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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Well. I guess the Mets had to get the suck out of their system before I see them tomorrow. Yeah . .. good teams don't get no-hit twice. Nor do they strike out seventeen times. If Granderson had struck out to end the game, Mad Max would have tied Tom Seaver's record for consecutive K's in a game. I'm guessing this scuttles Games 1 & 2 being played in Citi Field. Why do I have the feeling that Mets fans should just take the 89 wins and accept the great lurch forward? Oh, and there were guests in the SNY booth . . . Jerry Seinfeld and his son, Spencer. He's got three kids. When did THAT happen?!?
  2. So . . . the sonic sunglasses are a thing now? Okay, I can roll with it. I was kinda "meh" about the episode overall. Hard to believe that the Doctor has never met "proper" ghosts, and something tells me he'll still be waiting. And since when does he go back in time to fix a mistake in the present? I will say . . . Dead!Doctor? Spooky.
  3. Caught what I missed last night. Seeing the Invisible Woman makes me miss Christopher Eccleston as Claude. Not a fair comparison, but it is what it is.
  4. Update: The title quote has been attributed to Justin by Wikipedia. Wouldn't it be funny if he had all the titles?
  5. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Wasn't Pedro Martinez originally a Dodger? Also . . . unless the weather screws things up, all fifteen games will be played at the same time on Sunday. I don't think that's been done before,
  6. So . . . "Axis of Evil": a fitting title for the latest alliance? All three teams are agro, sure, but only Josee & Jacque can be considered "evil." Even if her rap sheet wasn't exaggerated, I can't put that tag on Macarthur, and Sanders is obviously "Good Cop." Stephanie is a pain in the ass, but she directs her malice at Ryan, as opposed to screwing with anybody else's game. Ryan is a meathead . . . nothing more, nothing less. Is it too much to ask for TRR to put the Ice Dancers in third place in the end? I know that finishing second would be appropriate, but it would be a fitting end for them if they got the "Guido Edit," where their race ends thousands of miles away from the final Comfort Zone.
  7. Looks like the "thing" is interchangeable, which will bug me to no end. On the bright side, Krista shined on the Roadblock, and she gets bonus points for doing the (lateral) tango with the greeter. ETA: Found two more videos involving the cheerleaders bonding . . . with the Dancers at the airport and with the Anchors at the Pit Stop.
  8. So much for the cousins reaching for the heights Charla hit. They raced well enough . . they just happened to be the last team to get a cab, and they couldn't beat the Dancers and Track Stars in a footrace. Unlike Team TMZ, they can hold their heads up. If I had to choose between Green and Texas, I go Green. Justin & Diana being fans partially makes up for their flaws. And I like how they wear "27" in the field. Tanner & Josh come off an alpha male assembly line. While it would suck for them to get an early boot due to a pulled hamstring, we would be saved weeks of potential douchery. I mean, they were running hard for second place when they could have let Alabama have it. Speaking of Alabama . . . "You came out of my belly!"??? Oh, wow. Denise needs self-awareness, and fast. Happy the Dancers are still in it, especially after their doo doo encounter. On the local front, Krista rocked the Roadblock . .. though she had her hair bundled like Tiffany did last week, and that kinda bugs me. I gotta be able to tell them apart beyond the mere inches of height difference. Forgive me if this was asked last week . . . what kind of name is "Logan" for a woman? ETA: Who had the title quote? Wikipedia doesn't have an answer yet.
  9. In light of recent news, I figured that I should dust off an old favorite . . . (Watchmen/The Simpsons)
  10. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Well, tonight's Nationals/Mets game has been postponed due to nasty weather. There's going to be a day/night doubleheader tomorrow. I'm still hoping that Sunday's game will go as scheduled. ETA: Just hit ESPN.com. Mets' scheduled starter for Sunday is Jacob deGrom. I wonder if that will be the case if home field is wrapped up by then.
  11. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Out of curiosity . . . what would happen if the game I'm slated to see gets rained out and not made up? Would I get my money back, or would I get a voucher for the following season? I tried calling the Mets ticket office, but I did that too late.
  12. For anybody who hasn't seen it yet, here's the promo . . . I'm thinking MTV's Oddities: The Head by way of Midori Days. Google the latter . . . Japan is a weird place, y'all.
  13. I was napping, and I missed the first 3-4 minutes. Something tells me I didn't miss anything earthshaking. I feel that the show is not that great. There's good stuff like digitizing powers (at least Epic isn't as lame as the Sonic Sunglasses), Hunter!Chuck having powers and Harris (didn't DC have a guy with similar mojo named Mob Rule?), but I feel like my heart isn't into it. And I think Jack Coleman deserves a trophy for reciting Noah's dialogue with conviction. Also, for having to deal with Quentin, who is a drag to be around. Anybody mildly amused that Tommy can teleport by touching himself?
  14. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I'm not certain if I'll be up to see the Mets on Sunday. Also, the weather might be bad, and I'll be heading to the city the following weekend for New York Comic Con. Watching Mets/Phillies now. Kinda wish I could've made that game, because I've never gotten a foul ball before. I know that the game was rescheduled from tonight in anticipation of Hurricane Joaquin, but the park resembles Olympic Stadium in the Expos' final years.
  15. Didn't really go for this episode. Liked the visual of the adults fighting the City Wok child laborers, but there weren't many laughs for me. No new episode next week? It's like Comedy Central wants me to sleepwalk through this season.
  16. Given that the tribes are going to get redrawn into three next week, I figured this would be a good time to start a speculation thread for Second Chance. Personally . . . wouldn't it have been a better idea to start with three tribes? Did we need to see TKO vote out two people who weren't Abi-Maria? In other news, I hope the twist favors Spencer. Part of me hopes he gets to flip off his old tribe that tried to vote him out.
  17. In light of tonight's vote . . . what is the best example of getting hosed at Tribal Council? For some reason, I keep coming back to Tom in S20. The Heroes took a gimpy James over him, and It still sticks in my craw. Also sucks that Tom was the only past champion not to make it to the jury phase of the game.
  18. Anything that makes Dan or Will happy is never a good thing. Same goes for Rodney. At least Shirin got a second chance, albeit a brief one. I can't see any of those dunces coming back, especially Dan.
  19. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Cespedes got hit? Where?!? I was watching Survivor, and it sucked. Tonight is not my night.
  20. So much for the redemption angle. I would've bailed out on the drama between Peih-Gee and Abi-Maria. Then again, I wouldn't have been in an alliance with Abi-Maria in the first place. That one is a bigger headache to deal with than Shirin ever will be.
  21. Well, that sucked. Seriously, I can't root for anyone from TKO. Fuck 'em. All they see in Abi-Maria is a goat that they can ride to the million bucks. And it's going to be torture for viewers. Seriously, Shirin doesn't stand up for Abi-Maria, and she's out as a result? I used to say that as far as Brazilians on reality shows went, Abi-Maria wasn't as bad as Camilia from The Challenge. I might have to fix that statement. Shirin wanted to get away from the drama, and she's out because Terry (freakin' Terry!) had a few moments with her. And I kinda want to kick Jeff Varner in the head. I don't know where the emotion comes from, but I want to follow it. At least Shirin didn't get shat upon like Dan and the others did to her in S30. Thank goodness for small favors. I can't think of Kelly by any other name. "Wiglesworth" sounds like a naughty pug.
  22. I'm in the anti-Rob camp. I also think it's amazing Tom won S10 by winning all but two individual immunities, and not receiving a vote the times he was vulnerable. And he would've gotten the first unanimous vote if not for Coby, who was a bit of a hater. I did like him naming his adopted child after Janu, though. I wonder if they're still close.
  23. Nice to see Blanka from Street Fighter II get work. And he's got new powers beyond zapping hapless people. Looks like Gemma is the Guardians' problem now. I hope she likes cantankerous talking raccoons. Going to be tough to think of Skye as "Daisy." Also . .. does the rescued Inhuman have a canon counterpart with a proper hero/villain name? And funny how the fish oil supplements triggered the change.
  24. Paron Xanthis . . .that happens in the episode airing today at 7:30. ETA: Caught the episodes through the end of this week (#21).
  25. So far, so good. Interesting that he and Roy Wood Jr. can say "shit," but it gets bleeped out when Larry Wilmore says it on his show. Anybody else figure Kevin Hart was the first guest because of his lack of stature resembled that of the last host?
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