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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Looks like we'll be having a Santa/Nerd team-up.
  2. I may not have been paying attention. Why did Coulson leave his hand with Ward's body? "Well . . . .I'd piss on you, but I'm short on time, and I got a few spares back home, so . . . " Good way to end this part of the season. Here's hoping Agent Carter doesn't overshadow the show too much.
  3. Wow . . . Barry went through an entire episode without revealing his alter ego. Dude must be starting his New Year's resolutions early. Also . .. does anybody else have a yearning to watch "Christmas With The Joker"? Man, the Wally-based stuff was brutal to watch, but it's nice that Joe is able to accept things. He'll probably screw up with Wally, but that's because his instruction manual differs from Barry's. Patty didn't bug too much. While I'm glad she turned a corner, I'm also happy that Barry didn't unmask for her.
  4. It probably doesn't mean much, but I felt that the latest episode did better with Nazi stuff than Robot Chicken did on the same night.
  5. Since Toonami picked up Dragonball Z Super, I figured a media thread was in order. I've been following Team Four Star and their abridgement of DBZ for years. Last year, they counted down the top 24 moments from DBZ. Today, they're doing the same for the various movies. They're doing one per day on their website, and they complied the first items on their YouTube accout. Be warned . .. apparently, there have been 24 movies, so the stench can be unbearable to start. And you need to be a fanboy/fangirl to fully appreciate the list. TFS also has done abridgements of some of the movies, which can be found here. It's a fun thing to check on each day before Christmas.
  6. According to my cable schedule, an after-show episode is slated to run on Wednesday after 11 p.m.
  7. Here's the press release for the finale, "PC Principal Final Justice." Looks like guns will be at the forefront, with Cartman and his mother pointing guns at each other.
  8. New credits! And [as]/Toonami is running them short with music from the first. Here's the real deal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnrT3m_FAvI The credits echo the latest episode, with Night Raid and the Jaegers getting ready to rumble against each other. Also: fan service! At least Lubbock is happy with it.
  9. Shouldn't it be common knowledge that Shinichi's mother is dead? Also, I think the writers should pay Stan Lee and Steve Ditko royalties in regards to a teenage protagonist dealing with great power and the death of a loved one. Shinichi becoming a robot like Migi is a nice twist.
  10. Still not feeling the show. The episode wasn't even the best one to use Nazism tonight. On the bright side, the next episode seems to be Christmas-themed. The show always brings it's A-game for the holidays. Better holiday sketch: Goku and Gohan saving Christmas, or the race between Santa Claus and Superman?
  11. Have there been any indicators as to how close Tiffany & Krista were to bouncing Green from the game?
  12. Two things: 1. Neon Joe: Werewolf Hunter will be running at midnight this coming week. I don't know if Jon Glaser can make a miniseries work, but I'll be DVRing it anyway. 2. Looking at the [as] schedule . . . there will be a block of Christmas-based episodes next Sunday, including a new episode of Robot Chicken, "X-Mas United."
  13. I wouldn't blame anybody for being miffed at the ambiguity of the Ace/Blackbeard fight. The battle does set up major ramifications, but that doesn't happen for a couple of seasons. Ace was in the Alabaster arc for a bit, joining his little brother Luffy (long story), his crew and Princess Vivi. Luffy got into a scrap with Blackbeard leading up to the Skypiea arc, but it was nowhere near as epic as Ace/Blackbeard. And in case you didn't hear, we'll be delving into filler. Here's hoping it goes by fast, because the Thriller Bark arc is nuts.
  14. For the record, I've met four Doctors . . . checked off McGann during my first DW con last month. I don't know if I'd go back for a con with a narrow focus, but I got to meet interesting people. Katy Manning hugged me twice and kissed me. Here are the pics. And I like "The Three Doctors." Sure, a healthier Hartnell might have improved the story, but the line about the other two Doctors being "a dandy and a clown!" was funny to me. Talk about self-serve! And I'm cool with Omega, empty head and all. Also liked Pertwee flipping him over. Maybe I'm a softer touch.
  15. So . . . the Hybrid . . . was the Doctor and Clara? Um . . . huh?!? Man, deep-thinking arcs are not meant for the likes of me. I'm more into moments where the general race and gender-bends upon regeneration, because I know Moffat wants to troll the audience. But an ending where Clara (in a similar state as Jack?) and Ashildr travel through time and space in a classic TARDIS? Done up as an American diner? What the what?!? And did we ever find out why Missy hooked Clara up with the Doctor in the first place? That still bugs me for some reason. The Doctor looping for 4.5 billion years . . . that's even longer than Lister was frozen on Red Dwarf, yes? But less than the time that the Earth burned out in Rose's first adventure in time and space? One good thing about a season running this late . . . we don't have to wait long for the Christmas special. Twelve and River make for a sweet pairing, especially since River doesn't look like she has to buy smokes and booze for her boyfriend anymore.
  16. I forgot that Zev & Justin wound up finishing fourth. Trying something new , , , I'm calculating the strengths of the final three teams going into their respective stretch runs. They get three points for each first-place finish, two for second, one for third. I add those up, then divide the sum by the number of elimination legs* times six (that being the amount of points up for grabs in any given leg). Here are the results: .803 TAR20 .750 TAR9 .708 TAR5 .700 TAR7 .682 TAR1 .682 TAR23 .667 TAR8 ,667 TAR15 .667 TAR17 .636 TAR25 .636 TAR27 .633 TAR14 .621 TAR26 .600 TAR13 .576 TAR2 .576 TAR3 .576 TAR22 .530 TAR4 .516 TAR12 .516 TAR21 .515 TAR6 .515 TAR18 .500 TAR11 .500 TAR24 .485 TAR16 .485 TAR19 (* I didn't factor in the final legs in TAR25 and TAR26)
  17. Sign That Justin Might Not Be An End-All/Be-All Fan: I don't remember him reacting to Phil telling him that he and Diana were "the third team to arrive" before the penalty was assessed. Usually, if Phil moves beyond numbers, you fucked up somewhere in the leg.
  18. I forgot to ask . . . does anybody else think that the cameraman who zoomed in on the nearby street sign is going to get something nice in his Christmas stocking this year?
  19. Prior to tonight's ep, how many times has a team waited out a penalty in the penultimate leg? I think two: Reichen/Chip (TAR4) and Kent/Vyxsin (TAR18).
  20. I really hope the penultimate leg doesn't haunt Krista. While I can see her and Tiffany coming back in a future season, seeing them lose by such a slim margin was brutal to watch. Like I said in the episode thread, at least Krista wasn't anywhere near as bad (or as sad) as Danielle & Danni. Or Danielle in TAR11 with friggin' Eric. They'd better be back. If Kisha & Jen can come back because one of them wound up going to the restroom at the wrong time (IIRC), then the Cheerleaders should get a second chance.
  21. I think I'm going to be sick. Poor Krista. She couldn't swim downward. And now, she and Tiffany are out. Sure, they may have been an unlikely pair to make it to the final leg, but a. They weren't objectionable, and b. See Amy & Maya. If they get checked in before Green, Green gets an invite to the next all-star season. That would've been a happier ending tonight instead of the Cheerleaders bowing out . . . but at least Tiffany proved to be a better Racer (and person) than Danielle & Danni. I wouldn't compare her to Jill, but she did okay for an underdog. I'm trying to look on the bright side . . . Green being in the mix means the odds of the Paparazzi lucking into the million bucks are a lot slimmer. I mean, that's the worst case scenario right there. Never mind Justin's swollen ego and bank account . . . Logan & Chris would probably turn on each other to get the full prize. And Phil? "Bet you didn't see that coming"? That's Probst. That's not you, even if it deflated the blowhard.
  22. Here's what I figure will happen . . . Justin & Diana have a tough leg, and Phil will try to deke them into thinking they finished fourth, but it'll be third, and that causes Justin to collapse (in relief, as opposed to what happened to Joe on Survivor). And seeing how the commercial online doesn't have Tiffany or Krista, I'd say that they finish fourth, and TAR will break with their recent pattern, eliminating them from the final leg. ETA: Holy crap. I'm never that on the money on anything. Here are the leg placement averages heading to the final leg: 2.09 Justin/Diana 3.55 Kelsey/Joey 4.43 Logan/Chris Anybody who isn't a fan of the Greens can take solace in knowing that a win would still not be enough to overtake Rachel & Dave's blistering 1.83 pace from TAR20. I think they'd tie Megan & Cheyene for second all-time with 2.00. Also, a win would make Justin & Diana less likely to come back in a future season. And better them getting the money than the Paparazzi, who suck on many more levels. ETA2: I'm basing the all-time stats on this post I whipped up prior to TAR23. I might need to update it.
  23. The description of the last episode won't be up until Sunday/Monday, but I need to ask: How will the finale shake out? I think it's a good thing that I'm on my toes, not knowing what to expect, but I also feel that things can end with a thud . . . like, say, one in every four Randy-based episodes. I also feel that the status quo won't be fully restored . . . I expect Garrison/Jenner to still run for office next year, but I can't see PC Principal staying on.
  24. Bumping this thread up because a new episode -- "The More You Moe, the Moe You Know" -- is slated to air on Thursday.
  25. I don't know what's going on anymore? It's not a huge mess, but I dunno who to root for. Also, I think something happened to Kyle when he met Caitlyn, and that's why he's been "off." Whatever . . . I hate it when Stan and Kyle fight, though I do like the use of "Cartman" as an ultimate insult.
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