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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. I thought Crane was 'killed' the first time in a battle during the Revolutionary War? If so, how can he be so well-versed on the events happened during the War of 1812? He was the time / space jumping kid and Claire Bennet's son on Heroes Reborn.
  2. WTF did I just watch? Zombie Apocalypse happened (relatively) not too long ago, right? Several years or so? So why the junk yard people speak as if they are in Cloud Atlas? And what about the choreographed marches? They have time to practice the marches rather than surviving, even though they admit to be "not bother"?
  3. So in this 24 universe all phone calls made within the United States (at least) are recorded? How big is the CTU data storage?
  4. Too much drama, too much soap opera, not enough accurate medicine. I may not come back next season.
  5. Too surrealistic for me. But it may because of first episode that takes place in mental institution. Put it in PVR and watch it when I have the chance. As of now it is in conflict with The Expanse and I do not see myself switching from there.
  6. I do not really follow the show, and this is the first time I see Connie. All along the episode, it was bothering me to see 'sisters' from obviously different ethnicity. Turned out I was right. Connie's actress is Korean, Jessica's is Chinese. For an Asian like me, their difference is just glaring. I know that Louis's is also Korean instead of Chinese but he and Jessica are couples, not siblings.
  7. Star(ling) City, Central City or Hub City, they always have BC Place Stadium in their downtown...
  8. Les Habs, c'est quoi...?! The Habs is the nickname of the Canadiens in English. French usually call them le Tricolore or le CH.
  9. Any of the Asian cobras spit? My understanding is that the ones that spit are native to Africa.
  10. If Rorish and Willis and others keep on defying Campbell's order, why is he still there? Like him or hate him he is still the Leader of that organization.
  11. I do not get it. What is Kev and V revenge on Svetlana?
  12. So this is the moment Benedict Arnold defected to the British? Where is Major Tallmadge? Where is Major André? Where is Arnold's "Blade on the feather..." command? :-) If we are talking about period costume, WTH does Flynn wear a wrist watch? It is very obvious every time his sleeve is pulled back.
  13. So someone who has been in zombie apocalypse world for a while, who supposedly knows how to shoot walkers in the head, misses shooting a stationary in close range? Okay then...
  14. Yes, my question is related to episode 6, when the President was confronted by the Governors. If the Governors do not like him, and he resigns under that pressure, who will be the President? Hookstraten and MacLeish are both not in leadership at that point and there is no House yet except for those two. Will they both required to have a "Speaker" between the both of them, and he / she becomes the President or will it automatically goes down to the Deputy Secretary of State? PS: It is quite strange that there is a Designated Survivor for the House but not for the Senate.
  15. Presidential succession question, if in this case Kirkman resigns, who will ascend to the Presidency? The assumption is that he still does not have a Vice-President, no Cabinet Secretary and the U.S. Congress consists only of two people, none of them in leadership position. Will it be one of the two Congresspersons or the Deputy Secretary of State?
  16. Too bad that the writer did not know that the President of Taiwan was a woman.
  17. I think this episode is very convoluted. Well, Elementary stories usually are, but this one is unnecessarily so. If the Afghanis are looking for asylum, why would they risk themselves by illegally smuggle to the United States in a rather unconventional and limited mean (only two persons per trip)? There are ways that enable them to go across together. Also, they think by smuggle themselves in they help their case with USCIS / ICE? They have arrived legally in Canada, why not seek for asylum there? As well, as a new illegal immigrant, the son already has his hands on a sniper rifle?
  18. Yeah, her stock went down a little there, for me. Jeff even kept saying there were only SIX possible combinations. I understand they're exhausted and all else but it was a pretty simple puzzle. Try the 42 in the first slot, then swap the other two, then try the 42 in the second slot, then swap the other two, then try it in the third slot, swap the other two. Hey, that's 9 iterations, not 6...? 3 numbers, 3 slots... 3x3=9. Where was he getting six from? It reminded me of the Harlem Globetrotter taking a 3-hour penalty on TAR when he couldn't unscramble a 5-letter word. There are only so many possibilities! He actually let her interrupt his reading of the votes to comment and stare-down. He paused for her and didn't read the final vote til after the stare-down. There are only 6 iterations. I do not remember the numbers exactly and I assume that the internal order in the numbers itself cannot be changed - '42' can not be flipped to '24'. With 3 sets of numbers we have AA, BB and CC. The possibilities are: AA BB CC AA CC BB BB AA CC BB CC AA CC AA BB CC BB AA Six iterations only.
  19. So why is she standing there all alone with her weapon drawn and pointing to the ground?
  20. I know that Negan is supposed to be someone so intimidating and scary, and he needs to break Rick and his merry band, but why does he talk so much?
  21. I want to go back to my issue regarding Raimy's memory from last episode. It is established that Raimy remembers the memories of her lives in different timelines. Therefore, after Goff is killed in 1996 and thus does not exist in 2016, what does she remember bringing her to that empty lot with her gun drawn? As well, why does she have the blood and the bruises? She does not come from a fight with Goff - or with anybody else for that matter - does she?
  22. Let me get this straight. Kamal and Weller are in the middle of a mission. They are in the critical situation as they are on the run from opposing forces. It is in the middle of the day, yet they still have the time, and have the willing, to have sex? While their subject is in the next room? Does Weller not remember that he still has an ex-girlfriend that is pregnant with his child? I hope that this time he thinks contraception otherwise it will be funny for Kamal to get pregnant before Knight gives birth.
  23. If Jackson (the culprit) was a SEAL, why is the breast insignia on his photograph Surface Warfare?
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