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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. IMHO if would have been sweeter if the pilot opens with Emma Thompson and Kenneth Brannagh standing outside, whilst holding their BAFTA Television Award, they are being approached by an American producer...
  2. Hey, now the rim of the saucer section rotates? Why is this design not in Starfleet ships design in the past and the future? WTF was Commander Landry thinking? The creature was known to be dangerous and invincible and she just barged in the cage without knowing much about the subject? She did not even check whether the sedation successful or not. Captain Georgiou left a living will for someone she was still working with? I dunno, I think it is more creepy than endearing.
  3. Apologies in advance but I can not help comparing this show with SEAL Team as the genre on both shows are similar, special operations forces doing missions with a command / intelligence team controlling. After watching two episodes each however, I think SEAL Team is leading. It seems to be more realistic and make more sense than this show. One of the trope that I loathe - simply because it makes no sense whatsoever - is that total strangers willing to do major favor for the protagonist against the antagonist for no other reason that the protagonist is a protagonist. It is where people who do not appear to know the protagonist get to his/her side against the antagonist. It is the case with this episode. The store owner and the bath house manager readily cooperate with our heroes without knowing who they are and what they are doing. Granted that they may want to stick it to the Russians but without knowing who the blonde woman is and what the stranger and the soldiers want with her, they are ready to assume such big of a risk? As well, they just drop their Ukrainian and switch to English? How convenient. Who knew that a regular shopkeeper in Ukraine spoke perfect English. The other thing that bugs me is the fact that the Deputy Director of Defense Intelligence Agency has direct command authority to military forces. There are supposedly many military personnel in that office, but none of them have anything to say except for attending briefing and... nothing.
  4. One of the trope that I loathe - simply because it makes no sense whatsoever - is that total strangers willing to do major favor for the protagonist against the antagonist for no other reason that the protagonist is a protagonist. It is where people who do not appear to know the protagonist get to his/her side against the antagonist. It is the case with this episode. Those surfers-turned-militias took Gorgon's side without understanding who he really was and whom he fought against. They were willing to sacrifice their lives for him with no apparent cause for them. It is really frustrating to watch. Am I to believe that wealthy people in Honolulu do not care with alarm system at all? Forget alarm system then. What about doors? With locks? And they just put their bundles of money in unlocked boxes?
  5. Alright, it has been discussed quite extensively how the supposedly protagonists live in their expansive palace having sex and listening to music in bed while those without power toiling away in the mines. So my other issues: If they know that their king can not speak, why is his comlink voice only? So the mission control for a moon expedition is tables with several monitors in an industrial loft? This is a universe where the Avengers exist. Where SHIELD is/was a genuine government agency that operate(d) in the open. Yet they are confused to see somebody with power flipping the police car? Why do the police seem clueless with someone who does not speak? Mutism is quite common, I would think.
  6. Why did Gadot look as if she is staring far away and just reading her lines? Her eyes did not see the person she was talking to nor did they follow the camera.
  7. Alright, just to add to what has been discussed here. Giorgio went back to his mansion just as the explosive exploded. Apparently, he was not hurt, except for some redness on his neck. Suspend disbelief? Okay, why not. Moments later he was in his father's lab which turned out to be located in one of the Hellenic Navy frigates. Question. How did Giorgio get to the frigate without the Nathan James detecting?
  8. So the ER scene in Las Vegas where the physician was grim in informing Ray what happened, Abby was not dead?
  9. I guess I am not smart enough for this show, and the flashbacks and imaginary scenes do not help. How did Abby die? Did she commit suicide or did she die in Las Vegas by convulsion that was caused by untreated head trauma happened in their vehicle accident?
  10. Vampire Bill and Ms. Groves are exactly the reason I watch this pilot as other mutant shows (Mutant X, The Tomorrow People, Legion) did not interest me.
  11. Wow, this show is quite dark, both in story-telling and in cinematography. I know that our knowledge about the universe, our understanding of technology, our own values and our ability to create cinematic experience have advanced quite significantly since 1966, but I feel the in-universe technology, culture and lifestyle differ quite a bit with Star Trek: TOS, never mind that this show is set only 10 years prior and they are in the same continuum.
  12. How would you know? Besides, Dark Matter was clearly a low-budget show with obvious lack in SFX.
  13. I kinda like it. It is not laughing-out-loud funny, but there is some sweet moments in it. My problem is with Bobby Moynihan and John Larroquette. It is obvious that Larroquette is significantly taller than Moynihan. While one may gain or lose weight, one does not gain height significantly after puberty. As well, the timbers of their voice are completely different. TL/DR, they can not convince me that 2017 Riley and 2042 Riley is one and the same.
  14. This is comedy? It is more like family drama than comedy, in which case it is a wrong reason for me to watch the show. Moreover, looking at the premise, how can this show be a laughing-out-loud comedy without being insensitive? This is a child that clearly has problem growing up. He does not fit his environment and his family is less than fully supporting. Surely viewers as adult do not feel as comfortable laughing at a child's misfortunes as they do at adults?
  15. Question to those knowledgeable with Canadian history. Did ocean-going ships from Europe land directly in Toronto? I just felt strange watching it as AFAIK immigrants from Europe typically landed in Halifax or Montreal and continue inland by train. St. Lawrence Seaway was definitely not there and I am not sure if Lachine Canal could accommodate trans-Atlantic ships.
  16. Los Angeles. The Rams moved to Los Angeles and have been there through the second season now. Speaking of Spencer and our heroes, they made presentation to the NFL franchise owners, who are all business people, and they did not once talk about any numbers? No projected revenue? Profit? RoI? Just a pep talk about heart and soul? Even when proposing that team stayed in Oakland, not once did they give any quantitative rationale why Oakland was better than Las Vegas.
  17. Come on now, why is today's rules of war be applied to a fictional, futuristic situation? We do not even know if Geneva Conventions still in force at that time. As well, this show is set on a different time as TOS and TNG. Who knows what kind of Laws and Directives are applicable? Besides, that universe is decidedly not in the same continuum as ours. We are in 2017, where is the Eugenics War and WWIII? That universe may not recognize the Geneva Conventions at all.
  18. And just to set the terminology straight, a prequel is an artistic work whose story precedes those of previous work. Therefore these two episodes are not prequel, they are prologue.
  19. Because Space and CTV simsubbed the first episode from CBS. As the football game on CBS ran into overtime, CBS was delayed in starting the first episode. Thus the episode on CTV and Space also started on the same time it started on CBS. I suppose that this will not happen again as next week onward there will be no simsub. As soon as I saw in the credit that Yeoh was a Guest Star, I knew she would not stay.
  20. Yes, that is the problem I have with Red Flu becoming Red Rust. Human's diet all over the world is very diverse. We eat from different parts of plants of different species. Sometimes the species of plants that we eat are are different as human and crocodile. Point is, plants diseases are different across species. It is amazing if Red Rust affects only to crops as we still see Greek and Italian lush countrysides. AFAIK, Red Flu only affected humans. However, even if it is true that Red Rust does affect only crops, surely there are goats around to grow with all that green plants?
  21. Just a heads-up for fellow Canadians. Because of the 2-episode premiere of Star Trek: Discovery, the episode will not be on Space this week and consequently it will be a week late. It is not yet known if the series will be delayed a week or if Space will air this episode only on special time before episode 8.
  22. I know this has been discussed ad nauseam, but really? A spoiled brat giving order to a Greek Naval Commander? No, belay that. She gave order to a squadron? Who died and appointed her Commodore? And she apparently had the knowledge and experience in leading surface warfare and maneuvers. Bravo Zulu, Lucia! Man, those Royal Navy men are really strong. Apparently Heart of Oak are not their ships but their men. After the rogue crew of HMS Achilles managed to disappear just by diving into water, now Fletcher escaped also by jumping in the water, with storm nonetheless? He did not have life vest, no diving equipment, all we saw was swimming flippers. Speaking of which, even if we believe that Fletcher survived the storm, how did he get rescued? Did he really swim to Asteris Island, hiked to the other side and got rescued there? Remember that the Nathan James still has her radar on. Any ship approaching Fletcher in open water would surely be detected. In previous episode there were sentries guarding the sick bay. Presumably they were killed by Harry when he escaped. But then, why put sentries to guard the precious cargo if people can just get in by pretending to be sick and be left alone with the unarmed corpsman? Speaking of Harry, post-mortem they found in his belongings that he was not a trawler captain at all. Did the crew not vet the rescuees when they came aboard? It had been several days already, surely they wanted to keep themselves free of intruder? The Master-at-arms was really shit, was he not? He pointed a pistol to Fletcher and yet he let Fletcher be close enough to strike him with something. And he did not react when Fletcher spun around. "General quarters, general quarters. Secure all exit access." Yet all doors going to the main decks were unguarded and the MAAs were running around in the passageways like Storm Troopers. In fact the comedic scene of Fletcher hiding from the MAAs is ripped off Luke and the Death Star. So Vanek is working with a Greek Navy Admiral. And so the Navy provides him with warships to secure the seeds. Presumably meaning that the Greeks are official. Then why did his son going around terrorizing Greek population? Oh, forgot about this one. Let me add it quick. SCPO Taylor and Sgt Kandie were in the storage room. Entered Cdr Fletcher going through the equipment (whatever they were). And they both just chilling there, just get whatever you need. Seriously? No signing out, no inventory check, no approval check, not even a single question as to why he needed those?
  23. So Ray burned his bridges with his clients, with law enforcement, even with organized criminals. How does he get his jobs then? Why would somebody hire a fixer who does not put his clients' needs first? As well, how did Avi get drunk in a bar that did not sell alcohol? The good etiquette would be to read this episode thread (even if you do not watch any other episodes or participate in their threads) thoroughly before posting a question. Doing what you did may be considered rude or inconsiderate.
  24. It does not matter whether Jon actually speaks the language or not. The production should have made sure that his pronunciation is 100% correct, particularly as it is a narration, not live speak. They should have led him to speak it phonetically or whatever to get it right. It was post-production, they could have done it in as many recordings as necessary.
  25. On the other hand, if the woman does not want pregnancy and she knows that the sex is not protected, maybe she should protect herself?
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