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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. This sounds interesting . . . a Doctor Who coloring book for adults. Less skeezy than it sounds.
  2. Young Justice goes to Netflix; Greg Weisman encourages fans to watch for a potential third season. That might be enough for me to get Netflix.
  3. My bad. Kara should still be more discrete.
  4. Fun hour. Lots of close races, Kacy got to climb the Warped Wall (albeit after her opponent fell on a prior obstacle), and the relay final was close, despite Travis Stratis failing on the Dancing Stones, setting off a ten-second penalty for his anchor (the bellowing firefighter from DC). In the end, Kevin Bull and his Expendabulls wind up advancing. ETA: Upon retrospection, I don't think Kacy lost any steps. She's just not blessed with the stamina needed for the new format. How long did it take for her to qualify in 2014? She likes to take her time.
  5. Nice episode. Interesting contrasts between Peggy and Whitney. Intriguing that Peggy had a fiancé 3-4 years before she met Steve Rogers. I wonder if we'll see him again. With Peggy's luck, he'll team up with Dottie and Whitney to take her out. Jarvis as a butt monkey never gets old. Here's hoping he gets his groove back next week. Whitney is the most interesting Frost on Tuesday nights. Sorry, Caitlin. ETA: Anybody else get a kick out of how deflated the SSR army was when their raid was called off? Tough to be an extra.
  6. I thought the episode was lackluster all around, with most of the cast taking stupid pills. Or maybe it's because I found out about the Earth-2 adventure for next week, and I want to see that happen more than character development with Wally . . . who isn't that big of a jackass, but still needs help. I will say that it's funny for a canon Flash fan would have a need for speed before meeting Flash. Is this the first time Team Flash let a meta go free? Tar Pit seems to be an afterthought in the big picture. And he pales to his canon counterpart, though I concede that the budget can only be stretched so far. ETA: The bit where Cisco asked who the best hacker was, and Barry and Caitlin responded with "Felicity Smoak"? That was funny.
  7. Latest episode: Hinata gets to show her fighting style, only to get crystalized. Naruto has an encounter with another boy that looks like a girl (not Haku). And Naruto and Gamatatsu actually pull off a decent move. For your amusement, however, here's a failed effort from the Toonami Tumblr.
  8. Heads up: There will be an After Show tomorrow night. I guess MTV decided it was okay to put Zuri Hall in front of people again.
  9. Found something interesting on the AVClub's reveal of the trailer . . . apparently, Archer will be on FX, not FXX. ETA: While I'm at it . .. mashing up Archer with James Bond.
  10. Looks like Kara won't be having Adam in her life. Also, she has learned nothing about covering her tracks, the way she flew into Alex's pad as usual. Something tells me Lord has a Plan B about getting out. I'm guessing he has a program that would spill the beans about Kara if he doesn't get to his computer. I guess Superman doesn't have an imperfect double of his own. I would have gone with "Bizarra," but you gotta get the canon name somewhere . . . like when Mercy came up with the name in the Superman animated series. Next week: Have Mercy . . . ETA for Big Mother . . . here's the plot device that will be covered next week.
  11. I don't think I like Dr. Girlfriend selling her principles for the future of the Guild. I know her husband's a schmuck, but he shouldn't be a cuckold as well. Good episode. Nice Avengers/JLA stand-ins, though I kinda want Captain Sunshine back. I actually care about where Sgt. Hatred will wind up; of course, Gathers isn't keen on setting him up with a nine-year old. And the Captain (Cap'n?) still has the tranq monkey on his back. Why no teaser for next week's episode, [as]? From what I read on my cable's schedule, it'll spotlight ETA: Wait . .. so Dr. Girlfriend (or whatever she goes by) isn't going cheat on her husband? That's good . . . but handing Rusty's arching to Wide Wale might kill the Monarch.
  12. USA! USA! USA! Once again, we have a wild three hours full of miscues, surprises and epic finishes. Isaac overcomes his flameout on Stage One, conquering Stage Three to win the whole thing. You can point out that Isaac had the most time to rest between runs, but it's still one helluva run. And Joe Moravsky did good filling in past the last minute for Geoff. Here's hoping Geoff has/had better luck on TNW. Once again, no points for Japan. Should they keep competing as a team, or should they be folded into the Europe team to form a World squad? I think the format might be tweaked in the future . . . maybe giving bonus points for finishing and for posting the fastest overall time on a stage. Then again, the 1-2-3 format is simple enough for viewers.
  13. RIP Mine and Susanoo. At least they were instrumental to rescuing Tatsumi.
  14. Bumping up before tonight's episode. I liked "Migi Unchained," as he/it tried to kill the dude hired by the lady parasite to snoop on Shinichi. ETA: Philosophy debate with Shinichi and Lady Parasite, with Uda and "Joe" thrown in for comedy. Nice.
  15. Just checking to see if anybody else is watching the filler. It's good, but not as fun as the canon stuff. I do like the concept of a family of bounty hunters with an ice sports motif . . . though I wonder if hockey is played in Japan. I also like Robin playing with Lil.
  16. Idle question . . .did anybody else see the picture of young Dennis and wonder if he still had the skin from that cat? ETA for Ubiquitous . . . I think he said "toe." Poor guy.
  17. The sixth season of The Venture Bros kicks off Sunday night. I figured it's time to dust off old motivators (shrunken to fit EarthLink size limits). Let me know if you like 'em, and I'll put out more. And here's what I figure the new season will be about . . .
  18. Checking to see who else saw "Crossover." In case you missed it . . . Finn and Jake get summoned by Prismo and are sent to the alternate world where Finn possessed Ice King's crown and wound up summoning the Lich. It was an episode that was weird yet poignant. Also, Prismo has a boss. Any ideas on what that character would be?
  19. Found this on Bill Simmons' Twitter: "I think MTV tanked this Challenge season to try to get a high reality lottery pick." I'm thinking he's butthurt that his boy Johnny is out.
  20. RIP Hawkman . . . for now, anyway. If there's an incarnation that lost a Hawkgirl but survived, I'm sure he'll make it on the show. Wasn't the cowboy Nighthawk one of Carter's prior selves? Liked the bonding between Cold and "Raymond." Also liked Marty Stein: Young & Stoned Douchebag. It's a shame we won't see more of him on this show. Anybody else expect Kendra to wonder how Ancient Egyptians could speak English? Here's hoping her character gets improved, because I reckon she's the weak link on the team. We got two guys who can fly already, and she doesn't know how to tap into the other 205 lives. Wouldn't blame her if she left to team to move to Central City full-time and date Cisco. She's probably better for him than Golden Glider, and I think Cold knows that.
  21. In case you didn't know, Esquire runs 15-minute previews of upcoming episodes of the show. With OnceSane's blessing, I'm starting a thread for those who saw a brief glimpse of 103. Of course Brent and Kacy would be on "Team Alpha." The big takeaway I got from the preview is that the Warped Wall may be more challenging, because Kacy can't climb it. Of maybe she's lost a step. She tried three times, and she came up short. She wound up getting the point because she was the first person to reach the Wall. Then Brent lost his captain's heat to Ryan Stratis, giving Stratis Faction a 3-1 win. Oh, and the other teams on 103 are the Expenda-Bulls (led by Kevin Bull) and Tre's Amigoz (Tremayne Dortch).
  22. Woo-hoo! No Johnny and Wince in Berlin! Sure, we're left with four sets of beta cousins, but Johnny doesn't get his throne back. Really, that's all I wanted. Now I'm thinking nobody finishes the final two missions, and Johnny and Wince get all of the money. Dunno what was more impressive . . . Aneesa and Rianna leading for at least half of the race, or Mitch and Corey coming from behind and winning after Mitch almost died. ETA: Anybody else want to know Abram's reaction to the Pit? I'm sure he had a good laugh as he watched the episode and strangled a hobo.
  23. "Crazy" Craver trains by climbing up a flaming Salmon Ladder? Wow. Ball's in your court, Stephen Amell and Arrow. I'm happy Meagan Martin makes it to the next round with Team Midoryama (Mi-Dory-Ama?) I think she might be the difference in terms of being on another level from the other female ninjas. How is the format going to work? Twenty-four teams and four-team episodes means there would be six finalists.
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