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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. In case anybody has forgotten . . . new episodes of Mike Tyson Mysteries and Mr. Pickles air tonight after Robot Chicken.
  2. Interesting that this is a long-running anime. Maybe Toonami will shuffle it like Naruto and One Piece? So far, HxH seems nice, but I feel like I'm ticking off a checklist . . . child protagonist, survivor of a slain clan, dude that vaguely looks like Santa Claus, child protagonist bringing people closer together, etc. As weird as Parasyte was, at least there were interesting ideas involved. And lots of bloodshed. ETA: Like Parasyte, the closing credits for Hunter X Hunter appeared in Anime Lyrics 301. It's hard to forget "IT'S RAPE TIME!!!"
  3. I reserved it at the library. Not thinking of buying it, mostly since I don't have a Blu-Ray player, but it's a possibility.
  4. AVClub did a retrospective on Childrens Hospital. And I saw the finale. .. weird stuff. Anybody else miss NTSF:SD:SUV::?
  5. Thanks, TVSpectator. I'm not clicking the link. I'm happy with parodies . . . like a recent episode of Robot Chicken with a bit explaining why the lambs were screaming. Anybody else wondering when Archer's luck will run out? Lots of stuff went wrong, but he got to see his greatest nemeses get killed. That should sate him until Barry inevitably comes back from the dead.
  6. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Bartolo Colon is pitching in Cleveland tonight. The guys at SNY dug up footage of him as a rookie with the Indians, as well as his rookie card. Back then, he weighed 185 pounds. Hard to imagine, I know.
  7. Looks like the Killer Fatigue is getting to teams. Because of their need to keep fans, they're not going really overboard. I don't think there's a detestable person or team like Logan & Chris last season. Or Scot and Jason over on Survivor. Or at least half the cast on the current season of The Real World. I'm guessing the camels had to be muzzled in order to protect the Racers. That's a pity. I probably would have done that Detour because I don't know how to ride an actual bike, let alone outrace a camel in one. Nice for the show to slag Mika. The final task would have killed her before the button would have been pressed with the coffin-style entrance. I'd be scared about getting stuck. It's funny when Homer Simpson gets wedged, but I really wouldn't want to risk that. And I'm hoping the bathing suits aren't something the show concocted to embarrass the cast. I do have to agree with the others . .. Sheri wore hers well. I don't think using the Express Pass will bite Brodie & Kurt in the butt. Going all-out on tasks probably will. I bet they're still sore months after racing the camels.
  8. Chris is a little bitch. I'm sorry, but I can't root for a curbstomp on Jenna, even if her outlook on life needs some adjusting. If he really wanted to score points with viewers, he would have told Jenna that owning up to the leak was a "mission," and failure to have done so would have resulted in his expulsion. Oh, and if things had dragged on for a few more days, Jenna would have given Kailah the beating Chris clearly deserved. Note to any Brooklynites reading this . . . disown Chris's punk ass ASAP. I guess the only people to root for on this cast are Ceejai and Sabrina. And maybe Dean, but he deserved to lose $200 loaning it to Dione. When MTV pulls the plug on The Challenge, Johnny won't be alone on the street with Dione around. That guy is a jackass. ETA: If Jenna is reading this, I'd recommend reading Jon Ronson's So You've Been Publically Shamed. It's mostly about people who said or did the wrong thing that wound up destroying them, and how they tried to drag themselves back up.
  9. I have to wonder why Sandra would come back. The odds of her reaching the 117 days mountaintop would be pretty slim, let alone winning her third crown/tiara. And she had to deal with two of the biggest assholes in the show's history in her first two tours. Why risk a third headache?
  10. I would be surprised. With an ex-jock like Scot, I'd expect Probst to go "boys will be boys" at the Reunion. Here's hoping he backs the bus over Scot and Jason when the time comes.
  11. Dreamz is easy to defend . . . he was less of an asshole and more like the "Perfection" game where the board would pop up anytime under sixty seconds. I didn't think Randy was racist . . . I think he genuinely hates everybody. And I'd throw in Crystal Cox for being the epitome of "epic fail."
  12. That seems to be the correct episode title. Maybe there was an adjustment? Water slide . . . is this a Switchback to the time where (hitting Wikipedia) Mika freaked the hell out? ETA: Here are the leg averages after eight episodes: 2.00 Brodie/Kurt 2.88 Tyler/Kody 3.50 Burnie/Ashley 3.50 Dana/Matt 4.50 Zach/Rachel 6.88 Sheri/Cole I don't think there's a huge gap between the lead teams and the middle of the pack. Sheri & Cole, on the other hand, should have been eliminated by now. Looking at the board, I can't see them finishing a leg in the front of the pack once.
  13. Fetish Fashion Show . . , man, that was a disaster. Sure, we had Dan and Syrus as Siegfried and a white tiger, and Laterrian was almost naked . . . but between the Simpsons diaper skit from Kameelah and Rebecca and the obvious plant checking to see if Julie's been a good Mormon, I can see why MTV buried it. I don't think James cried after every time RR lost. He was butthurt a lot, though. Funny that Christian was the obvious MVP on that team. I wasn't into Road Rules: Europe, so I don't have any real memories of Michelle. I do know she was the second BMPer to have died, coming after a car wreck. ETA for Asp Burger . . . I remember that commercial! And I think it's in the top ten most "extreme" missions in Challenge history. Also, I did a blog entry on "spotlight Challengers," and I had to include Julie's initial tour of duty.
  14. I'll bite. How hard did Sarah savage Johnny? And did Susie join in?
  15. No sweat about the titles . . . I'll give it a few episodes before I think about changing them into something more appropriate. For anybody not into Samurai Champloo, here's Maijin Fuu. Good times.
  16. Did not notice that Archer was the victim in Cyril's fantasy. The beard threw me off. Did Buffalo Bill have a little poodle as well? Good episode. I never got a "swirly," but I still have bad feelings stemming from my adolescence. Nice for Archer to rise above it and become perhaps the world's greatest spy and world's greatest unlicensed investigator. Maybe I should be a bullying dick to everybody I meet.
  17. What would be your Rushmores of Suck? Pre-32, I'm thinking Richard, Jon Dalton, Russell Hantz and Colton Cumbie. I'm willing to hear arguments for other candidates.
  18. "Lurch" is Scot. "Bounty" and "Cupcake" apply to Jason, I believe.
  19. Good idea. Who else wants to see Shining Knight? Maybe Paul Cornell can write the episode in the style of Demon Knights.
  20. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    The Mets made the back page of the Daily News thanks to Terry's speech. I can't blame him . .. while he's safe with an extension, the Mets have historically been prone to ruts. If that means hyping Cespedes up to the point where he pulls a Jeter and dives into the seats, so be it.
  21. Man. These are the worst time travelers ever. And if Rip is so down on them screwing things up, why does he show them something that can manufacture period weapons? That's like giving monkeys blowtorches. I know Jax, Ray and Martin don't have conventionally-based powers and that they'd need protection, but damn. Never saw Jonah Hex. Heard it sucked. My Jonah experience is basically Riders Of The Worm And Such and the times he popped up on B:TAS and Justice League Unlimited. Nice that they didn't bring up him being a Confederate solider. And I've been meaning to ask . . . how can you get a scar that goes over the mouth? I do find it cute that Jonah would be savvy about things time-travel-y. Surprised the older lady was a past incarnation. I guess that means we won't get Nighthawk and Cinnamon. No big loss. What kind of badass name is "Pilgrim"? Ten bucks says that Snart asks her where her buckled shoes are next week.
  22. To those calling this season the worst-cast, I offer you Nicaragua. So many dumbasses and assholes, and it was probably set up to make the Rob/Russell season look much better by comparison. I knew about Rosahmbo through South Park and Deadpool #25. The key is never letting your opponent go first. Did anybody else notice Neal's ice-cream cone t-shirt? And upon further reflection, I doubt Jason can spell "warfare." ETA: I meant to type "Roshambo," and I was too lazy to look up the correct spelling.
  23. There will be an "After Show" following the episode. I'm passing up both on Thursday so I can focus on Archer.
  24. I've been calling those two motherfuckers "The Brotherhood Of The Ugly Tattoos" since the first episode, backformore. I think their love of ink is why they voted out Darnell. Seriously, they look like canvases for failed artists. Gruesome, inside and out. ETA: Turns out I've laid that nickname on them since the second episode. My bad. Also, apologies if I've laid that on too thick throughout this season.
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