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Mrs. Stanwyck

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Everything posted by Mrs. Stanwyck

  1. I can't remember for sure if they were still together when she died, but Diane and Fornell did get back together after the divorce. and I think they were a couple when she died.
  2. I don't think the fact she dated Nolan means she has daddy issues. John is a nice, funny, nice-looking man who is honest and sweet. When I was younger, more than once I was attracted to and dated men that were older than me. It wasn't about daddy issues, it was about a level of maturity that guys my age didn't seem to possess. And, both she and John needed it explained about why it wasn't a good idea. It's also not like she has continued to date older men. Come to think of it, wasn't she dating an EMT or something last season? I'm curious to see how the post-rookie careers play out. John will continue to be on patrol because his goal is now to be a training officer, so that takes care of him. What about Chen and West? Will they just move into normal patrol duty while Bradford and Nyla get new boots? Will some of the cast be leaving?
  3. At first I was thinking Ronald needed to get rid of Jerry because without her (and other two) the bulk of the case against him is gone. But now that he's killed his mom and the priest, kidnapped Erik and shot the cop via booby trap, he has less reason to bother Jerry going forward since there would still be plenty of case against him even without her.
  4. You're right - I don't remember what he was studying but he and Grace met in college and I believe he dropped out when his ex-wife got pregnant.
  5. That's not true. In the episode where Harry pulls her ex through the wall she tells Harry that she ran off when she was 16 and got pregnant. Her ex convinced her they were too young to care for a baby so she gave the baby up for adoption. We didn't know until this episode that Sam helped her with the adoption.
  6. If the Emperor goes rogue and Michael has to take control, is the entire ship going to think "great - there goes Michael again with the mutiny"?
  7. I hope she isn't in trouble. The 3 kidnap victims should have been able to hear the conversation and confirm that he said he would shoot her on 5. Also that Cassie told him over and over and over to put down his gun and get on the ground. With Grace's confirmation that he killed the fisherman and with the fact that they found his bullet in Cody's head, it should be a no brainer that she shot in self defense. I can't imagine any jury that would convict her or any prosecutor that would want to pursue the case. But, as you said, this is TV, so who cares about reality. I supposed she could get in trouble by losing her license to carry a gun. If Grace and Danielle were my children, I would wrap up the police stuff and get the hell back home. When Denise showed up at Jennie's house, my first thought was "does she feel awkward since had she not told Cody to meet with Rick, he wouldn't be dead"? My other awkward thought was how will Jennie's son feel when he finds out Danielle got kidnapped because of a road rage incident and while trying to find her, his dad died? It might not be fair, but if it were me, I think I might have a hard time getting past that.
  8. I'm surprised that Valerie and Duff didn't at least comment that they expected more than a cookie with fairly plain frosting. I feel like they've made that comment in other seasons when the kids do something pretty simple. Also, what did Bella do for 2 hours? It shouldn't have taken that long to make cookies so how did she run out of time to do her decorating? I knew Namiah was probably the one to go but I was sorry to see it. I really liked her.
  9. Did Grey tell her she made detective at the end? Unless I misheard that, she won't be wearing the standard cop uniform anymore.
  10. Smash the walls and those ugly small tile countertops with grout but I was really upset they didn't gently remove those kitchen cabinets. Those looked relatively new (and not builder grade) and in good shape. There is no reason they couldn't have been donated.. It is so wasteful!
  11. I kept yelling for them to bring in dogs - I'm sure they have those in Montana. I know they probably didn't have any with the girls' scent but they could have said the parents brought some things when they came to Montana to meet with the police The other thing is I believe the dogs could have responded to the smell of people and it least gives them a reason to look for dna and fingerprints. Don't they have dogs that look for people when a building collapses - those dogs aren't looking for a specific scent are they? Since they knew the space was large and there was an underground location, it seems like dogs might have been helpful for finding the girls. Also, would it have been trespassing? I thought it was a deserted government building - something for land management. It didn't belong to either Ronald or Rick. Rick was also "trespassing" while having his lunch there.
  12. The mother blamed the girl and thought she should have been arrested. The DA wasn't interested in prosecuting but as Benny point out, the DA might reconsider if the mother was successful in a civil case. A successful civil case would show that the DA might be able to persuade a jury to find the girl guilty (what the charge would be, I'm not sure - manslaughter, negligent homicide?). The mother was the actress from Fletch (the 1985 Chevy Chase movie - her character was Gail Stanwyk)
  13. To me, he will always be Glen Gulia from The Wedding Singer
  14. Yes - the doctor administering the drug asked if he ever had a psychotic break. I think we are gearing up for a battle between real Mac and dream Mac.
  15. I kept waiting for the kid's picture of the mother to be the key piece of evidence that saved the day - I assumed the green light would be visible in the picture and that's how they would prove the signal malfunction. I was shocked when it didn't happen.
  16. I think it's now a 3 bedroom, 3 bath home. As you said, one of the bedrooms was turned into a master bath but the half bath was turned into the master closet so they took away the half bath but added a full one.
  17. I didn't think she was saying half-siblings aren't siblings, just that while this person shared DNA he was a stranger. When she said siblings are people you grow up with, I took it to mean people you know and interact with - not just people you lived with full time or had the same mother and father.
  18. Ansel wasn't actually living independently - he was living with Grey. But he has been moving towards more independence and Dex seems to finally support that. He is learning to drive, he is going on a date. He is achieving the goals he set for himself. And no one says that he has to move back in with Dex permanently. She is going through a particularly rough time and I think it is fine for Ansel to move back in to support Dex the way she has supported him in the past. While I think Dex will always be a little bit of a train wreck, she has been pulling things together lately and this last case has thrown her for a loop by bringing up all the Bennie stuff. I think admitting what really happened to Sue Lyn was good step toward moving past the guilt and grief she feels. If she can deal with Bennie, she will be in a much better place. And if Ansel wants to move out again at some time in the future, I choose to believe she would support that.
  19. Regarding the part I bolded, if Trina's mother has a problem with Trina associating with mobsters why is she allowed to hang out with Josslyn who lives with mobsters? Her position seems a bit inconsistent.
  20. I don't think that is what happened. I think the earth was dying before the crash but no one had been able to figure out how to get off the planet. Then, the crash happened and they used the alien technology and were able to start leaving. Poor Billy Mumy - last we saw of his Dr. Smith, he was in a cryo chamber. I guess he was blown to smithereens with the Resolute.
  21. I know they aren't required to make these characters the same as the original tv series but at the very beginning of the show, Dr. Smith was a murderous sociopath. He got stuck on the ship because he was trying to sabotage it which would have killed everyone on board. He messed with the Robot's programming and if i remember correctly, the Robot was supposed to kill everyone except Dr. Smith. After the first season he went from malicious and evil to bumbling goofball. He was always my least favorite part of the original series and it continues to be the same here. It is the same problem in both versions - I know they aren't the kind of people to straight up kill Dr. Smith but it gets old watching them put up with antics that endanger everyone and there are never any consequences. It's 50-ish years later and it is still not something I enjoy watching.
  22. When my husband asked what a trifle was I immediately thought of Rachel's version. 😀
  23. There were two flower deliveries. The one we saw with the roses was after the wife came home and found her husband dead and thought the doctor did it to protect her. The husband had apparently bought flowers for his wife for Valentine's Day and that was the delivery we saw. It was not connected to the husband's death. Then there was an earlier delivery we didn't see where the guy from India pretended to be a florist to gain entry to the home and kill the husband. This happened before the woman got home. The murderer took the flowers with him when he left but a yellow petal fell off and was found at the crime scene.
  24. I know you said this is in Valentine's head but why would Helena mix Valentine's sperm with Lulu's egg knowing that Luke was the father of both of them? That seems twisted, even for Helena.
  25. Not watching but how would that even work? Did they say that Laura is Valentine's mother or that Helena impregnated herself with Luke's sperm? I know reality is not really something that GH adheres too but I feel like Helena has been past her child-bearing age as long as she has known Luke.
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