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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. I think it would be wise for MTV to pull the proverbial plug before anything else happens. But this is MTV we're talking about, so . . .
  2. I disagree. Flo winning TAR3 was enough to sour me on that finale. She must have quit a thousand times in those two legs. And Ken & Gerard wound up finishing third, which is still a huge WTF for me. I wonder what would've happened if Flo & Zach had been eliminated instead of being saved the first time. Even if you eliminate John Vito & Jill for their lack of navigational skills, the final three would be Ken & Gerard, Teri & Ian, and Derek & Drew. That would've been better for audiences. While I'm thinking about it . . . "We have an alliance with Teri and Ian?" "We have an alliance with Teri and Ian." "When did that happen?"
  3. Shoot . . . I thought the DBZ and One Piece marathons were a week further away. And just when we're getting into the big fight. An Imperial Arms that can resurrect the dead to fight for who slays them? Man, no wonder Akame's sister is a bitch. That's a bigger advantage to have than a one-shot weapon.
  4. First up . . . we have new credits. There's spoilers for the Thousand Sunny's capabilities, but most of it centers on the upcoming Thriller Bark arc. You want to know who the skeleton guy is? It'll be a while before he pops up. In the meantime, there are a few manga canon moments (Luffy catching a shark, Chopper admiring his office) sprinkled into the filler. I did get a laugh at Franky seeing a ship without sails and thinking about a Davy Back battle. Also amusing: at least three crew members being savvy enough to avoid being knocked out by spiked alcohol.
  5. Anybody want to do an over/under on how long past 10 p.m. the episode will take? I'm thinking we should set it at 10 minutes, Also, I'm putting the over/under of ignored contestants at 10.5. Unless either one makes it to Day 39, I can't see Keith or Kimmi getting any time at the Reunion.
  6. During one New York Comic Con, I was interviewed by BBC America about Doctor Who. Normally, I'm camera-shy (looks AND voice issues), but they were giving away DVDs for participation. I got the biggest one I could get my hands on . . . the "Dalek War" two-pack. Took me forever to get around to watching "Planet Of The Daleks." Also, it's a bummer that "Frontier In Space" was the last we saw of Roger Delgado as The Master. From what I heard, there was going to be a climatic battle between the Master and Jon Pertwee's Doctor, but Delgado was killed in a car crash. I imagine something even bigger than the swordfight in "The Sea Devils," albeit on an early 70s budget. PS: My interview never made it on BBC America. I think I got the better of the deal.
  7. I reckon they're catering to their built-in audience. The bumps during the shows have become increasingly more sketchy (for lack of a better term), and it goes along with the storyline. Few newbies would be puzzled over it. Is anybody else going to DVR Samurai Champloo? I've already seen it, but it was a good anime, with a kickass set of opening credits. I'm disappointed that it's getting the 1:30 slot, leaving Naruto: Shippuden and One Piece in their later slots. BTW, if you're a fan of The Boondocks (it's okay to hate the last season; I do, too), you'll definitely want to tune in to the "Baseball Blues" episode. I think Aaron MacGruder used that as inspiration for the kickball ep, "The Red Ball."
  8. I think the bumps are set up to how dire things are in "Intruder II." ETA: Just saw a promo for Samurai Champloo. It aired years ago, but it's being pushed for January 2. Does anybody out there have further details?
  9. For those of you who tuned out after Kelsey & Joey's win, here's the teaser for TAR28. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvDcEXq1zSc
  10. It's a lot more coherent than THSH, though NJWH could have benefitted from a recognizable name/face like Patton Oswalt. Heyumph!
  11. I didn't see if a casting thread was up, so I created this. Note to anybody reading on the West Coast . . . this post contains spoilers for the TAR27 finale. I don't really have any fantasies about recruiting people to be on TAR, aside from the occasional daydream about cast members from Road Rules trying their luck on a far greater stage than even The Challenge. . . . and even then, it's usually non-dramatic folks. With TAR27 in the books, I can see five teams coming back for an "All Star"/"Unfinished Business" season. Tanner & Josh: Who knows if they would have done better if they didn't sightsee through (pre-terror attack) Paris. Or if they edged out the Cheerleaders and missed the Speed Bump. I feel they ran a good race, and they might have won if they lasted longer. Denise & James Earl: Admit it . . . you were waiting for the other shoe to drop on these two. And if Margie & Luke can get two return trips . . . Tiffany & Krista: Back-of-the-pack team that overachieved from time to time. Krista's five attempts on their final Roadblock had to be the most heartbreaking moments of this season. They'd be like bringing back Jaime & Cara, only they're nicer. Logan & Chris: If Teri & Ian can come back, I can't see why these two wouldn't. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if CBS demanded their return, ugly racing and all. Justin & Diana: Think of it this way . . . if they don't get an invite to the next alumni season, they'd better keep the locales on the down-low. Otherwise, we'd have the first reality show to end with a hostage situation. Justin strikes me as that big of a fanboy.
  12. This wasn't nearly as fun an ending as TAR25 last year . . . but it might have to hold us if the upcoming season tanks. I don't see much to get upset about a Kelsey/Joey win, aside from their overall blandness and hateable caps. I don't think any other winning team had to eat so many second-place finishes before prevailing in the end. Good for them. Justin and Diana will be back. There will be an "All-Star" or "Unfinished Business" season down the road, and they'll be in it. I don't find Justin to be that odious. That said, he should have paid the cabbie to stay. Seriously, I wouldn't mind them being back. Think about the hostages Justin would take if he and Diana got snubbed. Shut up, Logan & Chris. Just shut up. I'd like the stars to turn the tables on those two, throwing their bad/embarrassing behavior in their faces. I would've bet that Phil would move the party to where they were working on the chairs. Ugh to both of 'em. WTF with the lack of updated credits? We could have been spared at least one Justin crying jag. At least the final leg design was sound, and the finale was thrilling. Here's hoping TAR28 can live up to this season.
  13. Going into the finale . . . what are your most/least favorite finales? Here is what I got off the top of my head . . . BEST TAR2 . . . two hours of Tara & Wil treading water, coming back from the dead like good movie monsters do. The only season where a team (Chris & Alex) overtook another (Tara & Wil) in the stretch run. It was my first TARCon, and it might be my most memorable. TAR5 . . . sad farewell to Linda & Karen in the first hour, but it's trumped by Chip & Kim coming from behind to overtake Colin & Christie and Brendon & Nicole. Also, there was the POV binocular shot with a lens cap still on, and Chip trying to deke B&N. "SHUCKS!" TAR7 . . . sucks that Uchenna & Joyce couldn't make it work in real life, but they wound up coming back from being mugged by Phil to overtake the heavily favored Rob & Amber to win. TAR8 . . . the Weavers didn't win. That was reason to celebrate,regardless of whether the Linzes or Bransens pulled it off. The Linzes wind up becoming the first team to win a race after narrowly avoiding elimination in the first leg. WORST TAR3 . . . basically two hours of Flo packing it in, ending with her and Zach miraculously winning in the final leg. Still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Also: Teri & Ian lucked into second place over the more competent Ken & Gerard, and they wound up getting an invite for TAR11. TAR6 . . . it all hinges on Kris & Jon falling behind the odious Freddy & Kendra. The shot of the two of them kissing while waiting out a train passing has to rate as one of the most heart-breaking images this show has produced. And deep dish pizza as a final obstacle? Boooo. I mean, thank goodness Adam & Rebecca didn't win, but it still sucked. TAR9 . . . I think this was the last finale to last two hours. Basically, it came down to the odious Eric & Jeremy and the "hippies" BJ & Tyler, with Ray & Yolanda nowhere near the front of the pack to give us a happy ending. Eric winds up blowing the final Roadblock, giving the greater of two annoyances a win they didn't deserve. And speaking of Eric . . . TAR11 . . . all I remember is a safe combination thing that reminded me of The Newlywed Game, to the point where you could imagine Charla whacking Mirna over the head with a placard. Eric & Danielle wind up winning their first and only leg in the very end, even though they bickered and trailed throughout most of the race. Also, if Danielle was a bigger beard, she'd be on Rupert Boneham's face.
  14. This preview I found might put a smile on your face . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_7lPDLspYA Even with the footage of the Greens in the back, I still say they win. Then Phil presents Justin with another $1 million check all for himself. Then Bertram and Elise show up to announce that Justin killed it so much this season, the show will be officially ended. Then a beam of light elevates Justin to the heavens, where he is never seen again. Then Diana goes out with one of the Texans. I still can't tell them apart.
  15. I figured that nobody drove during the final leg because the producers didn't want any road rage-fueled accidents in the stretch run. I can't explain why there hasn't been any driving in TAR27. Knowing Justin, he could probably drive stick with a bag over his head.
  16. I picked up the latest issue of the Twelfth Doctor. It was a Christmas-themed issue where the Doctor took on one of his oldest adversaries . . .
  17. RealityBlurred's Andy Dehnart weighs in on The Challenge. Needless to say, he's not a fan. ETA: And now something from a fan . . . this is from one of Bill Simmons's podcasts.
  18. I forgot about some of the latest episode to air. I still don't know why Shino would be upset about Naruto not recognizing him after the timeskip. I'd say he's got a bug up his butt, but that's probably closer to the truth. Also, Jiraiya brings in a male toad with heavy lipstick to work out with Naruto. Because Japan, that's why.
  19. Heads up . . . you know True Life? The documentary series that airs on MTV? Well, next week's episode is "I'm Living Anime." I think it's about people who cosplay a lot more than most people would. It's scheduled to air next Wednesday at 11:30. I'll probably DVR it to see if I can recognize any of the shows. I think one of the featured players is too into Steven Universe. ETA for Sandman87 . . . that is a nice likeness of Orihime. Why isn't it her? No giant breasts.
  20. Gotta love the behind-the-scenes stuff with the imported spiders and the production crew's inability to mess with them. Even if they weren't venomous, I would have taken the snakes. Too many bad memories associated with Coral. Best expression seen on the show comes from Jill, when Cohutta confessed to stuffing his pillowcase with Nany's panties. The look was basically, "And I'm related to you?!? The fuck???"
  21. Gotta love Grandpa Marsh eating through the standoff. Aside from dissing the non-Whole Foods chicken earlier in the season, how long has it been since we heard from him? I knew the Garrison/Jenner storyline would flow into next year. I wouldn't be surprised if they become the show's version of Uncle Duke from Doonesbury running in 2000. Anybody else amused about how Cartman went up the stairs? He's like a fleshy Dalek, just hovering over the steps. ETA for Galileo908 . . . I don't think Jimmy was armed. His hands are usually always full.
  22. They're alternating genders. Terrific. Honestly, if you can't do whatever the producers want done, no matter how hazardous and asinine it may be, your ass goes into the Pit. But instead of Brianna and Jenna's quarreling asses getting tossed, we have to say goodbye to Cohutta and Jill. And notice how Teege didn't say "I'm sure we'll see you some other time" to them upon their elimination . . . that's because they're better adjusted than 90 percent of the house. They could be "kissing cousins," and I'd take them over 75 percent of those lunatics. And Dario & Raphy? Nobody cares about either of you. I know, Hutty was screwed no matter what, but those are meatheads we don't need, from a show that no one should be interested in. I'm thinking maybe Abram is okay with Cara Maria flirting with other guys. I mean, to the point where she can make out with Thomas while he points a gun at them. And hits his skin bong with the free hand. Really, I can buy anything when it comes to Abram, because he's that big a psycho. ETA: The mission was sick, even with the mostly inactive snakes. Chewing up crickets and roaches and spitting the carcasses out? Seriously, who think up this shit?!?
  23. So . . . finale next week? Will there be three TCs, or will we be having out first F4 on Day 39? Maybe Probst's "first time in 31 seasons!!!" means a tie at the very end.
  24. Man, does this take me back. Spent years bracing myself for the death of Chloe on Smallville, and I never got it. I like blonde female geeks, I guess. Here's hoping we see one of those gets married to Green Arrow. Again. I'm still thinking Quentin bites it in the end, though it's more about redemption and wishful thinking for me. Fuck Damien Dark. And fuck the writers if they kill off Felicity and use that to fuel Oliver's manpain.
  25. Did not see that coming. Totally would've guessed that Abi-Maria would have been playing for second or third-place money. I guess you can't deal that long with crazy. If they realized that in the second episode, Shirin might still be in the game. I don't know what's going on, and I kinda like it that way. I think Jeremy, Kelley or Spencer have the best shot at the big money. I did feel bad for Tasha, though. I don't feel for her one way or another, but it's hard not to pity somebody for almost drowning. And Keith's still in the game. I hope he didn't spit in the temple.
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