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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Do you mean Duel II? There were only two of those.
  2. Has there been any word as to when we're getting the new season on FXX? AVClub has it coming out in "January," which isn't helpful. Also: have there been clips and/or commercials?
  3. Lantern7


    CBR review of Spider-Man/Deadpool #1, which comes out tomorrow. I'm tempted to get it, even though creators returning to their old characters hasn't been working out lately.
  4. I wouldn't have removed "Dog On Fire." Then again, I would've found a way to work in the footage of "The Story of Rickey" in 1999, so maybe I'm a little conservative when it comes to this show. Ironic!
  5. This just in . . TVB's sixth season to premiere on January 31.
  6. Like I said, Tina was a scrub. She probably still is a scrub. Nobody remembers that she was brought into Cutthroat along with CT because she lost both times. New question: What is your favorite opening credits? I go with the early 2000s, from Battle Of The Seasons to Inferno II. BOTS had profile pics with images synonymous with their original seasons . . . including the brief glimpse at the Roadmaster for Theo and Holly. Battle Of The Sexes had the cheesy credits, with Puck offering a sandy hot dog to Julie and Jamie and Melissa happily grinding on each other. The Gauntlet brought "Rock Star" and Steve goosing Sarah . . . they totally would have been a couple if he wasn't dating at the time. The Inferno brought in Yellowcard and "Miles Apart," with Dave Mirra biking in the background. All I remember from BOTS2 was the theme song, "Come Out Fighting." And Inferno II emphasized the "Good Guys vs. Bad Asses" aspect, complete with Rachel smacking CT . . . which would have ended poorly for ol' Butterface had she done that for real.
  7. Turns out John Boyega from The Force Awakens is a Naruto otaku.
  8. I found it humorous that two BMP stalwarts -- Coral and Mike -- had to take out their cut-rate counterparts from Road Rules: South Pacific in The Gauntlet. Tina has always been a scrub. Sucked to see her teamed up with Rachel and Veronica to torment Tonya in Inferno II.
  9. For anybody reading this on the west coast . . . Robot Chicken did a sweet Challenge sketch in tonight's episode, and they brought it Johnny, Sarah and TJ. I won't spoil the premise. . . it's worth a look. ETA: Found the clip . . . start at 2:40.
  10. Well. The animators/puppet people didn't take Sarah's arm tattoos into account. And points are deducted for allowing Johnny on the sketch. That said? Great Challenge sketch. They remembered TJ Lavin was a BMX biker, and Fammke Jansen played Jean Grey again. What more do you want? Better than average episode this week. Liked the Foster's/Tyler sketch and the mime crime spree. And they managed a good takeoff of The Purge.
  11. The stuff with the frogs stood out for me this week. Or are they toads? I think they're supposed to be toads, but I could be wrong. And I like the prospect that Naruto has been training non-stop with amphibians that don't have the water chakra mojo like the Heavy Lipstick Male Toad. I wonder what chakra talent they have.
  12. More unlikely: People "in the know" starting a hair-plucking trend, or a school opening its doors a week after at least a dozen people end up getting killed?
  13. Bumping up because there's a new episode tonight. All I know is that they're doing something on The Purge . . . which would be dandy if Rick and Morty didn't do an outstanding riff on that in their latest season.
  14. RIP Chelsea. And Boles, I guess. Damn, Chelsea did not go out well.
  15. Here are the Season 11 episode titles. Found out about the first via TV Guide, and I'm a bit excited. In case you haven't heard, the new season kicks off Wednesday night on FXX. I'll have to DVR the episodes while watching The Challenge, but I'll make time to check them out.
  16. Donell . . . shirtless . . . .oy, the rage is coming back to me, and I'm not even playing the video. Abram is still a psycho, though.
  17. Carl makes one last pick before the end of the NFL regular season.
  18. I think the preview teaser was for the rest of the season, as opposed to just for next week.
  19. Thinking about it . .. are there any pairs from the latest Challenge worth casting on TAR? I've found two sets of cousins, and both have been eliminated: Cohutta & Jill and Leroy & Candice. I can't get behind anybody else, and I wouldn't encourage any romantic pairings. That includes Abram & Cara Maria. That guy is a ticking time bomb. ETA: You know who I would want to see on TAR from MTV? Drama and Big Cat from Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory. These two were in the shadow of their skateboarding cousin, and I'd be interested to see them race. And Rob put them in lots of ridiculous costumes over the years, so the more bizarre TAR tasks wouldn't faze them.
  20. You know how BMP did countdowns for Ex-Plosion and Skeletons? Why don't they do one for CT's arrival? I mean, there's nobody that's worth rooting for with full gusto. It has to be said: meatheads from Are You The One? shouldn't be involved on this show, period. Good riddance to Dario, as well as Raphy. That said, if one of them held Johnny while the other worked him over, I wouldn't have had a problem with that. Oh, and it's nice to see that Johnny continues to watch out for his own ass. His girlfriend should dump him, pronto. Motherfucker makes me take Abram's side. For that alone, Johnny deserves a beatdown. Seriously, Abram would probably not refer to Jon Dalton as "Johnny Fairplay," either. That scares me. So . . . how long does the Cara Maria/Abram thing last? I have this bizarre feeling of wanting the big cover-up to last as long as humanly possible. ETA: I agree with MitaJo about Kelly Anne. Sydney was a clusterfuck full of questionable women. Parisa was the only one worth rooting for, but she never returned to the BMP teat. Pity.
  21. I think of TAR5 as one of the better seasons in the show's history. The casting screamed "go for broke." You had a Big Brother runner-up and her idiot boyfriend. You had a new set of twins (third in five seasons) that seemed to share a single brain. You had two beauty queens and their matching boyfriends. You had Charla & Mirna, and I know the person who discovered them got a bonus. And not only did the show cast another grown man that let people call him "Chip," but he was the exact opposite of the first guy named "Chip." So many memories. Charla getting shocked on the fence. The "feud" between Kami & Karli and Chip. Colin's arrogance and aggressiveness. Brendon & Nicole's overall godliness. Chip winning two legs on his eating prowess at Roadblocks. And, of course, the Broken Ox. Sure, there were missteps (the casting of Marshal & Lance, back-to-back non-elimination legs, the concept of Phil "mugging" last place teams), but you had some excellent racing. And you had the first full-on fan favorite team winning in the end, as Chip & Kim triumphed. Shit, the period between the last two episodes could be considered holy, what with Charla & Mirna appearing as themselves on MadTV and the show winning its first Emmy. Good times.
  22. I went to my first TARCon at the season finale. Halfway through, Oswald & Danny entered the restaurant, and you would've thought rock stars had arrived. I can still hear the chants of "CHA CHA CHA! CHA CHA CHA!" And then I was rewarded for watching my first season of TAR with perhaps the most thrilling finish in the show's history . . . Chris & Alex rallying past Tara & Wil to win the big prize. And they were the first team to win despite finishing the penultimate leg in last place, as Tara & Wil and Blake & Paige shared first place. How good of a villain team was Tara & Wil? They were a more dysfunctional Frank & Margarita, and they refused to die in the final two legs. Like watching Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhes in action. Wil falls behind in two Roadblocks and they manage to lose a major clue, but they kept plugging away. Best Roadblock? Gotta be the sheep herding in the tenth leg. Especially liked the one Boston guy looking at the instructions, and muttering, "Can't tackle 'em."
  23. Just a quick heads-up: there will be back-to-back episodes tonight, with no After Show scheduled.
  24. Just so y'all know, we have a thread for Challengers in general, as well as one for past seasons in general.
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