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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. The name of the regiment is CSOR, which is part of CANSOFCOM, which subordinate units also include the JTF2. If you are interested in Canadian Forces, watch Hyena Road. The military porn in that movie is top notch.
  2. I presume that was addressed to me, you are welcome. Not on the SEAL side but on the Delta side, if you want to know more how Special Operations operate, read Inside Delta Force by CSM* Eric Haney. That is the book that inspired The Unit even though there is none of the family drama. As well, there was a show on National Geographic Channel called Inside Combat Rescue. That was about USAF Special Operations, the Parajumpers. As it was a show about rescue, the missions were not classified. *Command Sergeant Major
  3. Argh... Is this another example of Hollywood whitewashing, even though it does not include white people? An obviously Indian woman is cast as a Syrian. SMH. Not only in this episode, but the previous as well, now that Red does not have the power and the money, how is it that he is still able to intimidate people?
  4. Do you not get The CW with your cable or satellite provider?
  5. Please let William go. I have enough of that drama. I want my superhero to be free and unattached. Also, please let Diggle and Dinah be good coworkers. Do not put romance between them. I still like Lyla and do not want her and Diggle be broken up. On a side note, SQL and Java are two different languages for different applications. If Smoak was really an IT person, before asking between SQL and Java her first question would be the kind of project Curtis was freelancing for.
  6. How does an Aviator get a Special Forces CSIB and regimentally affiliated with the Special Forces, without actually earning the SF tab? And then the Captain said about the Delta Sergeant, "I got the promotion he wanted." How does this compute, really? One is an officer and aviator and one is an enlisted special operator. Their careers are completely on different paths.
  7. Hey nobody discuss this? How can such wealthy Hawaiian family own such hideous shoes, complete with ankle bells? And of course, our hero gets sex with a stranger to the envy of the other man...
  8. So what happens to the two surviving tech millionaires who went behind Kilgore and betrayed him? Continue to enjoy their fortune while Kilgore is agonizing in Iron Heights?
  9. The villain is a meta human? They have a STAR Labs that exploded and exposed people to dark matter and negative energy in that universe? As for the broken elevator and roof, maybe we can handwaive that Supergirl has the power to put them back together, à la Fantastic Beast?
  10. Young age does not really matter nowadays, it seems. She might have been a CEO of a major tech company. Odette Annable is just the same age as Mark Zuckerberg. Recent hire also does not matter. She could have been hired specifically for this role, after her stellar performance in the said tech company.
  11. Three episodes in, this show gets further away from reality. I am sorry to keep on comparing this to SEAL Team, but that show feels more grounded to how special operations operate. Granted, there are family dramas that I do not care about, but the military aspects are much better. Having said that, these are my comments for this episode. So are they a headquarter asset for the DIA / SOCOM or are they part of a Theater Special Operations Command (TSOC)? If the are HQ asset, what are they doing based in Incirlik? If they are part of SACEUR or SOCCENT what are they doing that far away from their area of operations in Mexico? Oh, but it seems like they are not part of any established military organization they are... Omega Team. Did they ever have the chance to work with Arnold Schwarzenegger? Speaking of which, what kind of stupid special operations sending operators / agents to the field who does not speak local language, especially if the mission is the one involving interaction with locals? What kind of stupid body guards does Boothe have? They are completely oblivious of being tailed? One burst of shots and they are gone? Why the manicurist just leaves her seat when Jaz comes. Jaz does not even need to say anything. And of course the Captain also flies the aircraft. Not saying it is impossible for an aviator to get to SFAS, but it would be a very tall order.
  12. Wow, among the three new military-themed show (plus The Brave and SEAL Team), I can comfortably say that this one is in the bottom and the gap is quite wide. I may tune in for the next episode, but from what I saw, I will quickly abandon this. Okay, let us talk hair. Why does CPT Gallo sport long hair and beard? Apologists may say that he is in special operations. Therefore regular grooming standards may not apply. See those two shows above. But he is not an Operator. He is a helicopter pilot, stateside, in the garrison, and wearing 'normal' uniform. There is no reason whatsoever for him to not complying with Army grooming standards. What about CW3 Madani? The same. As a female she is not authorized to wear her hair down like that. In the garrison it violates the grooming standards, in the cockpit it becomes impractical. While it may sound nice, by providing a background narrative when the medal is presented, the award citations must be read before the medal is presented. Apparently CW3 Madani is much better pilot than everybody may think. She manages to land the helicopter in auto rotation without any horizontal movement. Why the Colonel ground Madani based on the information her boyfriend - who does not even rate - provided? Should the evaluation be given by medical officer or her chain of command? And do not even start with the CIA woman. Her demeanor is totally wrong, in the military or civilian alike. It is as if those who wrote her never spend a day in an workplace environment. I basically dislike stories that involve government agencies conspiring against each other.
  13. ODA: Operational Detachment - Alpha CPT: Captain (in the U.S. Army) LCDR: Lieutenant Commander SWCC: Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen The numbers after O do refer to pay grade for officers. H-60: Black Hawk helicopter
  14. Sorry to be OoT. I admit that I do not know much about how a SEAL team organized. However, if I look into the U.S. Army model, I think their missions warrant a commissioned officer on the ground. In the Special Forces, the basic unit is an ODA, a 12-man unit commanded by a CPT (O-3). Considering their first mission originally involved four H-60s, I assumed that the assault team consisted of more than 12 men. As well, if we look into Operation Red Wings, the 12-men SEAL team was led by a LCDR (O-4). Therefore, my point stays that their missions should have a commissioned officer on the ground.
  15. Sorry for gong a bit out of topic. Sorry, but you are wrong. The last season of 19-2 just wrapped up this summer on CTV and it is full of "fuck" That show played during primetime. Season 1 of Dexter on CTV was a simsub from CBS. It was aired on CBS with censor from Showtime because of the writers strike. The word censor came from CBS, not CTV.
  16. Ah, two firsts in the Star Trek universe, I see. First "fuck" and first homosexual relationship. How does the tardigrade get to warp speed? Granted that that creature is virtually invincible but what kind of propulsion does it have? Has that not been established that Ripper was already in distress? Maybe they chose to utilize it sparingly, only when emergency arose. This show is streamed. AFAIK, streaming is treated like premium cable, everything goes. Bad language and nudity and all...
  17. Care to translate those for us mere mortals to understand?
  18. While the extent to what capability the military has developed with marine mammals might be a secret, the activity itself is not. Read this.
  19. I do not like Barry's breaking the wall of the Pipeline. It seems like breaking a comic's canon. If The Flash is able to break it, what stops other meta-humans to do so? If so, what is the purpose of the Pipeline anymore? Cisco: "...you have two doctorates and a PhD!" What is the 'D' in 'PhD', Sisco?
  20. I did not have the chance to write for the previous two episodes so these are my general comments for the series, up to episode 3: Of all three new military-themed shows (The Brave, Valor and this) IMO this is the best one. It is the closest one to reality and it has good attention to details of military porn. However, it does not seem realistic not to have a commissioned officer on the ground commanding. Granted, there is an LCDR in the TOC coordinating, but I think they should have an LT on the ground. I got a feeling that Michaela McManus seemed to be too young to be David Boreanaz's wife. And turned out that their difference is 14 years. Not the typical age difference in military family. Having their TOC in the cargo bay of a C-17 also does not seem to be too realistic. Comments specifically for this episode: SWCC! The unsung heroes of Naval Special Warfare. Too bad they are not explored further. 45 minutes swim? That is quite long considering the need to jump into action right after. Why do they not use SDV? A SEAL that does not like swimming. Hmmm... That is rich coming from someone who obviously a BUD/S graduate. Does the bullet phase through the porthole glass? There does not seem to be glass breaking. What does CENTCOM have anything to do with incident and operation happen in South China Sea and the Philippines? And as always, our hero gets sex in his first date, even after the previous tension with the girl.
  21. Why is Anna Paquin credited as a starring role when she makes but a 15-second appearance?
  22. But you are using the morality of today to see them. For the people who condoned slavery, slaves were not fully human. And therefore they were not people, just like mules and horses were not people.
  23. Is Laura Benanti doing something so important that she can not do a 15-second cameo? I know that Erica Durance lives in Vancouver - where the show is filmed - and therefore readily available. But come on, just 15 seconds? Speaking of Vancouver, I would appreciate if TPTB can make Canada Place and its cruise terminal less obvious. What does that family do stopping in the middle of an intersection while a semi-trailer truck barreling down? Ha! General Talbot defected from Marvel to DC. I am quite surprised (and glad) that Moron-Gate has made it to this episode. It has only been what? A week since that story broke IRL? Supergirl can't breathe underwater? Has Alex read any Superman / Supergirl comics? They do not breathe underwater. Besides, Supergirl has been to outer space several times. I am glad that in Supergirl universe major corporate acquisition can be done secretly and immediately. Out of curiosity: in a lesbian wedding, who gets to be walked down the aisle and who gets to wait by the altar?
  24. My last comment, just to keep the discussion focused on the show. I could also argue that the Southerners might had the same sentiment as the Patriots during Revolutionary War. Be a rebel because of perceived oppression by the Central Government or to stay loyal to the Crown / Union? The major difference is that the Patriots won and the Rebels lost; and as everybody knows, history is written by the victors.
  25. Because in the minds of Confederacy sympathizers, they fought not because they wanted to keep their slaves per se - they might not even have owned slaves - but they fought because 'foreign' power - that was the Northern States - wanted to dictate what they could and could not do. In a way, it is akin to the War in Iraq. Members of U.S. troops in Iraq may or may not have agreed with Bush Jr.'s policies. They may or may not have seen the war as just. But they went to war anyway. Because their country called and because it was their duties to go to war and fight.
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