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Everything posted by tinderbox

  1. Hmmm.... I thought they did invite Sarah toward the end of their discussion. WAY WAY toward the end.
  2. I thought Red was saying Geoff was bisexual and that one of his "wives" was male. heh heh This show brings out my stupidity!
  3. ...and they don't have to worry about Ben. That young man is as pliable as Play Dough. He's a sitting duck! Three down and 16 to go. I wonder how many of them (if any) will revolt? Offspring have been venturing in their own direction, at the onset of adulthood, for centuries no matter how they were raised.
  4. I think Derek has already sold out to the Duggar Family. As a mother of a son myself, I've been thinking of Derek's mother during the "wedding" episodes. There's usually that fine line a mother-in-law walks with her daughter-in-law, in general. Lots of bite your tongue moments to be had, generally speaking. However, this case is quite different...off the charts, actually. I don't even know where to begin to list all of the concerns I'd have if my son were marrying into the Duggar family. The best thing that happened to Josh and Anna was the move to Washington D.C. Yes, they still have the same belief system they were taught as children BUT my guess is it's been diluted a bit due to maturity and DISTANCE from it all.
  5. I love this show and have turned my husband into a fan, as well. I didn't begin watching until mid way through Season Two but bought the DVD and took it all in. Considering how often they air reruns, I'm pretty sure my husband has caught up. Happy the new season has begun. This family is to be admired for their ingenuity, knowledge, and many talents with regard to living on an Alaskan homestead.
  6. In reference to Cody: I found it very interesting that Cody said (in his BY interview with Jeff, I think) he would NOT be watching BB16 when he got home. Jeff (I think) said "You gotta watch!!!". I believe Cody's inclination to avoid watching indicates he KNOWS Derrick played him as well as all he other houseguests. I think Cody senses a friendship with Derrick but, at the time of the interview, it was dawning on him that he was one of his pawns, too. He didn't want confirmation of what he was just learning about Derrick and his gameplay. Cody will keep his head in the sand for a while, I'm sure. The only time I heard Derrick speaking about his mom was when he was discussing the unusual spelling of his first name and how his mom thought it unique to spell his other siblings' names differently, as well. He seemed a bit put off by it all but I didn't sense any deep seeded issues.
  7. He also needs to see an ENT (ear, nose, and throat doctor) for the constant sucking snot down his throat. I don't know if it's just a habit or a nose/throat issue. I'd love to know the actual order of our vote after Joey's ouster. My bet is that Derrick was at the bottom of the list. I believe the biggest blunder of that interview was when, while explaining his strategy, Derrick referred to "profiling" fellow houseguests. By the look on the faces of the two black women on the panel I could see that description didn't sit well at all. In fact, one of the women verbally stated her distaste for that word. Interesting! Oh, and I agree. Frankie had no business being on that show.
  8. When, exactly, was Melissa Rycroft a DCC? Were they filming Making the Team when she first auditioned? If so, which season. Thanks.
  9. 1. Despise Elena 2. Despise Emma 3. Sick to death of everything associated with Mexico 4. Don't necessarily care that Christopher bit the dust. 5. Love John Ross 6. Love Judith 7. Love Bobby 8. More Pamela - Love her 9. Want Pamela BACK with John Ross 10 Would LOVE to see original Pamela back with Bobby. BTW, Is Victoria Principal still alive? Anybody know why she refused to be on the new Dallas? I assume she was asked..if alive. 11. Interested in seeing exactly who John Ross' sister happens to be.
  10. I don't think Jocasta has stated one way or the other whether she "hates" Derrick but we did all hear her say to Nicole (upon her reentry into the game) to "get" Derrick and Cody. I remember that vividly. (Her statement came just before or after their lip lock. heh heh) That said, time heals all wounds and Jocasta has probably seen the light regarding Derrick's gameplay after other houseguests came to jury with revealing info. Edited to add: I think the only hope there is for a vote for Cody is...Caleb. However, he's so darn easily swayed that I'm not sure his anger and feelings of betrayal will hold on for long. IF he would have been able to vote immediately upon his ouster the story would be different. Plus he truly admired Derrick.
  11. I just want this season to end. I don't expect any surprises from Derrick, Cody or the jurors. Derrick will win, Cody will be F2, and Donny will be named AFP. I'll read what most of them have to say on Twitter in the short run and then will delete them completely. My family and I have never missed a season of Survivor or Amazing Race. We all try to stay unspoiled. Are you guys saying that those obnoxious twins from Amazing Race are going to be on this season's Survivor? Please please please say NO. OMG! Edited to add: ARGH! I cannot tell you how much those two women drive me/us nuts. Wait till I tell my family. Thanks for the info.
  12. I kept thinking to myself... "I would love to be a fly on the wall when (insert name of houseguest)watches their season of BB, after returning home, and realizes what has actually gone on, what people said, who had alliances with who etc." But, then I realized the houseguests almost certainly receive the broadcast version of BB16 and nothing else. Am I right? It seems there would be no way they could view ANY taped live feeds. Right? If their only look back at BB16 is what the non live feeders have witnessed, they'll never truly comprehend what went on in the house. They will only get a flavor of it. As a first time live feeder I now understand the giant difference between the two versions of this show. As for Cody preparing a speech for Frankie, I doubt he'll have the balls to add in the part about Frankie living in Ariana's shadow. He may say it or allude to it, with a few drinks under his belt, during one of the after party celebrations but I would bet money he doesn't say it in front of millions on live television. We already know Cody says a lot but rarely follows through with his threats. Oh, and one more thing about Cody... He's all proud and puffed up because of his recent comp wins. Yes, he has legitimately won some comps in the last ten days but he doesn't realize that Derrick threw, at least two, of them and that's the only reason he "won".
  13. That's because, throughout this game, Derrick has had the tendency to beat people over the head with a frying pan over and over again within the same conversation. I think his overly fast paced manipulative double talk worked for him most of the time but he doesn't seem to have the sense to know.when.to.stop. if he thinks he's not getting his point across to someone. He just never ever wants to yield to someone else's opinion when he thinks his point is more important to his endgame. THAT's what I dislike about his strategy. Please let me add: Cody seriously needs to see a barber/hair stylist asap after he returns to NJ. That poor guy's hair has been butchered the entire season. I have never believed Ariana Grande's fans would have any real impact on BB16. I don't believe most tweens have a vested interest in BB nor would they take the time to vote for their favorite player if they actually were a fan of the show. I don't even think the majority of Ariana's fans would have voted for Frankie for AFP, as a group, if she had asked.
  14. I don't think his family will have the need to tell him. IF Cody takes Derrick, (which he will) he will realize his game play wasn't anything special from the questions he's asked by the jury, Derrick's F2 speech to the jury, when he finds out how many players thought they had a F2 with Derrick, and from common sense. However, I wouldn't put it past his brother to kid him about it...for YEARS. I believe Victoria would gladly stay another 90 days if it meant she would be spending every one of those days with Derrick. It has become her happy imaginary world, of sorts. The best thing that could happen to her is to leave the game at F3, find out Derrick used her, and let her anger rise as she faces reality. If not, she'll definitely need to see a shrink. ...and those last six things will ALL happen in the last ten minutes of the show. I've always hated how the finale is produced. HATE! I've not had any problems getting my 20 votes in for Donny. However, I've only used one of my email accounts to vote. Maybe CBS can tell if a number of emails are being used from one computer. Well, now that there only a few days left of BB16, I've FINALLY figured how to use the multiple quote feature of this site. Good God!!
  15. I'm pretty sure Christine watched live feeds. Nicole may have, too.
  16. Amber isn't in the jury house. I have mixed feelings about Caleb. He is so trusting and loyal and believes he's going to the final three with Cody and Derrick. He also believes, to the bottom of his soul, that Victoria has no business being in the house right now mostly because she hasn't won a thing. Winning comps is important to Caleb, as we all know. That said, his loyalty and trust didn't last where Frankie is concerned and I think the decision to hang Frankie out to dry will be something he regrets for a very long time.  
  17. I went back and listened to their conversation three times. They both were called into the DR within minutes of each other. (Frankie first) They met up in the BR after Derrick came out of DR and hugged it out. I turned up my volume but they were whispering so I'm not sure I got it all. I'm pretty sure BOTH of them need to be F2 in order for the extra $50,000 to be awarded to the winner of BB16. If Frankie wins the veto it would be a bit easier for Derrick and Frankie to eventually make it to F2 (no guarantees, though) IF Frankie does not win veto then Derrick must pull off his biggest manipulative move to date to keep Frankie in the house and to have Victoria voted off. This still would be a positive move for Derrick because he knows Victoria is an automatic vote for him in jury. This will be very interesting. Everybody is crying foul and I understand it...and agree. If this was the plan all along, then why wasn't it part of the Team America announcement to begin with?
  18. I hope someone here can help me. I clicked on the "Highlights" section of the Live Feeds and began to watch Caleb tell Victoria about the Bomb Squad last night (in HOH room). I managed to listen to Caleb drone on and on BUT couldn't make it past the ten minute mark. Here are my questions: Did Caleb tell Victoria that Derrick was a member of the Bomb Squad beginning on Day 2? If so, how did she react? Does Caleb actually know the Bomb Squad doesn't exist and that it became The Detonators weeks ago? He was not officially invited to be part of The Detonators, was he? Was it Caleb who actually started the Bomb Squad? Thanks. I realize many of the houseguests' heads swell a bit when they become HOH and they develop some sort of swagger BUT Caleb is the absolute worst. Just watching him sit in that HOH bed and deliver this news to Victoria was mind boggling! OMG! I would love for the Veto comp pics to be varied in some way from the ones originally shown or I hope they're upside down or that they see the negatives only. Anything to make the comp be more difficult than it was before. I'd LOVE for Frankie to win if only to watch Derrick, Cody, and Caleb's heads explode. I'm serious!!! Edited to respond to post from below. Is it possible that the producers informed Frankie (and now Derrick) that their TA rat/mouse challenge didn't count because they've rewound the game?? That could be why Frankie is upset and why he's hoping that Derrick "crushes" it when in the DR.
  19. I THINK we may have seen a genuine and truthful moment last night at the pool table when Derrick was responding to Frankie's comment (as told to Derrick by Caleb) about Derrick using the "family" card to win the game. (Those weren't Frankie's exact words.) Derrick seemed very angry. Frankie comments struck a nerve. For me, THAT was the real Derrick.
  20. I'm saddened to hear Shay is the probable victim in the Chicago Fire premiere (I should actually call it The Gabby Show, shouldn't I?). I loved Shay.
  21. I just can't place who she played on the show. Checked imdb and still can't connect the dots. I realize she played a doctor but which doctor? Was she one of the doctors in the episode with the bombing of the hospital? Somebody help me out, please. Such a tragic accident. May she rest in peace.
  22. I think Derrick has had his speech prepared for quite some time. Right now, he's perfecting it and adding recent accomplishments to his list. As much as I hate to admit it, I think Derrick will win if he makes it to F2. He's smart, well spoken, respected, and will manage to manipulate the jury one last time for the outcome he desires. Many people applaud his game play. I think is disturbing that a person can have the capability to double talk, manipulate, zero in on specific personality types, lie, and backstab the way Derrick does. I realize he's not alone with this "gift" but to watch it play out day after day for almost three months gives me pause. If I were a family member, friend, or co-worker of Derrick I would always keep this part of him in the back of my mind. I realize Derrick was probably taught, at the police academy (or somewhere), exactly how to perfect this sort of thing but I still think it's unsettling to watch how people succumb to his manipulations so easily. ...and it's usually Derrick who begins/leads these boring talks. He just has to make sure his minions are following his plan of attack all the while leading them to think the plan is all theirs.
  23. He wants to keep Frankie around a little longer due to TA. For Derrick, it's all about the money.
  24. I would think they'd all want to be sitting next to Victoria in F2. I'm not sure any of these guys would vote her out except for Caleb. Derrick isn't going to have to "work" too hard in his mission to keep Victoria around.
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