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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Back to the mediocrity. I mean, great to have George Lowe as the Horniest Unicorn, and interesting theme with soap opera credits, but a lot of it felt like a waste. And Bitch Pudding shouldn't be an automatic "go-to" for hilarity. ETA: I think Jonestown isn't that well-known to the target demographic. Wait . .. why am I defending the show? ETA2: For anybody jonesing for Star Wars content, Adult Swim UK compiled some choice stuff with Boba Fett, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader and The Emperor. Also, Gary the Stormtrooper.
  2. Speaking of CT . . . StopBeingPolite put out a list of him causing havoc.
  3. I'll have to rewatch the latest episode. What stuck with me was how cheerful the bodybuilder parasite looked ploughing through the Yakuza camp. He got hit three times, but he put out a bigger body count than the parasite involved in the school massacre. And it looks like the scientist from last week wasn't talking out of his ass in regard to using hair-pulling as a detection tool.
  4. I know there's bonding and table-setting on a grand scale. So why am I so fixated on Naruto training with the toads/frogs/amphibians/whatever? Another question: What is the deal with summoned animals? I'm guessing they all can talk (as opposed to Tonton, who is a garden variety pot-bellied pig), but where do they come from? Are the summoning rituals the local version of opening a Pokeball?
  5. Just found this . . . Goku making a sandwich . . .
  6. Got around to seeing the first episode. A bit jarring to hear "shit" without the censoring record-scratch. Forgot how cute Momo was. I did remember how Mugen and Jin complimented each other in the way of contrasting styles. And the opening credits kicked ass. Also enjoyed the closing credits while they were not sped up. ETA: Opening credits have been cut up. Par for the course as far as Toonami is concerned, but the end credits are still intact. Weird.
  7. I figure Chopper totally would have been drugged had he'd been on the Sunny, instead of treating Puzzle. Downside: We're just scraping the surface with the Phoenix Pirates and the bounty hunters. ETA: I think the "mecha" part of the title referred to the paddleboat mode of Sunny.
  8. I got Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts from the library. I am not in the target demographic. Basically, it's Warner Bros' reimagining of the Bat before Dawn Of Justice gives us Batfleck. I wouldn't recommend this for older viewers such as myself, aside from Will Fredle as Nightwing and Dana Snyder as Penguin. Snyder isn't as compelling in the role as Robin Lord Taylor over on Gotham, but he always does good work. Here's a review from ComicsAlliance. For some reason, the DVD includes two episodes from the more memorable Batman: The Brave And The Bold and five "DC Nation" shorts . .. including the three-part "Bat Man of Shanghai," which justified the existence of the property
  9. Last week, Robot Chicken did a stellar sketch involving X-Men and The Challenge. I have to chime in . . .
  10. Now I have this image in my head of Abram as a Weeping Angel, staying on the screen even after you change the channel and shut off the TV. And Abram as subservient? It would explain his relationship with Coral. . . and wasn't Cara Maria presented as an aspiring dominatrix in Fresh Meat II? ETA: Here's a screenshot from StopBeingPolite's Twitter feed, showing Mike being as intense as Abram.
  11. I figured that Charlie survived the verbal humiliation, and Dee and Dennis basically told him otherwise to save face. They would be asshole enough to do that, as well as start a fire in a hospital.
  12. Lantern7


    For anybody who reads Uncanny Avengers . . . Spider-Man quit because they let in Deadpool? I guess it saves the artist confusion on which red-and-black figure is which, and it sets up the conflict in SM/DP. Also like the cliffhanger/jumping-off point: Nice twist from Joe Kelly . . . and he brings in an interesting gambit in dealing with Mindless Ones.
  13. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Heard something about how Ken Griffey might go into the Hall with a backwards cap. Out of curiosity, has anybody been enshrined as a Mariner? I'm thinking Randy Johnson, but I might be wrong. And I also heard Mike Piazza wants to go in as a Met. Natch, I support this, but were bridges burned that severely with the Dodgers?
  14. With CT arriving on the show alongside Diem's sister, I have to ask you guys: what are your favorite CT moments from The Challenge? There are two in particular for me: 1. Taking out Shane in the Inferno. At the time, I thought the season needed a hero, especially since I wasn't totally on Katie's side. Sure, it was a stupid game of spinning and eating cookies, but I still hated Shane for his disdain of Sarah on Campus Crawl, so seeing him puke was rewarding. And then CT had to throw Leah into the Inferno. 2. Bananas Backpack. Do I have to explain why? Sure, CT was probably brought in to see if he'd kill and devour anybody in five minutes, and he and Tina were glorified obstacles in the Gulag. But how often have we've seen Johnny and his ilk get their comeuppance? And CT slammed Johnny into the barrel, and I don't think he had to do that, but he wanted to. So awesome.
  15. Adult Swim posted the sketch on their YouTube site. Which means I can post it like so . .. "This. Changes. EVERYTHING!!" Good to hear you again, Sarah.
  16. Maybe Jonny was baked most of the time. I still think there should be a new host because TJ bugs. He's like a discount version of Jeff Probst . . . which is weird, since Jeff Probst has become a discount version of Jeff Probst, if that makes sense. My excuse is that I recapped four seasons for a website, then two more on my blog. I think it's a matter of nostalgia towards old seasons, before we went from "fuck this shit" to "man, FUCK this shit, and fuck me for watching it." That, and credits in general aren't as important these days. Notice how Survivor and The Amazing Race shorten their credits. The Challenge doesn't show as much love there, either, aside from Johnny's "love tap" to his cousin's crotch.
  17. Just found this tweet from Bill Simmons: "Tonight's 90-minute episode of The Challenge ranked right up there with Citizen Kane, The Godfather and Lawrence of Arabia." Hyperbole much? I don't think I felt a need to shower after seeing a movie.
  18. Bumping up because a new episode -- "Summer Showers" -- will be running on Thursday. ETA: Anybody else compare Lumpy Space Princess to Cat Grant from Supergirl? Man, what a bitch. I can see where she's coming from, since she's not Bubblegum, but she's such a pain in the ass to deal with. I whole-heartedly support Viola teleporting her to the Ice Kingdom in order to fill in for Tree Trunks in LSP's drama set in "Ing Land." Oh, and Finn looked "over it" in the audience. And next week? Stop-motion. Should be fun. ETA2: Actually, there's going to be a week's worth of episodes heading our way.
  19. That was a horrifying thirty minutes. Painful to watch the shreds of a relationships get set afire. Cara Maria may make bad decisions, but she's not a parody of a human being like at least half of the Challengers come off as. And I don't think I'd be comfortable being in the same zip code as a cuckolded Abram, let along a studio.
  20. Wow. That was a painful sixty minutes . . . ninety if you count the After Show. Abram legit worries me. Cara Maria is a car wreck. And Johnny is a bit of a scumbag. CT's arrival cannot come soon enough. He was a psycho, but he's so much better now. As an old-school fan, I was tickled to see "Wreck & Roll" from The Inferno reimagined as "Home Wrecker." The original mission was fun to watch, what with Yellowcard playing "Way Away" while Real World and Road Rules tore up their rooms and stuff the wreckage into three holes. Mike is totally Abram's brother, even though he didn't give himself a nosebleed from the sheer excitement. My recommendation . . . watch the season opener of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia like I did. It's people acting horribly, but at least it's fictional. ETA: If you can't watch Sunny, try this. Johnny's in it, but it's still pretty funny.
  21. ETA: After enduring ninety minutes of The Challenge, this was comfort food for the soul. Dennis is still a raging sociopath. Dee still thinks herself a skillful actress. Mac puts Ace and Gary to shame in terms of being ambiguously gay. Charlie is still a perennial loser. And Frank is willing to take things up a notch. And of course the "Mattel" guy was paid by Frank in order to bring his unique elements into an already psycho game.
  22. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Finally! I figure Griffey got more votes than Seaver because he hit all those homers without tripping any alarms. I don't believe Piazza took steroids, though that might be because I'm a Mets fan.
  23. Bumping up . . . there will be an After Show this evening after The Challenge.
  24. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Reason for Trevor Hoffman to get elected . . . he can walk up to the podium to AC/DC's "Hell's Bells." That might be the best entrance music from a reliever ever.
  25. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    So . . . who are you guys pulling for election to the Hall of Fame tomorrow? I'm hoping Mike Piazza makes the grade this year, even if the Hall would induct him as a Dodger.
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