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Everything posted by ChristmasJones

  1. I wonder why Shaeda has never mentioned freezing her eggs. Maybe her fertility has dropped too far at this point to do that?
  2. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/kanye-west-is-missing-according-to-former-business-manager/ar-AA15KvI7?li=BBnb7Kz Kanye is missing
  3. I can barely understand most of the arguments on this show, but is there any substance to Lisa's theory that Meredith is tossing out the go-fund me stuff because she is trying to get back at Lisa for her rant/tirade? I thought it sort of makes sense.... but is Meredith really THAT angry about it still??
  4. At the very end, when Heather was being questioned by a producer, in a TH, the producer said something about who Heather is trying to protect/cover for and she said, "myself." Which matches my general assumption about it- that it was during the drunken antics. Maybe Heather is embarrassed about all that? But it was still super lame of her to spend the whole day implying that something nefarious happened.
  5. I've read that for federal sentences, the person has to serve 85% of it, and there is no exception to it. Will hers fall under federal?
  6. Have we ever had an estimate of her inheritance and 401K? I've always wondered how much money it was. Given her age at the time, I don't think her 401K would have has that much money it.
  7. What a dud of a finale. Bryce is such a snooze-fest, I can't believe he made it this long, let alone winning. Nothing against country - I go for voice over genre, so I wouldn't care if a country person with an incredible voice won. I predict he will not have much of a career as he seems rather one-dimensional to me. As for Omar, I found myself envisioning him in musicals on Broadway and I think that would be a great place for his voice. This has not been one of my favorite seasons. I usually can find at least a singer or two who really grabs me but this year I didn't really have that.
  8. Unpaid taxes... https://www.nbcnews.com/business/taxes/kanye-west-yeezy-ye-debt-tax-finances-money-net-worth-rcna58980
  9. I noticed a sharp divide in terms of skin color tonight in terms of who made it and who had to sing. I can't believe the Leatherwood dude keeps getting voted through. No offense to those who like him but I just don't get it.
  10. I've been watching anti-mlm videos by women who used to sell products in mlm on youtube and here are two that feature clips from both Christine and Janelle .... be warned, in the first one you will hear Christine talking about bloating and "food babies" ... and Janelle admits Maddie wanted a plexus product for her baby, and all of Janelle's kids take it. Truely apparently uses it to help with anxiety at family gatherings. the second is just Janelle I don't know how these ladies can respect themselves while doing this.
  11. Not only saddling her kids with him, but there is a strong genetic component to bipolar disorder. It is also known that trauma can be a factor, but the genetic underpinning can be strong enough in some people that no trauma is "required" to cause the condition. With four children, its likely that at least one of them will have it. source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306452209005764
  12. I find it rich hearing Sobyn talking about leaving "her assets" to her children. A woman who only brought debt, and has never worked (show income aside) since joining the Browns. She is, what, in her 40's? She could easily live another 40 years, and I pray people will stop watching this show so TLC pulls it at some point before then.
  13. Out of curiosity I looked at CP on a map, and I hadn't realized how remote it is. You can't even use Google street view on the roads out there. Where do folks go grocery shopping?
  14. Going to a more meta level, how will the younger kids feel when they are older and realize their parents chose to film the breakdown of their family for money? Christine is so revered now for deciding to leave Kody, but she is just as guilty for depending on reality tv money to finance her life. The next ten years are going to be interesting as more reality tv kids get into their late teens and early 20's and get a chance to speak out about their experiences. And now with social media, its even easier for them to speak out.
  15. Does anyone else find the way Meredith speaks to be odd? Her intonations and other vocal characteristics... any speech therapists here who could articulate this better than me? Something about it just seems weird to me.
  16. I can't even remember which team he was on, but the guy who sang the song Redbone in the final four tonight (the guy in the very light patterned 70's style suit)- he may have a big range, but if you recall Roderick Chambers sang this song on The Voice in 2020. Take a listen to Roderick's version - IMO it was so much better than the one tonight.
  17. I've actually lost my sympathy for Jason and Laura Leigh. They've had more than enough time to see what they were up against and yet they still decided to bring kids into this terrible family situation. And, if they are making it up for the cameras, then they are pathetic too. Putting your family in a horrible light for the public just to make a few bucks. But I guess that is the culture we live in today - being shameless = $$$$ - we viewers are as guilty as anyone. If there was no demand, these shows wouldn't exist.
  18. How far off the deep end is he going to go? Is there anyone, such as a doctor, who could step in and insist he have his meds adjusted? With a person with such wealth and fame, and his parents are dead and he is divorced, and with severe mental illness, I wonder who he has that would be willing to confront him or not just tell him what he wants to hear?
  19. How does a person from the US just decide to move to Canada?
  20. On this point though, if Diana wanted to drive Garcelle off the show, and wanted to pay bots or hire whoever to send a message to Garcelle's son to make that happen, how does it benefit Dianna to include the phrase "leave Diana out of it." It seems it would be much more effective if these horrible threats and comments were made to appear from someone else other than the person who made them. Is it possible Lisa or Erika did it rather than Diana?
  21. Honest question re: the threat text/message/post sent to Garcelle's son. If Diana was actually behind it, would she really be dumb enough to write "leave Diana out of this" in it? That seems like such an amateur thing to do. Is it possible that someone else did this to stir up problems and divert attention from themselves? Does Garcelle have any other corroborating information that this came from Diana? To make such an accusation, I would hope so, as it seems so easy for someone else to drop a line about Diana in there. I ask this not because I support Diana in any way. I find her utterly loathsome. I guess I just find that one particular detail puzzling. Also what motivation would Diana have for saying such a threat to Garcelle's son in the first place? It just seems a bit random and bizarre, unless I am forgetting something.
  22. Super random, but I happened to see a tv commercial for a company called debt.com today featuring Vicki. Here is her profile on their site - https://www.debt.com/author/vgunvalson/
  23. What do we think is going to happen with Destinie's baby? Its so sad looking at an innocent baby in the arms of someone like her. Its a stark reminder that we truly have no control over the family we are born into. I hope Tayler get's her mind straight about Chance and dumps him. He is seriously bad news.
  24. Any thoughts on why Debbie's friend decided to not let her move in? Maybe I am being too much of a cynic, but I thought part of it might be because she's jealous that Debbie has a man. (Assuming the friend is single). She was sure quick to rain on Debbie's parade about Tony. Debbie seemed surprised that she changed her mind so quick (when she already knew about the cats), so that made me think it was about Tony.
  25. This totally cracked me up - on the Land's End clothing website - they have a Blake Shelton clothing section!!!! https://www.landsend.com/blake-shelton/
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