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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. I don't keep up with Twitter . . . pennben found this gem from Shirin last night . . . I feel that Shirin may not be the best player, but she'd be fun watching the show on the couch. Also, I hope she gets to punch Dan in the face. Or Rodney. Or Will.
  2. Just to be on the safe side . . . episode descriptions are not spoilers, right? I read something from my cable guide about a show first that made me roll my eyes.
  3. For those who devote more memory space to Survivor than me . . . has anybody had two episodes as hectic as Stephen? He loses the reward challenge, doesn't get a break from the game, breaks down, has gastrointestinal distress, breaks down some more, bails out of an immunity challenge for a shot for a better shelter, and he gets five votes against him . . . but since Jeremy plays one of his idols for him, he's saved. Then he wins a rare individual reward challenge, gets a break from the game, and he uses his advantage to spilt the difference between Abi-Maria and a vulnerable Joe . . .. but more people get spooked about his plot device, and he gets voted out. I'm betting the post-boot psychological exams are going to be thorough. I feel bad for Stephen. It's a mix of pity and empathy for the guy who lost big to the person who gave Day 39 to Russell in S20. At the very least, I give him props for not tapping out of the game.
  4. Lantern7

    Fix The Show

    No more endurance challenges. Okay . . . one to start the individual immunities, one on Day 38, and that's it. It feels like Probst is trying to get Joe to win, so he can anoint him Supreme Survivor. ETA: And enough with the team-based/post-merge challenges. They should limit them to two.
  5. I'm caught up. Hard for me not to feel for Stephen, even with the Joe obsession. In his place, I probably would have tapped out. I know that I'd be disappointing those who voted me into the game, but Probst? Fuck him sideways. ETA: Is it wrong for me to think that Stephen knew he could take two people at that moment? I can't imagine Probst insisting on just one with a group that large.
  6. Nice pair of episodes. The gang gets to save the Justice League from Darkseid, who is voiced by "Weird Al" Yankovic, after he takes lozenges for his gravelly voice. Also lots of lampshade-hanging over Cyborg being in the comics JLA, even as he uses a Green Lantern ring to conjure the cast of The Golden Girls. And not even all four of them.
  7. Had a momentary blackout while watching. It took ten minutes for the cable to boot up, so I missed the first part of The Fall & Rise (& Fall) Of Stephen Fishbach. I got the episode running from the beginning, so I'll get to see Stephen hit rock bottom. Right now, I feel bad for him, but at least he'll stay dry at Ponderosa. Man, enough with the endurance challenges! Thank goodness for the foot fetish IC, so that somebody else other than Joe could win. And then the group doesn't overwhelmingly vote Joe out. Stupid people. Stupid, stupid people. Really, if Joe wins, I vote for Shii Ann to yell that at the runners-up. "Mr. Poopy-Pants"? Shut up, Abi. Just shut up. May the next person to have gastrointestinal distress fart directly in her face. Have fun absorbing hit after hit as the sacrificial goat on Day 39. Hi, Keith. Nice to see you want to play for the win, even though nobody in the game or the audience pays you much mind. I hope fourth place pays well. Epic pair of episodes. Nice way to slide into Turkey Day, though the biggest turkey is still hopping around. Stupid pilgrims. Stupid, stupid pilgrims. ETA: I liked the nighttime challenge. It's been too long, and it was a nice change of pace. And how long has it been since we had a nice round of Survivor Folklore? Only thing missing was Rudy muttering "I dunno" into a camera.
  8. I'm having trouble remembering when/where Disney XD left off airing the episodes. I think everything is "new," but it's been so long. In case you missed the latest episode, you didn't miss much . . . lots of table-setting, some ramen-fueled humor, and Kakashi getting another team to play with . . . this time, Kurenai's students, all of whom are good at tracking.
  9. I might be a little late to say this . . . there's going to be a two-part episode on Wednesday. Who knows what it'll be about. Maybe they'll bring back Slade. Naaaaaaaaaahh.
  10. I'm just curious. . . . how many times do you figure Tatsumi got sprung from Esdeath's affections? He must've had some serious fear boners. And getting to know her must be like peeling an onion . . . layer after layer of craziness and homicidal tendencies.
  11. Not really a media mention so much as a "I could have sworn I posted about this" thing. Last year, before the fall of TWoP, I found the article I wrote on John Vito & Jill I wrote for a local newsweekly in 2002. I posted it on my blog, and I put it a supplemental post for non-fans. ETA: Anybody else been reading John Seavey's recaps? Here's his latest , , , I had a good laugh from "It’s a lot easier to win a foot race when you break someone else’s legs."
  12. Story from Reality Blurred about Ethan Zohn. Nice to see him up and about.
  13. I went to a comic con this past weekend. I wound up getting sketches of all five emotions. Maybe next time, I'll get Bing Bong covered. Here's Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust.
  14. Anybody else expect Kara to go, "Ah, screw it," and burn off the hair off Lord's head? It's hard not to think of Lex Luthor, especially since we haven't had a definitive version in this generation (maybe Clancy Brown?). Anybody else unnerved by how well Winn and Carter got along? On the bright side, Carter does humanize Cat a little. Not a lot, but it gives Calista an extra dimension to work with. Then again, you can't spell "Carter" without "Cat."
  15. Interesting that "Momster" is dead. I guess the parasite that infected the teacher is going to be the big bad from here on out, along with the possibility of Mr. A showing up with a new host. Also interesting: seeing another "conjoined" parasite/human combo. Lots of yuks to be had with a poor weepy bastard possessing a host that takes control of his chin. Anybody else think of Jay Leno seeing Uda & Parasite in action? Oh, if anybody is reading this and wondering what the heck has been going on . . . Toonami is running a Parasyte marathon this Saturday, covering the first seven episodes. It's gross, but it hasn't been dull.
  16. Monks, perjury and roommates from hell? Must be Monday. How crestfallen will Bruce be once he discovers Moses Malone died months ago? Kidding, kidding . . . I recognize the canon. Interesting twist if the show decides to stay with it. And how badass was Bruce in manipulating Silver? He'll probably squeal like a pig with Theo, but the kid showed serious balls. Poor Jim . . . Mayor Bing Bong sold him out, and Theo did everything short of pissing on his shoes. He deserves a win, even with the kvetching about letting Flamingo live. Anybody else wonder if Alfred used Venusian Aikido against Tabitha? I'm sorry . .. it's been over a year, and the resemblance between Sean Pertwee and his father is still uncanny.
  17. Is anybody else a little tired of the inconsistent standards and practices? Sometimes, "shit" gets bleeped, and then it doesn't. It gets irritating. Also curious to see if anybody else is watching. It's still weird, and most of the show hinges on how much you like Norm MacDonald, as opposed to the lead guy who's done jail time for nasty shit.
  18. I thought the episode was an improvement. Or maybe I'm thankful they didn't try to rip on The Real World or The Challenge. ETA: No new episode next week. That gives us time to think of better concepts for the show. ETA2: Before anybody brings it up .. . it took a while for me to remember "The Real World: Metropolis."
  19. Bad news: No new episode this week. Again. Good news: If you want to see old-school Thanksgiving-themed episodes, then Comedy Central is the place for you on Wednesday night. They sprinkled in "Red Man's Greed" and "Starvin' Marvin In Space," along with the Black Friday trilogy to end it.
  20. Anybody else figure that Ashildr will get a proper Viking funeral in two weeks . . . while she's still alive? I don't think I've seen the/a Doctor this pissed since Ten obliterated the Racnoss Queen. I'm not going to mourn Clara, because I feel she was toxic to the series. That, and I don't think this will be the end of her. Hard not to roll your eyes at her going in slow-motion, facing down her death. As far as deaths go, I think Adric's "Now I'll never know if I was right" was handled with a better touch. Here's hoping Moffat brings in a new companion with more dimensions. Or maybe Strax. Too weird?
  21. I didn't notice Phil's moobs. I don't care if he had thirds at the Amazing Buffet. Better moobs than Probst's Botox. I also feel Tanner & Josh would be shoo-ins for another season. ETA: About the cheerleaders . . . while some luster has been scrubbed off, I feel that they're still worth pulling for. It would be nice for a Staten Islander (in this case, Krista) to win on a season that wouldn't be universally dismissed . . . like Danielle in TAR11.
  22. Tough leg for the Cheerleaders. Krista gets the title quote, but they wound up dragging overall. Only thing that saved them from starting the next leg in the lead position was Denise & James Earl getting lost on their way to the Pit Stop. ETA: I could have done without their indignation of Kelsey & Joey U-Turning the guys. It's a Race. That's what the U-Turn is for.
  23. Never thought I'd feel bad for the Texans, but I do. They get stuck with the most time-consuming Speed Bump in a recycled Roadblock, they get U-Turned, and now they're out. Not like I'm shedding tears for the alpha males, but they may have been the best team to overtake Justin & Diana in the end. I'm okay with the Green Team winning. I just don't like it that much. It's like watching Joe win immunity challenges over on Survivor.. . I wind up rooting against him because I want the story to progress without him. The only consolation about the Greens winning it all is that "superfans" can thrive in the game (when the producers aren't setting up themed seasons, of course). Seriously, Phil, you couldn't eliminate Logan & Chris? They suck, and if they win, the season is going to be bottom-tier.
  24. Just looked at the Toonami Tumblr . . . there will be an One Piece marathon running on December 26. The bad news: it'll be recently-run episodes, as opposed to powering through the filler. ETA: Looks like we'll be waiting a little longer for new episodes . . . Toonami is running a Parasyte marathon next week. Did anybody else catch the latest episode? The cola-fueled getaway from the Thousand Sunny is only the tip of the iceberg (no pun intended) for the ship. Franky built all sorts of amenities. Also nice to catch up with folks from the crew's past . . . though it's frustrating to see Dragon, since he pops up in the stories so seldom.
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