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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. Just repeating what have been writing here, I do not really like the idea of Alara leaving, if only for the eye candy factor. Plus it is always hilarious that someone as small and as slim as her is depicted to be very strong. On a side note, it was Candice freaking Accola playing Solara. I like her a lot. She is pretty and funny. It is almost criminal to underuse her in such insignificant role.
  2. No, no. My issue is not with the mechanism of time travel itself but with what the characters do.
  3. But that is not closing the loop, that is only perpetuating the loop. And the reason that 2023 is an arbitrary point makes no sense, just to follow future Lucy example? If that is the case, this is what happened: Lucy0 (future Lucy) gave the journal to Flynn1 (our Flynn in the show) in 2014. Flynn1 stole the Mothership, met Lucy1 and they did 2+ seasons of Timeless. Lucy1 lived until 2023 and went to 2014 to meet Flynn2 and gave the journal. Flynn2 did whatever he had done and repeated the show all over again. Lucy2 lived until 2023 her time and...
  4. ELI5? I do not really understand the purpose of 2023 scene. Why do they have to go back to 2014 to give Flynn the journal? If giving the journal is important, why must they wait until 2023?
  5. A bit of correction, the HALO is MFF, not static jump. So it is Yuma Proving Ground and 30 free fall jumps beyond Fort Benning.
  6. Just watched it, and I agree that it is quite strange that somebody with conduct problem is allowed to be a team leader, let alone advance to E-9. Beside that, it is typical military TV show that the team goes downrange without any commissioned officer commanding. The Unit is another example. LCDR Blackburn notwithstanding in this case, he is just quarterbacking from distance. They need an LT to take command. POs/CPOs can lead, they cannot command. Having written that, Hayes being a SOCM is also problematic. Just like The Unit, they have E-9 still playing in the field, with small team nevertheless. E-9 is part of management, they do not deal with individual missions.
  7. That seems to be the MO of FBI TV shows, is it not? Criminal Minds, Blindspot, The Blacklist... The Heroes always need to be at the other location, regardless how far that is. Never mind that in Manhattan alone there are literally tens of thousands of law enforcement personnel, federal, state and local.
  8. I wish that the show did more research on the subject matter. So this missile they are dealing with, the 'Javelin' is a missile for tanks and aircraft? It does not work that way. A missile can not be an anti-tank and anti-aircraft at the same time. The explosion mechanism is different for penetrating tank's armor or for damaging aircraft engine. In fact, they are two Javelin missiles. British Javelin is a SAM, American FGM-148 Javelin is an anti-tank. As for the plots, somebody as rich and as powerful as the arms seller does not have his guest scanned for wires?
  9. Anybody knows one of the tropes that I hate on police procedurals? That is when the suspect just breaks down admitting everything with neither very good nor compelling evidence that he can not get out of. Case in point. Finn is hell-bent to destroy Lynch. And he just gives everything away when he was facing Lynch? He did not even have a lawyer?
  10. Oh, okay. I thought the mother was rich - thus the big house - and they were using her inheritance. But if so, how did they get the inheritance?
  11. How could the brothers spend their mother's money if her whereabouts were not known? No investigation on her disappearance?
  12. I think with the exception of no. 3, all of those are throwbacks to Chris Reeve's (RIP) Superman. If that Superman can turn back the time just by flying around the Earth in the opposite direction as its rotation, why not slowing down the time? As for no. 3, one may posit that the Fortress of Solitude have an excellent HVAC system?
  13. Oh okay, I must have missed it. However, the first time Zara was a cat was the timeline where the unicorn killed Sara and consequently the men running rampage as the Custodians of the Chronology. They must have had killed the Fairy Godmother by then. Of course they could say that she turned Zara before getting terminated.
  14. This is a show that simply don't give a fvck and I love it. I wish that there are in-show explanations for these though. With Constantine breaking time, what is the turn of even that turn Zara into a cat? As well, with the three men died, how did Gideon materialize into human? On a side note, Amy Pemberton is hot. I wish that we can see her more in person.
  15. What is with Berlanti Production and casting real-life spouses of their main actor? First it was Melissa Benoist and her then-husband Blake Jenner. Then Brandon Routh and Courtney Ford. And now Stephen Amell's wife Cassandra Jean? Does the production get spousal discount or something?
  16. That was Lois? Wow, her resemblance with Alura is so uncanny... :-)
  17. My understanding is that the Discovery was abandoned by her crew sometime, for some reason. The ship's computer was instructed to hold position. 1000 years passed, the computer managed to update and upgrade herself, she grew consciousness and became sentient, and took the Zora personality as herself. Being a sentient being, she indeed fell in love with that man and manifested herself as the dance partner.
  18. At least here they still make the effort of making Lagherta looks old(er). Out there in Outlander Claire looks exactly the same as she was 30 years earlier down to the fact that her breasts are as firm and as perky as they were.
  19. When Alyson Hannigan was pregnant (her second) on HMYIM, they did not show the pregnancy at all, and Lily was not pregnant in the show. Until they played it comedically by having Lily and Marshall ate a lot of hot dogs.
  20. This is CW, not HBO. We can not expect to see Melissa Benoist au naturel (although she did do it elsewhere). As for the dragon, at the end Supergirl and Alex are embracing the then-lizard and saying that it was only trying to protect its owners. But what about all the property damages it caused? What about the cars it hit and holes on the road it created? That is the the problem with comic book stories, is it not? Who are responsible for all the damages? And I tend to agree with Lockwood that aliens do create damages and perhaps casualties that they never have been accountable for.
  21. I would prefer the slogan as, "We will be here as long as Whiskey Cavalier does not get cancelled". ETA: They have the fuel and lubricants for a working motorcycle? How? It has been around ten years since the apocalypse. All kind of fuels has surely degraded by now. Is there any refining plant working somewhere? Motorcycles can not take 100% ethanol. There have to be petroleum products to make them run.
  22. Can somebody please remind me who 'Georgie' is? I checked on IMDb and she is listed to have had an appearance last season.
  23. Sorry, what 'M' word? As for the series finale, it was a good show for 1-1/2 seasons. Once it encountered the British sub it started going downhill, and it went to MFF since it went to Asia. Not wanting to repeat all the comments in all those threads, I regret that the show does not show us how the rag-tag Navy of Gran Colombia managed to steal, refit, fuel, arm, crew and operate an Iowa-class battleship. There are only four of them, all are museum ships. Meaning that their power plants are already dismantled, and their control systems are probably gutted.
  24. Their number is bigger than what you might think, but IMHO none of them make it big both in porn and mainstream. Those are two list, this and that, depending on your point of view.
  25. OOT: What? What happened with Heartbreak Ridge? It was one of my favorite military movies growing up.
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