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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. I know, right? I believe there is a trope for that. It happens when a big character fights a swarm of opponents. It is always the character fights the opponents one by one. Even if it risks killing one or some of the opponents, the result should be better than being killed one after another by the big character.
  2. Well Rhaenys, there is a saying in fighter pilots world, "Lose the sight, lose the fight." She lost sight of Aegon and his dragon, and she lost her life.
  3. With the conclusion of this season, and the series for that matter, this clarify, if it has not done before, that Star Trek universe exist in completely different reality / dimension / universe than ours. It is not merely what could happen in the future, it is not us whatsoever. The existence of the Progenitors billion years ago mean that what we know about evolution is completely false. Humans are not the product of evolution from lower organism to what we are now (bipedal with hips, walking erect, two hands and a head above the shoulders), but instead we inherit our traits directly from the Progenitors, who were older than even the dinosaurs. Also, older explanations in various Star Trek media that human and other alien species look similar because of convergent evolution is wrong.
  4. I wish that the writers did a bit of research first before introducing a major plot. What Law & Order franchise taught me is there there is TARU in NYPD. They would find the deleted exposé on Johnson's laptop pretty quickly. As well, they would find metadata on the fake document quite easily.
  5. Season finale: Really, ATF, a federal law enforcement agency, cannot prevent a civilian plane from taking off? One emergency call to the FAA and the plane will be grounded, especially that they know the tail number. If the plane refuses to land, in these days, particularly in New York airspace, F-16s will meet the plane.
  6. This episode confuses me. Well, all episodes confuse me but this one is a bit particular. Dr. Olsen separated from the clinic and did her own practice. She went ahead and slammed her old practice and former colleagues on social media. But then she still did her practice at the same location? Further, what kind of place was that? Was that a day clinic, a recovery place or a place to stay for an extended time? Why did Mrs. Holmes dance at the clinic? Was the upper floor of the clinic a residential area? Why was she in the clinic at all if she did not have any procedure done?
  7. Just watched S4 E10, where they killed Detective Bashir, and this one jumped to me. Stabler had a dream about a military activity in a desert, presumably from his time in military service. In that dream he saw a V-22 flying over. The problem is, the first episode of L&O:SVU, where Stabler was present, was in September 1999. V-22 became operational with the Marines only in March 2006, and it definitely was not in Desert Shield / Desert Storm. Just watched S4 E10, where they killed Detective Bashir, and this one jumped to me. Stabler had a dream about a military activity in a desert, presumably from his time in military service. In that dream he saw a V-22 flying over. The problem is, the first episode of L&O:SVU, where Stabler was present, was in September 1999. V-22 became operational with the Marines only in March 2006, and it definitely was not in Desert Shield / Desert Storm. Just watched S4 E10, where they killed Detective Bashir, and this one jumped to me. Stabler had a dream about a military activity in a desert, presumably from his time in military service. In that dream he saw a V-22 flying over. The problem is, the first episode of L&O:SVU, where Stabler was present, was in September 1999. V-22 became operational with the Marines only in March 2006, and it definitely was not in Desert Shield / Desert Storm.
  8. So the super secret ex-CIA agent who knew how to used weapons and knew how to fight three men could not change a flat tire? LMFAO!
  9. Alright, my nitpick. What is one of the rules of firearms safety? "Be sure of the target and what is behind it." It is very much laughable that the FBI sniper team would lethally shoot on blobs of thermal image without knowing 100% who the blobs were representing. All the had were guesses and they were willing to kill based on the guess?
  10. My thoughts, that are not yet discussed here. We know that what happened at 10k BCE affected present time. Case in point, Eve left an artefact (for God's sake I cannot remember) under a boulder in 10k BCE for Gavin to find in the present. Now they introduced species from Cretaceous to Neogene period. Did that not affect the present at all? Those dinosaurs skipped very long time period, including the mass extinction, to be in 10k BCE. Surely evolution of species in that earth cannot be the same as it is IRL. And therefore 2021 Los Angeles cannot be the same as the one they left.
  11. What did Ben do on the carriage in Giza? Without a second thought he left the carriage and looked for a way to Cairo. What if his in the carriage led him to the important mission that he needed to complete? it just weird that he made that decision without understanding the big picture first. Did Ben and Hannah have sex in the hotel? Sam did have a biological child in ToS. Are they following this model? Speaking of out the country, Ben leaped to the battleship and the space shuttle. Granted that they were both U.S. vessels, but he was out of U.S. soil. And Sam leaped to Greece as a Greek in the episode with Brooke Shields.
  12. It is not yet mentioned here? Alright. How did Tracy, a physically small girl with no apparent extraordinary strength, bury Troy with no apparent tool and with walkers walking around?
  13. Had baseball been that popular in 1880s and had it been properly codified that the term 'three strikes' was part of the vocabulary? And all that Mrs. Astor stood too lose, she said coup de 'grah'? Grace is pronounced 'grass', of course. A top socialite should have known that.
  14. This episode confused the hell out of me. Dwight went back to the Sanctuary? Which was somewhere in Virginia, and he was from Texas? Was that not a very, very challenging journey according to Morgan? Morgan took cars, walked and met and fought various people on his journey, albeit the other way around. Now Dwight just went there with June and Sherry and Odessa just conveniently followed suit.
  15. All Asimov's works refer robots as robots, and never androids.
  16. Okay, watched the whole season. Since there is no episodic thread for this show, let me put everything together, in no particular order. The show started out good and strong, but as it was progressing plenty of things made little to no sense. Particularly since 9/11, there should not be any hesitation in regards to a hijacked airplane, when the hijackers did not communicate directly. If decision makers IRL acted as what happened on this show, there could be thousands of casualties in Romania, Hungary, or the United Kingdom, many more than the passengers themselves. The lack of coordination really bothered me. Looked like those in charge took a rather casual approach to the situation. Since when an ATC gave orders to military aircraft? And why the ATC was the one liaised to foreign government? Sam insisted that they could finish the ordeal quickly by landing in Hungary and let the Special Forces raid, and he would have been right. For some reason he changed his mind and aborted the landing? The United Kingdom and its national security and public safety apparatus could not conduct one simple surveillance without being made? Police officers receiving a 999 call just waiting outside and waived it off? Not checking the house to ensure everything was safe? When Daniel learned about Sam's address, he himself raced to the house. Nobody, but nobody could help him?
  17. Let me add another one. When Sutherland, Larkin, and the old lady were walking around the street of supposedly Washington, a Canada Post truck passed by.
  18. I keep on wondering how Roger and Brianna was able to afford that massive manor of Lallybroch. The energy bill alone must have been astronomical. And if they made the mansion energy efficient during the renovation, the upgrading costs must have been even worse than astronomical. Roger was a history professor in Oxford prior the his crossing, but where could he get good job with that credential in rural Scotland? And prior to this, they were family on single income. Come to think of that, how were they able to afford the purchasing cost of the manor at all? Yes, they still had money from before, but even before crossing they did not seem to be that rich. The reason that British aristocrats abandoned their country estates after WWII was that the taxation reforms made it very hard, except for the richest of aristocrats, to maintain them. As for Brianna, what credentials did she have to be a Plant Inspector in a hydro power generating station? Taking classes engineering classes plus apprenticeship would certainly not be enough, even it was at MIT. What kind of experience did she have? Did she even have her bachelor degree at all?
  19. Only until the final episode that it was disclosed that the reason Reddington was closing down his criminal empire was because of a mysterious ailment. Terminal, I suppose? Of course his being Red Reddington meant that he could choose his own death. And the death he chose was... being mangled by a random wild bull in Spain?
  20. There are plenty of comments ITT that Joe could help Roger and Brianna to get birth certificates and SSN. IMO, AFAIK Joe is a just a doctor. Home birthing, for example. Even if it was possible, someone like midwife would have to attest to the act of birth. Unless we speculate that Roger and Brianna and their network are to commit in fraud. But again, they are not Raymond Reddington who has access to get whatever documentation needed.
  21. Alright, much of suspension of disbelief here, that the bank had such excellent record keeping system that it was able to execute a specific instructions after almost 2 hundred years and after two world wars, and they still honored the monthly vault rent payment from then. However, for a show about time travel this should be expected, I suppose.
  22. I am completely confused with this episode and the one before in regards to Roger and Brianna. How did they know that they needed to go to Scotland to retrieve the chest? As well, how did they manage its retrieval? When they left Jamie and Claire did not give any indication that they would return to Scotland. And this is not counting the incredible situation that the bank that kept the chest for almost 200 years - presumably the Bank of Scotland - in pristine condition was able to deliver the chest to Roger and Brianna. How would they prove their eligibility to collect the chest? As well, why did they bank keep the chest without payment for that long? And then there is the logistics of Rogers and Brianna in the 20th century. How did they go from near Wilmington to Boston? Did they have modern money? What about their assets in Boston? Did they still have bank accounts and home after disappeared for at least 7 years? And the be really realistic, how did they get the birth certificates and SSNs for Jem and Mandy? Was any of this explained in the books? No spoiler, just yes or no.
  23. I got bothered looking at Captains Pike and Batel rank insignia on the sleeves of their Service Uniform as those are the rank of Lieutenant-Commander in today's navies, two grades below Captain. And then Commander Chin-Riley returned from her tribunal in Service Uniform and she wore the rank of Lieutenant on her sleeves. *groan*
  24. Jet and Jamie? Since when? And who removed Jamie's life support to let him go? Reyes? Would that not be a homicide on its own? Our heroes were in Dublin, OH. They were raiding a suspect's home. Of course NYC finest led the raid. And when they breached the door, "NYPD!" Did citizens of Ohio suppose to understand what NYPD was? Just by that call alone, they did not announce themselves as police, IMO and therefore potentially opened themselves to liability if someone was actually at home.
  25. In real life, City took the lead of the League on April 30 and never relinquished it, but Gunners were on their heels in the second place. Did the show purposely make a last minute edit for the other match (supposedly City vs LFC) so that they could say that City took the title? Remember that we do not see any of that match on-screen. I know that this show caters mostly to American viewers, but Ted's comment about 'Champions Leagues' do not make much sense. The second tier in English football pyramid is English Football League Championship while the prestigious European tournament is UEFA Champions League. There is no confusion between the two for those who watch football.
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