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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. Well, the real-time polls are back. And they are still annoying and add nothing to the content of the show. I know it it TAR-Canada, but do they really need to Canadianize all episodes outside of Canada? How lame is that they need to go to Canadian Embassy, in the middle of staged ball-hockey game, just to get a clue? I used to like TAR-C compared to TAR. What it lacked in places, it made up in more challenging challenges. But now it seems like it is more gimmicks than content.
  2. "Rangers, to the first boat!" "American Legion, you're on the second!" Then WTH is Simcoe doing with Arnold aboard Arnold's boat? Should he not be in command with his own men?
  3. The episode with Wil Wheaton, this may be the funniest Helping Hands segment in all 5 seasons of Whose Line on CW.
  4. So Selah and Anna had not seen each other for how long? And yet for all the time he was at the camp they did not consummate their marriage? If it were me, that would be the first and last thing I do in the camp, and many times in between.
  5. Can CTV just get away with the real-time challenge polls? It is distracting, annoying and adding no value to the enjoyment of watching the show.
  6. You think, we think that the show is still crazier than real life because we do not have visibility to what is really happening in real life. We see Frank, Claire and their inner circle work. Do you know what the conversations are between Bannon, Kushner, Conway, Miller and Spicer?
  7. In part of Canada that I was from, women's name do not legally change because of marriage. Upon marriage, the bride and the groom keep their own family name. Children can be named either by the father's or mother's last name or both in compound. If a woman wants her last name to follow her husband's, she needs to go to the court and legally change her name.
  8. But when Maggie shot them they were not doused with lead dust. Olsen did that when he fought them. Second thought, Supergirl beat 4 of them easily. What kind of soldiers were they?
  9. So the Daxamites are as powerful - or almost as powerful - as the Kryptonians. Then why the Daxamite soldiers were very easy to defeat? At the beginning of last episode Maggie killed several of them with just a shotgun. Why did they not fly and just crushed things with their bare hands? And what kind of good idea it is to release lead dust to the atmosphere? Hello, lead poisoning anybody? Modern society is trying very hard to prevent human ingestion of lead and they just release lead dust in the air for all men, women and children to breathe in?
  10. I believe The Expanse is quite generous with "fuck" or its derivatives.
  11. What the fuck was that? Did I blink and miss it, but when did Barba prove that hypnosis was used in the crime? I mean, hypnosis was the central element in disproving that there was consent in the act, but Barba never explained how exactly hypnosis was used on the victim except for the general confession that defendant had been using hypnosis and Barba's theory about hidden words.
  12. What is with this show and its characters demanding people to throw away their career and their lifestyle just so they can prosecute a bad guy? Several episodes back they wanted Missy Peregrym's character to throw away 20M$.
  13. So, Coulson's care about a digital kid causes Mace to die in real life? Nice work, Director.
  14. For me, this show was number one scripted 30-minute comedy on TV. Not so sure about that anymore. Hope that this is only the first episode finding its ground. Yeah, I do not like it when a show forgets its own history. Selina was independently rich. She talked about personal expenses in the tunes of millions like it was nothing. Even if I am wrong, Selina was a Senator who then ran for VP. Did she do all those political campaigns on her mother's money? As well, Selina was a Senator, VPOTUS and POTUS. As bad as her brand is, it can not be that bad. Just look at Nixon. Team Selina's shenanigans are funny if watched as 'behind the scene' so we can think that they are stuff that might have happened. Jonah - a U.S. Congressman - melts down crudely on national TV is not realistic at all and therefore not very funny. Former U.S. Presidents get Secret Service protection for life. There is no way they will let an ex-POTUS strolls leisurely in mid-town Manhattan without being surrounded. As well, there is no way they let her flies commercial, in economy, without buffer with other passengers. If TPTB tries that for comedic effect, it does not work for me as it takes me away from the reality of a former POTUS.
  15. What? There is no Director of Homeland Security. There is Secretary of Homeland Security. And the Director of National Intelligence is a real position with real person. As one can read in the article, he heads the 16-member U.S. Intelligence Community, including the Central Intelligence Agency.
  16. Argh...!! There is no worse insult than having the episode set place in Montreal while in reality it is in Toronto! And the production does a pretty sloppy job in their post-production edits: there is no streetcar in Montreal, in fact Toronto is the only Canadian city having an operational streetcar system; traffic signs in English only, like really? Plot-wise, I can not understand it. Why make confrontation with Montreal Police? They cooperated with authorities in Switzerland, why not Canada? After all, Canada is the United States' closest ally, at least geographically. Nobody, but nobody pronounce CSIS, Canadian intelligence service as C-S-I-S. It is see-sys. Even civilians do that.
  17. The show still suffer the same time dilation as the original series, I see. At about 09:59 Carter stepped onto the field and it was on fire. At 10:06 the fire has been put out, police cruisers on the field, portable flood flights are up, so are command tents and paramedics and perimeters taped with yellow police line. At 10:18 Carter was driving with Donovan, Carter in street clothes and Donovan said that they would meet his staff with change of clothes. At 10:26 Carter and Donovan are back in the car, Carter has changed into a meticulous suit with his tie neatly knotted. Random question, why does the Director of National Intelligence take office at the Pentagon? And why does he say that getting help from Langley (the CIA) is difficult? Does he not control the CIA?
  18. Random thoughts: Why does a U.S. Army publication use picture from the Navy? CPT Williams is not only Ranger School graduate but also serves in the 75th? Hooah! But where is her jump wings? What she said about "Mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight," is not Army Rangers. That is Boy Scouts of America. Why is she not immediately arrested for assault for assaulting somebody in front of police officers?
  19. Looking at the way Elizabeth was training Paige, I wonder. How do Elizabeth and Phillip keep their skills up to date? Surely they need physical training to keep their strength and stamina, martial arts training to enable them to fight anytime and of course weapons qualification. How do they do all of that without their children finding out, and between missions and running a functioning travel agency? And regarding Stan's new squeeze, it is Andrea from The Walking Dead. She can not be just anybody.
  20. LT Mitchell would lose his wing permanently once he landed after buzzing the control tower like that in real life.
  21. But that is the common trope for police / military characters, is it not? Film makers like to portray that the best soldiers / policemen are the ones making decisions on their own, not listening to those above them and always come up with independent actions in the contrary of their organization. Never mind the fact that in organizations like those, excellence is typically reached through order and discipline.
  22. Eric: Jadallah has my wife and my brother. So you and I will go there to die instead of them. Andy: That kinda sucks. What's in it for me? Eric: Absolutely nothing. Andy: Cool. Let me get my laptop.
  23. Am I wrong to think that Jessie was going to ask for sex? And am I even more wrong to wonder how speedsters have sex with each other?
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