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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Here's the press release for "Tweak x Craig." Apparently, Matt and/or Trey has spent time on slashfic boards. Anybody want to guess who Cartman's admirer would be? I'm thinking Butters, but that seems too easy. ETA: You can be on South Park! Sort of.
  2. I'm still concerned whether I'm outside the parameters of the show, given the few laughs I had. On the other hand: anybody else remember the Bubble Tape commercials from the 80s? Anytime you figure the show has unearthed all childhood pop culture, they wind up digging a little deeper.
  3. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    "If a picture is worth a thousand words, you have seen a million!" Has anybody else watched the official highlights tape from NBC?
  4. Good news: The hilarity continues in the next episode, where Franky is "convinced" to join the Straw Hats in the most painful way imaginable. Bad news: Toonami is running an Akame ga Kill! marathon next week, and we'll have to wait until November 7/8 to see it.
  5. So many questions from an anime . . . like the reproductive rights of parasites from outer space, and whether Shinichi should be packing heat to make up for Migi only being able to control his hand. Also, Migi can now detached himself (itself?) from Shinichi for a few minutes at a time. Freaky, even for this show. Anybody else hear "Mr. A" and think of Steve Ditko?
  6. Well . . . Dr. Stylish and his minions were sweet one-shot villains. I think they doomed themselves by finding Night Raid HQ so easily. That, and NR had two new members, one of whom is a human Imperial Arms. Oh, and we'll be having a marathon of AGK! next Saturday. Saves me from recording most of Toonami for a week, which is nice.
  7. Thailand is a miss, even if you don't factor in Brian's general scuminess. Between Robb, Ghandia, the non-merge, and Brian losing three votes on Day 39 to Clay (of all people), you find yourself agreeing with Probst in putting this season at the very bottom of the pile. Aside from Shii Ann, there's not much to see.
  8. That was fun, once you get past the agony of not dying and losing your humanity. Apparently, you can get it back eventually. Here's hoping Ashildr is more friend than foe. Then again, her lurking at Coal Hill Elementary could mean the end of Clara. Here's hoping, right? Also: The logic about Swift not being immortal roughly equates to River burning out her regenerative cycle in "Let's Kill Hitler." At least that's what it felt like to me. And did anybody else think of the cat guy as "Lion-O"?
  9. Is it too soon to start determining leg averages? It's hard to imagine a team other than Justin/Diana and Tanner/Josh winning. The editing just isn't there, and no team has been at that level. I know . . . Denise & James Earl finished first in the latest leg, but they needed the Express Pass to do it. Trying to remember the teaser for the next episode. . . one of the Texans has a fear of bungee-jumping? Okay. Nice to see the Cheerleaders having fun, hate seeing Logan & Chris having another meltdown.
  10. While I'm thinking of Logan & Chris . . . am I wrong for not hating Chris's stinginess at the charity box? You'll never know when you would need the money down the road. The set-up reminded me of the "charity shaming" in the latest episode of South Park. With that said . . . they can't get eliminated fast enough. Anybody else notice the disappointed look on Phil's face when the Track Stars missed the lion task? You can just imagine him taking a deep breath, readying himself for the "you guys screwed up" speech.
  11. Just wondering if anybody else has seen Amy's HBO special. It was good . . . I didn't laugh out loud until the last few minutes, where she described the sex act known as "The Houdini." I feel that I might be getting jaded, and that she's still a good comic. Who knows how long she'll be doing stand-up now that she's experienced success on TVs and in theaters,
  12. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Seeing all the love in Kansas City over their team's hard-fought win . . . it's going to be such a shame when they watch the Mets win their first World Series in 29 years. Seriously, though . . . should be one hell of a Series, with two long-suffering fanbases hanging on every pitch. I honestly didn't think the Mets would make it this far. ETA: What is up with the Royals mascot? He's got a crown for a head. I know it's going to sound weird coming from a fan of a team with baseball-headed mascots, but that's messed up. It's like he's got a giant tumor, and he refuses to wear a hat to cover it up.
  13. Lucky ladies! Tiffany & Krista finished in last place, but they were spared elimination (and Speed Bump), and they made the most of it. While I'm still having trouble telling them apart, I'm happy they cashed in on the mistakes of other teams to come within sniffing distance of the front of the pack. And it looks like they'll be having fun in the next leg.
  14. Looks like the Paparazzi will be in the finale alongside Green and Texans. Sniping couples always have an angel (or devil) looking out for them throughout the race. Chris may have been right in going with the other Detour option, but he's so whiny. And Logan isn't much better. Sucks that the Track Stars brain farted, giving us the third consecutive likable team to exit. This isn't TAR6, but we might be approaching TAR9. I'm thinking of slapping an asterisk to Denise/James Earl's win. They needed the Express Pass and a fumbly Justin to win the leg. They don't scream "contender" to me, at least not yet. On the local front, I'm happy for the miscues, which give the Cheerleaders a lucky fifth place finish. Sure, they used up their U-Turn, but they kept racing. There were a few tears shed, but their stability could keep them in the game. And, once again, I'm thankful that Tiffany & Krista have not proven themselves to be the second coming of Danielle & Danni.
  15. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Grantland piece from another lapsed Mets fan. I can identify with that story. Sign That Cubs Fans Are Taking Things In Stride: I turned to Pardon the Interruption, and the opening shot wasn't Mike Wilbon's legs dangling from above the screen. Yes, I think of "Camptown Races" in relation to Lucas Duda. I'm glad that I'm not the only one.
  16. l33tmeatwad put out another "rejected" video. Witness the horror of an Old Yeller/Fullmetal Alchemist crossover, as well as a spoiler from Parasyte . . . ETA for anybody who likes abridged stuff . . . LittleKuriboh finally posted a new Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged episode. For anybody who was ever into YGO, it's early in the Dartz saga. Can't wait to see where LK goes with it.
  17. MTV has a program called The Middle Of The Night Show. There's a new guest host each time, and they don't get prepped beforehand. I found out that tonight's episode will be hosted by Mike. Also, the episode description said that he's going to "[betray] an old friend," so I'm looking at the five percent chance Coral might show up.
  18. Just checking to see if anybody else has been watching the week's worth of new episodes. I'm thinking that somebody from the staff liked "Night Begins To Shine" too much, and we wound up with "40%, 40%, 20%."
  19. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Well. I didn't see this coming. I don't think Nostradamus would have predicted this. For the third time in my life, the Mets will be playing in the World Series. Un-bee-freakin'-livable. I still don't know if I could be considered to be a "true" Mets fan, given how I refused to wait out three shows. I might do it again next week, and watch The Amazing Race when the Series comes to Citi Field next Friday. I'm saying this not to irritate . . . I know I'm not as big a fan as I was in '86. But I'm enjoying the ride. And I'm guessing the average Mets fan would give Daniel Murphy a pass if it was revealed that he's been on a puppy-and-kitten diet. Here's hoping David Wright -- the one long-time Met everybody likes -- shines in his first World Series. BTW, I vote "no" on wearing the special shirts and masks before the final out. Even when you're up by five runs, you do not fuck with the fates. While I'm at it . .. no champagne after a LDS win. Oh, and to the Royals and Blue Jays? Take your time. Take it to seven games, guys.
  20. This episode makes me glad I'm not heavy into social media. Then again, as paper thin as my skin might be, I wouldn't put out fodder for people to hate. Poor Butters. Also: David sighting! And Tweak! And of course Reality would get hanged in the end. And we get another song . . . . not as toe-tapping as "Boogers and Cum," but it's something.
  21. Just found Probst's predictions: Abi-Maria, Kass, Kimmi, Peih-Gee and Shirin. Out of the three remaining players, I'd put money on Kimmi, because Abi-Maria makes me ill, and "Chaos Kass" might rear her ugly head later in the game.
  22. Thanks, legaleagle53. I wouldn't have even known the word if not for Robot Chicken. susannot . . . thanks for the love. I don't remember the exact list, though I'm guessing Probst got wood when Shirin and Peih-Gee were voted out.
  23. My reaction to this episode in six letters and one space: OTA FTW. Great that Ollie and Diggle could squash their beef . . . and even if they hadn't done that, they're better than the rest of Team Arrow, who brought Sara back from the dead. Seriously, once Nyssa kills Malcolm (aka Ra's Al Druhl), I hope she finds peace by beating the snot out of Laurel and Thea. Nice use of a Flash villain, and neat that Cisco got credit for naming him. Also . . . is anybody else thinking of Curtis as "Terry"? He's miles behind his canon counterpart, but he already built a T-Sphere! Granted, it blows up, but it's a start.
  24. I don't know who Monica was. I can't be bothered to find out. And I'm happy she got blindsided. Or "#blindsided." There's a small part of me that wants Kimmi to win because Probst put her on a list of five women whom he didn't think would win. How awesome would it be if she won and rubbed the check in Probst's face? Not nearly as great as Woo's mother coldcocking Abi-Maria, but it would be satisfying. Hard to get a read on what's going on with more people dipping their torches into the fire. Anybody else think it's weird for Keith to be in a potential F5? He has shown up in challenges, I'll admit. I'm guessing Kimmi Is a pesca- . .. . pistor- . . . she can eat fish. ETA: Teary Woo is hard for me to take. Poor guy.
  25. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Congratulations to the Blue Jays for forcing Game 6. All they have to do is go down to Kansas City and win two in perhaps the most boisterous atmosphere in the game today. From the Department Of Not Wanting To Jinx Things: If the Mets win tonight or tomorrow, how many Mets fans will get hugged by Terry Collins afterward?
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