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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Nice for Agent Carter to continue to raise the bar for Agents Of SHIELD. Peggy is awesome, and the action is still frantic. Sure, we have to deal with monolith goo again, but at least we have a prospective origin: atomic testing. Nice to see Mrs. Jarvis. Also nice that Sousa has somebody special. It sucks that Peggy can't find a guy without an expiration date. How long did she know Jason . .. .two hours? Three?
  2. Forgot about that. "Barry, I feel you're not being totally honest with me. For instance . . . this burning sensation I keep feeling and the smell of burning meat. You know something I don't, right?"
  3. Quick question . . . is Wally that big of a punk in the comics? I mean the "New52," not the old canon. Why do I feel like Barry is going to tell the next girlfriend about his alter ego? The one time he doesn't do that, Patty winds up leaving. That's going to haunt him. Well, it'll be a distant second to the Zoom-tinged nightmares. Poor bastard. Good to have the show back, though it feels like an appetizer to the main course that is Legends Of Tomorrow. And I figure that "Turtle" would be a nice nemesis for Flash after the likes of Reverse Flash and Zoom. Here's hoping Harry didn't lobotomize him.
  4. More table-setting this week. More training with the toads, including Naruto bursting out of Gamatatsu's mouth. This is preparation for the mission Naruto found out about, what with Sai's inability to lie properly. And he's still reading books about human interaction. At least we found out Sai has clothes that cover his stomach.
  5. Man, Kanna did not die well. Or with dignity. If Migi was capable of happiness, he'd be glad she's dead, because he doesn't want Shinichi to spill the beans to anyone.
  6. What was the point of the Rakshasa? Also, while Seryu was pretty unbearable, her manic zeal probably could have lasted a few more episodes. And Kuro was cute . . . when he wasn't a bright red monster.
  7. Meh again. Nice Game Genie gag, and cool for Marc Summers to come back to his old stomping grounds, but I felt the episode was average at best. The 100th episode set the bar pretty high. Are there going to be any more new episodes?
  8. I know, right? I hear "Snoke," I think of Felicity from Arrow. I can't be alone on this.
  9. Anybody else saw the latest episodes? "King's Ransom" looks to be a game-changer, with Betty adjusting Ice King's crown. I forgot she has Magic Man's powers, so it's not impossible. Also, we got to see foxes in action. Anytime I see a fox on this show, I think of the Cartoon Network Africa parody of "What Does The Fox Say?," using AT animation. ETA: In case anybody missed "Stakes" . . . Cartoon Network will be running it from 6-8 p.m. on Monday night.
  10. Watching SNL. They did a sweet Undercover Boss spoof with Kylo Ren posing as a Starkiller techie. The monologue also had SW goodness.
  11. I've been checking out Star Wars-related clips on the Adult Swim YouTube site, via Robot Chicken. Here are two of my fave scenes with Emperor Palpatine. Clip Clip
  12. Just found this from Cracked: If The New Star Wars Was 100 Times More Honest (And Shorter).
  13. Hi. So . . . it's been a while since I dated. I got a free account on OKCupid, but I haven't been diving deeply into that. I was on Match, but I seldom got any connections that answered back. I'm not good with crowds and I don't drink, so I don't hit the "bar scene." I feel a little under-evolved, but I would like to hang with somebody on a regular basis.
  14. TiffanyNichelle . .. all I remember are CT and Zach showing up in the grey t-shirts, and CT ready to cause havoc. Maybe he'll backpack Johnny and Vince. Oh, and did any other old school fans get a load of Abram bitching out Johnny and whatshisface throwing a mission? Not only did he throw Katie under the bus in The Inferno, but he did it in the most obvious and humiliating way possible.
  15. Throwing challenges is never a good look. I'd call out examples, but I can't be bothered to remember the name of the guy who tried fucking up for Red. Kelly Anne's brother/cousin, right? Whatever . . . Blue is sad enough, they can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Oh, and fuck Johnny, on general principle. I'm hoping this is the last we see of Faith. She seems normal, and normal doesn't fly on this show. Also, I keep flashing back to Frankie's cousin, who went by "Esser" on the TWoP forums back in the day. It's nice to see CT, since he's proof that you can improve from being an asshole on this show. Nice of him not to drop Plantains like a sack of potatoes. Who invited Zach? Also, way to tape Knight's name on the tribute, show.
  16. Just checking to see if anybody has seen "Angel Face" and "President Porpoise Is Missing!" What can we take from those two episodes? Well, BMO's imagination never quits. Cats grow bigger in Ooo if Me-Mow is any indication. And the treehouse is the place to hang out without Finn and Jake suspecting anybody's presence.
  17. ETA: More nostalgia for the diehard fans! Dee and Dennis try to avoid history, but it smacks them in the face. Also, they become crackheads again. And the Waitress is now living in a shelter, because everyone the Gang touches tends to turn to crap. It's amazing Philadelphia is still a city with those five around.
  18. As long as somebody's posting here . . . has there been a team as hapless as Andrew & Dan? It's a miracle that they made the final leg, because they sucked so hard. The Russian leg is the best evidence. . . from the miscues stemming from not reading the clue to one of them doing the marching equivalent of Elaine Benes' "little kicks." If Toni & Dallas don't lose their passports, no way do they make it to the finale. I think they're saving grace is that they didn't clash often to the point where it got ugly (lookin' at you, Logan & Chris).
  19. From RealityBlurred: CBS president of entertainment praises Survivor and Big Brother, doesn't say jack about TAR. I try not to be alarmed, but I don't think that's a good sign.
  20. Somebody merged the show with The Phantom Menace. I linked to the AVClub site because the comments are filled with funny fusion quips . . . like Anakin following the DENNIS System.
  21. I was just about to post the RealityBlurred article about that. Now I got Trunks and Goten in my head performing the Fusion Dance. "FUUUUUUU! SHUN! HAAAAA!!!!" ETA: It's probably a dud. Since S32 was filmed before S31, the results were more than likely middling at best.
  22. Real Life Mike Tyson attempting to dance like a Greek is hysterical to me. Please tell me I'm not the only one.
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