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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. If Javier's family all the way from Argentina is able to track his activities and to connect him with the deaths, why can the police not? Why is he under any suspicion and/or investigation? So a high-end boutique with no security measure at all? No electronic tag, no dye pack? Not even a limit to which a customer can bring to the dressing room?
  2. Chloe? Chloe Sullivan? Does that mean that this show is in the same continuum as Smallville? Chloe is Smallville-specific. She does not appear in any of the comics. Wait, does this mean that when he was older Clark Kent dated Alura, Kara's mother? Get a bit of incesty, here... ;-)
  3. Here they have Taylor Swift, a well-known personality. My regret is that they did not include Swift in any of the sketches, just like they did with P!nk and unlike what the did with the likes of Katy Perry, Selena Gomez or Gwen Stefani. Does Taylor Swift not also have acting experience?
  4. Oh, I forgot this one. If Caitlin was so desperate to suppress Killer Frost that she went to Amunet for help, why did she not just wear the glowing bracelet or necklace that Cisco gave her again?
  5. Well, I find that Emily Bett Rickards' bikini / bra tan line distracting... Amunet's metal pieces are alloy of aluminium, nickel and cobalt? So how does an industrial magnet affect them? If the magnet is strong enough to affect non-ferrous metal, how is it that various things made of iron / steel are not affected, including the zipper of Caitlin / Killer Frost's jacket? And a facepalm once again for a super hacker, IT professional Felicity Smoak that is also an expert in neurochemistry.
  6. My impression is that Samantha did not change her blouse and her underwear and did not take shower for at least two days as there was another parallel event happening: Maggie and Alex broke up, danced, had hot lesbian sex, woke up and Maggie was leaving. That chain of events suggested that the episode at least went overnight. Anyway, when Supergirl pushed the C-130 up from inside, one of the engine exploded. Why? And why did Kara need Winn's help to read the analysis? The portable analysis machine was right there, attached to her phone. She could have read the reading on her phone. Unless of course they suggested that the contraption somehow teleported the water to DEO HQ and the water got analyzed there.
  7. My regret is that for someone as well-known as P!nk, she was not involved at all in the sketches, except only for delivering her musical scores. She was not even involved in the promotional ads. Famous musical guests (e.g. Gwen Stefani, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry) usually are involved in one or two sketches.
  8. 160th SOAR is not Special Forces. They are part of ARSOC, but they are not SF. There are no ‘regiment’ in the Special Forces. They have groups with the numbers you mentioned. All of them wear common SF SSI, but each group has its own beret flash and background trimming. There are units under 1st SFC (Abn) with different SSI: 95th Civil Affairs Bde (Abn), 528th Sustainment Bde (Abn) and Military Information Support Groups. But they are all support and not SF per se.
  9. What specific unit tattoos do you mean? The arrowhead insignia is the one for the 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne). The SFGs under that command do not have their own specific insignia.
  10. Yikes, special operator/ intelligence agent who doesn’t care about OPSEC / PERSEC. And I love it that the team always seems to be chilling out in their downtime. No training, no preparation. Just wait for the next mission to fall into their laps and just wing it. After all, why bother with preparation if things will go their way anyway, right? /s I don’t know special operators, but I know someone who went for a plainclothes mission. He was sent home as when the team was at the hotel’s pool before the mission they found that he had 82nd ABN tattoo.
  11. So now we see 2042 Darryl. Question, how is 2042 Alex obviously taller than Darryl while 2017 Darryl seems taller than Alex, if not at least on the same height? Alex invented a device to elongate one's vertebra?
  12. TIL that a Hollywood producer has that far and wide kind of reach. Finding secret clinic and equip and staff it properly for a specialized brain surgery? Influencing a hospital to rescind Chairmanship without any cause? To cancel funding for an established research program? I can buy it if she just knows those people involved. I can even buy the private jet. But what kind of leverage does she have over them?
  13. Hockey game in the arena, Leonard Cohen's song: the Canadianese is strong in this episode. Does Ruby practice soccer on a workday morning? And CFO or not, who brings their children to the office the whole day? Does Ruby not go to school during the day? And really, asking her mother to practice song when she was obviously working? I really do not want children in my super hero shows - unless the children are super heroes / villains themselves, à la Gotham - not in Arrow, not here.
  14. "In this country you are not judged by what you come from but by what you have." Yikes!
  15. This is the first time I heard of such degree. What is that? How to cook one? :-)
  16. It is formally called the quadratic formula, or colloquially known as the 'ABC formula'.
  17. Do they have teleporting system in 2042? If not, how does the GM for Chicago Bulls spend significant portion of her time in Los Angeles?
  18. Whoa... Holy mackerel, Batman! We have Omega Team shooting blindly through the wall! That is a grade-A, CSI: Miami-class nonsense right there. And what is wrong in that depiction, you may ask? Well, off the top of my head: The cameras in the mall are not calibrated. There is no way they can make any measurement about the dimension of the room, not to mention to the 3-degree kind of accuracy. Does she really know what the material of the wall is? It may be concrete, brick, wood, dry wall, field force, fire, etc. Each material has its own property which will affect bullet trajectory differently. "5.56 mm will go straight to it." is not such a good assessment for such tight shot. Beside the material, does she know exactly what inside the wall? There may be cables, metal plates, skeleton or whatever. Unless Agent Archer is a Kryptonian, how does she know? And the last but not the least, it violates one of the basic rules of firearms safety: "Be sure of your target and what is beyond it." It is hammered to the mind of all service members since the first time they hold fire arms. Okay, that thing is the most ridiculous thing in the whole episode. Now that I get it off my chest, let us move on with other ridiculousness. So the team is really stationed in Incirlik to do missions all around the world? O...kay, but why do they not have their dependents with them? And why are they still there after the attack? I like it that in their down time the team just chilling out and shooting breeze. No exercise, no practice and no mission plan. Sorry, but compare that with SEAL Team. So the whole "Nigerian government can not know that we are here at all cost." just goes out of the window because they have to save one intruder? The Commander of the Nigerian Army Special Forces really fit the stereotype of African military thugs, all the way to wearing aviator sunglasses indoor. A Middle Eastern-looking man hanging around the mall entrance - that just got bombed - does not raise any suspicion? What about a group of non-black people with assault rifles hanging around the city? No suspicion? Of course not. One girl even approaches them and tell them that they look strong. TIL that the layout and the contents of a pharmacy in Nigeria is exactly the same as it is typically in North America, down to the type of electrical socket.
  19. That is the thing, right? Brian was an experienced jumper. Once he realized that his main canopy did not open properly, he should have broken away immediately and deploy the reserve. His losing his consciousness for example is not an excuse as he was conscious enough to deploy his main. However, if he did lose consciousness AAD would have taken over at a prescribed altitude. To be fair, the military porn in The Last Ship is quite good. A lot of things can be handwaived by the fact that they are in a time where the chain of command is broken in many places. The plot and the story of the later seasons of that show however, completely make no sense IMO.
  20. Good episode afterall, even though I have to echo the Master Chief (was he not a Senior Chief two weeks ago?) concern. Why is JSOC involved in this? Even if the host country denied offer to deploy a MEU, there are other units perfectly capable of doing what transpired in this episode. IMO, it is a waste of major assets of sending them there doing that kind of mission. As much as I dislike Clay character, his arc as an aspiring DEVGRU is good. It show the evolution of how a Sailor becomes an Operator. Other thing that I like about this show (but not in this particular episode) is their planning sessions. IMHO it what makes this show different with others that seem just relying on their wits and fly by the seat of their pants. While skydiving accidents do happen, I do not understand why this one happens. It is established that they are already qualified in free-fall jump. Brian manages to release his primary, his reserve should deploy soon. Even if he is unable to deploy the reserve, there is always the AAD that will deploy the reserve at certain altitude and speed. Disappointing nit is when PO1 Davis told Acting Ambassador Crowley to call MARCENT in MacDill AFB to have them evacuated. South Sudan is not in CENTCOM area of responsiblity. It is AFRICOM. I understand that most conflicts lately happen in CENTCOM AOR, but CENTCOM is not the one managing forces around the world.
  21. Look at the wall / bulkhead behind Lorna. You can see clearly rivets there, which are typically used for joining metal sheets. Well, and the fact that rivets are made of metal.
  22. Aarrghh... It is like watching Dumb and Dumberer To. Armed Keystone Kops got dropped twice. Once by a housewife, once by unarmed someone with no ability. Might as well go with G4S than those. "We need to move the prisoners." First thing Keystone Kop does of course is to remove the dampening collar after his partner said, "It's fine, just take it off." "It's all plastic, everything metal is outside." while sitting on a metal floor surrounded by metal walls in a metal bus with Keystone Kops armed with metal weapons nearby. I like it when Caitlin goes, "I want you all to sacrifice your lives and limbs to rescue my husband, but don't you ever dare asking my children to lift their fingers to help safe their father!"
  23. So it is $15k to repair the plumbing in the West house? How much did it take to completely build the roof after King Shark ripped it apart?
  24. I want to watch a superhero show, not a social exposé about same-sex relationship. I had enough of that watching Glee, thank you very much. That does not explain why Till'all and all the background White Martians need to be black as well. If they wanted to be polite to their guest, Supergirl is a white blonde.
  25. I know that the have to stretch the 'war' for 16 episodes, but please. The plot of the episode is ridiculous. Is it really their strategy to not kill Negan? Let him alive at all cost until they reach victory? Kill the leader of the enemy, will you and deal with his lieutenants later? They opened fire, Negan and his lieutenants appeared with no firearms. They have proven that they have sharpshooter capability. Why not put one bullet in Negan's head when was delivering his speech? Negan was on the ground. Again, with no firearm. All Rick needed to do was to approach him and finish him of. But then Gabriel stooped him because they needed to go and it was about Rick? Go where, exactly? And why could they not spend extra 5-10 minutes? In the trailer, Gabriel met Negan. Gabriel had a rifle, Negan only had Lucille (and his speech of course). Why then Gabriel got afraid of him? Shoot him for Jesus Christ's sake, our Lord and Savior!
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