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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Caught the latest episode. King of Ooo --still raiding Bubblegum's wardrobe -- sends Finn & Jake out to retrieve a giant flying mushroom. The symbolism went over my head until I read the AVClub review. Anyway, our heroes wind up messing around with Canyon (Billy's ex), fight a giant hive-mushroom, and subsequently get fired by KOO for their failure. Oh, and the Banana Guard almost get KOO killed. Wouldn't have been a great loss if they succeeded.
  2. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Got my copy of Sports Illustrated with the celebrating Royals on the cover. You know when I got my prior issue, with Daniel Murphy on it? Monday.
  3. pennben . . . thanks for the info. And a hearty "Orkun" to Kimmi for coming up with that. Anything is an improvement over "Merica."
  4. No King Of Ooo today. Just Anne Heche as Cherry Cream Soda, still grieving over the loss of her Root Beer Guy, even after she married Starchy. Then RBG comes back to life. Things get complicated quickly . . . though what sticks in my head is Princess Bubblegum creating both RBG and CCS, then immediately marrying them to each other. No wonder she objected to King of Ooo marrying Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig . . . she's the one that does the wedding, dammit, and she does 'em quick!
  5. Before I forget . . . did they show how the tribe came to be called Orkun? Maybe Burnett and Probst got tired of the lame merge tribe names,
  6. I think the merge works better with fewer people. I can't keep track of alliances, allegiances and loyalties. Basically, I'm a Joe that needs Spencer to do the heavier thinking for me. I'm okay with Kass going, but I won't celebrate an ouster until Abi-Maria gets the boot. Did Kelly-with-one-E have any confessionals? I think even Keith got one, and I barely notice Keith unless he's spitting. I figure she would get stuck with the non-jury members at the kids' table when the Reunion takes place.
  7. Anybody else underwhelmed by John Constantine? I can see how his series didn't last so long. I might be fatigued on Hunter from Agents of SHIELD and not know it, but I don't think this universe needs a magician who's nowhere near as cool as his comic canon counterpart. Shut up, Laurel. Couldn't she be the one to shuffle to Legends of Tomorrow? Can't wait for Sara to ask for the jacket back. What . . . a fan can dream, right? I thought it was super obvious that both of Sara's "targets" vaguely resembled Thea.
  8. In case anybody is around these parts . . . [as] is running Frisky Dingo in its late night slot. I like to think Adam Reed's pre-Archer effort holds up after all these years. DVR it if you have the space. Boosh!
  9. At long last, we have a Bloodlines trailer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcbc32iTHFg Here's an article about it from Reality Blurred. I don't recognize some of the names, and I don't mean the relatives. Can't wait to hate more people than ever before!
  10. Is it me, or should Bubblegum and Marceline be considered "Ooo's Finest"? They have a vibe like Superman and Batman, in the sense that they're from different worlds, and they don't team up that often, but it's pretty awesome when they do. Makes a person forget about King of Ooo in Bonnie's nightgown. Brrrrrrr.
  11. " . . . the Inhumans!" For those who figured Andrew was Lash . . give yourself a round of applause. I admit, I didn't think it would be possible, but I was wrong. And man, that secret is barely in the lead amongst all the concealing going on. I know SHIELD and the ACTU are spy organizations, but damn. Anybody else like Snarky May speaking Mandarin? Nice chemistry with Bobbi. And neither one of them killed Hunter, so they got that going for them as well.
  12. Man, so many wrong things about this episode. Sitcom date between Barry and Patty? Check. Joe giving Iris a gun? Check. "Harry" outing Cisco in the most obvious way possible? Check. The agita isn't as present as with Arrow, but it's increasing at an alarming rate. Wow, Harry is an asshole. Nowhere near as nice as Earth-1 Original Recipe Wells. At least the actor won't have to do Allura/Astra-type acting. Nice twist with E-2 Linda being Dr. Light. Also nice that Cisco can operate out in the open, and with a nice codename. And he's got a date with a . Good to be the goober this week. Note to the show: stop trying to make Batty happen. Ditto with Jaytlin. I like Zoom's look. Looks like his mouth Is melted. Very creepy.
  13. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Speaking of NL East managers, Terry Collins got a two-year extension from the Mets. I honestly thought he'd get fired for the failures of the team. Goes to show what I know.
  14. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Sorry, mojoween, but I'm not that big of a fanboy. I'd visit and see how many fans bring their own scissors for potential good luck, but I'm not that curious. The Daily News has a poll about which Mets should be kept and which should be dumped. In today's print edition, more people wanted to dump Cespedes and Murphy. Looks like the "What Have You Done For Me Lately" crowd is voting in force.
  15. This sprung to mind while watching Gotham this evening. Thankfully, the p.tv recap came with just the right photo.
  16. All week. And I didn't find out until I stumbled across the news on AVClub. So . . . what is the general take on "Bonnie And Neddy"? For me, it's interesting to see Bubblegum's origin story, and how it relates to her brother, who is a vital link to the Candy Kingdom. It may take a while to get used to King Of Ooo as the kingdom's new princess. He comes across as a huckster, with more in common with Finn's absentee dad than a credible ruler.
  17. Interesting that Kryptonite is not that common. So we have flights, tights, and no VotW driven to power on meteor rock? Okay, then. Anybody else half-expected Vincent Price to laugh when Henshaw's eyes glowed red? Or am I dating myself? Not liking Cat. I know, that's the point, but I keep rooting for her to fall through a sewer grate. She raises valid points about Supergirl, but she does it in the most obnoxious way possible. It's not that great a look.
  18. So . . . Mama Cobblepott gets killed, Silver is as evil as Theo and Tabby, and Two-Eyed Eddie plays with Ms. Kringle's body. At least he didn't stick her in a refrigerator. Then again, morgues aren't known for their warmth. Massacre at a large gathering? Must be Monday in Gotham City. Seriously, the place is almost as bad as Star City. On the bright side, Oswald coopting March Of The Penguins as a distraction was a nice touch. All that's missing is a Morgan Freeman soundalike doing narration. I'm glad Jim has a clue, because watching Theo strut can be tiring. Also, Penguin needs his payback.
  19. This topic replaces the old Adventure Time forum which has been vaulted at the location below: http://forums.previously.tv/forum/330-adventure-time-v/
  20. Bumping up since the second season started tonight. I didn't get that many laughs over "What's That Gnoise," though I admit that I was in a shitty mood when I watched it. Also, I think there's more than enough of Norm MacDonald with Last Comic Standing and the KFC commercials.
  21. I went into the show in a bad mood, what with the Mets blowing the everloving shit out of Game 5. Watching the Nerd take on the CW was fun, though, since I watch Arrow and The Flash. The sketch wasn't as lame as the Doctor Who bit from last season. And they used Kristen Kreuk as NotBelle, which was funny. Also, nice use of Cisco name-dropping comic creators, then winking at us.
  22. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    For the record, I gave up after the three-run double. I couldn't take it anymore. Saw Robot Chicken on DVR, and came in just in time to see the Royals clinch. I don't bare them much ill will, though I think this was more of a case of the Mets handing the Royals win after win. And does anybody else think that Terry Collins will be fired for leaving Harvey in the game? Grady Little had to walk the plank back in '03. Seriously, I'm over it. I'm betting the Mets don't resign Cespedes or Murphy, they won't build on the pennant win, and the Royals will have more of a future than them. Oh, and the first series of the year? In Kansas City, meaning that whoever's left from this year's team will have to watch the Royals get their rings. Another punch in the gut.
  23. Here are my pics from NYCC. I wound up going all four days. Thankfully, the new subway station at Hudson Yards saved me a lot of walking. Did anybody else here go? I got two cons on the horizon . . . LI Who in less than two weeks, followed by New Jersey Comic Expo the week after.
  24. I was poking around online and I found this: TeamFourStar's abridgement of "Super Android 13," a continuity-messy DBZ movie I did not know existed.
  25. I'm a little cranky because the Mets blew Game 4. I waited a few minutes before firing up the latest episodes. Some problems . . . 1. After "The Day Of The Doctor," twenty million Zygons emigrated to Earth. Huh?!? I think such an influx eclipses even Alien Nation, and it stretches belief that so many people could be added without "regular" humans noticing. 2. And did they all have British accents? Seriously?!? 3. The Doctor mentioning that he wears underwear with question marks. We're going to be drowning in fan art of Nine/Ten/Eleven/Twelve/War with that by the middle of the week. 4. Couldn't the UNIT troops shoot to wound? I mean, if it's my loved ones trying to talk me down, I'd figure they would understand a bullet to the foot. 5. And the Doctor is still President of the World? I guess they wanted to separate him from the TARDIS, not to mention give him the Nixon shot before boarding the plane. Once again . . . I DVRed the episode, and I don't think it's right for next week's episode to be teased on a BBC America show I don't care about. And I was too busy watching the Mets try (and fail) to even the Series. Is the trailer up anywhere? I did like the "twins," and it's nice to have ambiguity as to whether Osgood is "real" or not. ETA because I'm in a bad mood . . . should there have been reference to the First Doctor at UNIT? We didn't see those guy until Two.
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