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Everything posted by ChristmasJones

  1. Outside of this show, has anyone else ever heard the term "tender age" being used? I never have personally. Is it a regional thing or a Mormon thing perhaps?
  2. The way to make money in the MLMs is to have a huge downline - which is easier for someone "famous" like Janelle or Christine. Not so much when you are just selling product. A good podcast to hear interviews with people who were in MLMs, where they share the nitty gritty details, is From Huns to Humans. They have some interviews with people who were selling Plexus
  3. is there a place to discuss the episode of WWHL they were on this week?
  4. Why on earth did Amanda try to talk with Razvan about their relationship while sitting around the small table with his family? That was so bizarre and off. What on earth would she hope to accomplish by doing that.
  5. One thing though with Meri is that she was only able to have one child. Then she had to sit there and watch her sister wives have six children each. For a woman who wants children, the pain of infertility can be excruciating. To then also be in the Mormon culture which has such an intense focus on family and children, and also live in the same home with women who have child after child after child for years.... I can't imagine what that was like for her emotionally. Imagine if Christine had been able to only have one child (knowing she wanted more) while Meri and Janelle each had six. What would Christine be like now? Would she be happy and fulfilled with her life or might she have some emotional struggles from that? What would Meri be like now, if she had been the mother to six children? Would she have been so busy being a mother and getting emotional fulfillment from that, that she would never attempt an affair? What about Janelle? What would her path be like if she had one child. Would she be a career woman, bringing in a big salary while Meri and Christine stayed home? These scenarios are hypothetical of course but I think its interesting to imagine how the dynamics could be quite different if the roles in this family were reversed.
  6. I haven't watched the show in years, but follow it on this forum and others and I have to say that the comments have been helping me come to terms with my brother, who is a lot like Kody. I also have a Robyn in my life, the woman my dad got involved with after my parents divorced. My dad is nothing like Kody, he is more like a Janelle, but his partner did the exact same thing as Robyn, for decades - manipulated him to only be with her and her kids, and to get rid of my siblings and I. These dysfunctional patterns are not all that uncommon, and to see them openly displayed by "real" people, as opposed to in a fictional story, is like seeing what goes on behind closed doors.
  7. I was so thrilled to see Slim Aarons mentioned on a reality teevee show in 2023! I love his photos and have considered purchasing a print of one for myself. You can see his collection here: https://photos.com/collections/the+complete+slim+aarons+collection
  8. Its odd that TWO of the HWs this season are wearing ill-fitting demin tops/dresses in their THs. I find myself wondering if they cringe when they watch the episodes.
  9. Do most people, outside of perhaps very close family, care very much about vow renewals? I was listening to the speeches at the party and wondering how much those people really care that Erin and her husband have been married for ten years.
  10. Ok, why did Erin choose that chain-metal dress that completely smashed her boobs flat while also showing smashed side non-cleavage. (Nothing against small boobs!!) But that was just sooo unflattering. She was constantly tugging at it. I'm starting to question her fashion tastes as the weird denim tank top she wears in the THs also is very unflattering IMO.
  11. I wanted Wyatt to win. But the final three were all equally deserving in terms of how long they lasted. I wish they would spend a bit more time on the show with each person after they tap out or win. I guess there is no reunion either? That would be cool. Now I need to start watching the Australia episodes.
  12. I was amazed that they did that runway show outside in the rain and dark. The rain was bad enough but then to wait until it was dark out? I could barely see any of the clothes. Note to production: if you aren't sure about weather, don't plan outdoor events. Sheesh.
  13. Kind of dark, but do we trust Harold to give all the money to Michaela? I'll put my answer in spoilers
  14. Sadly I don't think this will have a good outcome, although of course I only hope for the best for Michaela - she is a lovely person. The article linked says the cancer spread from her ovaries to her stomach. I appreciate Harold doing a gofundme for her. An update posted by Harold on the GFM, 8/16/23, says "Michaela, and I have been amazed and humbled by the amount of support we have received. There are not words enough for how grateful I am. Need is limitless and care is finite. The love shown and support is greater than I dreamed. Thank you all for the Donations and support"
  15. For those who may not know, there is a podcast doing a season on Jenn Shah - Season 4 - Queen of the Con
  16. I like this season. I don't mind a slow pace. I watched this episode thinking I would be happy for any of the remaining four to win. Sometimes I don't feel that way as it gets close to the end. When they give in to missing their family, to me it says they just don't want it bad enough. Yes, I know it is an unpleasant feeling, but they really should work harder before they go to keep reminding themselves that it is ONLY TEMPORARY. I also wish we would have a contestant who is a meditator who could show us how they use their practice to stabilize their mind during the experiment and not tap out purely for emotional reasons. I've honestly been surprised that no one on this show has ever mentioned meditating (but please correct me if I have that wrong). I thought Alan handled the birthday just right. Awesome for him to catch a huge fish right after he ate a big meal of it.
  17. Chad is disgusting. No sane woman would get near him with a ten foot pole. I hated that the only thing he EVER said about the women was that they were beautiful - as if he is entitled to a beautiful woman. Dude brings ZERO to the table. Mowing a lawn as a hobby? He seems like one of the most boring people I've ever seen. The only way a dude like him would find a wife is if it was the 1800's and he was a farmer and some desperate woman needed a husband so she wouldn't starve to death.
  18. This was SO WEIRD!!!! I went back and re-watched it after reading your comment. It was like an animal in heat sticking their ass in the other animal's face. That's very crass, but she was not being subtle at all, and she did it to everyone. I've never seen someone do that before.
  19. I find myself rooting for Sheila and David. I think she is a very lovely person, inside and out, and he is a decent chap too. I hope they can make it work. This is one of the few times where I think it would be great if she could come to the US and be able to provide a better life for her family. She strikes me as someone who would work hard and could do well in a career if she was given more opportunities.
  20. "Exposing the shocking world of youth MMA (kids cage fighting), now legal in California, “Kids in A Cage” follows two child fighters over several years on their quest to win the youth MMA national championship, as they wrestle demons at home and battle for glory in the cage." https://www.aetv.com/specials/kids-in-a-cage This documentary follows two families over the course of two years as their children progress through MMA competitions. One is a girl and the other is a boy. While the people who run these MMA camps and contests have implemented some rules (the kids can't hit the other kids in the face or neck), the children still do get hurt. You will watch them being told not to cry over and over again. What I would love is if the filmmakers would go back and revisit these kids in 5-10 years and see how they are doing.
  21. Did anyone else notice that the camera work was not very good this episode? I noticed tons of shots where they were zoomed in too close, not at a good angle, etc. I wonder if the layout of the boat makes it difficult to get the camera in the right position. It really jumped out at me for some reason, and I found myself wondering how they decide to hire the camera people for jobs like this, as a lot of the footage seemed very amateur to me. Hopefully the story lines will become compelling enough that my brain will be able to ignore the bad cinematography.
  22. Check out this news segment on a man whose home insurance was cancelled after the company saw too much clutter in his backyard using a drone. I wonder if this has ever happened to any of our hoarders. This guy's back yard is a bit crowded, but it doesn't seem like a true hoarder situation. From his interview, it sounds like he would have cleared it out if the insurance company gave him a chance. It just made me think of the folks on this show. Also, how do you feel about an insurance company using drones, Google Earth, etc, without warning to evaluate your property? https://abc7.com/homeowners-insurance-non-renewal-drone-photos-nonrenewal/13526291/
  23. When they collapse like what happened in this episode, is there any way the crew would know that?
  24. Once she got on the show, her income would count as self-employment. Assuming she paid her taxes correctly, she would be paying into Medicare and Social Security. Had it not been for TLC, and the millions of people who want to watch the show, she could have ended up in a bad situation financially. All of the Browns would actually. Now she can milk her celebrity with MLMs, and social media. The question is ... will this show ever end?
  25. To me it was never any mystery why Shaq and Kyrsten didn't work out. They do so much talking, but its as if they both speak in a different language. It was very difficult to make sense of most of their conversations. I think they have very superficial qualities in common - religion, family, professional, black - but beyond that they are just not right for each other at all. When it works, it works, in the beginning it should be easy and fun. If you have to work so hard during the first few months, to me, it says there is never going to be a solid foundation long term. That is different than hitting a few bumps a few months in. That can be worked through. But the basic energy of being together should just have a very natural flow to it in the beginning. Kyrsten and Shaq do not have a natural vibe with each other, it was never there, and the reasons don't matter at this point. If it was going to flow between them it would have. They're all acting now like its a just a given that things should work between them and I wonder what show the experts were watching because they seemed mismatched from the beginning to me. I predict that even if they decide to get back together and be married, they will divorce within a few years at most. eta: why did the experts never confront Kyrsten for all the things she did to show Shaq he didn't live up to her expectations? he wasn't imagining that... she gave him a good reason in my opinion.
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