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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. I'd have to same reaction to the fly that Krista did. Also, if Justin & Diana wind up U-Turning Tiffany & Krista as "payback" for the meaningless action, I'm going to hunt them down. And by "them," I mean "Justin." ETA: Has there been a season where they went to India this late?
  2. I'm a recent convert as well, coming on board a few seasons ago. While I may not be into the massive mytharcs, the general goofiness and adult winks are more than enough to keep me coming back. Is Marceline's father a demon? If so, is that how she can suck individual vampires' powers after she's dusted them? ETA: I guess the status quo had to be preserved. Marceline is destined to be a vampire, living forever with Bubblegum while Finn and Jake die and turn to dust. Also, Bubblegum is set to get her kingdom back. I kinda think the homestead life suited her, being away from her subjects, but a status quo had to be restored. And King Of Ooo was revealed to be a blob of ear wax, which . . . ew. ETA2: Friendly reminder . . . if you missed any of "Stakes," CN will be running two hours' worth of fun starting at 7 p.m. tomorrow night.
  3. There are two more episodes left, yes? Seems to be a lot of stuff to cram into those. Has Garrison had any kind of mention since the start of the third episode? And we need Cartman to step up. It's never a complete arc without him blowing stuff up. Interesting how PC Principal can be thwarted by somebody who's actually disabled. I'm willing to bet the first few drafts of the story had Nathan taking on the role of spoiler, though he's also good at picking sides. Now . . . PC P being a sentient ad? That's . . . odd. I'd buy into him and Leslie trying to kill each other throughout the centuries. ETA: Anybody else expecting PC Principal to be taken down by Caitlyn Jenner's appalling driving? "Buckle up, buckaroo! [THUD!]"
  4. TAR got Jeered by TV Guide again. They bring up how they're using "the saddest trend ever," and they singled out Tyler Oakley. That seems harsh, especially with the commercial where he's trying to get people to open up. Granted, the ad is from YouTube. I feel that it was a hit-and-run paragraph, even as I dread TAR28 being as skippable as TAR26.
  5. Good episode. Barrowman got called out of hibernation to have Merlyn/Ra's try and feed his daughter a pedophile. That's considerate, in a warped sort of way. And nobody stays dead on this show . . . except Tommy. And Moira. We should have more Diggle-intensive episodes. Should be interesting to see if Andy is a good or bad guy. At the very least, he's entered the Six Months Later deadpool,albeit as a longshot. Damn, how can Thea not get into trouble for decimating a guy? I'm not complaining, but I'm just concerned. ETA: Episodes like this make me glad to be an only child. Just sayin'.
  6. At least we're out one Kelly. Now we don't have to use "Wentworth" and "Wiglesworth," especially since the latter sounds like a very naughty pug. I'm feeling more for Stephen than the likes of Joe and Jeremy. I don't hate Jeremy for hustling for another idol, even if it was easy to obtain once he found the clue. I guess I just like the underdog more, even if he's working with one of the biggest pains in the ass this show has recently cast in Abi-Maria. I hope Stephen can utilize his advantage a lot better than dumbass Dan did in S30.
  7. From the Department Of I Don't Know Where To Post This: My local comic shop is selling vinyl figures featuring Cartman. Here's what I found online. I'm hoping there will be a few left when I come to the shop's Black Friday sale. I got one . . . wound up with Bunny Cartman, with a little Easter basket accessory. Very cool.
  8. I'm okay with Ward's machinations. Sure, he should get absolutely destroyed by season's end, but I'm patient. They could even bring in Peggy Carter to work him over with her walker. I like Coulson and Rosalind as a couple. Such a shame that Phil has a spy organization to run, and he has to look out for the bigger picture. He'd better apologize, even if he was justified.
  9. I don't think the outfit itself is creepy. What made Wells/Eobard creepy was the vibrations and the insect-like sound he'd make. It's hard to put into words.
  10. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I was thinking Terry Collins would win. His Mets were at least 9-10 games better than most people thought they'd be.
  11. I'll be dipped. Gorilla City is canon. Granted, it's a bit of a cheat to put it on Earth-2, but it's acceptable. Grodd will probably be running the place before the season finale. Good episode . . . Patty wasn't annoying, and Harry was less of a dickbag. One step at a time, right? ETA: Anybody else think Cisco needed a fresh pair of underwear after "vibing" on Kendra?
  12. Helluva trade-off: Shinichi basically becomes Spider-Man (increased abilities, no need for glasses), but Migi goes offline for four hours. I wonder how long it'll take for him to reveal Migi to somebody. And there's the question of whom he'd make the reveal. His friends at school? The girl at the friendly hotel? His frazzled father?
  13. We're almost at the farewell point for Water7. While Zoro is a bit of a buttmonkey, at least when it comes to direction, he does act as the voice of reason that Luffy needs. Usopp was wrong in leaving the crew, and he had to apologize. Quick rundown: next episode is a bit of a POV chapter. After that comes a fight between two of the heavier hitters of that world. After that: filler. I haven't seen it yet, but I figure it would be less of a grind to get through than Bleach or Naruto. Then come the Thriller Bark arc, which is pretty insane.
  14. Rewatched the latest episode. Tough leg, especially for Tiffany. I feel that they're on their way out. Then again, that's how I usually feel about them. On the bright side, the interaction between Tiffany & Krista and Tanner & Josh wasn't as squick-worthy as Eric & Jeremy and Danielle & Danni. I know my mind shouldn't go there, but it does.
  15. I have an idea for a project, and I was hoping some of you readers can help. I want to cater to the demographic of YouTube fans whose faves are in TAR28, but who have never watched the show before. I'd like to get them ready as to what to expect before the season is aired. Sadly, most of recent TAR has left me cold, and I have gaps in my memory regarding the show. Does anybody want to assist me?
  16. I know it's not fair to compare the show to Superman: The Animated Series, but I feel the original Livewire (voiced by Lori Petty) was better than the one we got. The live-action version makes the transition well enough, but she's not as much fun to watch. Anybody else think that Winn and Felicity Smoak should start a support group for children of crappy fathers? Nice that Cat got fleshed out. Now if only the producers knew how stupid "CatCo" comes across.
  17. Man, another woman bites the dust? Not good, Gotham. Not good. How old is Bruce? I'm okay with his easily-thwarted plans because he's young. He's just a kid . . . a kid seeking vengeance for his parents. Of course he's going to be led around. That's what Alfred is for . . . tough love. I thought the lady at the underground club (speakeasy?) looked familiar before the credits popped up. It's Michelle Gomez! Sorry . . . I went to a Doctor Who convention this past weekend, and I saw a few Missys in attendance. I wonder if she got along with Sean Pertwee. Yes, I am a geek . . . why do you ask?
  18. I saw the episode at Long Island Who on Saturday. Wound up rewatching it on DVR today. I don't think this was an episode made for the big screen. Not the worst episode, but it wasn't something you'd hoot and holler for. Or maybe I'm allergic to space stations and siege stories. I did like the sandmen . . . they looked like Swamp Thing or Man-Thing without faces. I'd like to know what Sandman writer Neil Gaiman thinks of this episode, since dreams and sleep were under his purview.
  19. From CC.com: Here's the link. I can't read the headline on the newspaper. Can anybody make it out?
  20. Still wondering if I've outgrown the show. Or maybe Zeb Wells was the glue holding the humor together. Gargoyles sketch was kinda weak. Patrick Stewart as Goliath works on a few levels, but the bit was weak. I would've revisited Broadway accidently shooting Elisa rather than pigeon poop, but that's just me. Also: aren't Yakko and Dot siblings? I guess the tower gets hella freaky. I think Wakko likes to watch. ETA: Another thing . . . Doctor Manhattan doesn't give people cancer. And the hydrogen atom on his forehead wasn't visible. Maybe the writers didn't want Alan Moore to sic a snake god on them.
  21. Bumping up . . . the "Stakes" storyline starts Monday night at 8, with back-to-back episodes running through Thursday. Cartoon Network will air the miniseries in full on Friday night at 7 p.m. ETA: Interesting . . . Marceline was a vampire hunter who inhaled remnants of her slain and acquired their powers. Also interesting to see other humans in the flashbacks. I keep forgetting that Finn is more of less the last human alive on Ooo (discounting Simon, of course). And we got another sitcom theme song covered! Anybody want to bet on what Marceline will sing next?
  22. Thanks for thinking of me. I get tipped off by Bleeding Cool. It would be nice to go back. I'm coming off LI Who, with New Jersey Comic Expo next weekend. Here are the pics I took over the weekend.
  23. Here are my pics from this weekend. I'll post titles and descriptions later. I like to think that I had a good time, but I don't know if I'd go back.
  24. Any other TAR fans flash back to the Surfers getting eliminated for letting the Besties pass them on the way to the Chill Zone? I know I did.
  25. Here's the site. Only three guests so far, but I'm sure it'll fill up.
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