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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Two more things . . . 1. Completely missed the donkey. My mother likes 'em, probably because I remind her of Eeyore. Has the donkey been GIFed yet? 2. Anybody else put off by Vandal Savage being tied in so closely to the Hawks? For one thing, he should be the ultimate survivor, not just a priest from Ancient Egypt. For another . . . how does killing the Hawks keep him alive? And why?? If he killed the Ancient Hawks, wouldn't his evil be sated?
  2. Anybody else like Probst trying to psyche out the players about their loved ones visiting? Tasha looked really confused before he let them off the hook.
  3. Wasn't really watching at the beginning because I was trying to post about two other episodes. Just the usual hoopla about a new edition and a villa none of the kids deserves. Then Tony almost killed his brother. What a schmuck. Aside from Nicole, was there anything decent to be taken from Skeletons? I wasn't invested in the Pit. Nice that Jenna got to stay in the game, but whatever. Not sure how to feel about the Pit format with two people competing instead of four. I know I don't like how whomever goes in the Pit determines the format, because I wanted to see Johnny sweat early. He and his cousin Vince can exit the game as soon as possible.
  4. We didn't get any agita from Quentin. That's gotta count for something, right? I'm okay with the "Legends" crossover, because I watch both shows. That said . . . tell her, Oliver. Seriously. Tell Felicity about William. Also: I'm thinking of making a t-shirt with the kid's picture on it with the caption, "Fuck it, I'm calling him 'Conner'." Anybody want to buy that? Annnnnnnnd Malcolm can't leave well enough alone. I'm betting LoT happens because he just wanted a knick-knack to place on a mantle. Cisco handled Kendra's "developments" a lot better than I would have. Poor guy. At least he's still has Lisa has an option.
  5. I can live with a Jeremy/Spencer/Tasha F3. I don't mind any of them objectionable, and I feel that Jeremy and Spencer have the best "stories" to go with a win. And maybe Kelley. Anybody else wonder if Wes was Keith's second option? Nice to see Val and Dale again . . . kinda forgot that Dale played the game. Weren't he and Kelley the only pair not to make it to the merge in their season? The IC was a disaster waiting to happen. I know helmets would be out of place, but it might have saved someone's life . . . including Probst's. I was thinking (not rooting, just so you know) that a statue would conk him in the head. "KEITH! WINS IMM- OH FUC-*!!" Instead, it was Joe hitting the wall. No way does he not get a third chance. I don't think it would be favoritism, but rather trying to make up for The Million Dollar Collapse. ETA: Anybody else expect Probst to break out a checkbook and ask Keith what the highest number be can think of besides 1,000,000? Seriously . . . voting Tasha? Thanks for playing, man. Yeesh. ETA2: Boo another endurance challenge. Enough is enough, show.
  6. I picked up the last issue of the oft-delayed Ninth Doctor miniseries. Saw an ad for an ongoing series to debut in April 2016. Seeing how I didn't get too much into the mini, I'll probably wait until the issues are collected.
  7. I fell off the Jack bandwagon. Did he have a hat like that near the end? It looks sinister. I haven't been paying attention to "Intruder II." Is the monster supposed to be a mutated Hamtaro?
  8. I don't usually repeat jokes, but a. the p.tv recap had the screencap I needed, and b. it's been a month since I last posted. (Agents of SHIELD)
  9. The show didn't actually stick Rosalind in a refrigerator. That's gotta be a positive, yes? Yeah, watching Coulson go from zero to vengeful did leave a bad taste in my mouth. And Ward's comeuppance has to be friggin' epic. With our luck, Steve Rogers will slum it up to shield-slap Ward in the run-up to Civil War. Anybody else think of the Tenth Doctor crashing in "The End Of Time" while watching Coulson head for the portal? I can't be the only one.
  10. Nice way to start the crossover. Okay, it didn't occur to me that Iris was marginalized, but I was more gobsmacked at Vandal Savage, who deserves the hype going into Legends of Tomorrow. Poor Cisco. Losing out to an immortal lover. Hawkman came off as creepy as he did in Justice League Unlimited, and I know that's the point. I'm intrigued by the wings. Psionic? Hi, Damien! Bye, Damien! And hi, Malcolm! Is it in Barrowman's contract that he has to make the dramatic entrance? If so, I whole-heartedly agree with it.
  11. Quick heads-up: MTV is running the episode for 94 minutes. Why? Because it's bad enough where I have to set up the DVR for Arrow while I watch Survivor, and now I have to figure out when to watch South Park, The Daily Show and The Nightly Show.
  12. Buying in or selling out? Rick and Morty shill for Carl's Jr./Hardee's.
  13. TAR28 starts up on February 12. Interesting that it'll precede the latest offering of Survivor. There's a location spoiler in the link, which I got from RealityBlurred.
  14. I'm going to miss the show. Supergirl doesn't bring the insanity Gotham does. Nothing can surprise me anymore. Mr. Freeze could've done a jig to "Ice, Ice Baby," and I wouldn't have batted an eyebrow. So . . . Theo lives. Takes away from Jim shooting him after Oswald worked him over, but what the hell. Theo should go through the hell of being a pawn as opposed to a king. And how about his sister and niece floating away on parachutes? Only in Gotham. I bet it doesn't occur to anybody that they have to land somewhere. I'm betting Leslie was lying about being pregnant. Would be funny if they named the kid after Barbara.
  15. "Tonight's episode is brought to you by the Red Lanterns. The Red Lanterns: have you engaged your rage today?" So-so episode. The show is over the top, but it's not nearly as fun to watch as Gotham. Once again, Cat gets some character growth, but it isn't enough to make up for the show's flaws. Also: Why did Kara have to get a car dangling like a heavy bag? Has Winn never introduced her to the bonus rounds of Street Fighter II? You can vent on a regularly-parked car. RIP Red Tornado. It came off as a busted-ass Vision knockoff, so Supergirl did us a favor by blowing it to bits.
  16. Would it be a good thing if Justin & Diana were upset at the penultimate leg? As much as I hate seeing heavy favorites roll over the opposition (see: Rob Mariano, Survivor: Redemption Island), it would suck to see the Greens go. For one thing, you know they'd come back in a future edition. For another, you'd have a team that has been frequently in the back of the pack (Tiffany & Krista), a good team with unfortunate caps and little else going for them (Kelsey & Joey) and the Token Annoying Team (Logan & Chris). If Justin & Diana win, it would cap all of Justin's fantasies, and we'd probably never see him and Diana again . . . unless TAR decides to do another "Family Edition" in 15 years' time.
  17. Meh episode saved by a great idea. Maybe I'm not used to the Doctor being alone. Still, a great way to end an episode and lead into the season finale. With our luck, it'll end with Clara b-slapping Me, then ascending to the heavens . . . but I'd like to be optimistic.
  18. Is there an official record-holder for most title quotes for a given season? According to Wikipedia, Justin has five after ten episodes. ETA: While I'm thinking about it . . . what is the short list for worst seasons ever? Off the top of my head, there's TAR6, TAR11 and TAR26.
  19. Even with the Paparazzi getting U-Turned and Denise & James Earl lagging, I was nervous for the Cheerleaders . . . especially after the locals messed with Tiffany's balloon net. I feel they can still win the Race because Amy & Maya pulled off the upset at TAR25. Tiffany & Krista are a tight team, and they don't devolve into bicker-fests when the odds are against them.
  20. I like front-running Justin. Sure, it's a pain to see him & Diana win leg after leg with an overmatched opposition, but I like how much fun he's having. I think they would've been better off running TAR26, which needed memorable Racers. Grueling leg all around. Props to J&D for U-Turning Logan & Chris, even though a. It didn't eliminate them, and b. The smart move would've been to throw the monkey wrench at Kelsey & Joey. J&D have the race itself on lock . . . now they're trying to win more fans by trying to rid the season of the most obnoxious couple. In other news: Tiffany & Krista deserve some credit for finishing in third . . . especially with the locals inconveniencing Tiffany. Ripping the net is something I'd expect from the overachieving Ice Dancers on The Ridoncuolous Race. Very dirty. I hate to say it, but anytime I see Racers with kids at the Pit Stop, my mind immediately goes to Jonathan & Victoria's final leg in TAR6.
  21. I know it's been almost two nights, but what the hell . . . 1. I got a kick out of Stephen faking out Abi-Maria. 2. Did anybody else get a few yuks out of Spencer trying to put the flag in the hole? With all the problems he was having, I expected him to announce, "I swear, I never have this problem!"
  22. In my mind, the original story from Frank Miller kicked a lot of ass. It's the follow-ups -- The Dark knight Strikes Again and DKIII -- that are problematic. There's also All-Star Batman & Robin The Boy Wonder to take into account, but that's another topic altogether. I picked up the first issue of DKIII today at a comic book sale (40 percent off). It felt muddled . . . but what really irritated me was the minicomic stuck in the middle of the issue. It sheds some light on what Atom has been doing since DKSA/DK2, but it also spoils the ending to the main issue. I would have preferred a polybag, as old-school as it might have been. So . . . what are your fave moments from the saga? Or do you just prefer the original story? And what do you think of the two-DVD animated movie that came out a few years ago? I thought it got a lot of stuff right, and it was a nice touch to have Dave Endocrine be voiced by Conan O'Brien.
  23. What the hell . . . here's 7-5: It's heavy on Warden Magellan, with a brief return of a screaming Bon Clay from the Baroque Works arc. Another major player can be seen near the end . . .
  24. MTV has run the half-hour preview episode, and it's online to boot. If you want to catch it on TV, it'll be on MTV on Monday at 5:25 p.m. Not really thrilled that BMP is copying "Blood Vs. Water" from Survivor and The Amazing Race's team format. Also, the only returning alumni I'm not annoyed with are Cohutta, Leroy and Cara Maria. Actually, I'm worried for Cara Maria . . . she's supposed to be with Abram in Montana, but she's fooling around. I keep seeing her body in a shallow grave. There's a chance that the apples (brothers, sisters, cousins) fall far from the tree, and guys like Vince aren't as noxious as fucking Johnny. But I doubt it. Oh, and it should be interesting to see if Camila can retain her title as Most Obnoxious Brazilian On A Reality Show over Abi-Maria over on Survivor.
  25. In case you missed it last week, here's the commercial for Halo 5: Aside from the holiday Quantum Leap montage and Obama pardoning the murderous turkey, have there been Thanksgiving sketches on the show?
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