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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I said it before . . . it's a question of when the Mets will break my heart, not "if." Naturally, the LCS MVP botches a play, and the ultra acquisition gets doubled off first to end the game. And I'm pessimistic enough to think that this series will be the last time we see Murphy and Cespedes, regardless of how the Series shakes out. Meanwhile, I'm coping with being a horrible fan, because I figure a five-game series would be easier for me in relevance to missing/recording my usual programs. I have to tell myself that it might be another fifteen years before the Mets come this far.
  2. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Any other Mets fans remember Gary Carter homering twice at Fenway Park? One caught by the screen attached to the Green Monster, one over it. Good times.
  3. I'm pumped for them. Sure, it helps that Krista is a speech pathologist, and it served the team well. Hopefully, they can make like Chip & Kim and vault themselves into the lead pack.
  4. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    No sweep! And the Mets can continue their pattern of clinching stuff on the road for Game 6 or 7. While I'm thinking about it . . . were there any pockets of Royals fans at Citi Field?
  5. France! Did you know Joe & Bill lived there for two years? Man, this was not a leg to submit to the Emmy committee. Just about every team made at least one mistake. Only thing that separated the Paparazzi from elimination (aside from this maybe not being an elimination leg) was a middle-aged woman's inability to rap in French. That was painful to watch . . . in the end, I wanted Phil to swoop In with a Phield Philimination. I'll still take Justin & Diana over the Texans. That said, Justin needs to dial it down a few notches. If Phil tells you to be good to your partner, you'd better listen. Lucky for them that most of the teams that tried the rap Detour option struggled. BTW, would it killed the producers to throw in English translations? I took Italian, so the lyrics went over my head. Tiffany & Krista securing second place didn't make me as happy as the Mets' win tonight, but it was rather close. I want variety in the top spots, and I'd like a New York-based team to win it. The Reporters have baseball caps with their names on them. For that alone, they should have been prohibited from doing the rap Detour. ETA: I would have butchered the pronunciation. Good thing the judge graded on a curve. Seriously, it was as bad as the SNL French class sketch . . . the one that devolved into Adam Sandler making Cajun Man noises.
  6. We have the merge lobbed at us for next week. This could be misleading . . . I don't think there's been a merge with 13 players, though I could be wrong. Also, I'm not good at tracking alliances through all the tribal swaps. Whom do you think would be tossed over the top rope first? I'm thinking Andrew or Joe, but I'm probably naïve like that.
  7. Yaoi is a rabbit hole I don't need to go down. It's weird stuff . . . for girls by girls. Of course everybody in town would be confused by it, save for the artists themselves. Speaking of which . . . nice that we have Asians in South Park. The others are a kid that got spotlighted in "Conjoined Fetus Lady" and a white dude with multiple personalities. Continuity rears its head some more. Is Kenny working at City Wok full time now? I don't see him with the boys. And no wonder Tweek got shown last week. . . because he was spotlighted in this episode. Sucks that he's still drinks coffee. The kid needs decaf. ETA: Of course Cartman's only admirer would be a figment of his imagination. Puberty is not going to be clean with him.
  8. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I wound up watching Survivor. I don't think I jinxed the Mets. They just need to rebound at Citi Field. Teams have been down 2-0 in the World Series and wound up winning it.
  9. I'd like to think that the person who wrote this episode hates Laurel as much as I do. Between her "Canary Cry" getting neutralized and Sara chain-choking her, I'd expect "#LaurelFail" or "#CanaryFail" to become a thing. I know I was cheering. And how stoked must Rutina Wesley have been to been on a show where she wouldn't be as hated as she was on True Blood? Anybody else want a Quentin/Joe scene in the next crossover episodes? "I'm telling ya, I should have stopped at one kid. You're lucky you have a daughter. I had two daughters. Then one. Then the dead one wasn't dead. Then she died. Now she's back and all feral. [long pause] What's it like to be so close to a superhero and not want to punch him in the face?" I liked that Queen-For-Mayor is greeted with as much skepticism as I can muster. On the surface, it's one of the dumbest ideas imaginable . . . but since Star City is so messed up, of course he's gonna be hip-deep in interns and volunteers.
  10. What was the point of Angkor? To take six players, separate them from the rewards that they won, and watch them implode for about a week? I don't get it.
  11. That was fun. I think you'd have to be a fan of Spencer for the episode to work. I'm thinking that we wouldn't get along in real life, but he and Stephen are the closest guys I can relate to on this show. For this week, I applaud Chaos Kass, and I hope her refusing to pull the trigger on Spencer bites her in the ass. I feel bad for Terry. I figure he'll be getting an invite down the road, and I'm not really a fan (always regarded him as a busted clone of Tom Westman), but I'm glad his son is okay. I'm not going to sign the back of my license, though. Can't really feel that bad for Woo. He's just too mellow to watch. He'll be okay with getting blindsided. I feel for Stephen. He knows that he shouldn't be crying over stupid stuff like being a beta male on a tribe with Joe and Jeremy, but he can't help it. If I was on the show, I'd probably tear up at least twice.
  12. I was okay with the episode, clichés and all. I'm also thinking Jemma and Will were on Ego the Living Planet. Unless they're saving that for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. And when I heard "Brubaker," I thought of the comic writer.
  13. So . . . there I was, ready to go to sleep after absorbing the Mets' 14-inning loss against the Royals. I checked AVClub and saw that the latest episode I DVRed got a grade of C-plus. I go to Comic Book Resources and I see this headline: "
  14. It's not on the list of stuff coming out tomorrow. I'll be getting my copy at Long Island Who In a few weeks, with a con-exclusive cover.
  15. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Oy. One in the morning, and they're still playing. I'll have to watch three hours off DVR tomorrow because I'll need that same period tomorrow. Can't believe Familia choked away the game in regulation. ETA: . . . and the Royals win it in 14. Lucky for me I don't have a life, so I could take in the whole thing.
  16. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Anybody else get nervous seeing the technical difficulty screen? I know there's probably not a major fault line running through Kansas City, but 1989 is never far from our thoughts. Or at least mine.
  17. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    What kind of lunch are we talking about? A little take-out, or something majestic? I'm going to have to watch and erase stuff off the DVR so I can record The Flash, Agents of SHIELD and Drunk History. Tomorrow, I'm thinking of watching Survivor "live" and then viewing Arrow on DVR, and record South Park and Moonbeam City. I know, I must suck as a Mets fan (5/10, remember?), but there's stuff I need to keep up with. And I figure I'll record The Amazing Race and Doctor Who during Games 3 and 4 at Citi Field.
  18. I figure Friday works better for me, even with the possibility I'll have to DVR the next episode so I can watch the World Series. With Sundays, you have overrun from the NFL, college basketball and golf. It's a relief to plop down on the couch and not have to wait for the show I like.
  19. I know that the Frats/Hippies "feud" sucked . . . but what was so bad about the Germany leg? My memory is very hazy about TAR9. And I liked TAR24, mostly because I never had a problem with Dave. I'm glad he and Conner won.
  20. Reading the recap . . . Geek Boy's name is Winn Schott?!? Wow, that's not good, on so many levels. While I'm thinking about it: Whose idea was it to put this show on at the same time as Gotham? I know, there are finite times you can run the program which doesn't run counter to other DC shows, but a little effort would have been nice.
  21. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    5/10, I'm not good with faces and recent trivia.
  22. Well. I see there's potential for greatness. I also see the potential for the WTFblity that was Smallville. And this show's closest version of Lex Luthor is played by a woman who can be sent out the window with a sneeze. No, not a Supergirl sneeze. A regular, human sneeze. Anybody else substitute "God" for "he" and "him"? Show becomes differently entertaining if you do that. On the bright side, this James Olsen seems to have his shit together. Part of me thinks he's taken a coolness serum or something like it that has turned him into a ladykiller. Once it wears off, it's back to the bow ties. What a waste of Vartox. Couldn't the show come up with an anagram of "Generic Villain" and save Vartox for a sweeps month episode?
  23. Dark episode. The show doesn't have the potential to get turned into fondue like Supergirl (or at least the pilot), but I can see why people would bail out now. Did not see Kristen's death coming. Of course she would recoil from Ed's admission, and of course he'd wind up choking her to death. What a dope. Nothing against the guy playing him, but I hope Ed gets his soon. Also didn't see Firefly surviving. So . . . is Indian Peak the Gotham answer to the Pipeline from The Flash, where freaks of the week can be deposited until the plot calls for them again? Like I said, I'm not good at predicting plot progression. I do see Butch eventually becoming a talking head in a jar, though. Poor dumb bastard.
  24. I'm halfway through reading the Before Watchmen books. So far, a snake god hasn't devoured me while in the bathroom, which is good. Ozymandias/Crimson Corsair is okay from Len Wein, but it can be heavy-handed in copying events from Watchmen. After reading Minutemen/Silk Spectre (which was an improvement), I have to observe the one guiding principle: Comedian is a bastard and a half. I haven't gotten to his collection yet, but he manages to run roughshod over the lives of the other protagonists. I wouldn't be surprised to find out he contributed to Dollar Bill's death.
  25. Just checking to see if anybody else is watching. Two questions: 1. Anybody else expect Michiko to declare that Setoshi "smells like sunflowers"? 2. The picture with Michiko and Hatchin play-wrestling ... is that the only time they smiled together? It sure does feel like that's the case.
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