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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. If racers mangle French pronunciation, we can understand. But if Jon the host can not say Parc-des-Ancêtres and l'Île-d'Orléans properly, I find it rather inexcusable for a national TV in a country that is officially bilingual.
  2. Once I saw in the episode that the hosts would be the ladies from The Social, I removed After the Race from my PVR. James Duthie is tolerable, those women are certainly not.
  3. You were Army and you had to learn about the Marines' customs and courtesy while in an Army school? I do not think it is a red envelope. I think it is a red plaque of sign that they put on their terminal during EMCON - emission control, in which time the ship are not to emit any electromagnetic or acoustic signal, that is radio, radar and sonar. The sign reminds them NOT to activate any signal-generating function.
  4. Special Operators can and do wear beards while on the mission. The time they do that though, they are either not in uniform or in 'sterile' uniform. I do have issue with their in their NWU with all insignia (name, rank, service, unit) and still keeping their beard. That is a no-no, even for Special Warfare community. The Unit depicted this better. They wore their hair and beard long when downfield, dog-face and high and tight when back and in uniform.
  5. Sorry, disagree. My cell phone in 1996 was about that big. I would not talk on my cell that long, though. Cell plans were expensive back then. I would use the hotel phone instead. Laptops were already quite common in 1997. I bought a laptop from Gateway 2000 (remember them?) in March 1997 through phone, not online, for $3000. That laptop was already loaded with Win 95 and MS Office. I do agree with the internet, though. I do not remember sending files back then (using Eudora). And besides, the mother would need to dial the internet up, she would not be able to do so while talking to her son.
  6. I do not like their ignoring the grooming standards while in uniform, though...
  7. This is what I like about action series. Unlimited ammunition. They do a good job showing spent casing ejected from their rifles. Knowing that however, they all always go full automatic. As each magazine only holds 30 rounds, they should change magazines very often, which of course they never do. Hey, whaddya know. Cooper does not speak Greek. So she is not a universal translator this show depicts her to be? Even though for English speaker Greek would be easier to learn than Vietnamese, for example. I am not even going to go to Cooper's appearance. Other posters address it quite adequately. So the Nathan James now fought warships from the Russian, British, Chinese and Greek Navies? That is more navies than most U.S. Navy ships ever fought in their lifetime. Speaking of ships, this is the Nathan James that fought and victorious against a Kirov-class battlecruiser and an Astute-class fast-attack submarine. Now she hides and runs against a Hydra-class frigate? The Arleigh Burke-class destroyers are bigger and more heavily armed than Hydra-class frigate. In open battle she would have been able to pound her opponent with her missiles. Why is the helicopter is marked as H-60 in the opening title? It is clearly H-1, even the crew mentioned it was H-1. Which makes a little sense since the Navy IRL does not operate H-1 anymore. So regardless of material shortage, it would have been more difficult to find working H-1 than H-60. But of course for the show's logistics, H-1 is much easier to obtain.
  8. Just started watching, my first comment is what kind of idiot husband having sex with his Jessica Biel wife and let her keep her shirt?
  9. Indeed he was, but time caught up and the episode became outdated as soon as it aired. My point is, maybe LCol Wintrup could have worn a uniform that did not explicitly identify him as the CO of 431 Sqn.
  10. I wish that LCol Winturp did not wear that Snowbirds-specific uniform, particularly his jacket that read 'Commanding Officer' as LCol Winturp is no longer the CO of 431 Squadron, LCol French is. Before his great break at Vancouver 2010, I believe Montgomery was a used-car auctioneer in Calgary.
  11. Strictly speaking though, are Jon and Dany committing incest? They are aunt and nephew, right? Jon is the son of Dany's eldest brother. I think in some culture in real life, that kind of relationship is not prohibited.
  12. I thought Emilia Clarke stated several seasons ago that she did not want to do nudity anymore.
  13. I know this is the third episode already, and I made similar comment last season but I am very, very impressed with Sasha linguistic ability. Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Vietnamese and now Arabic. Those are languages with different grammars and vocabularies and syntax. Let us see if she also knows Italian and Greek. I am also very impressed with Eurocopter that their Dauphin helo is capable to cover the distance of 500 nmi non-stop while the specification on Wikipedia says 450 nmi.
  14. But those pictures are not just random lovers. Those are women with special meaning to the Donovans. One of them is Abby, the other ones I suppose are white Donovans' late sister and mother. I was thinking about Darryl's mother. CMIIW, I think she still lives in Palm Springs.
  15. But she is still alive, is she not?
  16. I wonder about the real-time polls. How can the polls already filled up the second they hit the screen? Who voted? Production staff?
  17. Did the Queen or the Royal Family not have in-house counsel? I find it amazing that the Queen did not care to fully understand the Royal Marriages Act before she made the promise to her sister. I would think that somebody in such high profile as her would have had retained an attorney for her legal affairs and to provide legal advice before she can say or do anything. And considering that the Government and her own Household may not be always forthcoming, she should have had somebody to represent her own interests. I am not very clear why PM Eden refused to speak Arabic with Gamal Abdul Nasser? Eden spoke good Arabic as shown before. Speaking Arabic was the least he could have done to relax an already tense relationship.
  18. It says, "CASE Containing the Sarcophagus with the remains of the late MAJOR ANDRE raised the 10th August . . . And forwarded to ENGLAND By . . . " In any way, any forwarding happened only in 1821, 20 years after Arnold's death.
  19. The last scene does not make sense. Quick search on Wikipedia indicates that John André's remains were moved to the United Kingdom in 1821. Benedict Arnold died in 1801 and Peggy Shippen Arnold in 1804. That scene could not have happened.
  20. Shame Montrealers, shame! Shame for Montrealers number 1 for not following up with their commitment. Even if Montrealers number 2 did not follow up, that should not have changed anything. However, bigger shame for Montrealers number 2. How can Montrealers get lost in Ottawa going to downtown? Just get to 417 already and all signs point to Byward Market FFS! As someone who lived in Montreal for 11 years, I think I have the rights to criticize them. I would think that the "Citizenship Test" they took is not the actual one given to citizen candidates. The real test does not ask for trivia like when CN Tower or Trans-Canada Highway are built. It asks for more substantial questions like the rights of a Citizen and the structure of the three levels of government. And why the Judge did not welcome them with the usual greetings? Because she would have had to say, "Welcome to Gatineau, Quebec." Yes indeed. The Canadian Museum of History, formerly known as the Canadian Museum of Civilization is located across the river in Gatineau. I guess that would alter the show's narrative that they are in Ottawa. Besides, neither the City of Gatineau nor the Province of Quebec sponsor this episode.
  21. Once again, what is the purpose of Canadianization? Why going to Montreal Smoked Meat restaurant only to get a clue? My ear hurts each time I hear a male racer says, "kap khun kaa". That is for female. Male says, "kap khun khap".
  22. Dorne? Who rules Dorne? Is such person an ally to Daenarys?
  23. Besides, how do Daenarys transport those Dothrakis to the mainland Westeros?
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