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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Another non-elimination leg? But I wanted the daters gone, and they wound up finishing in last in the latest episode. Just send them to wherever they sent booted teams so that Ryan & Stephanie can engage in the angry sex that they're building towards. Apparently, the Seven Stages have a point that resembles goth behavior. And the Ice Dancers' mind games fall to the epic brodom of the Surfers. I forget . . . has TAR ever been to the Arctic Circle? I think they've been close to it, and they wouldn't put in a "Ring Around the Narwhal" game, because that would be tacky. ETA: Episodes are On Demand up to 20. I might check out an episode or two before bed. ETA2:
  2. Maniacs shooting up the GCPD? Must be Monday. Seriously, I want Noker gone. We get it . . . he's insane in the membrane. I'm old that way . . . the only thing that might satisfy me is if Noker hands Mark Hamil a giant novelty royalty check at the end of every episode. In other news, how effective can the "Maniax" (oy) be when 40 percent of them get bumped off in one episode? Now it's just Babs, Noker, and Random Lunatic #895. I miss Oswald. I hope he comes back soon, because the show isn't the same without him. RIP Sarah Essen. And nice to see Lucius try to get in touch with his inner Morgan Freeman.
  3. From CC.com, here's the synopsis for "The City Part Of Town": How long has it been since we got a Kenny-based episode?
  4. This week: Jerry finds levels of butt monkey that man has not yet discovered. Oh, and Rick and Morty land on a planet that hosts a version of The Purge. Rick's into it. Morty balks, but gets into it to the point where he's shooting corpses. Morty has a lot of issues to sort out.
  5. Anybody else figuring the name of the anime should be renamed Shikamaru? Nice that Naruto got a scene in his show . . . he's so hellbent on learning a new jutsu, he wolves down Sakura's food pills without complaint. I doubt even Choji could have pulled that off.
  6. I'd welcome a third season. Isn't one of the "Death Gun" killers still loose? Is it wrong that I teared up a little with Yuuki's final moments? I'm not usually emotional about anime, especially when it's not as good as it neighbor shows, but homegirl got a huge sendoff.
  7. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Awwwwww . . . thanks, AndreaK1041! I'm trying to be optimistic, even as I read an item about how the Mets are 6-20 against NL Central teams that aren't the Reds. I might be off by a few wins, but I got the gist. Even if the Mets get by the Dodgers (1 1/2 game advantage for home field) and draw the Wild Card team (Cubs/Pirates), it would still be a huge ordeal. I would've posted sooner to give a heads-up about Jake Arietta pitching a perfect game, but he lost it in the seventh. In other news, only one team in the top three of the NL Central will still be playing by the time the NLCS rolls around.
  8. This week: the filler begins, as Luffy and Chopper help a girl locate her missing Yagara. A few tropes are covered . . . Devil Fruit users can't swim, and Chopper can translate any animal's speech, much like Meowth over on Pokémon. Like I've said before, the filler on One Piece is usually good, and this is no exemption. Next week: Zoro's adventures in babysitting. ETA: I forgot about another trope . . . people mistaking Chopper for a raccoon dog.
  9. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Batting average, home runs, runs batted in.
  10. All I remember about Chris from the first episode was his resemblance to Cyril from Oz. Also, his talk with Twila when his back was against the wall was equivalent to Lassie trying to tell Timmy about the latest mishap.
  11. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Checking the standings on ESPN . . . Mets are a half-game ahead of the Dodgers for the second seed and home field advantage in the NLDS. Officially, the magic number to clinch that is 8.
  12. Found two videos on YouTube with the cheerleaders: "He Hates Us" and "It's Your Sister!" I hope Tiffany keeps that thing on her head, because I'd be lost without it in trying to tell her apart from Krista.
  13. Bumping up to see if anybody caught the latest episode. Also, with Parasyte moving in next week, Michiko & Hatchin is going to be shoved to the 1:30 slot.
  14. That was neat. Maybe I liked the Clara abuse by Missy. Maybe it was because "Familiar" felt less disjointed. Or maybe it's because the Doctor is still the smartest mofo in any given room at any given time, and it took all he had not to laugh in Davros' wrinkly face when he was belching out what he wanted the Doctor to hear. How did Clara survive a 20-foot drop? I'm not complaining . . . I'm guessing Moffat threw that in as fan service to those who don't like Clara. Also funny to see how a Dalek unit can warp "normal" speech.
  15. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Got back home just in time to see David Wright put the icing on the cake. Soaked in about an hour's worth of alcohol-spraying and cigar-smoking because -- lets face it -- it might be a while before I see Mets revel like this. Here's hoping for three more raucous celebrations.
  16. Thinking about it, the public starts brought out the butthurt in me. They had one for TAR25 last year in New York, but I didn't go because the start time was 3 a.m. Doesn't seem fair that we get a daytime start on the West Coast. ETA: I can't remember the last time we got a Fast Forward this early. Was there a FF in TAR26? Aside from "Free Blair," I'm drawing a blank.
  17. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Nice. In other news, the Mets clinched a tie for the NL East. Hopefully, they'll celebrate the clincher tomorrow.
  18. Forgive me for living a sheltered life . . . what does amyl nitrate do to a person? Fuck another person to death?
  19. Kynt and Vyxsin were presented as goth. They're just not goth as Crimson and Ennui. Speaking of the team that probably travels with a gallon of makeup apiece . . . I figure they'll be next out. Or maybe the daters. It makes more sense for either of those teams to go as opposed to Noah & Owen (TDI alumni), Brody & Geoff (ditto), the Ice Dancers (evil), the cadets (rivalry), the sisters (Emma's relationship with Noah) or Devin & Carrie (he hasn't gone through all the Seven Stages Of Heartbreak). I think that's all the teams. Is it sad that I can remember the field without looking up the names? As for the Alberta leg . . . did the bull resemble a Cyberman, or am I looking too hard into things? I'm okay with Dwayne & Junior getting bounced; even with Dwayne being a doofus, at least their relationship is more stable than the mother/daughter team. PS: The Goths have Loki. I think he might buy them a few more episodes.
  20. I still don't know which cheerleader is which. While they were hopeless on the volleyball court, I'm glad they finished the puzzle ahead of the TMZ Girls. I think the record for futility for a Staten Islander on a reality show goes to JVJ in TAR11 and Nitro G in Who Wants To Be A Superhero?
  21. *whew* I was sweating the cheerleaders, because I share the same home borough as Krista. I wouldn't wanted the "Green Team" to lose, since they're obviously superfans. TMZ Girls going out works for me . . . I don't care about gossip, and they looked hapless. Didn't teams have to play volleyball against Brazilians in TAR2? I am dutifully impressed by the cousins getting six points, though I would like to know how long they had to compete. I would've sucked at that. I would've sucked at the sliding puzzle as well. Phil would've needed to come in for the Phield Philimination.
  22. Just checked Toonami's Tumblr. Looks like Kill la Kill will be replacing Attack On Titan in the 3 a.m. slot. If you didn't catch it the first time, I'd recommend y'all check it out. Here's the forum for it.
  23. If you listen closely, you can hear the contented sighs of Jets fans. And it looks like Carl's foam finger has been miraculously healed. ETA: (9/27) Looks like Carl was right for once. I still think it's safer to bet against him.
  24. Lantern7

    Secret Wars

    In case you haven't heard . . . X-Men '92 will be an ongoing series next year. I don' t think I'll stay around for that, mostly because I'm not getting the nostalgia fuzzies reading the miniseries.
  25. Before I forget . . . right before his climatic moment with the Canadian president, Mr. Garrison seems to drink or huff something. Any idea what that could be?
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