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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. I agree with you that that what happened. I just find it hard to believe that an experienced police officer, knowing what she knew, while seeing Barry reached for the weapon, did not immediately pull the trigger and sent 5 to 6 rounds center-mass.
  2. It can be done and it indeed was done. Remember Valerie? And that show even survived without Valerie.
  3. IANAL, so I ask for those legally-literate. What charge did the police give to Miguel when he was arrested? He can not be arrested just because a police lieutenant feels that he needs to be arrested, can he? CMIIW, but there must be a clear and specific charge for one to be put under arrest, is there not? Whatever Miguel said he did under duress, how could that be used against him? Victim or not Lourdes killed somebody, somebody unarmed and her life was not in danger at that time. How can a sworn law enforcement officer ask that the charge be dropped based on something that is not even yet proved?
  4. I for one watch more CW shows than ABC and FOX combined. Outside of sports and news, of course.
  5. Typically, Canadian and U.S. rights are separate. Therefore, because Bell Media (Space and Crave TV) owns its rights in Canada right now, it does not mean that Amazon Prime Videos Canada will necessarily own the rights to the show. Depending on the contracts, Bell Media may as well keep the rights for Canadian distributions. Example is Star Trek: Discovery. Since Bell Media (through Space) owns the rights, CBS All Access Canada can not stream the show even though the show is originally shown on CBS All Access USA.
  6. What the hell did I just watch? It makes no sense at all. So after spending multiple episodes looking for the big bad behind Echo Team's ambush, they finally got him just like that? Such an anti-climax. And now they went home, deployment is over. Remind me, why did they get deployed to Afghanistan anyway? Their deployment order came before Echo Team got ambushed. Then they went to Afghanistan. Then the spent the whole deployment avenging Echo Team. If I were the JSOC CO, I would not be happy having highly valuable special operations team not doing what they meant to do during their deployment. How long is the deployment? It can not be long enough that members are fine leaving their vehicles on the lot in the open. It can not be short enough that Clay and Stella are missing each other like a couple of teenagers. Speaking of Stella, why are she and the lecturer giving a lecture out in the open? I laughed at Ellis saying that her next assignment is in Diego Rivera. The Navy did not let the show say Diego Garcia? Diego Rivera was a Mexican artist. And did Ellis just violating OPSEC/PERSEC by correcting that Hayes just returned from Afghanistan? Nitpicks: why does the military use civilian Chinook helicopter? Cutter is a British national and a former SAS, is he not? Why does he have U.S. Navy flag in his office? Steak burritos and fish tacos all for less than $20 in such a nice restaurant?
  7. My regret from this episode is that Valderrama did not address Maduro in Spanish.
  8. Here is hoping that the series finale can be a closure. But I suspect not, I guess TPTB did not expect this cancellation and has created the finale as a bridge to the second season.
  9. I think the casting of Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa and Kiki Sukezane is a big waste of talents. Tagawa is quite well known and Sukezane is a martial artist. It is such a crime to have Sukezane just standing pretty and say one or two not very important lines. So the revelation is that Smith/Harris' purpose is to get to Alpha Centauri to get fresh start. So why did she stir the pot so much? Why was she sabotaging things? Would the best thing to do not keeping her head down and get herself back to the Resolute?
  10. Yeah, this surprised me. NASA and U.S. military use SI, and so U.S. scientific community. Funny thing, they are talking in Imperial, but the speedometer is SI. Is that not confusing? I am a bit confused. John was a Navy SEAL? I thought in the earlier episode it was established that he was on deployment with Delta. There is no way, no way at all that a family member could have mistaken Delta with SEAL. Even if all his activities were secret, those are two different organizations in two different services. What does Dr. Smith / June Harris want? She keeps on stirring the pot but to what end? There does not seem to be a clear purpose of her evilness.
  11. As part of residency indeed. However, Dr. Willis is a senior physician. He is a colonel, FFS. Even in the battlefield a colonel does not go to the field for casualties.
  12. If a physician has to go out on a ride-along with paramedics, what a waste of resources. An ambulance crew does not work on cases all the time. Much of their time is spent waiting for a call or doing administrative of logistics tasks. A physician in a hospital can work with medicine all the time. Besides, the liability of having someone not trained for rescue is enormous. Next, a doctor can take his patients to the roof of the hospital? I did not know that. Should I knew I would ask my doctor (in the 5 minutes that I met him daily) to do that when I was hospitalized. As well, TIL that doctor has access to the roof. I was interested in the show for its medicine, now it does musical and doctor playing Chicago Fire? On a separate note, does Emily Tyra have dancing background?
  13. Can a judge have someone arrested other than contempt?
  14. Does the episode explain how Maureen descend from the altitude? The balloon looks intact without a release valve. Even if it has, I do not see the connection from the balloon that Maureen can pull to release the helium gas.
  15. I see that this show is going downhill really fast. The team that I loved at the beginning of the series for its planning and preparation, for its attention to details and for its prudence now is reckless and emotional. Now it is descending to an action shoot-'em-all show, sadly. To comment on the story itself: who the hell approves the use of DEA (a civilian agency) helos for Spec-Op mission? There are reasons that there are special operations air elements for special missions. The aircraft and aircrew are designed and trained specifically for them. And doing a daytime raid without air cover? This episode is full of WTFs, but I think this is the biggest one.
  16. This one is too easy. Grant Ward acting as a husband? Surely he is the killer. I like seeing Desmond Harrington in full weight. Remember during the final seasons of Dexter posters were freaking out because he got skinny?
  17. I think I am liking this show less and less. First, what is exactly Reinhart special ability as a consultant? Here it seems he is all-knowing, far beyond from the premise that he is a psychology professor who wrote a popular book. Second, I am not too crazy about a police procedural where cases are solved using blatantly illegal means. As well, having a friend in the CIA seems like a lazy shortcut to jump into conclusion. For this week's case, how would they get the hospital to settle? All the evidence that Reinhart has was obtained illegally. IANAL but I do not think that those documents are acceptable in court.
  18. It warms my heart that in the future space explorers equip themselves with the Canadian version of MRE.
  19. I am not sure if this show still interests me. Who is Reinhart? A professor who teaches behavior science and an ex-CIA? But then why does he have Sherlock Holmes-like deduction ability? First episode made sense. The killer modeled the killings after Reinhart's book. But now he just becomes all-knowledgeable plus he has access to secret information that the police does not have. If I want to watch Elementary, it premieres next week.
  20. I know that that is the joke, but why does Sally get emotional when her old partner making out in the world? Normal people would leverage that situation for her own benefits. She has a leg up on the new show which is a good stepping stone for an struggling actress. All she needs to do is just passing the audition.
  21. Flying fighter jets is very physically demanding and only selected few are able to do that. Now imagine doing that in space where there is no drag and no gravity with much more powerful engine, in a racing spacecraft no less. Then imagine doing all of that as an older woman with no military or piloting training whatsoever. I was cringing during the space fight scene and looking at how Chrisjen enduring it.
  22. The lobster dinner skit is the highlight of the episode. Makes zero sense, but definitely hilarious. As good as Mrs. Gomez the Nickelback fan with Sterling K. Brown. However, I have to object with the negativity of eating lobster in a diner. Here in Atlantic Canada, that is how we get our lobster fix cheaply, get the lobster dinner in a diner. :-)
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