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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. Or maybe because this time around they have no show to compete with because of the Olympics? For the last 2 weeks I think this show and several shows on CW are the only ones having new episodes. For those not interested in mogul, big air or team pursuit, this show may be the last resort.
  2. I have to be skeptical with the these chain of event regarding Ocean Rescue: that they were allowed to leave the airport and go to the city by themselves, that the U.S. Consulate - Dubai could issue an emergency passport in matter of hours, and that travel document could be used to travel further. I may very well be wrong, different countries have different policies, but there it is. This must have been very embarrassing for the Yalies. Getting beaten in the Race is normal, but their claim to fame is their superior intellect. Being outperformed on measuring and calculating by athletes must have left strange taste in their mouths.
  3. Has Mrs. Castillo (Laurel's step mother) always been French? I thought when Laurel came home to Florida, when his father was still Jose Zuniga, her whole family was hispanophone (Spanish-speaking people)?
  4. 55-yard line, 12 players... yup, that is Canadian Football. Toronto Argonauts and Hamilton Tiger-Cats to be exact. I guess footage from the NFL is too expensive.
  5. I think I like how Mirror Georgiou is checking on Saru on the bridge. It is like me when I see a big fat cow. "Mmm... Your porterhouse must be very good grilled medium-rare."
  6. What is the definition of deployment? My understanding is assignment overseas for an extended period of time. If my definition is right, does DEVGRU do deployment? I am not that informed on DEVGRU but reading Inside Delta Force (its Army counterpart), it does not seem that CAG gets deployed. Instead they go from mission to mission, operation to operation all over the world while still based in CONUS. NItpicks: One typically addresses a Lieutenant Commander as Commander, not Lieutenant. Next, why are the remains not repatriated yet? The Team has the time to prepare, fly, get in-country and do door kicking and interrogation. Why keep the remains there, except for good visual prop? As well, I thought the field of stars of the flag was to be on the left-hand side of the deceased?
  7. Frank could not have crossed to Canada to Ontario. The U.S. - Canada border in Ontario always involves a rather obvious body of water. Therefore he would not have to walk in the woods while wondering whether he was in Canada. As well, considering the 16-hour drive, he would have crossed to Manitoba. As well, a bit of correction, the RCMP does operate in Ontario as a national police, just like in all other provinces and territories of Canada. RCMP does not operate in Ontario (and Quebec) as provincial police as those two provinces have their own provincial police.
  8. Now that is the way to build tension. Escape from the mirror universe only to realize that the Klingons are winning. However, one needs to ask. If the Klingons ever be this advance in the war against the Federation, why this fact is never mentioned in Undiscovered Country? Unless of course the Discovery plays with time travel and erases this reality.
  9. Who are the Asian family photographed with Ferrell? Are Villasenor's days numbered? It is her second year already and she never gets a major role in the sketches. Too bad. I like her.
  10. I like Emily van Camp and think she deserved much better than her part on Revenge. However after two episodes in, this show is clearly about a group of medical professionals openly ignoring professional, ethical and even legal standards. It may or may not be how they do things in the health care sector in Atlanta - I personally never see behave like those in my entire professional life - but it is just not good entertainment for me. I am out, the show is removed from my PVR.
  11. Yep. I don't know in other services but the U.S. Army explicitly put "I will never leave a fallen comrade" on its Soldier's Creed. That and the well-documented Battle of Mogadishu where the Rangers expressly refused to be rescued before they could recover all the bodies of the KIAs. On top of that, that Maj. Gen. is from ACC. Does he really have command on JSOC operation? I would think that LCDR Blackburn has a Flag Officer in his CoC that the general can talk to.
  12. Indeed. As the Germanwings Flight 9525 (the Co-Pilot who crashed the plane to the Alps) demonstrated, once the cockpit is locked from inside, there was no way to break it down. For good reason, it was designed to prevent terrorist attack à la 9-11.
  13. Let me express my disappointment that in the episode involving the Bertinelli crime family, Helena does not make her appearance. She is one of my favorite guest heroes in the show.
  14. On a different note, how many times does William Mapother die gruesome deaths on TV? Also, is this the first episode of The Blacklist without the number in the episode title, ever?
  15. Why is Melissa Rauch getting such limited part? Is she really pregnant IRL or is she having other commitment that leads to a scheduling conflict?
  16. Davis said OCS to correct Ellis. Ellis mentioned OTC.
  17. I found it amusing to see Floki trying to implement Social-Democracy in future Iceland.
  18. I do not know if this fits a SOF tactics, but the beginning of the episode is a bit sketchy. So the father defended his home with a rifle, Team broke in, saw him with rifle, shot him only to hit the daughter who stepped in front on him. Now, the objective is to to secure the phone and to apprehend the owner of the phone. What if the father was the owner of the phone and the daughter did not step in? Their mission would have been scrubbed there and then. So IMHO, Clay did not do the right thing shooting the father or the Team should have done the breach in a non-lethal way. The other thing that bother me is the trope that the Corpsman provides the best medical care. As good as SOF medics are, including SEAL Corpsmen, they are no match to actual physicians. They are at best on paramedics level. And regarding Davis' aspiration to become an Officer, Ellis mentioned OTC. What is OTC? The only OTC I know regarding officers ascension program is the Officers' Training Corps, but that is British Army. The U.S. Air Force has OTS, Officer Training School. Any other U.S. military branch has OCS, Officer Candidate School.
  19. Are TPTB pulling our legs in the historical context or is there any truth in it? So they had shisha in the 9th century. What did they smoke? Before the discovery of New World, how did they get tobacco? Did TPTB insinuate that early Muslims (Ziyadat Allah reigned less than 200 years after the death of Prophet Muhammad) practiced cannibalism? If that is true, I have never read about that.
  20. 100 pus hups, 100 sit ups and under 12 minutes for 2-mile run? That is even harder than the 75th Rangers! The Rangers require 49 push ups, 59 sit ups and 40 minutes for a 5-miler, and the Rangers are the best infantry unit in the U.S. military.
  21. The Russians were supposedly still on NVGs while the Team already off of them. The very bright light of the flash-bangs would blind the Russians as they were still on NVG which would amplify the light (even though I thought later-model NVGs have the filter for this exact scenario?). Having written that, flash-bang I can believe as that kind of device are designed only to produce loud noise and bright flash. But thermite grenade? If they did not want to leave evidence on the crash site, that went out the window quite quickly. I can say at least, that this episode makes much more sense than The Brave where the Russians went into Chinese soil with full uniform and vehicles and zero noise discipline. As well, Russian Spetsnaz were depicted as dumb brutes with no marksmanship capability whatsoever.
  22. How is the end of this episode funny? IMO it is offensive. Sheldon wanted to be out of the deal then he broke into the computer and deleted the files, costing his colleagues - I can not consider them friends at this point - thousands of dollars? No matter that he moved it to Leonard's flash drive, without Sheldon telling Leonard it is theft plain and simple. Tell me, is there any conceivable reason why they still consider Sheldon their friend?
  23. It is an excellent crossover so far, but there is something that I do not like. They are breaking canon by allowing Overgirl to pull out that kryptonite Arrow and break it. Should Kryptonian not be totally vulnerable to kryptonite? As to completely lose their power (super or otherwise) just in the close proximity of one?
  24. I like it that Alex - Sara lesbian sex seems to be hotter than Alex - Maggie lesbian sex. And of course, the morning after Sara is just as cool and as hot as she always is while Alex is awkward. Sara really is comfortable in her sexuality.
  25. I thought Daxamites were about the same level of strength with Kryptonians? And a Cadillac, a Cadillac, got overheated in the desert as easily as that?
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