentioning that the people who "follow" the contestants might boost TAR's ratings. Seems better than TAR26 if you squint that way and tilt your head to the side.
  4. Good episode. I thought Barbrady was going to be in the cornfield forever, occasionally dragged out to complete the numbers. Shows how this program can still surprise views after 19 years. Looks like I was wrong about the show going into American Ninja Warrior. I'll take the boys playing ninja (again), Cartman sowing discord, and Randy's eyes shifting to separate racist soundtracks. And all the white people flipping off the cops to "Fuck The Police"? I reckon only this show can get away with that.
  5. Had to watch Arrow. Good episode, but the ending wasn't as epic as this one. I have to say, this is not going to be one of the better seasons. Splitting the vote should have been a given with three women on the proverbial chopping block. With a massive nine-person vote, they wound up having a one-in-three chance of screwing it up. And they did. I think that has to be a record for most votes negated. I don't think much about Kelley-With-Two-E's, but I respect the heck out of her gameplay. And the whole thing blew up in Andrew's face, which was a nice bonus. I kept thinking poor Stephen would have gone out, and I have more in common with him than Andrew. If Kelly-With-One-E is hated by the producers for a lack of soundbites, Keith has to be a close second. It's great that he's doing more than spitting, but driving the tuk-tuk must have left Burnett and Co. out of breath. What if he flipped it over? Huge disaster, and Probst would have no choice but to track down every single person who voted him into the game and beaten them up. I want Joe gone. Tom Westman aside, I don't like overdogs. He's too pretty and he's a potential challenge monster. Nip that guy in the bud ASAP, before he stumbles into an idol.
  6. Good episode. Nothing was ruined, aside from Donna trying to cook. And maybe her and Quentin having a fling. I know, they're both adults, but it's one of those things where if he finds out she's Felicity's mother, he'd want to stick his head in an oven. Felicity was badass, wasn't she? Happy she manages to keep Oliver and move on with Ray. And hopefully, this episode is a harbinger to what Ray will be like in LoT. "Spartan" is not a bad codename for Diggle. The only character I can remember having that name was in the Wildstorm universe, and DC owns that. Now if only they'd trademark "Whack Canary" for Laurel.
  7. Oyyyyyyyyyyyy. This might be worse that TAR playing Blind Date last year. I really hope CBS forced Elise and Bertram into this.
  8. MTV posted a preview on their website. Should be interesting to see if Camila can rest the Most Annoying Brazilian title away from Abi-Maria. Also, I would not want to canoodle with Cara Maria. Would you want to screw around with Abram's girlfriend? Oh, and there are commercials that can't be avoided. At least there's some interesting interview stuff at the very end.
  9. I'm a little nervous about the upcoming episode. I saw this on Time-Warner's schedule: I saw Gargoyles back in the day. I thought it was the shit. Yet I fear that the sketch is going to bomb like the one on Doctor Who last season. On the bright side, we might have Patrick Stewart back as Picard, and that's always funny.
  10. Go, Coulson! It's your birthday! Go, Coulson! It's your birthday! I know, it's going to go to hell in a week, but it's good to see him happy. Andrew got what was coming to him. He made the conscious decision to hunt Inhumans, and he got shoved into stasis. I'm sure May will get over it .. . someday. Good episode. Biggest problem was Andrew's cocoon forming over his clothes. I was okay with him Hulking . . . sorry . . . "Lashing" out. What's the deal with Will's symbol? I wasn't paying attention.
  11. Dammit, Barry. Could you at least pretend that it's a dilemma while you're unmasking for the umpteenth time?!? At least he was vibrating when he was with Linda . . . on purpose this time. And damn . . . Zoom does not fuck around. Showed up Barry in front of the police and media, and he paralyzed him. The mask is scary. Even scarier than Cisco making and storing cut-outs of Team Flash. And speaking of which. . . could he be any clumsier around Harry? It's almost as cringe-worthy as the Batty scenes.
  12. Heads up . . . Comic-Con to sell tickets this Saturday. This messes up the con I'm going to (Long Island Who). Maybe I can get in as a member of the press. ETA: Turns out the sale is for people who attended the latest CCI. My bad.
  13. Had a trippy experience tonight. Saw recent episodes (2013, give or take) on NBC Universo . . . in Spanish. Interesting to hear another cast voice the characters, even though I don't speak the language.
  14. Out of curiosity, has CBS announced a launch date for TAR28? I mean the actual start of the race, as opposed to when episodes start airing in 2016.
  15. Well, the show is improving. Granted, Jim should have waited for Barbara to choke on scenery, but I thought it was a good episode. Why do I feel that every page in the file meant for Bruce was of Theo mooning the camera? Of course Bruce changes his mind at the last minute, because we can't have a Batman compromised as a child. And of course Theo throws the file into the fire, because he's evil like that. I don't think he had any information on who killed the Waynes, but he wants Bruce to think he has. I'm a little confused because I put last week's episode out of my head . . . why is Oswald disheveled? Nice that he and Ed have another chance meeting. Maybe they can try and out-lunatic each other next week. ETA: Thanks, MrsRafaelBarba. And does anybody else expect the Strike Force members to start wearing red shirts?
  16. From CC.com: I'm hoping this is based on American Ninja Warrior, though the picture from the link says something else.
  17. I'm not feeling the show as much as I used to. I fear that I might be too old for it. Or maybe Steve Aoki's penchant for throwing cakes in adoring audiences isn't that relatable. Also, I never got into The Wild Thornberries. Aaah! Real Monsters, sure.
  18. You can pretend the Racers are burying all evidence of TAR26. Here are the leg averages after seven episodes . . . 2.43 Justin/Diana 2.43 Tanner/Josh 4.29 Denise/James Earl 4.43 Kelsey/Joey 5.24 Logan/Chris 6.00 Tiffany/Krista . . . and after taking each team's best and worst legs out . . . 1.40 Justin/Diana 2.40 Tanner/Josh 4.20 Kelsey/Joey 4.40 Denise/James Earl 5.40 Logan/Chris 6.00 Tiffany/Krista I wonder if Justin's fandom is the factor that would drive him and Diana towards the million bucks. A better question would be whether Diana would want to be with him even after finishing first in the final leg. My calculations also don't take into account how improved the (ex-)Cheerleaders have been in the last few legs.
  19. There's an episode description for this week:
  20. Caught the latest episode. Forgot that Robin "let go" of Franky in the middle of his bawling jag, Also forgot that Garp (or the Navy) was making a move, pushing the plot forward. Next week brings closure to the Usopp arc. Seriously, though, how great was Robin's move? They showed her grab/clutch from five different angles, and it horrified the heck out of everybody watching. Good times.
  21. This video spoiled me in regard to Shinichi getting skewered (2:01-2:20). Amazed by how he managed to deny what was going on until the very end. That sort of denial must be a gift.
  22. I feel like I need somebody to walk me through the story. So there were two Osgood boxes, and both were bluffs? And there are two Osgoods again? So what .. . the survivor was human, and a new Zygon fills in? I don't get it. I liked the Doctor monologuing, especially with his American Game Show Emcee voice. More than balances out how Clara was so special that she could partially overcome her double's machinations.
  23. Weird episode tonight. BMO switches places with his mirror image, the one we've "seen" in two of the Greybles episodes. While "Football" explores her* new environment, BMO is stuck in reflective surfaces, with no apparent way out. It's a little disturbing. You have to wonder if Finn and Jake do the right thing by letting their little buddy have what could be a massive breakdown. Also: in a few weeks? "Stakes." Should be fun.
  24. Looks like they're still in the Race. I don't think the Double Dutch Detour was as well-timed as the surfing Fast Forward was for Adam & Bethany last year, but it was a stroke of good luck.
  25. This is not the best of seasons. Maybe it's a field-wide case of Killer Fatigue, but the teams aren't all that great. Shut up, Justin. Man, his act is wearing thin for me. I did like the part when he put two and two together and figured out the number of steps he and Diana took would be equated to dollars. That was a funny moment. And they're a better male/female team than Logan & Chris, but that's not saying much. Speaking of the FitBit stuff . . . heart rate difference equals tulips? Aside from watching the Texans trying to find a horse to stomp out the number they needed, there was so little payoff. It would have been funnier if the greeter got to smack Justin in the face based on his pulse. Cheerleaders got a spot of bad luck in finishing third, but they're still in the lead pack. And they had a Detour option where they only messed up once. I hope their luck holds, because they come across as a good team. Indifferent about Cindy & Rick getting eliminated. I don't think Denise and James Earl are long for the game, though I hope they outlast Logan & Chris. And I can't really take Kelsey & Joey seriously as long as they have those caps. Anybody else flash back to Amani & Marcus flaming out of TAR19 with the boating simulator?
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