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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Fascinating article about this show(which I will admittedly binge watch if I happen to see it airing all day when I’m home); juiciest part is that the honeymoons are indeed nice, but the taxes/plane fare aren’t covered and they have to occur a year or so after the weddings...hmmm: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thelist.com/25422/untold-truth-behind-four-weddings/%3famp=1
  2. Cheers to old broads!!(and I’m no spring chicken myself) Just like Ramona, I just cant help but love Sonja—-wouldn’t feel like the same show without their ridiculous(often while drunk) antics. But I agree, she’s way too old to be drunkenly falling over like that. Which reminds me, it’s amazing that she hasn’t sustained more injuries over the years thanks to her drunken hijinks. Sure, she breaks her tooth, but she’d better be careful and make sure she doesn’t break her hip while she’s at it!
  3. Isn’t it funny how Shep was just a fun, sweetly goofy good-time guy in the first two seasons, and then he gradually devolved into...THIS?! Whoever mentioned a few posts above that this show has done him no favors is absolutely correct. If anything, I think all the extra money/exposure/opportunities being a Bravolebrity has afforded him has gone straight to his head, and his former slight sense of entitlement has gotten even worse with age. He’s lost his innocent simple Southern boy shtick and become this embittered, entitled snot just skating by on his former pickup lines and status. It’s also been an open secret in certain circles that he pretty much sleeps with any women he chooses now(aka sext’s cross-country trolling for random pussy). So the motivation for him to settle down is a big joke. Not only is he turning into T-Rav 2.0, but he’s also turning into another Whitney, only without the style or class. He used to make fun of Whitney’s snooty, pretentious nature and now he’s knowingly feeding into it. Very disappointing to watch, and seeing Craig and Austen circling their own drains of loserdom is equally depressing to witness. At least Thomas and even JD had actual careers going on.
  4. @BingeyKohan, I’m a low-key Whitney fan too; I always loved her interactions with LC and she seemed to have her head on so straight. I even enjoyed those two seasons of Whit’s own breakout series, “The City”, even if she did come out of that particular series looking like a flighty doormat. Actually, can we get a “The City: New Beginnings” series too?! I’d watch it just to see Olivia Palermo have a go at them all once again, since she’s arguably become the most successful of that cast since then.
  5. How? All I’ve seen so far is them gossiping about his comments at the party. Did he somehow try to arrange a group discussion about it, or what??
  6. These guys are just really cool this season. Even John Moody, who annoyed me so much with his humor-devoid cocky douchedom last season, has grown on me and seems like he’s playing his character up for laughs this season. He’s in on the joke now and seems to have chilled out onscreen. I love Barry; what a sweet, sexy guy and great father. Justin is finally being a better boyfriend and a decent dude who isn’t clinging to single life. Jeff has humbled himself down post-divorce and seems much kinder...I love how he’s become Moody’s little Pygmalion-esque project; and Jeff already looks better! Speaking of Jeff, that date was mildly awkward as expected; although his date seemed extra stiff and aware of the cameras. He must have a thing for high-maintenance prissy princess types, if Reagan is any indication. Speaking of Reagan, wow, the self-absorption is off the charts with that one. Loved how the editors timed her entire two+ hour monologue as her poor friend just sat there like a patient hostage!! I’ll take funny editing like that any day over the weird slow-mo shots this particular series overdoes with its cast(what’s up with that?). Reagan’s new guy is so goddamned gross and weird, btw. I never realized how sweaty and chubby he is until tonight's show. Yikes. She sure did trade down, but I guess ‘love’ is blind.
  7. Me too—-that entire discussion and this storyline made me really upset and uncomfortable. It reminds me of how I finally had to quit watching RHofAtlanta because I was so damned sick of those homophobic women treating being called or considered gay an insult, yet they could always trot out their own little pet ‘mo friends like show ponies when it suited them. I hope Andy finally told them all to cool it with the gay-bashing. Similarly, WHO CARES if Michael was drunkenly joking about sucking dicks? Why is this remotely considered soooo scandalous by these broads?? Even if he admitted to enjoying dick, why would it matter??? Honestly, it makes them look worse to me than Michael, because it proves how small-minded, prudish and borderline homophobic they really are. Maybe Michael is bisexual; maybe he’s not. Maybe he just appreciates a good-looking man; maybe he doesn’t. Maybe he was just being a goofy drunk purposely pushing the envelope to be wild with his comments; my brother-in-law is from Australia and makes similarly raunchy comments after a few drinks. I honestly think Aussie humor is kinda different like that. Either way, why’s it even matter what gets The Darby’s off in the bedroom? So what if Mikey likes random sausage with his tacos?? It’s their business, and unless they’re bringing in kids or animals, I really don’t think anyone needs to discuss their sexlife further or clutch any pearls over a damned thing. Even my own husband jokes about good-looking men and sucking dicks; doesn’t make him gay, just makes him progressive enough to realize that just because you’re open enough to say things like that it doesn’t make you GAY!!!(and even if it did, why would it matter?!)
  8. Happy to help, @Mindthinkr!! And sorry you got dealt a tough hand like that but I hope you’re able to heal and move on from your own Mr. Negging. I feel your pain though; I had an ex who negged me so much until one day I finally turned around and called him on all his bullshit so hard that he then started referring to me as a ball-buster. Go figure, now I’m happily married and he’s still out there desperately trying to neg himself into a functional relationship! Which makes me wonder if that’s how Naomi’s relationship with Craig devolved...I’ll bet she eventually grew so annoyed with his lazy nature that she started to bust his balls, to which he started on his negging...and well, now she’s moved on to Metul. At least he’s a successful and driven doctor, I guess?
  9. Count me in for missing Carole; some people found her boring, snooty or just too laid back, but I thought she brought a necessary dose of sanity and intelligence to the cast, not to mention an impressive past life of laurels to rest on; that’s probably why she and Tinsley got along so well, given their oddly similar backstories. Her talking heads in particular were often quite amusing. People forget that you often need a few quieter, calmer HW’s on these casts to balance out all the bigger personalities. If they all were Type A’s you’d just have mass chaos! Plus, I miss her fearless fashions and her sexy apartment. Not her sexy salad boy though; he can stay gone.
  10. He’s totally negging her, and negging is so 2000-late. I can’t stand guys who still use that petty bullshit dating tactic with women; quit teasing women like they’re your little sister, guys. Even if it works and you're able to get the girl that way, it still makes you look like an insecure asshole to the rest of the world.
  11. Amen to that; I sat there aghast at how slovenly they mostly looked(Whitney at least looked clean) at the Fairlane Hotel’s restaurant, because Ellington’s is considered a more upscale joint there. I’m guessing they just packed camping clothes and/or figured most guys don’t dress up here in Nashville anyway, which is certainly not the case unless they were going to all the honkeytonks downtown, which they actually didn’t—-so hooray for not doing that cliched tourist thing, at least! It was kinda random that they ended up at that cheesy Midtown bar Winner’s—-since Shep was once a Vandy guy, he was likely among that usual fratty crowd haunting those gross bars there back in the day. So *of course* he had to drag his Charleston crew over there for old time’s sake. Only he was giving me really sad shades of Wooderson from “Dazed & Confused” vibes while hitting on girls in that bar(“...I get older, they stay the same age.”). Those guys don’t seem to have any game either; they must be used to all the desperate broads in Charleston throwing themselves at them. Those chicks they brought up to their “penthouse”(ugh...Shep was being so new money bragging about that too) looked like rather average skanks at that. And Craig, don’t dish it if you can’t take it—-he fired the first shots making fun of Shep and Whit’s wine choice when they’d all just sat down to what was supposed to be a seemingly peaceful dinner. He has his whole victim schtick down to a science, it appears; and I’m firmly on Team Craig in general, but I think half the time he pouts because he can’t quite match wits with Shep and Whit, who are always a little quicker with the comebacks. As someone who has attempted several times to eat fresh artichoke like that, it’s no easy or dainty task! You sit there literally sucking/scraping off with your teeth what little “meat” there is available on a bunch of plant leaves you pull off the stem. Try fried artichoke hearts/leaves instead: it may not be as classy, but damn is it tasty!(Chelsea and I can now take our Jell-O shots and go sit in a corner) Ahhh, I see a freezing eggs scene is the new waxing vaginas scene in reality show land—-easy cheap laughs/“shocking” humor, only not. No way in Hell that Danni froze her eggs. That was so pointless and *such* a network time killer. Speaking of eggs, I hope Naomie doesn’t put all her eggs into the Metul basket; he seems way more into himself than he could ever be into her. He strikes me as a guy who could easily blow her off and cheat on the DL; hope I’m wrong about that for her sake. Another episode, another Thomas flashback. Admit it, show: this series *needs* T-Rav, because it’s soooo pointless and slow otherwise. Shep has gotten older and meaner and can’t carry this show on his own...neither can Cameron—-they are so checked out and into their own little social bubbles now. Looks like Shep’s mom just got herself another dog after all!
  12. Reagan’s life seems really sad to me now. She went from living in the boonies during her pretend happy marriage and quickie divorce to Jeff, to jumping into a shotgun wedding to some stoner horse barn worker dork. And for her “career” she makes overpriced door-knocker necklaces to sell in a dubious shop in the mall that’s only open by appointment. I dunno, but it all just seems so tawdry...whatever makes her happy, I guess!
  13. Amen to ALLLLLL this, thank you!! And I’ll even take it a step further when I mention that I don’t understand the arbitrary social acceptance of American people who drink period. Maybe it’s because I’m friends with so many liberal Europeans and drinking feels even more judged down here in the South, but there’s always this tip-toeing around the mere mention of social drinking. Lord forbid you admit that you enjoy a good night of shots, alcohol and merriment, especially while on vacation. As a teacher I have to worry about even having too many pics of me holding booze on my private social media accounts! My husband and I both are admitted partiers and my girlfriends and I jokingly refer to ourselves as lushes—-work hard, play hard, right? We’re all responsible adults who know how to keep those nights out at a very controllable and responsible level otherwise. It’s nothing habitual or problematic for any of us, we just like to let our hair down now and then. Yet there are always those folks ready to throw out accusations to me or others that we must be “drunks” or “alcoholics”, which is ridiculous. Meanwhile, my friends from other countries are often baffled by how quickly our drinking habits around here are judged; they grew up around wine and spirits at a young age and therefore didn’t have that urge to go nuts on beer ragers in college like the rest of us nutty 18-year-olds: because there wasn’t this puritanical view of drinking in their countries and it’s just part of their regular culture, without any unnecessary stigma to make underage drinking seem edgy and alluring. And I *still* wonder why America finds it perfectly normal to allow kids at 18 to fight for their country and vote, yet they can’t even be allowed to buy a beer until they’re 21? So stupid.
  14. I feel you all on the noise issues. And @ABay, you did the right thing calling the police; those folks will never know they’re being inconsiderate unless they’re called on it and disciplined! Like I’ve lived in my old historic loft building for 12 years now, and it still boggles my mind that people don’t realize that they can’t raise Hell and blare music and/or party in here at all hours. Thank god we have managers to help, but I’m the neighbor who isn’t afraid to politely talk to my neighbors first if they’re repeatedly bugging the crap out of me being rudely noisy. I’ve had to educate quite a few surrounding folks on how their speakers and sound travels in here; this building is like a wooden music instrument, therefore sound is going to travel and echo! I mostly get annoyed at kids living here. Parents will let the little bastards stomp and yell up in here, obviously forgetting that the rest of us didn’t sign up to live around all their parenting mistakes. My last neighbors had a brat who had nightly stomping meltdowns. I finally lost it once and screamed “SHUT THE FUCK UPPPPP!!!” at him right through the walls; then I didn’t hear that kid again for weeks. Which tells me that his sad excuses of parents were every bit the lazy twats I suspected them to be. Parents need to learn how to parent—-quit letting your kid be an asshole. Because then they’ll grow up to be the assholes that we’re all here griping about right now.
  15. Oh I so agree with you on how dull this show has become; it’s amazing just how far it sunk without everyone else reacting to T-Rav and his wacky antics as usual. I had a sad feeling this is exactly what would happen when he was fired, and for once I’m not happy to be proven right—-he and Kathryn(by extension) were the heart and soul of this series and saved it from becoming the pointless mess that it’s evolved into this season. Although despite none of the guys mentioning him(Kathryn and Eliza obviously have referenced Thomas), I don’t think the series is completely forgetting Thomas. If anything, there’s been a Thomas flashback or two shown on every episode this season. Even the show knows it needs a random T-Rav moment thrown in just for an interesting reference point. Hell, they’re having to drag Ashley back into this mess just to keep things vaguely interesting, which really says it all. Even though it was great to finally see Patricia camping it up at McDonald’s finally, that entire scene was just so weirdly random. It’s like she’s filming a completely different show now; actually, I’d prefer to watch a Pat/Michael show with all kinds of those delightfully high class-meets lowbrow moments. Screw watching these other guys go camping, I just wanna watch Patricia camping with Michael now. Best moment of the show for me was seeing Craig and Austen freak out over that black shopcat...like they knew that pussy was looking up at some crazy paranormal shit! We get it, Eliza: we’ve now gotten three episodes of you telling us about how you “cheated death.” Wish you’d also explain to us why you got cheated with those godawful extensions. Go figure the supposed rich old money gal looks so trashy compared to Danni and Naomi. She’s so try-hard with her desperate need to be relevant. I actually don’t mind Cameron’s mommy moments. Brings a bit of necessary real world adulting to a show that’s now become focused on showcasing its shiftless bro’s and boring single women with vague jobs. And I appreciate the fact that Chelsea and Madison actually DO work hard as hair stylists and make a point to emphasize how much they work. Although I think Chelsea was maybe hinting around to Madison that they should team up to create some sort of hair product/haircare website they could shill as their little side hustle outside of this show. Just like Craig and his pillows/sewing site, Shep and his clothing site, Naomi and her online boutique, etc. Craig is wayyyy too sensitive to me. Yes, Shep and Whit were being dicks as usual, but he was also being super whiny and lame around that grill. Homeboy needed to quit taking everything so damned personally and lighten up—-they’d been drinking all day and were being extra goofy by then, so I enjoyed seeing killjoy Craig finally getting pelted with a wiener. Speaking of getting pelted with wieners, I miss Whitney. He’s still creepy and awkward as ever but he also still makes me laugh in his talking heads. Kathryn has lost all her prior season favor she earned and officially sucks once again. What a shitty excuse of a friend and date she is; can’t imagine who taught her all her supposed tricks in the bedroom because that’s apparently the only thing she’s able to do well in life. And I’m not often prone to quoting manboy Shep, but she really IS “a fucking child.”
  16. Look how sweet and lovely her Senior photo was: what happened to this girl?! Natural long reddish locks, toned down makeup...yet she still insists on drag queening herself up into some sort of garish “Dynasty” character. Ages herself a good 10+ years; she’s so naturally pretty without all the clownish extra stylings. I wish she’d finally realize that she doesn’t need to do all that excessive junk to herself and that she’d look so much classier and more youthful if she just toned down her “look”.
  17. That shade Kelly tossed Bethenny’s way was cunty AF. Not a good look at all and really cruel and uncalled for; does she even realize Beth’s now got a 9-year-old daughter who might hear those things? Good lord, I know they had their past issues, but how about having the class to shut the Hell up and quit obsessing over a far more successful former co-worker who outshines her in every way. Or in her own words, she needs to “just staaaaaaawwwwpppp. It’s weird!” And you just know Kelly would amputate her left toe to be back on this cast again. She and Jill are so pathetic with their ongoing desperate attempts to work their way back on the show.
  18. Good! I never understand the hype on that snooty shrew Lee Radziwell—-she was just another snobby old money skinny white lady who was only stylish and invited places because of her bank account/vanity/status. Nobody really liked her and she treated her family like shit half the time. She was mostly a horrible person and not nearly as beautiful or as fascinating as she considered herself.
  19. Amen to that! This season started off with a bang and at least featured some local merriment and fun festivities beyond just random gossiping over day-drinking and lame dinner parties. Its always so interesting to see these casts glow up after their first seasons—-so Jon has gone full on fashionisto with the ridiculous coats and theatrics, but it kinda works for him so far. Love that he worked his glamification magic on poor ol’ Jeff, who definitely needed a little extra help in that department. And Kelsey/Justin look so much better now; really nice to see their healthy new lifestyle choices. Now if Justin would just marry the poor gal already like she wants, that’d be great. Reagan is still as smugly self-centered as ever, and it’s rather shady how she’s sooooo very busy with everything yet she still somehow had time to get serious with a new guy before she even signed off on her divorce?? Ditto Tamica with the smugness, although I give her big kudos on trying to be a better mom and making more time for her family. I can’t help but like her and Barry and hope they continue to work through any issues that would cause her to consider divorce again. I appreciate their honesty, even if she did get scary defensive with Reagan/Kelsey at the pool party. It does seem sad that none of this cast actually seems to live in New Orleans proper. I guess NOLA real estate is just as pricy as Charleston... Nice start to this season and I hope they continue this great brisk pace and fun, positive energy!
  20. This surprises me, because as of this past April he was at a local beer hall’s tent at the Charleston Food & Wine festival promoting and serving up Trop-Hop(which was actually quite delicious, I thought!)...maybe he’s gotten a distributor and started mass producing it since this season quit filming??
  21. Agreed. She’s way too charmed and perfect at this point to be remotely relatable anymore; she’s basically become a Real Housewife without a storyline. She sure as Hell doesn’t fit in with this crew anymore. The one time I actually loved her and laughed myself silly at her antics was back when she and Shep got so shitfaced drunk at Thomas’s political event at Sermet’s back in Season 2, falling over chairs and shit; she’s a hilariously goofy drunk!! I’d like to see her lose her shit like that again, but those days have sadly passed. And don’t even get me started on how she used to make fun of other reality stars shilling shit on social media, and now her Instagram account has gradually morphed into nothing but endless commercials and random ads for everything from vitamins to shampoo and frozen meals, etc. @heatherchandler, I’m with you: I’m not feeling this younger cast/vibe of “Southern Charm” anymore either. This feels more like a Southern twist on “Vanderpump Rules”, only without the ratchet drunken mayhem and shouting matches. I’ll still watch because I love Patricia and Charleston enough to stay tuned, but I’m otherwise just not that excited about this show anymore.
  22. Agreed. First time I’ve *ever* nearly drifted asleep during a new SC episode. Same shit, different season: Shep is being drunk and gross. Kathryn looks/acts skanky. Chelsea is trying to convince us she wants to date a guy steadily. Naomi is being condescending and French. Craig is trying to convince us he has a job outside of this show. Cameron is poorly trying to convince us she should never have procreated. Where was the annoying Eliza kid this episode? Off in the mountains scoring more meth?? Maybe she went full on ‘07 Britney Spears and finally shaved all that yarn off her head before a night of beating up cars with an umbrella. I might actually give half a shit about her then. In my wildest dreams, we could just finish up this godawful season with nothing but Patricia ordering fast food from her Rolls Royce. Or visiting Thomas and JD in jail.
  23. Seriously. He just strikes me as asexual. There is such a thing! He just seems like he’d find sex way too gross, or in his mom’s words, “pedestrian and banal” for his taste.
  24. I was just there this past Spring; I was SHOCKED by the amount of traffic downtown. It would literally take me 12-20 minutes to get a Lyft anywhere. Apparently it’s gotten hella worse just in recent years as more people move to the area. @SunnyBeBe, your friends must not know where to go/what to do when in town, because Charleston *is* awesome! Are they remotely into food or do they drink/party? Because some of the best restaurants and bars in the South are down there. Shopping on King Street is always a pleasure. There are a trillion fun historic home/plantation tours. Beach days at Sullivan Island(Shep’s hood!) are a blast. I’ve even met Shep, Austen and Craig while our bar-hopping(Blind Tiger, Stars Rooftop, Republic and Uptown Social are their hangs)—-all three were very nice TALL guys, much cuter in person. I know it sounds weird, but I kinda want to bump into a crazed drunken T-Rav, because that would be like the unholy grail of hilarity. I’d also just left Home Team BBQ at Sullivan’s and Patricia came in with friends not 10 minutes later, and I’m still bummed about that. The cast regularly hangs at Hall’s Chop House as well, and I can see why because it’s a fabulous steakhouse. So I’m trying my best to get into this season so far. I’m just not there yet...watching them shotgunning beers in Chelsea’s backyard was like a really sad flashback of the mess that was SC Savannah. Sorry, but I miss seeing the juxtaposition of older rich/gross Southern dudes attempting to hang out with the younger set; it was a weird yet oddly watchable dynamic. I don’t watch this show to see chicks getting pedicures in gross Asian nail spas, drawling about how sexy they find guys who dip and drive pickup trucks, and to watch shitty backyard drinking games; I watch this for real estate porn, drunken humor, elegant events and old money shit like catered dinner parties in plantations, historic mansions and polo matches. And Shep is officially the new T-Rav, only a grosser, less-polished model; sad to think that Thomas actually aged much better than Shep apparently will. Two episodes into this season and I fear the shark is dangerously close to being jumped.
  25. So according to my social media sleuthing, Austen just got licensed to officially sell his Trop Hop beer in the area. A few months ago he also had purchased a huge multi-passenger bus to drive tourists around on for a local beer tour. Running a mobile beer tour is a good idea for him in theory and I hope he can actually make a go of that, because Charleston does have a really interesting brewery scene spread all around the city. Makes a lot more sense than simply banking on checks from this show in between peddling his beers around to other markets; he knows the area and the beer scene, would probably get fans of the show on his tour, and could even heavily sell/promote some of his beer during his tours. Hopefully he has enough effort to actually get out there and promote and push such tours; wisely enough, Cooper is doing his own SC-themed walking tour that he seems to really enjoy promoting so far.
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