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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. My Southern instinct is just watching this sad clip of crunk Sonja thinking, "Oh bless her heart!!!" Really, I shudder to imagine what sort of hangover she suffered after the sordid "victory lap" she ran the next morning with that thirsty queen. Yet somehow I still find that clip *slightly* less embarrassing than the photos of drunk, stumbling Brandi of RH of Beverly Hills clinging to her pet mo with a tampon string hanging out of her ass.
  2. "Revenge Wears Prada: The Devil Returns" by Lauren Weisberger Horrible. Awful. Just a complete waste of time and effort that completely killed the vibe of the first brilliant book and might as well have been called "Revenge is Lauren: The Chick-Lit Diva Returns." The plot was ridiculous and unbelievable, with the way it completely overturned all the established relationships, careers and characters of the first book, and then the lead heroine herself went from being a strong, intelligently-driven career woman to a whiney, generally boring wimp with no real drive who just wants to fit in with her rich husband's snooty in-laws?! Then the entire narration of the story went from first to third-person so randomly that it didn't even feel like a sequel to the first book at all---dare I say it, the damned book felt like it wasn't even written by the same author or characters period. Ghost writer consulted for a hasty turnaround/easy paycheck, perhaps?? I'd be willing to bet money, honestly. The sequel to "The Nanny Diaries", "The Nanny Returns" suffered the exact same abysmal fate, unfortunately. Equally awful, ridiculous and disjointed all around---maybe they used the same ghost writer for that one? Or maybe most big best-seller sequels just aren't worth reading??
  3. Okay, so WHO is the new gal? She's in the last small screenshot of everyone standing by the logo but didn't look all that glam or like anything special. I was honestly hoping they'd get another guy, like maybe that dude with the big nose and hair feather whom GG was shortly engaged to on the 2nd season. He was douchey and annoying, but he did keep things wacky and even got a fair amount of talking heads for a "friend" of a cast member.
  4. I'm absolutely obsessed with "chick lit." There, I said it. I'll eat up hours of my life digesting anything Jennifer Weiner writes especially---"Good in Bed" and "In Her Shoes" are my faves, of course. The woman just writes with such an easy wit and engaging, fiesty style that you can't help but get sucked into her modern everywoman tales. Other fave "chick lit" authors include: Jill Kargman Lauren Weisberger Candace Bushnell Emma McLaughlin It's just such fluffy literary candy, but I simply can't get enough of it, much to my own embarrassment. I also prefer my stories set in big cities with stylish, lovely women because I like my literary escapism extra glam and ridiculous. Another favorite author of mine is Mary Kay Andrews, who might as well be the queen of Southern "chick lit" stories---"Hissy Fit" is her finest book, but she also has written some extra juicy ones too, all usually set in and around Georgia. Please don't judge?? ;)
  5. Okay, I've seen some decent ones and some doozies over the year: -Goo Goo Dolls (Vanessa Carlton opened) -Deff Leppard (in '97? Went with a friend, and it might as well have been '87 in that arena...it was that gross) -Ricky Martin (went with my Equadorian friend who hilariously used to defend his supposed heterosexuality back in '97) -Tori Amos: 3-5 times from '96-'05, met her before one show and was so impressed by her sheer sweetness -Aerosmith (2005) -No Doubt (pre-Fergie Black Eye Peas opened) -Duran Duran (in '98 or 2000? Even got backstage---Simon Le'Bon was a douche, but the other guys were lovely) -Garbage -Jimmy Buffet: 3-5 times, since my husband is a devoted Parrothead -Rolling Stones ('97 or '98) -Gwen Stefani (her 1st tour) -Rage Against the Machine -Souxie Soux & the Creatures -Nine Inch Nails: 3-5 times, best time being a Halloween show that opened with Queens of the Stone Age -Nikka Costa -Depeche Mode: I've seen them at least 20 times since 1998? I've adored that group most of my life, literally sneaking listens to them on my brother's Walkman in 1984, so I wasn't even able to finally travel to see them until I was in college. And man, I was hooked and followed them around on several tours after that! They're beyond amazing live, that's all I've gotta say. -David Gahan (DM's lead singer on his solo tour) -Venus Hum
  6. Awful. Just awful. Awfully amusingly bad. And a few of the music choices were just baffling. The actors/wigs weren't nearly as bad as they seemed on the previews though, but they were still pretty bland overall. And how annoying/creepy were the adult execs/producers? Always worrying and yelling and lecturing "the kids" or watching/musing over them like they're a batch of zoo creatures??
  7. God, I loved that song, but that video gave me the creeps---he and his unibrowed "sexy" face are sooo ugly and scary, bless his greasy-haired heart! He really looked like a serial killer in some of those shots; I always wondered how in the Hell did his record company allow him to go around without waxing that shit off? Kate Bush had some seriously cracked out videos back in the day---this is one of many that featured her and some whack extras dancing around on a hilariously cheap set with bad hair/clothes and looking completely deranged:
  8. When I was going through my young Goth chick phase, I found it both alluring and frightening to see a paranoid David Bowie being chased around Manhattan by a pissy Trent Reznor: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gPVrFIP0CMs
  9. Now what kind of moron doesn't yet know the correct terminology for the female version of Man Cave?! Ahem: it's referred to as a Lady Lair, and yes, mine is fabulous. ;) But seriously....so I FINALLY saw the Chicago episode with the annoying bleached blonde vocal-fryer with the makeup gun set to "whore" and the odd obsession with chandeliers. In an industrial loft that had to have her precious downtown views, of course. She was definitely at the top of the annoying scale for my HH participants. Although I did love the place they ended up choosing, completely gaudy chandeliers and "romantic" decor choices aside---her husband obviously didn't give two shits about decorating and let her have total reign over the home style choices in there. Ick. Also, the couple who bought that loft in Toledo? What a fuglyassed place, and that bar they kept jizzing nostalgic about looked completely stupid and cramped in there. Wifey was totally ready to live out her suburban mommy dreams while hubby is still demanding an adult fratboy existence for the next "5 years". Good luck with that, kids---seemed like you two were on completely different pages of your life plans together.
  10. I remember being very impressed back when Lauren Ambrose's character of Claire Fisher from "Six Feet Under" got an abortion. She was still in her teens, she didn't want the burden of an unplanned child, and she simply drove herself to the nearest clinic and had the procedure quickly done...no preaching from the show, no judgements against her character, and it just felt so refreshingly REAL. It's so insulting to me how so many shows these days refuse to even discuss the abortion option, like it's too controversial for a female character to dare consider, because don't you realize that you're "supposed" to have a kid no matter what?! It's almost like TV writers are too scared to even go there, lest the show dare lose precious viewers---our culture has seemingly regressed from some of the 1970's-90's progressive topics in entertainment. After I first saw this SatC episode, every fiber of my ChildFree/Pro-Choice soul cheered because I appreciated the ladies' realistic commentary on the creepy mommy cult and the awkwardness of baby showers/wife-to-mom life switch in general. It was so nice to see successful women who honestly weren't too starry-eyed about the typically expected mommyhood trajectory. I'm not gonna lie though---I was slightly dismayed when the seemingly die-hard, ChildFree-For-Life Miranda eventually decided to keep her oopsie baby with Steve. I guess it helped that he actually wanted a child and hoped to settle down with her eventually. But it would've been interesting to see what would've happened had she NOT gone ahead with that pregnancy too. Carrie though, oddly enough, never dwelled too much on the idea of motherhood. After this episode with her pregnancy scare, I don't remember her ever even mentioning possibly having children again. But I liked that she herself admitted to having had an abortion once---it made her character far more relatable to me after that.
  11. Oh yes, that exchange is a classic!! ;-) Or how about later at Samatha's shower: "I don't have a baby! Everybody drink!!" But the greatest Sam/Laney exchange ruled that episode: Laney: Isn't it great? I can eat anything I want. Jealous? Oh, my God! It's the Bellini baby basket! Oh, look, everybody! It's the Bellini baby basket!! Samantha: Speaking of Bellinis, I'm gonna have a big drink. Jealous? Loves. It!!
  12. I absolutely loved how hilariously inappropriate this entire episode was, from the dialogue to the bad gifts to the crazy "mommyhood cult" to their pregnant friend trying to strip at Samantha's equally inappropriate "I'm not expecting" shower. Adored every bit of it, and I thought Samantha completely stole the show with her hysterical antics and comments.
  13. I really wanted to see this episode since my husband and I live in an equally "industrial" loft in the downtown area of our city and cringe over ever living in the 'burbs as well.But good lord, did this couple have the stupidest generic demands/complaints: 'We gotta have that stainless steel and granite, but ewwww, those dark counters from 2002 are so dated! We must have a cozy stone fireplace in our coldly "industrial" loft palace, but ewwww, why aren't there doors and walls that reach the ceilings in this dump? We like to cook and grill, but ewwww, why don't these industrial loft stoves have any exhaust hoods on them?? Why aren't these closets big enough for my wife's shopping addiction? Why can't ALL these lofts in our price range have the perfect city view and not these icky dusty pipes? Why would we ever want any fancy bidet toilets to wash the poo off our lilly-fresh buttocks?! Gross, icky!!' Yeah. You could tell their realtor secretly loathed them both with her delightfully subtle snarking along the way. ("Your afraid your *clothes* will smell? WHAT are you cooking?!!")
  14. I was about 8 when "Jem" came on the scene, and I remember just being completely sucked into this show and all its "glamour and glitter, fashion and fame"---it was a Child of the 80's dream come true, with actual cartoon music videos and glam fashions!! Although Jerrica/Jem got on my last nerve because she played up the victim thing so much and was always needing Rio and Synergy to bail her out of various scenarios, I still wanted to "be" her when I grew up. Needy/boring/goody-two-shoes as she was, you had to hand it to the gal: she had quite a head for business to be able to wear so many different hats! And those earrings...I worshipped those earrings. I even made myself a hideously fugly glass pair as a kid. I guess my inner Jem-fan never quite died, because I ordered my own pair on etsy last year for nostalgia's sake. Maybe one day I'll finally dress up as Jem for Halloween if I can convince Mr. SunBun to dress up as Rio?
  15. I loved me some Heather; she was such a delusional, partygirl skank and she just didn't have any fucks to give about what the other gals thought of her. The fact that she was still a stripper in her early 30's didn't seem to phase her one bit. She seemed like a hell of a lotta fun too, so I can see why Brett kept her around as both a potential girlfriend and eventual friend. Wonder if she's okay now and stayed away from stripping for good? Still living it up in Vegas?? Can't believe I almost forgot to mention my fave ever Heather scene, beyond even her brazen titty-flash to Brett during his first night photography session and the infamous tattoo date: it was one of the final group dates/getaways in Las Vegas. The other gals got sooooo shitfaced drunk at dinner((to the point of Lacey falling off the bar and that other gal squirting a barf-rocket from her napkin)). And yet there's Heather sitting there at the table, semi-oblivious to the others, eagerly chowing down on all that food like she hadn't eaten in days. I think she even said something to the effect of, "Hey, it was a nice free spread and I was going to enjoy my fancy dinner!" Now that's my kinda gal: fuck all that fuckery and just get your grub on.
  16. So according to my results, I'm most like Blanche and 88% Golden Girl, yay! Let's eat some cheesecake and French kiss the pillows, y'all!!
  17. I actually loved how Blanche dressed, with the sexy blouses and lovely kaftans and constant little kitten heels. The girls would always joke about how "slutty" she dressed, but I thought she was totally age-appropriate and sensually elegant. I think there were only several cocktail dresses of hers that were a bit OTT, but she otherwise looked pretty fashionable and fun most of the time to me. Now Rose, poor Rose...she was always dressed like some dowdy old school teacher in those goofy sweaters and dorky dresses of hers. Dorothy's style wasn't for me, but I think she mostly looked pretty cool and carried off that chic 80's masculine style pretty well. Her look was rather daring and almost edgy for a woman her age, I thought. Sophia was pure grandmother chic---she and my 101-year-old granny are style twins. But the constant presence of Sophia's ubiquitous straw purse was just genius on the writers' part. Grannies gotta have that purse on them at all times, even at home!!
  18. Yes!!! That used to irk the Hell out of me. I remember Rose's needy blind sister playing another character in another episode---I only remember because I found that actress so damned annoying. Who plays a blind character simply by closing her eyes the whole time? That's some lazy, half-assed acting right there. I think several of the gals' dates/boyfriends had been recycled on various other episodes. The biggest glaring recasting error was the fact that the same actor who played Myles, Rose's longtime boyfriend, had already played another random guy Rose dated on an episode several seasons prior. It'd be one thing if the guy looked somewhat different when he later was cast as Myles, but nope, same dude with same looks and everything. That's just so weird to me. Maybe it was tougher to cast older actors back then??
  19. This show is so boring that I can't even remember what happened during the last episode.
  20. Not gonna lie: I find the "priestess" oddly likable. Her kooky style and artsy soul just grabbed me from the beginning. Plus, she's proven that she could easily kick GG's ass: the gal is my kinda badass.
  21. GG has publicly stated that she doesn't like ants or ugly people. GG has a violent temper, is a mean drunk, and collects knives. GG is over 30 and appears incapable of having a healthy adult relationship or an actual professional career. I don't like GG.
  22. Thank you!! My husband and I bought our loft 6 years ago and are now proudly anti-yard due to previous years of seemingly endless home lawn/shrubbery/gardening duties. That shit gets old, especially when you eventually *get* old---neither of us are outdoorsy or possess green thumbs either, so there you go. Yes, you can hire that done, but we'd much rather spend that money on other things, like hosting cocktail parties for all our jealous lawn-owning friends, or paying our building's lovely HOA fee that provides care for our two saltwater swimming pools, dog park and 24/7 state-of-the-art gym. To each his peach---some of us would really rather not deal with the constant headache of caring for a yard. For all the reasons to hate on HH, people who don't ever want a lawn don't seem so cray-cray at all to my lawn-hating self.
  23. Maybe it's the interior design snob inside me that gets so annoyed by this, but I'm always struck by the horrible lack of taste in decorating most of the homeowners display when they're shown living in their new places! There have only been a handful of times when I've actually been impressed with the interior design((and it's typically just "Househunters International")), but 9 out of 10 times I'm typically gagging in horror over the hideously unimaginative/cheap furniture, bad art and just generally boring decor choices. I mean comon, you're on national television showing off your living space and you can't even be bothered to show some added attention to your decorating style? You're shown putting together shitty IKEA furniture and gushing over your supposedly fabulous new home yet you can't even find some original art or funky pillows or chairs that don't scream "bought on sale at JC Penny!!!" Again, I suppose I'm just being nitpicky, but if *I* were ever on a show like this, you'd damned well better believe I'd leave some room in my budget for a professional decorator or at least consult someone who has a knack for making a home look like it's actually got some style and elegance. Of course, then I'm left to wonder if half these taste-devoid bastards are too "house poor" to even consider finding decent home decor options post-sale. Still, you can design a stylish home on a budget if you actually know how/where to look; unfortunately, most of these famewhores are too poor/too stupid to give a damn about displaying good taste in interior design. Another HH pet-peeve of mine beyond paint/wallpaper complaints, bad closet jokes, constant demands for granite countertops/stainless steel/wooden floors/open floor plans and any use of the term "man cave"? People who whine about needing "more space". More space. For more shit. Shit they don't need. Here's an idea: get rid of all that shit. Ugh...I get beyond sickened by Americans with the incessant need to buy shit to clog up their generic McMansions. And don't you forget to have that fancy crown-molding everywhere, even in the 2 car garage!!
  24. The saddest part is that she actually paid for those things!!! I had to guiltily giggle back when Ramona rather shockingly asked her to her face about her bad boob job. It was soooo damned inappropriate, but goddamnit, was Ramona ballsy enough to ask about the elephant in the, ehhh, blouse.
  25. Sun-Bun


    Thank you!!! That entire episode was one of the rare times when I really wanted to bitchslap Carrie to Brooklyn and back. Entitled much?? Your rich friends don't owe you shit, especially when you're in severe debt thanks to your own stupid bloodlust for wildly overpriced designer shoes. The way she shamed Charlotte for not offering to give her money was so damned inappropriate and rude. I remember shouting at the tv that episode, "Get a second job and pay your debts down yourself, you lazy idiot!!" ((or maybe go find that French dude who left her a $1000 tip on her nightstand for their hot date))
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