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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Smoking in Europe and the UK is still pretty acceptable and not as frowned upon over there versus here, I've noticed. Still a disgusting habit and I'm always dismayed when seemingly upper-class women turn out to be smokers---although given how Kate Moss smokes like a chimney, I'm not surprised the "fashion muse" Annabelle keeps her figure stick thin with the gross smokes.
  2. I really want to like this show and these ladies more than I do, but alas, we're stuck with blandly bitchy Annabelle and her McQueen-flavored delusions of grandeur, Caprice and Noelle's annoying faux-Britspeak and desperation to be accepted as true Brits, and Juliet constantly yapping at the other women like an overstimulated pet Corgi. Then there's the bland blonde American one/wife of the bar-owner who just annoys me because she looks like Noelle and is just as blah as her. The only one of this bunch whom I remotely enjoy is Caroline---she may be a condescending elitist who enjoys talking smack about others and talking her own charmed life up, but she seems to at least have a decent, business-savvy head on her shoulders. She seems smart, witty, and willing to have a good snarky laugh, whether at the expense of others or even of herself. Plus, it's refreshing to see that she at least has the drive to run her own successful business despite being born into money/society. I was totally on her side with the baby shower thing too---Caprice was being a rude bitch to keep turning her down to just get a shower thrown in a random restaurant in the city versus Caroline's own lovely home. Who *cares* if the party is 30-45 minutes outside of town?! Real friends will make the effort to show up and be there for you regardless---so maybe Caprice has no "real" friends?? Enough with the damned hats already, please. The hat obsession is making the American gals look like even tackier try-hard hicks than usual.
  3. God, she looks like an alien, she's so malnourished and gawky-skinny. And the only reason I can see this boring shrew being remotely interesting enough to party with would be due to them all being high on drugs, but that's it. She'd definitely consider my American ass "special needs", because I think drunk panty-tossing is funny.
  4. No, it's NOT you---she looked hideous!! She just doesn't have the legs body/youth/edge/sexiness to rock that entire excuse of an outfit/look, but I did love how Caroline kept openly mocking those hideous jean shorts. When Juliet gasped in shock over how expensive/designer they were, it just reminded me of that hilarious line Countess LuAnn perfectly delivered to an equally shocked social-climbing/style-deprived castmate a few seasons ago on 'Real Housewives of NYC': "Even Louis Vuitton makes mistakes." Seriously though, was she trying to look stupider than usual or does she really just have no taste whatsoever? Because based on all her ridiculously goofy outfits thus far, I'm guessing the latter.
  5. Seriously!!! Why did he even agree to have children? Is he just using his children as accessories for his "American Dream" status?? Or did he agree to play sperm donor just to placate Kristen, or does he genuinely even care about fatherhood??? Because between his lack of attention to his daughter during her therapy session, his constant need to "go to the office" at random hours, and not wanting to spend any extra time with his children than necessary, he seems like he completely checked out of playing the doting dad role years ago. I have yet to notice one genuinely warm onscreen moment/interaction between him and his children this entire season, actually. I dunno, maybe it's weird to me and most other wives, but I'd be a little suspicious about my husband eagerly ditching the kids to go party in the Hamptons while I was off on a rare girls' trip. Maybe he calls it "networking" for his business, but I just call it Peter Pan Syndrome. See what happens when you marry and procreate mostly for money/status, folks?? I see a lot of heartache in Kristen's future; sure, she's a whiny bag of nags herself, but she married quite ye olde royal douchelord in her desperation to couple up.
  6. I totes agree with the Kelly assessment: to be a former model, she truly looks like shit most of the time. Of course, I think that's due to simply not dressing to fit her strangely tree-trunk shape((homegirl has no waist!)), and her tendency to wear cheap looking, shapeless sundresses or equally shapeless pantsuits. Well, it also doesn't help that she has big muscular arms and shoulders, never wears lipstick and lumbers around like a batshit crazy yeti, with big hair flying all over her over-tanned face. She typically wears outfits/accessories that might've looked really cool in her 20's as a model, but just don't work for her anymore as a 40-something. Kelly is like the hot mess version of LuAnn. I do agree with the looks/style-assessment of LuAnn though: she owns her age and appropriate style beautifully. Her clothes always fit her cute figure nicely and are tailored well. Some of her necklaces might be a little much for me at times, but she seems to always look on point and never tries too hard. She's got class, dahling. Plus, I adore that spunky hairdo of hers she rocks so well!!! It's always beyond refreshing to see a RH who isn't weighted down with ten pounds worth of ridiculously pointless long extensions.
  7. What's up with chicks who sing in that deliberately twee, affected "quirky" hipster-style voice on commercial jingles now? It's like nails on chalkboard to me!!! And now I'm starting to wonder if it's one particular female jingle-singer singing on a variety of commercials just terrorizing my eardrums. Anyone know what I'm talking about? I don't even remember the name/product of the recent commercial, but it's some chick singing to the tune of "Twinkle-Twinkle-Little-Star" using that annoying "sparkle-jazz" hipster vocal style. It still haunts me, obviously.
  8. Maybe it's just my age showing, but '88-95 were SNL's golden years to me castwise. I remember the late Patrick Sawyze hosted one of my fave SNL's ever in '90, the same episode that featured the legendary Chippendale's audition with the late Chris Farley. There was a hilarious parody of "Ghost" on there too, but my inner-schoolgirl still giggles herself silly remembering this random, stupidly funny sketch from that same show, "The White Trash Bed & Breakfast." Just the image of a young Mike Meyers busting through the door, dressed in overalls and weeping over a dead dog he then tosses onto the kitchen table as everyone else is eating breakfast on it still cracks me up. The "Gap Girls" always tickled me. I remember "Massive Headwound Harry" all too well. I loved Rachel Dratch as "The Girl with No Gaydar" because I remember going to college with tragic chicks just like her. Motivational speaker Matt Foley and his "I live in a VAN, down by the RIVER!!!!" pep-talks gave me life! The fact that The Anal-Retentive Chef and Deiter never made it onto movie screens still saddens me. Although is it true that there's supposedly a Celebrity Jeopardy movie in the making???!!! ((fingers, toes, legs crossed!!)) Randomest sketch ever that still haunts me: "Schmeeee Is My Beeeee..." was the theme song sung in falsetto by Chris Rock, featuring a tiny bee suit clad Chris Farley as Chris Rock's evil bee friend. It was only on once for good reason, but it stood out to me because it was so stupidly random and weird. Oh, and the "Schwetty Balls" sketch still remains a common quotation machine in my household. Good times. Yeah, yeah, good times.
  9. Sleestak's have much better manners and are far more gentlemanly, after all. Plus, they don't have hairy balls they need to get waxed.
  10. Oh Hell no, sorry about that!!! *snip* Speaking of assholes, I hope we don't get another uncomfortable scene like that one with Josh taking pot-shots at his wife while she actually works. He's quickly joining the longggg list of ickiest HW husbands ever. It's actually shocking how awful most of the husbands on these shows are---it's like they don't have a fuck to give about how hideous their antics are going to really appear on national tv.
  11. Amen to all that---why would you WANT to hang with those boring British broads, beyond just getting a dinner and/or drinks invite to their opulent homes? Okay, so social-climbing is a big deal in London and all women of a certain socioeconomic level are dying to be accepted by the "elite" and get invited to all the best social events and make all the social magazine pages/headlines. And I could see where that would be very exciting at first for an American lady in London. But after a while, wouldn't all the posturing and preening and denying your true character/heritage get really old really quick?
  12. She's such a condescendingly snobby, elitist British bitch who looks down on all the others with such a self-satisfactory sense of smugness. Which means I kinda love her.
  13. That's true---even Stassi didn't seem sociopathic until at least three episodes into S1. Maybe Noelle will reveal her anger-management issues just yet!
  14. I think Noelle's wayyyy prettier than Stassi and was a legitimate model to boot---Stassi had to have extensive plastic surgery, lose weight and nab some major hair extensions to transform herself into the glamourpuss she is now. Also unlike Stassi, Noelle doesn't appear to be a violently psychotic bitch with control issues. Noelle>Stassi
  15. She's annoying, rude and homely. She's like this show's own 'Real Housewives of OC's Vikki, only without an ounce of likability or humor!
  16. I love Joel beyond my wildest beliefs!!! When you've been watching this show as long as I have((back in the olden days of Craig Kennear and it was still called "Talk Soup")), it's easy to get attached to certain hosts. I thought for sure that NO ONE could ever top the brilliance that was Hal Sparks as host. Then Joel came along and totally stole his crown---perfect timing, hilarious acting, and just downright brilliant reactions and delivery? Hells yes, sorry Hal, but Joel is officially DA MAN!
  17. YAAAASSS!!! Third on this sentiment: Cannot stand the guests. Every time one comes trotting out to pimp their latest shitty project that'll likely end up cancelled or scrapped anyway, I just groan and count the minutes until the clips begin again. None of us watches this show for the guests but for funny clips and funnier snark; why don't their producers get this?!! Although Mankini is welcome on my screen anytime.
  18. Carole is an attractive lady sometimes, but I agree that she'd look so much younger and softer if she simply gained a few necessary pounds. Based on the fact that she typically has nothing in her fridge but mixers for cocktails, I'm assuming she drinks most of her daily calories.
  19. Lisin, here's a fun video of "Turtle Time" in action: This was from the infamous "Scary Island" season, when Kelly lost her shit in the Virgin Islands. That same night, Ramona just got drunk off her ass on Pinot Grigio and proceeded to begin a "turttttle tiiiiime" drunkie-dance outside of a bar there called The Fat Turtle, which was near where their boat was docked. And thus the legend began!
  20. Silex was the ultimate of social-climbing hilarity!! I hated them back then, but they still amused the Hell out of me with their pathetic desperation to fit in with the other ladies and their crowd. I always wished they would learn to own their social stations with the others a'la Bethenny, who was almost proud of being the poor hustler she used to be. It would've been such a nice contrast to have seen them really enjoy being a token hip Brooklyn couple with artsy friends and creative interests---by the time they did sort of embrace this role on the show, Alex was already on her way out. I do miss kuckoo Kelly, if only for her amazing downtown loft. And her amazing overuse of the word "amazing". And "like." She was such an oddly interesting mix of mean girl fashion-district snob and loopy hippie chick spirit. Also: "AL SHARPTON!!!"
  21. Howdy from TWOP: just trying out the posting here. Of course I had to start here. Love these ladies; definitely the most stylish of all the other RH shows, if you ask me.
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